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1、 Make a guess at an answer, please! 请猜一下答案! If I might make a guess (at her age), Id say she was about 30. 要让我猜(她年龄)的话,我看她大概三十岁。 blind sb to sth 使某人看不到某物,使某人对某物丧失判断力 His desire to do it blinded him to all the difficulties. 他急于做事的愿望让他对困难一无所知。 Her love for him blinded her to his faults. 她非常爱他,这让她

2、对他的缺点丧失了判断力。 contribute to sth 1)促成,导致 Does smoking contribute to lung cancer? 吸烟会导致肺癌吗? Carelessness contributed to his errors. 粗心大意造成了他的错误。 2)有助于,增添 Her work has contributed enormously to our understanding of this difficult subject. 她的著作非常有助于我们对这个难题的了解。 We hope your suggestion will contribute

3、 to solving the problem. 我们希望你的建议将有助于解决这个问题。 3)捐助,捐赠,贡献 to contribute aid to refugees/contribute to the Red Cross 向难民提供援助/捐助红十字会 Everyone should contribute what he can afford to it. 人人都应该尽自己的能力做贡献。 4)撰稿,投稿 She has contributed to literary magazines. 她给几家文学刊物投了稿。 6.a state of affairs 情况,局势 What a shoc

4、king state of affairs! 局势真惊人哪! That was the state of affairs before the election. 选举前的情况就是那样。 seek to do sth 设法做某事 They are seeking to mislead. 他们竭力进行误导。 They sought to bring their conflict to an end. 他们试图结束冲突。 8.the scheme of things 事物的规律,安排 In the scheme of things, it is hard for small busine

5、sses to succeed. 一般来说(按事物的规律),小本生意难做。 part 部分地;在某种程度上 His success was due in part to luck. 在某种程度上,他成功靠的是运气。 Were losing moneyin part because, with our ancient computers, we cant stay competitive. 我们在赔钱在某种程度上是因为我们仍用旧的计算机,缺乏竞争力。 10.vary from. to. 从变为;在与之间变化 Her mood varied from optimism to extrem

6、e depression. 她的情绪一下子由乐观变为极度消沉。 These fish vary in weight from 3 1b to 5 1b. 这些鱼的重量从三磅到五磅不等。 四、重点、难点句子详解 1.A decision is a choice made from among alternative courses of action that are available. 决策就是从可选的行动方案中做出选择。 本句中“course of action”是固定搭配,意为“行动步骤;办事程序;做事方案”。 that从句为定语从句,修饰courses,介词短语among.availa

7、ble作from的宾语,另如: They were mostly elected from among the workers. 他们大多数是从工人中选出来的。 He took his watch from under the pillow. 他从枕头下把表拿了出来。 We didnt meet until after the show. 我们直到演出后才见面。 2.some suggest that the management process is decision making. 有人认为管理过程就是决策过程。 当suggest意为“建议”时,后面从句中的谓语动词使用虚拟语气,即“(sh

8、ould)+ 动词原形”形式,而当suggest表达“认为;提出;暗示”时,则不用虚拟语气。例如: It is suggested that the meeting (should) be held at some other time. 人们建议会议改期进行。 She smiled, but her eyes suggested that she was not happy at all. 她笑了笑,但眼神却显示出她并不幸福。 Are you suggesting that I am too old for the job? 你是说我老得干不了这份工作? 3.decision making

9、includes limiting alternatives as well as identifying them. 决策既包括识别选项又包括缩小选项范围。 在 A as well as B结构中,语义侧重点通常在A 项,一般可理解为“不仅B ,而且A ”或 “既B 又A ”。 There are advantages as well as disadvantages of friction. 摩擦力既有消极作用,也有积极作用。 五、课文参考译文 什么是决策? 决策就是从现成的行动方案中做出选择,它旨在确立并实现组织机构的目标及指标。之所以要决策,是因为有问题存在,目标或指标错误,或者有某种

