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1、 Post-reading环节,通过show and share 和talk and watch 环节实现本课的育人价值,我们表达对母亲的爱的方式可以是是多样性的。(五)教学目标 1、能在教师的帮助下,正确流利有感情地朗读文本内容。2、能在教师示范后,小组合作阅读文本内容,合作完成礼物制作的过程,培养小组之间的合作能力。3、能通过欣赏icing flower的制作过程,Mexico songs丰富学生的视野和生活阅历;能在制作礼物过程中让学生对母亲的情感在课堂上得以体验和升华。 4、能通过图片环游和拼图阅读的学习过程中培养学生获取信息的能力,发展自主阅读能力。在图片环游过程中,教师通过问题引领

2、训练学生获取信息能力,craft time 环节让学生在欣赏并制作各种礼物过程体验并表达对母亲的爱。(六)教学内容分析本节课的题材属于non-fiction,是双线英语小瓢虫系列五年级下册Lesson 5的一个故事。该课主题是FestivalMothers day,与新版PEP五年级下册第四单元When is Easter?主题匹配。通过Mrs. Kinder和学生一起学习母亲节的相关知识到动手为母亲做礼物的一则科普类绘本内容,拓展有关母亲节主题的相关语言知识,通过拼图阅读和阅读圈活动培养学生的思辨能力,通过动手为母亲制作母亲节礼物让学生实现情感的感知和体验。(七)教学对象分析 从语言知识方面

3、来看,学生在PEP教材的学习中已经学习部分有关Festival主题的语言,能够通过观察图片、预测故事了解母亲节的相关信息。在新版PEP五年级下册第三、四单元中,学生已经接触有关节日和月份等的相关句型词汇,如When is Easter/mothers day? Its in I will for my mom. Jan./March/May.等。五年级的学生已经有一年的英语学习基础,好奇心强,有一定的逻辑思维能力,参与课堂活动积极性高。(八)教学过程 Happy mothers day一Warm -up1. Free talk2. Sharp eyes:T: Hello!boys and gi

4、rls!Nice to meet you !Ss : I am Miss Gao.Ss:Hello! Miss Gao! Lets play a game, OK?Ready! GoSharp eyes! 课件播放!学生见词读! 设计意图:通过Sharp eyes活动,再现学生已有相关知识,调动学生学生学习兴趣和注意力。二Presentation Minitalk: Special daysFollow me! special days.What special days do you know?Hands up! Teachers day ! Good! Teachers day is on

5、 Sept.10th , any others?S1: Chinese National Day! Yes! Chinese National Day is an important day in China, its on Oct.1st!S2: .设计意图:通过师生小组讨论节日,逐渐引入本课话题,讨论部分节日的时间和相关活动和本课的文本框架学习相吻合。 Look at the picture!Its a special day, too!Whats the special day? Birthday !May be !S3:.S4:Mothers day Yeah! You got it!

6、How do you know its mothers day?Why?S5: Mom, I love you! How careful! On the card, there is sentence “Mom, I love you!”China: When is Mothers Day?T-Ss :Its on the second Sunday in May! By the way. What can you do for mom ? I can give flowers!I often cook for her! Whats your mothers favorite food? Be

7、ef! A careful girl! I often say “ Thank you! Mom! Great! In China, children give flowers for mom, Cook and.Other countries: How about other countries? Are the ways same in different countries? No! Now, lets listen! So! Today, lets talk about:”Different ways to thank mothers”教师板书贴课题Four countries: Fi

8、rst, lets see 4 countries. First! The United States? 读词卡,师领读。 Second, France! The third one! Here is.Mexico! The last one is.? England! 课件呈现 师领读,板书贴!The United States:1. Read and circleTips: The nation you should circle, the time underline, the ways, please in this way!2. Read and circle: Ss read it

9、 by themselves!3. Lets check: The country is.? The United States!Well done! The United States ! And when is mothers day ? Who can answer? On the second Sunday in May! Its so easy! But, what do they do for mothers days? Flowers! Look! At the picture ! There are flowers! Look at the flowers! What colo

10、r are they? Theyre red, pink, white and purple! They”re colorful! What flowers are they? Carnations! There are carnations! The Carnations are popular! 拓展知识:roses and lili 母亲节不止送康乃馨,玫瑰和百合也可以。France: In the United States, children give carnations to mom. H ow about France? Guess! When is Mothers Day?L

11、ets enjoy together! Its on the last Sunday in May. Last Sunday. Last! 1st is in May. 1st is the first day. Thirty-first is the last day in May. T he last Sunday in May! How do they celebrate Mothers Day? Some flowers? The picture can help you! Cake! A special cake!Look!This is a cake!And these are s

12、pecial cakes!This special cake has fruits!This special cake has chocolate!This special cake has milk and flowers!So! Whats on the cake? Together!T-Ss: The special cake has flowers! T: Icing flowers! This is icing flowers! This special cake has icing flowers.icing flowers 的制作过程,课件呈现。Mexico: How about

