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1、A. The bulbous bow B.The anchor锚 C.The bow thruster D.The propeller球鼻艏是圆形的水下部件在船的正前方目的是为了使船减少摩擦力能更快的移动6. A is a round-shaped underwater part in the front of the ship.The peupose is to create less friction with water so that the shp moves more easily.A. The bulbous bow球鼻首 B.The anchor C.The bow thrus

2、ter D.The propeller船首推进器被放在船的前方作用是减缓停泊的速度和侧移速度7. C is placed in the front of the ship under the water, which eases berthing or manoeuvering sideways at slow speed.A. The bulbous bow B.The anchor C.The bow thruster船首推进器 D.The propeller船上负全责的人是船长他对整艘船的船员和货物的安全负责8.The man in charge of a ship is D .He i

3、s responsible for the ship, her cargo and the safety of the crew.A.Chief Officer B. Second Officer C.Third Officer D. Master船长大副是甲板部的负责人9. A is the head of the Deck Department.A.The Chief Officer大副 B. The Second Officer C. The Third Officer D. The Master这是集合地点的标示10.This is the sign (Fig.1) for C A.e

4、mbarkation station B.emergency exitC.muster station集合地点 D.rescue boat当你在甲板工作应该始终戴安全帽11.You should always wear A when working on deck.A. helmet安全帽 B. slippers C. goggles D.immersion suits船舶总长是从船首到船尾的极限长度12. A length of the ship measured from extreme points of the ship forward and aft船尾.A. Length over

5、all总长 B. After perpendicular C.Amidships D.Extreme breadth船中是垂直于首位之间的中间位置13. C is a point midway between the forward and the after perpendicular尾垂线.A. Length overall B. After perpendicular C.Amidships船中部 D.Extreme breadth最大宽度是船壳外板之间的最大距离14. D measured at the midship section and taken from outside of

6、 the ships side shell plating船壳外板 on one side to the outside of the ships side shell plating on the other side.A. Length overall B. After perpendicular C.Amidships D.Extreme breadth最大宽度型宽是船壳内板一边到另一边的水平距离15. B measured at midship section and taken from inside内板 the ships shell on one side to inside t

7、he ships side shell on the other side .A.Length overall B.Molded breadth型宽 C.Amidships D.Extreme breadth最大吃水是从船底龙骨到夏季载重线16. A is taken from the lower most point of the keel龙骨 to the summer loadline.A.Extreme draft最大吃水 B.Molded draft C.Extreme depth D.Molded depth型吃水从船中部基线测量到夏季载重线17. B is measured fr

8、om the baseline基线 to the summer loadline at the midship section.A.Extreme draft B.Molded draft型吃水 C.Extreme depth D.Molded depth18. C depth of the vessel at ships side from the upper deck上甲板 to the lowest poimt of the keel. A.Extreme draft B.Molded draft C.Extreme depth最大深度 D.Molded depth从基线极端顶部上层甲板

9、宽度在船舷船的中部19. D from baseline to top of the upper deck breadth at the ships side amidships.A.Extreme draft B.Molded draft C.Extreme depth D.Molded depth型深20.Right at the top is A . It is 300 mm long and 25 mm wide with its upper edge in line with the uppermost continuous watertight deck.A.the deck li

10、ne甲板线B.Plimsoll disc C.Plimsoll line D.summer load line垂直于甲板面外面是一个圆直径为300mm称为载重线圈21.Vertically below the deckline is a circle whose outside diameter is 300 mm.It is called the B .A.the deck line B.Plimsoll disc载重线圈 C.Plimsoll line D.summer load line一个水平线长450毫米和25毫米宽通过载重圈的标志称为载重线标志22.A horizontal lin

11、e 450 mm long and 25 mm wide cuts through the loadline disc.It is called the C .A.the deck line B.Plimsoll disc C.Plimsoll line载重线标志 D.summer load line23.When a ship is in tropical热带载重线 zone and in seawater of density 1025, she must not load to more than the upper edge of the line marked B .A. S B.T

12、 C. W D. F24. When a ship is in summer zone夏季载重线 and in seawater of density 1025, she must not load to more than the upper edge of the line marked A .25. When a ship is in winter zone冬季载重线 and in seawater of density 1025, she must not load to more than the upper edge of the line marked C .26.When th

13、e density of the water淡水 is 1000, i.e. in fresh water and in summer zone a ship may load up to the upper edge of the line marked D .层甲板最重要的部分是被称为前甲板27.The foremost part of the upper deck is called the A .A.forecastle前甲板 B.tweendeck C.hatches D.peak tanks甲板间是上层之间和内部的容器底部中间甲板28.The B is the intermedia

14、te deck between夹层 upper deck and the inside bottom of the vessel.A.forecastle B.tweendeck甲板间 C.hatches D.peak tanks通向货仓可以通过舱口29.Access to a hold can be obtained through C .A.forecastle B.tweendeck C.hatche舱口 D.peaktanks 该船的重要的靠近船尾的空间是船首楼30.The foremost and aftermost重要的靠近船尾的 spaces of the vessel are

15、the D .A.forecastle船首楼 B.tweendeck C.hatches D.peak tanks双层底为燃料和.润滑油,压载水,淡水,和食用水提供存储空间31. A provides strength and storage space for fuel, lubricating oil, fresh water, salt(ballast) water and potable water.A. The double bottom双层底 B. The cofferdam C. The navigating bridge D. The superstructure储油罐之间的纵

16、向和横向分隔间。用于防止液体从双层底部的一面滑向另一面称为隔离空仓32.Longitudinal and transverse纵向和横向 separations between the tanks, which are used to prevent liquids from leaking from one double bottom tank into the other, are called B .A. double bottoms B.cofferdams隔离空舱 C.navigating bridge D.superstructure桥楼包括控制站和驾驶室和海图室无线电报室33.

