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1、16 . growth增长;生长17. chaos混乱,无秩序18 . crash(汽车、飞机等)撞毁;坠毁19 . n uclear原子能的20 . network网络21. project课题;方案;工程22 . desti nati on目的地23. flesh肉,肉体24. historical历史的,有关历史的25. central中央的,中心的26. harbour海港n .派生单词一一能辨别1. reality真实,现实t realize实现;意识2. crime犯罪;罪行t crim inal罪犯3. terror恐怖t terrify使恐怖;使惊吓t terrorist恐怖分

2、子t terrorism恐怖主义4. attack攻击,进攻t attacker攻击者5. optimism乐观;乐观主义t optimistic乐观的6. harmvt. & n.伤害,损害t harmful有伤害的t harmless无害的7 . obvious明显的,显而易见的t obviously明显地8 . scie nee科学t scie ntific科学的t scie ntist科学家9 . suggest建议,提议t suggesti on10 . arrange安排t arra ngeme nt11. tour旅游,旅行t tourism观光,游览t tourist旅行者,观

3、光者12 . guide指南;导游,向导指导,引路t guida nee指导;引导;领导13 . settle定居t settleme nt(新)定居地14 . regular定期的;规则的t regularly定期地;规则地15 . attract吸引t attractive吸引人的,有魅力的t attractio n吸引力;具有吸引力的事物或人川.语境应用(用所给词的适当形式填空)1 . One soluti onis obviously(obvious) to import fore ign workers viaimmigration.( 2017 江苏高考)2. Paul and I

4、 did nt see each other all that regularly(regular) , but shari ng thatbrought us together.( 2017 全国卷 n)3. This attractive(attract) tour takes you to some of San Fran ciscos most cheerfulholiday seenes.( 2017 全国卷川)4. rd like to think about your suggestion(suggest) before I give a definite reply.5. Th

5、e destruction (destroy) of the environment is one of the most serious challe nges we face.6. They provide an environment where you can practice under the guidance(guide) of some one whos good at the Ian guage.7. The chief engineer together with his colleagues has been looking for new scien tific(sci

6、en ce) methods of farmi ng since five years ago.8. Robbery is a criminal act , so no one wants to commit the crime . (crime)9. The harmful materials became harmless to the environment after being conducted(处 理).(harm)10 . Jamie looked on John as his only real friend , but in reality John often spoke

7、ill of him.(real)拓展联想“可怕的”高频形容词 terrifyi ng frighte ning alarmi ng awful fearful horrible terrible scary“建议,劝说”单词小结 advise recomme nd suggest persuade短语多维应用I .短语回顾一一会默写1. make up编造;构成2. come true实现3. find out发现;弄明白4. hang on(电话用语)别挂断;别放弃5 . get in touch取得联系6 . be up to做,从事于;取决于7 . in the flesh本人亲身8

8、. as well as也,又9 . be known as被认为是10 . take actio n采取行动11. whats more而且12 . take over接收,接管13 . con sist of由组成14 . cut off切掉,切断15 . have problems with在 方面有困难n .语境应用(用上述短语的适当形式填空 )1. It is high time we took action to prevent the river from being polluted.2 . His appeara nee in the flesh en ded the rum

9、our about his death.3 . Try your best , and I think your ideal will come true some day.4Who should I invite to my birthday?It is up to you , dear.5. Now hang on a minute I cant really believe what you just said.6. rm tryi ng to get in touch with Tom but I failed.Do you know his teleph one nu mber?7.

10、 This populatio n shift is bringing problems as well as ben efits to the people wholive in this area.8. Guo Jingjing is known as a great Chinese diving athlete , who now has a baby.9. Think twice before eating spicy foods ; you may have problems with your stomach.10. The army is threatening to take

11、over if civil unrest continues.11. He had his fin ger cut off in an accide nt at work.make短语集汇 make up构成;编造 make out理解;辨认出 make for走向;促成 make up for弥补;补偿 make up on es mind to do下定决心做句式结构仿写教材原句一一会背诵句式仿写一一能应用1.It is + adj. + that. 句型,其中 it 作形 式主语“ it is clear that we are going to see ahuge growth in

12、shopp ing on theIntern et. ”1.很明显,爸爸去哪儿很受年轻人的喜爱。It is obvious that Dad, Where Are WeGoing? is popular with the young people.2.have sth.done 让某物遭受,过去分词作宾补Do you have anything planned for Saturday and Sunday ?2.到了我们该更新网页的时候了。Its time for us to have our website if 引导表语从句.the use of com

13、puters with sounds and pictures that make you feel as if you are in a real situati on.3.这肉尝起来似乎已经坏了。This meat tastes as if it has already gone bad.4.动词+ it +形容词+ to do sth.But I still find it hard to imagi ne4.许多专家认为让学生有足够的睡眠很重 要。Many experts think it importa nt to letstude nts have eno ugh sleep.析考

14、点重难突破| 详剖细解拓展期(对应学生用书第28页)精讲8个考纲单词El likely adj.有可能的adv.(与most, very连用)可能高考佳句 A great decline in young work force is likely to occur in China, forinstance.( 2017 江苏高考)例如,年轻劳动力的急剧下降有可能发生在中国。be likely to do sth.很可能做某事It is likely that.很可能Not likely.绝不可能。(表示强烈反对)1 Its more tha n likely that the thieves

15、 dont know how much it is worth.盗贼很可能不知道此物的价值。2 The boss said we were likely to work overtime today. 老板说今天我们很可能要加班。钿式升级链接写作【导学号:33220013】(普通表达 )They are likely to be fired by the company because of their fault.(高级表达 )lt is likely that they will be fired by the company because of theirfault.( 用it作形式主

