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1、electoral strategy, which was based on a tactical alliance (联 盟) with other minor parties, has proved successful.2. The government troops recaptured the city from the rebelsat the cost of (以 为代价) two thousa nd casualties3. By a stroke of good luck侥幸的是),Genelle, who had been buried in the rubble for

2、more tha n 26 hours, came our alive.4. My brother wasnbadly hurt, but he injured his leg and had tdimp (瘸一拐地 走) around for a few weeks.5. The aircraft was subjected to a test of temperatures ofiinus (零下) 65 degreesand plus 120 degrees.6. Tax incentives combined with cheap labor will attract companie

3、s to the westernregions (地区) of our country away from the east coast.7. To my surprise, the opening speeches sounded more likteclaration (宣布) ofwar tha n offeri ngs of peace.8. After a three-day siege (围困) by the police, the terrorists who had seized the restaura nt had to give in.9. Once we stepped

4、 off the pla ne and on to the prairie, we were greeted by a gust ofraw (阴冷的) and biting wind.10. Being young and impatie nt, they are in cli ned to dash into the jaws of dan ger where an experieneed fighter mightbide his time (等待时机)_.11. The harassing budget problems of the past few monthsiave taken

5、 their toll (付出惨重代价) on her health.12. Workers who have to work on weekends are paid twice the normal wages. Andn the case of(遇上).national holidays, they can get triple pay.1. In the economic crisis, many factories have begun to lay off workers. Now the gover nment is faced with the problem of helpi

6、 ng create jobs for the large nu mber of un employed.2. If you let yourself get bogged dowpin paper work, you l never find time to deal with the really important issues.3. Despite difficulties, the government is pressing onwith its campaign to eliminate corrupti on.4. We can take no chances; if we f

7、ail in Normandy the war mightdrag on for years ” said the Allied comma nder- in-chief.5. The tolera nee of her poor En glish by others meant she couldget by with her ofte n in correct grammar and limited vocabulary.6. Edward knew it would cost him a fortune to dine out at such an expensive restaura

8、nt, but the n he could not afford to offend her by going to a less expe nsive one.7. As the economy shows no sig ns of picki ng up, many compa ni eshave cut back on workers benefits and stopped investing in new projects.8. With the price of fuel skyrocketing, I really don know how we are going to ge

9、t through the severe win ter.Unit31. The waitress was scrude that Jane did nt tip her.2. Raci ng takes everyth ing youve got-in tellectually, emoti on ally, and physically.3. Although the structure (结构) of the building hadn suffered, the surface isbadly damaged.4. She received an in crease in pay an

10、d it ham ade a difference (产生影响) in her attitude towards work.5. She appearedvery nervous one eveningasked her what was wrong, and she blurted (脱口而出)that she had fallen in love with Phil .6. I looked at Tom s pictures and found some of them so amusing and funny that I couldn t heChuckling (哧哧笑)7. Yo

11、ur goals have to be measurable (可测量的) so you ll know when you aremaking progress.8. Salespeople often try to learn about the needs of thprospective (可能成为的;预期的) buyer to make themselves more persuasive.9. We have only five mon ths to makepreparations for the trip to the South Pole.10. Prof. Lee s eye

12、arkled (闪耀) with enthusiasm as she talked about how hernew teachi ng method worked in her College En glish class.11. In my senior year I _took a crack at (尝试) writing a novel, but without much success.12. To reduce weight, I am now lear ning to play golf with my bus in ess partner, who plays like a

13、professi on al.1. You have to know what is right for you and then go after it regardless of whatothers may say.2. May you look back at/on the past with as much pleasure as you look forward to the future.3. Most of the old buildings were pulled down in this area so that blocks of new apartme nts coul

14、dbe put up.4. We may say hestood for freedom and justice all his life.5. In retrospect she says the most important thing is for parentsto build in some kind of motivati on or prospect that means someth ing to their offspri ng.6. To my mi nd, it is very importa nt to follow up your letter and resume

15、with a phone call whe n you apply for a job.7. Before we set off for the camping trip, our five-year-old asked, Can the microwave be hooked upto the electricity supply at the campsite, dad?8. She tried to swallow, butcouldn t, hthiroat had almostclosed up.Unit 41. The general ordered his troops to m

16、ove quickly towards an advantageous (有禾U的) positi on.2. People would think the seven-yeaold couldn t even reach the pebfeklsjone(更 不用说) _drive the car. Nevertheless, he made it!3. In a sense, we are witnessing (见证) the vanishing (不复存在) of nationalborders in many areas of economic activity in the wor