10、东西妨碍了它们的实现。 因此,决策过程对于管理至关重要。管理者所做的一切几乎都与决策有关。事实上,有人认为管理过程就是决策过程。管理者虽然不能预测未来,但很多决策要求他们考虑未来可能发生的情况。通常,他们必须对未来事态做出最佳猜测,使偶然情况尽可能少地发生。不过,由于未知情况总是存在,风险与决策则往往相伴。有时,决策的疏漏不会造成严重的后果,但有时后果则不堪设想。 选择就是从不同选项中进行取舍。没有选择,就没有决策。决策制订就是选择的过程,而且许多决策有着很广的选择范围。例如,学生为了实现自己获得学位的目标,就可能从多门课程中进行选择。对管理者来说,每次决策都受到政策、程序、法律、惯例等因素的

11、制约。这些制约存在于一个组织的方方面面。 选项就是可供选择的种种行动方案。没有选项,就没有选择,当然也谈不上决策。如果看不到任何选项,通常表明对问题尚未进行全面的分析研究。例如,管理者看待问题,有时采取两者择一(非此即彼)的方式,把复杂的问题简单化。这种倾向使他们难以看到某些选项。 在管理层次上,制订决策包括识别选项及缩小选项范围两个方面,这个范围可以从极为狭窄到近乎无限不等。 决策者必须掌握某种方法判定其中的最佳选项,也就是说,哪个选项对实现组织目标最为有利。组织目标指该组织要努力完成或达到的目的或情形。由于个人(和组织)对实现目标的方式常常见解不一,最佳选择可能就取决于决策者了。有时,一个

12、组织的下属机构做出的决策有利于自己的个体利益,但对上一级部门来说,却并非最佳选择,这种增加局部机构的利益,同时减少其他机构的利益,在不能两全情况下做出的取舍,即所谓的局部最优化。例如,市场经理为增加广告预算,可能讲得头头是道,然而,从全局方案来看,增加优化产品的研究经费也许对整个组织有更多好处。 这种权衡利弊进行取舍的做法之所以存在,是因为一个组织想要同时达到的目标很多。有些目标虽然相比之下更为重要,但其重要性及紧迫性往往因人因部门而各不相同。不同的管理者对同一问题有着不同的看法,当他们面对一件日常事例时,销售经理趋向于看销售问题,生产经理着眼于生产问题,如此等等。 一个组织多种目标的紧迫性与

13、重要性部分地取决于决策者的价值观念。这种价值具有个人色彩,而且复杂多变,他们自己甚至也因此难以捉摸。在很多商业场合,对于风险与收益,不同的人有不同的接受标准,这使他们对决策正确与否也看法各异。 人们常常认为,决策是一个孤立的现象。但从系统的观点看,问题的产生有多种原因,决策既有预期的结果,也有意料之外的结果。一个组织是一个在发展中的实体,今天所作的决策可能在很远的将来才会有结果,因此,老练的管理者决策时总是放眼未来。 六、课后练习参考答案 Exercises for the Text .阅读理解 1.d. all of the above. 2.c. decision making also

14、means risk taking 3.c. Alternatives, choice, decision 4.a. is good for a large organization 5.d. personal beliefs .从课文中找出下列词语的同义词 1.alternative 2.fundamental 3.accompany 4.implement 5.precedent 6.attain 7.objectives 8.vary 9.multiple 10.isolate .词义搭配 1.c.make decisions programs 3.i.solve

15、problems 4.j.survive accidents 5.g.seize opportunities 6.e.pursue studies 7.h.attain goals 8.a.earn money 9.f.consume time debts .完形填空 One evening while my wife and I were entertaining our dinner guests, our five-year-old daughter Debbie helped her mother serve dessert (甜食). Debbie brought

16、the first slice of pie from the kitchen and placed the plate in front of me. I politely passed it to the woman next to me. Debbie put another slice of pie before me and again watched as I passed it to another guest. “You might as well keep it,” my daughter said. Theyre all the same size. .汉译英 1.Deci

