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1、1. 给定行数题 给定行数,顾名思义,就是在题目中已经明确的给出了所考查内容的行数,题目中所涉及的内容也是有关给定行数所述内容的作用或者相关内容。这就需要考生在做这类题时,根据题目中所提示的行数,回到原文中去定位。但是有一点需要注意,像这类明确地给出行数地题,通常情况,答案都不在所给定地行数处,也不是给定行数内容地直接改写,因为出题者不会直接告诉你答案在哪,所以,在做这类题时,除了要根据它所提示的信息,还要结合所给行数的上下文的情况再做选择。2. 写作用意题 这类题是针对文章某些内容的作用进行的提问,也就是题干中问到的这个具体事物在文章中出现时作者的用意是什么?所有的GRE文章都是议论文,作者

2、提到具体的事物大体上有几种关系:支持、证明、解释或反对某观点,也就是说具体的事物总是和观点发生联系的。通常情况,给定行数题和写作用意题是混合出现的。下面我们看一个例子: In the early 1950s, historians who studied pre-industrial Europe (which we may define here as Europe in the period from roughly 1300 to 1800) began, for the first time in large numbers, to investigate more of the pr

3、e-industrial European population than the 2 or 3 percent who comprised the political and social elite: the kings, generals, judges, nobles, bishops, and local magnates who had hitherto usually filled history books. One way out of this dilemma was to run to the records of legal courts, for here the v

4、oices of the non-elite can most often be heard, as witnesses, plaintiffs, and defendants. These documents have acted as “a point of entry into the mental world of the poor.” Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents to extract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes of d

5、ifferent social group (these attitudes include, but are not confined to, attitudes toward crime and the law) and have revealed how the authorities administered justice. The author mentions Le Roy Ladurie (Line 30)in order to _(A) give an example of a historian who has made one kind of use of court r

6、ecords(B) cite a historian who has based case histories on the birth, marriage, and death records of the non-elite(C) identify the author of the quotation cited in the previous sentence(D) gain authoritative support for the view that the case history approach is the most fruitful approach to court r

7、ecords(E) point out the first historian to realize the value of court records in illuminating the beliefs and values of the non-elite 分析:这道题就属于典型的写作用意型, 同时又给出了指定的行数。Le Roy Ladurie 出现在文章的第二段,题目中已经明确给出行数(Line 30), 这样,通过这个信息,我们可以迅速的回到原文找到相关信息。Le Roy Ladurie很明显是作者举的一个例子,但是举这个例子的作用是什么?这个问题就要结合这段的内容去分析,这段

8、的开头说“One way out of this dilemma was to run to the records of legal courts”,根据这句话我们可以知道,Le Roy Ladurie的出现应该是研究法庭记录的一个例子。所以,这道题正确选项是A. 当然,选项如果写成 illustrate that these documents have acted as “a point of entry into the mental world of the poor” 也是可以的。需要注意的是,像这类写作用意题,它的答案选项第一个主动词并不具有判别意义,不管是illustrate,

9、 还是give an example, 还是verify,还是别的类似的词汇,都是平等同义词,不需要过多的关注。小结:上面是对细节题中两种比较重要的题型进行的分析,通过分析,我们知道,给定行数题和写作用意题通常是混在一起出现的。答案一定不要盲目地停留在所给定地行数处,考生一定要联系上下文的内容去分析答案。(二)、前面介绍了细节题中的给定行数题和写作用意题,这里主要介绍一下另一种常见的题型强对比取非题。这类题的主要特点是,原文中有强对比的双方,题干只问及其中的一方,但是原文没有给出关于这方的叙述,而说了这方的强对比另一方的特征,所以答案却是对另一方叙述的取非。强对比关系层次比较多,例如,处于不同

10、时间、历史时期、年代的事物通常其特点呈强对比;处于相对的地域、空间的事物通常其特点呈强对比;新事物、新观点和旧事物、传统观点呈强对比;用最高级、唯一性限定的事物和其余所有同类事物的特征呈强对比等。针对这类题目,在第一篇读文章的时候及时敏锐地发现它们并在文中做好标记,为解题时回到文中定位做好充分地准备。这些强对比出现地地方,通常会伴随着一些表示这类强对比关系的标志性词语,如unlike, in contrast to, be distinguished from, used to, new, current, once, until recently, only, unique, never根据

11、强对比层次的不同,大体上将其分为:简单明示强对比、时间壮语强对比和优缺点强对比。下面就此进行具体分析:1. 简单明示强对比 这类强对比属于普通的强对比,如文中说“A, unlike B; “C, in contrast to D, is”等,这些都是明示强对比。下面我们用一个例子来具体说明:Promising as it is for minority businesses, this increased patronage poses dangers for them, too. First, minority firms risk expanding too fast and overex

12、tending themselves financially, since most are small concerns and, unlike large businesses, they often need to make substantial investments in new plants, staff, equipment, and the like in order to perform work subcontracted to themThe passage suggests that the failure of a large business to have it

13、s bids for subcontracts result quickly in orders might cause it to_(A) experience frustration but not serious financial harm(B) face potentially crippling fixed expenses(C) have to record its efforts on forms filed with the government(D) increase its spending with minority subcontractors(E) revise i

14、ts procedure for making bids for federal contracts and subcontracts在原文中,并没有提到大企业投标失败会如何,但是文中提到了小企业的情况,标志性的词语是unlike large businesses, 这就表明文中进行了强对比,通过这句话,“since most are small concerns and, unlike large businesses, they often need to make substantial investments in new plants, staff, equipment, and t