13、 Mexico? Ss: Its on May 10th!Good job! How do they celebrate Mothers Day? You can read the sentences and the picture! Music! Special songs . Read after me! Special songs! The songs are for mothers.So, these are special songs! Who plays the special songs? Teacher?/Children?No! The churches! There is

14、a church in Mexico! This is the inside of church! Church! Church. churches! 学生跟读 Any other ways? Breakfast! Holiday breakfast!England:The last country is England! Can you guess? How do they celebrate mothers day? A cake? Flowers? May be! Lets read together! When is Mothers Day in England? Its on the

15、 fourth Sunday in March. What ?Ss:Cake! A special cake , too! It called mothering cake! Read after me! Mothering cake! Look at the Mothering cake! Whats on it?Chocolate!Yes!Its sweet!Its a dessert! Dessert! Dessert are sweet! Maybe they are cakes,fruits,ice cream! After dinner! You can eat a little

16、dessert!Almonds: Can you point out! What are almonds a cake?S: Point the picture!Tese are almonds! Almonds! Alomnds are nut! They are good for our health!OK!The four countries are on the blackboard. How do the celebrate the mothers Day?In the United States! Children give mom France . Mexico . Englan

17、d .2.Part2; Craft time:T:There are so many gifts! Her are some other gifts! Do you like them? Yes. Lets enjoy! 学生看视频Read and order Now,s how me this letter! There are four sentences in it! Please put them in order! Stick them on the paper! 教师示范 Check: Lets see your work!Show time Times up! Which one

18、 do you like best? 教师将礼物贴到黑板上。 I like the first/ one. Why? Its pretty. Why do you make this gift? 可以用汉语描述对妈妈的爱。Yes, mom love you so much, she can do so much things in our life.Lets enjoy: 欣赏母爱视频。 T:Mom is kind to us, so ,what do you want to say to mom? Homework: 1. Read and record to Wechat. 读文本内容并录

19、音发到微信群。 2. Read more story about mom. Apple trees My mom 阅读有关母爱的绘本: 3. Show your love to mom.在生活表达对妈妈的爱. Sing a song/ say a sentence. Cook/ wash clothes/clean rooms. 学情分析从语言知识方面来看,学生在PEP教材的学习中已经学习部分有关Festival主题的语言,能够通过观察图片、预测故事了解母亲节的相关信息。六年级的学生已经有三年的英语学习基础,好奇心强,有一定的逻辑思维能力,参与课堂活动积极性高。 效果分析本节课采用图片环游和拼

20、图教学相结合的方式进行教学,结合绘本特点和学生特性设计灵活多样的教学方式,学生进行自主阅读和合作阅读相结合,让学生在学习过程中,体会到学习的快乐,并且真正实现学习。 教材分析 评测练习1.countrytimecelebration2. What do children give to their mothers in France?A. FlowersB. icing flower cakeC. special songs and a holiday breakfastD. Mothering Cake made with almonds3.Students Craftsnamecraft4

21、. Order the steps.A. He glues his painting on a piece of blue paper.B. He picks different paints.C. He writes “Happy Mothers Day!” on the bookmark.D. He paints a fingerprint.5. What do you need to make a small garden?A. paints, a fingerprint flower, a piece of blue paper.B. brown clay, a paper flowe

22、r, a jar.C. flower beads, glitter, string.D. a pink card, a yellow flower, glue. 课后反思 2018年9月5日 周三 Happy Mothers Day 磨课一今天是真正意义上的绘本教学实践,从拿到绘本的瞬间,沉甸甸的不只是绘本的重量而是绘本带来的教学理念和实践应用,既是新载体也是一次全新的教学实践挑战。从选择绘本,解读绘本,解读学生,解读文本内容,设计思路,到教学设计的每一步,我感觉自己是一位新教师,每一步,每一次冥思苦想,每一次翻阅相关绘本教学书籍让我惶恐,虽然每一天过得很累,但是我很充实,我告诉自己:我在生根

23、,在驻足,有一天我会枝繁叶茂不足: 1. 自己不在状态。也可能是开学伊始,也可能是第一次尝试,有很多的不确定因素,总是感觉自己的心不平静,设计的每一步虽然是从学生的认知和心理出发,但是毕竟孩子们第一次接触绘本课堂,他们的心理活动是怎样的,适不适合他们,我真的不确定,就好像在准备一场不知对手的战役,胜败不可预测。诸多的不确定,是我一节课都不在状态,没有上课的感觉,自己都没有融入课堂,孩子们的学习状态可想而知。知己知彼,百战不殆。对绘本不是很了解,对学生的反应不确定,我觉得这是课堂上最失败的一点。课上到一半,我就有打退堂鼓的冲动,告诉自己,坚持吧,起码我能了解到这一波学生对绘本对今天的课堂的反应是怎样的,对我下次的教学改进还是有帮助的

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