17、C contains the wheelhouse驾驶室 with the control station, the chartroom where charts, pilot books and publications are kept, and the radio room.A. The double bottom B. The cofferdam C. The navigating bridge桥楼 D. The superstructure下列哪些装备是保护脸部和眼睛的?34.Which of the following equipment is for face and eye眼睛

18、 protection?BA.Safety helmets B.Goggles and spectacles护目镜和眼镜 C. Breathing apparatus D.Gloves下列哪些设备室保护呼吸的?35. Which of the following equipment is for respiratory呼吸 protection?CA.Safety helmets B.Goggles and spectacles C. Breathing apparatus氧气面罩 D.Gloves下列哪种装备是保护手和脚的?36. Which of the following equipme

19、nt is for hand and foot手和脚 protection?DA.Safety helmets B.Goggles and spectacles C. Breathing apparatus D.Gloves boot手套长筒靴下列哪些设备室保护身体的?37. Which of the following equipment is for body protection?保护身体 DA.Safety helmets B.Goggles and spectacles C. Breathing apparatus suits安全服下列那学设备是对溺水的保护?38.

20、 Which of the following equipment is for protection against drowning溺水?A. Safety helmets B. Buoyancy aids救生圈 C. Breathing apparatus D. Immersion suits39. Which of the following equipment is for protection against hypothermia(低体温)?A. Safety helmets B. Buoyancy aids C. Breathing apparatus D. Immersion

21、 suits救生服长头发应该始终佩戴头盔在机械作业时40.Long hair长头发 should always be covered by when working with or near moving machinery.AA.a helmet头盔 cap C. an ear plug D.face mask皮手套通常被用来在处理粗糙或尖锐的物体41. D are generally be used when handling rough or sharp objects锋利的物体.A.Heat-resistant gloves B.Rubber gloves C.PVC

22、 gloves D.Leather gloves皮手套聚乙烯手套通常最好的处理酸,碱,油各类溶剂和一般的化学品42. C are generally best for handling acids, alkalis, various types of oils, solvents and chemicals化工品 in general.A.Heat-resistant gloves B.Rubber gloves C.PVC gloves聚乙烯手套 D.Leather gloves高空工作的人员(以上2metres)在任何时候都必须穿着救生绳或其他与逮捕装置安全带。43.Personnel w

23、orking aloft (above 2metres) should wear A or other arresting device at all times.A. a safety harness with lifeline安全带 B.a safety net C.a life buoy D.buoyancy garments在雷达扫描仪附件工作之前,有关人员,应确保电源关闭,并警告告示张贴在桥梁与机舱44.Before work is commenced D ,the officer responsible should ensure that power电源 is shut off

24、and warning notices posted on the bridge and in the machinery spaces.A.near the ships whistle B.on the funnel the vicinity of radio aerials D.near the radar scanner雷达扫描仪在烟囱上工作之前有关人员要通知当班的轮机员,尽量采取措施减少有害气体的排放45. Before work is commenced B , the officer responsible should inform the suty engineer

25、to ensure that steps are taken to reduce as far as practicable the emission of steam, harmful gases有害气体 and fumes.A.near the ships whitsle B.on the funnel烟囱 the vicinity of radio aerials D.near the radar scanner下面哪些有关货物的语句是正确的46.Which of the following statements concerning cargo关于货物 is correct?

26、AA.Cargoes are any type of goods transported by any type of ship任何货物均能在任何船上载运B. Cargoes are goods transported in bulkC.Cargoes usually include goods transported in bulk and in containersD.Cargoses are usually packaged in containers来自航运货物的收益通常被称做运费,能保持商运船只的运作47.The profit from收益 the carriage of cargo

27、, which is often called B ,keeps the merchant ship running.A.obligation B.freight运费 C.contract D.delivery承运人应该根据实际情况来负责装货,搬运,积载,运输,保管,照料和卸下所运货物48. C should be responsible for loading, handling, stowing, carrying, keeping, caring for and discharging the goods carried according to the normal practice.

28、A.The shipowners B.The shippers C.The carriers承运人 D.The ships officers关于普通货物下列陈述哪个是错误的?49.Which of the following statements about general cargoes普通货物 is not correct错误?A.General cargoes are neither liquid nor solid bulk cargoB.General cargoes are packaged hazardous cargoes普通货物被包装成有害货物C.General cargoe

29、s are also called breakbulk cargoesD.General cargoes are mostly carried on container ships now.原料属于安全货物50.Raw原料 materials belong to B .A.hazardous cargo B.non-hazardous cargo安全货物 product D.consumable product51.When loading or unloading baled cargo on board, the straps to lift or drag the bales.A. are forbidden B.are allowed C.can be used D.are usually used52.Tools and instruments belong to C .A.raw material B.consumable products C.finished metallic products D.raw metallic products53.Boilers and cylinders are D .A.raw metallic product

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