17、sion makers should make a best guess at what the future will be. 2.Some people suggest that everything a manager does involves decisions. 3.If there is no right choice, there is no right decision to be made. 4.Solutions vary because different people define the same problem in different terms. 5.A de

18、cision maker is usually the key to business development of a company. Vocabulary Exercises .用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.a.beorganized b.organizational c.organization 2.a.simple b.simplified c.simply d.simplification 3.a.profit b.profitable c.profitability 4.a.intention b.intended c.unintended .用下列单词的适当形式填空 1.pre

19、cedent 2.skilled 3.achievement 4.implement 5.optimal 6.goal 7.accomplish 8.accompanies 9.tendency 10.ongoing .汉译英 1.He was accompanied to the concert by his friends. 2.He has argued her out of her decision. 3.His success was due in part to luck. 4.In accordance with his suggestion, the procedure has

20、 been remarkably simplified. 5.The broadcast station predicted that it would be colder tomorrow. 6.Movement is defined as a change in position or place. unit 12、Text B Secrets of Success at an Interview Text B Secrets of Success at an Interview 要找一份可心的工作,面试往往必不可少,但如何给挑剔的雇主留下美好的印象并得到这份工作,却并不是一件唾手可得的事

21、情,本文作者从准备及信心两个秘诀入手,给应聘者讲述了申请、赴约、答问、谈吐、着装、礼节等方面的具体技巧及注意事项,相信会给您不少有益的启发。 interview prospect apply for have no idea bring about take the time take the trouble in sbs place to ones advantage at a disadvantage ask forin hand turn down apply for 申请,请求 to apply for a job/post /passport/visa/scholarshi

22、p 申请工作/职位/护照/签证/奖学金 to apply to the publishers for the permission to reprint an extract 向出版者请求准予转印节录 1)日常的,每日常规工作的 She has been looking after the day-to-day administration. 她一直做日常的管理工作。 2)逐日的 I have organized the cleaning on a day-to-day basis, until the usual cleaner returns. 我已经安排了清洁工

23、回来前的逐日清洁工作。 have no idea 不知道;无能力 He has no idea how to manage people. 他根本不知道如何做人事工作。 You have no idea how worried I was! 你根本不知道我有多么担心! take the trouble to do sth 费力做某事,不辞劳苦做某事 Decent journalists should take the trouble to check the facts. 责任心强的新闻工作者应该不厌其烦地核实报导内容。 Nobody took the trouble to

24、 comfort the angry woman. 没有人费力去劝劝那位愤怒的女人。 put oneself in sbs place 设身处地替某人着想 If you put yourself in my place, you would understand it. 设身处地替我想一下,你就会理解的。 cf. in sbs place 处于某人的境地 What would you do in my place? 你要是我会怎样做? In her place Id sell the lot. 我要是她的话就全部卖掉。 ones advantage 对某人有利,对某人有帮助

25、 You will find it to your advantage to learn some German before you visit Switzerland. 你会发现去瑞士前学一点德语将对你有好处。 It would be to our mutual advantage to continue the training centre. 把培训中心继续办下去对我们双方都有好处。 cf. to ones disadvantage 对某人不利,有损某人的声誉 It would be to your disadvantage to invest in the project. 在这个工

26、程上投资对你会十分不利。 Have you heard of the rumours to his disadvantage? 你听说那些对他不利的谣言了吗? a disadvantage 处于不利地位 His inability to speak English put him at a disadvantage. 他不会说英语,这使他很吃亏。 They are working at a great disadvantage. 他们正在非常不利的情况下工作。 ask for 要求,请求 Did you ask (your boss) for a pay increase? 你请求(老板)加薪了吗? Driving after drinking alcohol is asking for trouble. 酒后开车是自讨苦吃。 hand 1)在手中(持有);在手头(随时可用) I still have some money in hand. 我手头还有些钱。 2)在控制下 We have the situation well in hand. 我们完全控制住了局面。 3)正在办理、处理之中 The work is in hand and will soon be completed. 这项工作正在进行之中,

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