17、ld today.4. The tower built at the turn of the century became landmark (地标) of the city.5. I n a book entitled A short History of Nearly Everythi ng, Bill Brys on tries to ign ite a passi on for kno wledge in young readers.6. It seems neuroscienee is threatening to displace physics as the queen of t

18、he scie nces.7. It is only natural for the people to challenge theEstablishment 当权派)especially whe n the econo mic outlook is gloomy.8. If anything, this movies appeals to the patriotic (爱国的) feelings of the peopleand helps tostrengthen nati onal uni ty.9. Julius Caesar in this play is a man full of

19、 contradictions(矛盾) ,at times strongand con fide nee, but at other times old and frail.10. The newly launched websiteaspires(渴望得至U ) to create a virtual community of com mon in terest via excha nge of views on the future of the In ternet.11. What Ann advocates just shows how divorced (分离的) from real

20、ity she has become.12. After investigating the behavior of pendulums (钟摆),Galileo was able to use them as time measureme nt devices in many of his experime nts.1. I vihought about what happened for a long time, and I vome to the con clusi on that it must have bee n an accide nt.2. Donna dared not se

21、ttle herself too comfortably into her seat in case shtozed off.3. Roosevelt, like Churchill, saw the significanee of postwar civil aviation, and believed infree and ope n competiti on.4. Professor Smith was set apart from his colleagues by his radical views on gen der equality.5. We can see the effe

22、ct the terrorist attack has upon us, where the first stage is shock and disbelief, and an in ability to take in the reality of what is being said.6. The black hole is a region of space with a gravitational filed so powerful that it sucks ina nything and everyth ing that comes within ran ge.7. The Gr

23、ee n Party said pla ns to clean up the en vir onment were doomed uni ess the Gover nment gave an immediate crash injectio n to the departme nts resp on sible for en forceme nt.8. For sheer lack of space and resources the local drug addict ion cen ter is hav ing to turn away drug-addicts who are begg

24、ing for admission.Unit 51. In a way (在某种程度上)I prefer shopping online because it is more convenient and saves time.2. The success of mechanics in discovering reliable and useful laws of nature suggested to Galileo that all n ature is desig neih accordance with与一致; 按 照)mechanical laws.3. A vacancy空缺)e

25、xist for a sales manager at our pairs office .if yoe interested in it, please send useful an applicatio n letter and you resume at on ce.4. If you are over 18 an din good condition 身体状况好),it completely safe to do the job.5. Plastics can be made hard as stone, strong as steteansparen(透明的) as glass, a

26、nd light as wood.6. Coat the shoes with polish, therrub (摩擦) hard with a soft cloth to give a shine.7. It was probably just a spicy (有点下流的) joke to them, but it wasn tfunny tome at all.8. Michael spraise for my wife opened my eyes and taught me to show gratitude for her day-to-day heroism, which I h

27、adhithert o(迄今)take n for gran ted.9. The waitress did bring us clean plates eventually, buWith a bad grace(勉强地).10. Some scientists believe that human beings are born with arnnstinct (本能) forusing their arms and legs to stay afloat, which, however, disappears with in a few mon ths after birth.11. I

28、n order to pay the bills, Linda pawned (典当) her grandfathers gold watch insecret.12. Fish instinctively fight their way upstream against thecurrent (水流),and many water birds and animals have the ability to travel long distances.1. Allan and his girlfriend arranged to meet at the park at 1:30, but so

29、mehow hen ever turned up.2. Un less someth ing urge nt dema nds her atte nti on, Mary will stick to her study schedule that in cludes breaks every two hours.She thi nks that tryi ng to study whe n you are overtired isnsmart.3. I happe ned to see him in Bost on and we talked about our time together i

30、n school and it really brought back some fond memories.4. In the present financial crisis, many college graduates feel unsure how tgo about look ing for a job.5. The speaker kept on talking for about an hour, but I just didn nd what he t understawas driving at.6. Granny folded up the towels andput t

31、hem away in the cupboard.7. Even when she didntsay anything you could see her turning things over in hermind.8. The statementtook him so much aback that for a moment he was lost for words.Unit 61. To stimulate consumption, farmers now can buy household appliance设备)with gover nment subsidy.2. Conven tio nal medici ne has concen trated mainly on the treatme nt of chronic and acut

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