15、he like in order to perform work subcontracted to them”,我们知道,小企业将会有财政和士气上的风险。根据这样的对比关系,大企业的情况应该与小企业的情况相反,所以,正确答案应该是A. 即“大企业会有一些波折,但是没有致命的财政影响”。2. 时间壮语强对比 题干中问A时间有什么特征,原文中没有明说,但给了A的强对比时间B的特征,将B的特点取非,即是A的特征。通常情况下,在一篇文章开始,或者一个理论刚刚提出的时候,如果出现了时间壮语,则是出题率很高的一处语言点。如,now, new, nowadays, current ideas和过去形成强对比

16、;once, until recently, past和现在形成强对比。如果给出一个不早不晚的明确时间,如in 1960s,那么和它之前、之后比较都有可能。下面以举一个具体事例:The extraction of case histories is not, however, the only use to which court records may be put. Historians who study pre-industrial Europe have used the records to establish a series or categories of crime and

17、 to quantify indictments that were issued over a given number of years. The author suggests that, before the early 1950s, most historians who studied pre-industrial Europe did which of the following?(A) failed to make distinctions among members of the pre-industrial European political and social eli

18、te(B) used investigatory methods that were almost exclusively statistical in nature(C) inaccurately estimated the influence of the pre-industrial European political and social elite(D) confined their work to a narrow range of the pre-industrial European population(E) tended to rely heavily on birth,

19、 marriage and death records这篇文章在开头段就提到“50年代早期,研究欧洲前工业时期历史的学者第一次开始大规模地研究人口总数97的普通人民群众”。题目中所问的是在50年代之前的情况,这正与50年代的情况形成了强对比。所以,正确答案应该是与50年代的情况相反的信息,在50年代,就有了将近97的普通人民群众,说明这是一个很大的比率,将近100。那么,在50年代之前,可以肯定的是没有50年代进步,所以,人数一定比50年代要少,可能是很少的以部分。这样,通过这样的强对比,我们可以确定答案A是正确的,即“50年代之前的学者将其研究局限于前工业时期欧洲人口的一小部分”。3. 优缺

20、点强对比 这类题的特点是,题干中如果问某事物、著作、人怎样会变得更好,但是在原文中没有给出明确的回答,而一般会有相反的内容,即:该事物、著作、人因为什么原因现在还不够好。这样,将其取非,就可以得到原题的答案。这里需要注意一点,有时文章细节复杂,被问到的事物缺点不止一个,那么一定要找到题干所问内容的缺点,而不要被其他的缺点乱了思路。下面再用一个例子取说明(仍然是上一篇文章,这里就不重负文章内容了):It can be inferred from the passage that a historian who wished to compare crime rates per thousand

21、in a European city in one decade of the fifteenth century with crime rates in another decade of that century would probably be most aided by better information about which of the following?(A) the cause of unrest in the city during the two decades(B) the aggregate number of indictments in the city n

22、earest to the city under investigation during the two decades(C) the number of people who lived in the city during each of the decades under investigation(D) the mental attitudes of criminals in the city, including their feedings about authority, during each of the decades under investigation (E) th

23、e possibilities for a member of the citys non-elite to become a member of the political and social elite during the two decades 题干比较长,意思是“比较两个10年的犯罪率,得到了以下哪个信息,将会最有帮助?”,在原文中有提到,两个10年的犯罪率经常无法进行比较,原因是总人口数的估计不准确。所以,根据这一信息,将其取非,便得出了选项C是正确的。即“要研究的两个10年内城市人口的统计数”。综上所述,强对比取非题在GRE阅读中出现频率也是很高的,如果掌握了这类题的解答思路,

24、在作答时就会迎刃而解了。(三)、GRE阅读的题型众多,之前我们对细节题中的给定行数题、写作用意题、强对比取非题进行了详细的分析,今天我们主要介绍一下细节题中另一种比较重要的题型类比题。类比题的特征:首先,题干中一般都把所问事物所在的行数给出;其次,所考的类比的现象一般都可以让考生在考场上看懂;另外,阅读中类比题要考的是大致感觉,模糊对应,而不是GRE词汇类比题中的精细词义、关系的类比;最后,阅读类比题的选项虽然长,但还算好懂,而且正误选项的区分度比较大。GRE阅读中类比题常见的提问方式:Which of the following is an example of the type of de

25、scribed in Line 2-5?The presented by the author in Lines 19-20 is similar to which of the following?Which of the following is most nearly analogous to as described in the passage ?即“下列哪一选项所述现象和原文第n行的说法比较相像?”类比题的选项一般比较长,需要花较长的时间去看。但是,这类题的难度并不是很高,只要时间够用,耐心地去做,类比题也是很容易拿分的。类比题需要在原文的类比原型中找到两个特征作为类比要素,尽量剔

26、除现象的叙述,将其特征扩大化到抽象的、普通的、更具广泛适应性的范围中;再在各个选项中对照类比要素,耐心地按顺序看答案;哪个选项具备类比要素地特征,哪个就是正确答案。下面我们以一个具体的例子来说明:Although, recent years have seen substantial reductions in noxious pollutants from individual motor vehicles, the number of such vehicles has been steadily increasing consequently, more than 100 cities

27、in the United States still have levels of carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and ozone (generated by photochemical reactions with hydrocarbons from vehicle exhaust) that exceed legally established limits. There is a growing realization that the only effective way to achieve further reductions in vehicle emissionsshort of a massive shift away from the private automobileis to replace conventional diesel fuel and gasoline with cleaner-burning fuels such as compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, ethanol, or methanol.Which of the following mo

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