16、语)focus vi.集中注意;(使)聚集n.焦点,焦距,聚焦;(活动、兴趣等的)中心,集中点教材原句 In a book with lots of pictures and charts , I am likely to focus mainlyon the written text. 在一本有很多图画和图表的书里,我很可能主要注意书面文字。(1)focus on/upon sth./sb.集中注意力于某物/某人focus on es atte nti on /eyes on注意力集中于(2)i n focus焦距对准;清晰out of focus焦距没对准;模糊 Most of us ar

17、e more focused on our tasks in the morning than we are later in theday.( 2016 -全国卷语法填空)我们大多数人在上午比在一天的晚些时候要能集中精力 工作。2 照片上孩子们的The childre ns faces were badly out of focus in the photograph.面部非常模糊。联想发散表示集中(注意力、精力等)于 ”的短语还有:1 pay atte nti on to _ put on es heart into3 fix on es atte ntio n on concen tra

18、te on句多片链接写作【导学号:他集中精力学习。1 He focused his attention on his study.( focus )2 He fixed his attention on his study.( fix )3 He was absorbed in his study.( absorb )4 He applied himself to his study.( apply )5 He concentrated his attention on his study.( concentrate )offer n. & vt.提供,提议;出价;教材原句 Already ,

19、 users can buy books ,find out about holiday offers and get all sorts of in formati on from the Intern et.用户已经可以从因特网上买书,找到有关假期安排、票务预订以及各种各样的信息。(1) offer sb.sth. = offer sb.offer to do sth.(2) make an offer to do sth.make an offer of help/food1 主动把某物给某人主动提出做某事想要做某事主动提供帮助/食物The couple offered u

20、s 120, 000 yuan for the house , which we bought five这对夫妇出价12万来买我们五年前买的房子。2 Knowing that Tom was in trouble , Mike offered to helphelp) him.得知汤姆陷入了困境,迈克主动来帮助他。联想发散表示“提供给某人某物”的常见短语还有:1 supply sb.with sth. = supply sb.2 provide sb.with sth. = provide sth.for sb.句笛片链接写作如果你主动帮助别人,你最终会得到回报。33220014

21、】ticketsyears ago.33220015】)If you offer to help people youll eventually be rewarded/ offer v2 If you make an offer to help people youll eventually be rewarded.( offer n .)harm vt. &n.伤害,损害高考佳句 For another , drinking too cold or too hot water does nothing but harmto our health.( 湖南高考书面表达)其次,饮用太冷或太热的

22、水只会对健康造成伤害。(1)do/cause harm to对造成伤害do sb.harm = do harm to sb.伤害某人;对某人有害mean no harm无恶意There is no harm in doing sth.做某事无害处。(2)harmful adj.有害的be harmful to sth.对事物有害1 These days,breaking traffic rules and littering are not uncommon causing seriousharm to life and the environment. 近来,违反交通规则和乱扔垃圾的现象很常

23、见,对生活和环境都造成了极大的危害。2 If you want to solve the problem in this way , there is no harm in calling(call)him.如果你想以这种方式来处理问题,你不妨给他打个电话。句多洋链接写作33220016】 如果使用不当,这种药物会对你造成伤害。1 If used improperly , the medicine will do/cause harm to you/will do you harm. (harm n.)If used improperly , the medicine will be harm

24、ful to you . ( harmful adj.)教材原句 Tom, can you suggest any good books for my project ? 汤姆,你能提供一些和我做的项目有关的好参考书吗?(1)suggest(sb.s)do ing sth.建议(某人)做某事suggest(that).(should)do建议(从句用虚拟语气)(2)suggesti on n.提议,建议;意见;暗示make/offer/give a suggesti onask for a suggesti on征求建议弟去美国治疗。My father suggested we (should

25、)climb(climb)the hill and have a match.我的父亲建议我们进行一次爬山比赛。名师点津suggest表示暗示,表明”时,其主语往往是事物, 而不是人。这时suggest后的宾语从句不用虚拟语气。一句多洋链接写作33220017】在昨天的会议上我建议他放弃那个计划。1 I suggested his givi ng the pla n up at the meeti ng yesterday.( suggest doin g. )2 I suggested that he(should)give the pla n up at the meeti ng yest

26、erday.( suggestthat.)3 I made a suggestion that he(should)give up the plan at the meeting yesterday.( 同位语从句)d settle vi.定居,安家;停留vt.安排,处理;决定;安放;使定居教材原句 The history of the city goes back 650 years when the Maoris settled inthe area.这座城帀的历史追溯到 650年前,当时毛利人在这一地区定居下来了。(1)settle dow n/get settled疋居;稳疋;平静下来

27、settle(dow n)to sth.开始专心于某事,着手认真做某事settle in/into迁入(新居);适应(新工作)settle on决定,选定;停留,降落(2)settler n.移居者settleme nt n.解决;住宅区1 Back from abroad , the couple decided to settle down in Nanning. 从国外回来后, 夫妇俩决定在南宁定居。2 They settled dow n to a_serious discussi on over coffee. 他们喝着咖啡,开始认真讨论问题。3 But he fin ally settled on literature , particularly drama and poetry.但是,他最终决定(选择)文学,尤其是戏剧和诗歌。 H view n.景色,风景;视野;观点;意见vt.眺望;观察;观看;看作;考虑教材原句 In the city , you can enjoy an amazing view from the Sk

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