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1、8、曾经美好过,最后却伤心走了。Once a good, but sad to go.9、连呼吸都会胃抽你可曾关心过。Even breathing will stomach you have been concerned about.10、独一无二的宠溺,早已灰飞湮灭。The one and only Chongni, already huifeiyanmie.11、载着我满满的怀念,你渐行渐远。Carrying my full memory, youre far away.12、没有爱,你注定挤不进他的生命。No love, you are doomed to squeeze into hi

2、s life.13、远处的是风景,近处的才是人生。The distance is the scenery, near is the life.14、在下一个路口,思念某一种温度。At the next intersection, miss a certain temperature.15、是不是我比较坚强就活该受伤害。I was not strong it hurt.16、有时候一个人挺好,除了孤单点。Sometimes a person is very good, in addition to loneliness.17、我不允许任何人,抢走我在乎的人。I wont allow anyone

3、 to take the one I care about.18、没有什么过不去,只有再也回不去。Nothing can not go, only then can not go back.19、离开是为了被挽留。多么可笑的话。To leave is to be detained. What a funny word.20、回忆还是温热的,但承诺已经冷却了。Memories are warm, but the promise has cooled.21、明明不爱,为什么分来我却还是哭了!Clearly dont love, why is it I still cry!22、分手,所有的理由终究

4、都会成为借口。Break up, all the reasons will eventually become an excuse.23、这一鬓斑白是为你洗脱了他人的目光。This is another gray temples eluting eyes for you.24、别爱上不该爱的人,别在意那虚伪的心疼。Dont fall in love with the love of the people, do not care about the hypocrisy of love.25、或许我们都太过年轻说过的话经不起考验。Maybe we are too young to say can

5、 not stand the test.26、别人一个小小动作就让我想起你很久很久。Someone else a little action reminds me of you for a long time.27、我羡慕过很多人,因为他们的陪伴够久够真。I envy a lot of people, because they have enough for long enough.28、我承认我犯错,错在爱你,更错在相信了爱。I admit that I make mistakes, I love you, but I believe in love.29、我这样是何必?拿笑脸给你,你还白脸

6、给我。Why should I do that? Take the smile to you, you give me.30、人最心烦的是没有了青春,却还拥有青春痘。The most upset is not the youth, but also has acne.31、恋爱的时候我是个傻子,分手后我成了疯子。I was a fool when I was in love, and I became a madman after breaking up.32、这么执着的爱着你,是出自爱情还是不甘心。So persistent love you, is from the love is not

7、 willing to.33、不是我不找你,而是我发现你不太想搭理我!I dont find you, but I found that you dont want to talk to me!34、我不会为了谁而改变自己,谁,当然也包括你。Im not going to change who I am, who, of course, also includes you.35、流年里的忧伤,开在了夏季阳光最明媚那一天。In the fleeting sadness, opened in the summer sun is the most beautiful day.36、有些事不像沙岸上的

8、脚迹,海水一来就能抹平。Some things like sand on the track, the sea would be smooth.37、我才发明不是我记性好,是我的影象中只有你。I found that my memory is not good, my memory only you.38、在你的微笑里我才有了呼吸,为什么你总在哭泣。I can breathe in your smile, why do you always cry.39、如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。If you cant forget yesterday, you wont have a be

9、tter tomorrow.40、我就是一个无缘无故的人,我是一个很悲伤的人。I am a person of no reason, I am a very sad person.41、灰尘迷离我的双眼,酿成沙砾,笼罩了全部长短。The dust blurred my eyes, causing gravel, covers the entire length.42、不经意的某一天,你不经意间成为我全部的心事。Casual one day, you inadvertently become all my worries.43、每個犯賤的女人背後,都有一個傷她最深的男人。Behind every

10、 bitchy woman, there is a most of the men hurt her.44、我是风,永远没有方向。你是水,永远不会受伤。I am the wind, there is no direction. You are the water, never get hurt.45、总要经历一些背叛一些心酸,才能把人心看明白。Total want to experience some betray some sad, to make people understand.46、我不想逃,平静就好,我知道你的味道抹也抹不去。I do not want to escape, cal

11、m and good, I know you do not wipe the taste of the wipe.47、青春是一道明媚的忧伤,我没哭,可是眼泪流下来了。Youth is a beautiful sadness, I did not cry, but the tears streaming down.48、原来心疼,是这样的;催眠自己,告诉自己,有幸福。The original love, is such; hypnosis themselves, tell yourself, there is happiness.49、男生的花心是女人的犯贱,女人的花心是男人的自愿。Male

12、flower is a womans heart is bitchy, woman man voluntarily.50、你再也看不到我的悲伤,因为我隐藏的是那么无所谓。You cant see my sadness again, because I hide it so it doesnt matter.51、要爱就爱,不爱就不爱,何必要爱不爱,要离不离的。To love, love, love is not love, why should love not love, to stay away from the.52、有时候我可以看得很淡然,有时候我去执着的有些不堪。Sometimes

13、I can see very indifferent, sometimes I go to the persistent some unbearable.53、勇敢的离开,就像风筝那样,飞向,蓝得那么灼热的天。Brave left, just like a kite, fly to the blue so hot days.54、青春就像一个残酷的童话,笑话一般上演着一个个闹剧。Youth is like a cruel fairy tale, the joke is generally staged a farce.55、当一个人不再拥有的时候,唯一可以做的就是不要忘记。When a per

14、son is no longer have, the only thing you can do is not to forget.56、既然不能够相守,就让那份情感留在心田,留在回忆中。Now that cant be, let the feeling in the heart, stay in memory.57、不属于我的东西,我不要。不是真心给我的东西,我不要。t belong to me, I dont want to. Not true to me, I do not.58、我们的爱终究变成了回忆,曾经的至死不渝早以挥之不去。Our love becomes a memory, o

15、nce in early will never change until death.59、我已经超出想象的在乎你,咆哮着哭泣着,内心也在颤抖。I have been beyond the imagination of care about you, roaring cry, the heart is trembling.60、陪伴是一种太过奢求的存在,谁都可以离开,不说一句告别。There is a luxury too there, who can leave without saying goodbye.61、心微动奈何情己远,物也非,人也非,事事非,往日不可追。But love has

16、 far heart fretting, content is not, nor the people, everything can not recover the past.62、我们像两颗相隔遥远的星球,在不同的轨道运行,独善其身。We like the two distant planet in orbit, alone.63、曾经试着用微笑细数你给的伤,无奈最后泪却随微笑流出眼眶。Tried to smile if you hurt, but the final tears with eyes.64、如果有一天,我彻底的在你的世界里消失,你会不会想起有我。If one day, I

17、completely disappear in your world, you will not think of me.65、什么是多余,冬天的棉袄,夏天的蒲扇,等我心冷后你的殷勤。What is more, the summer winter jacket, the fan, my heart is cold after your hospitality.66、我会年夜风雅方的从你的天下里走出去,坦然面临极新的糊口。I will wind ya party out of your world, face new life.67、我有一个愿望,我希望你不开心的时候能找到我让我哄你开心。I h

18、ave a wish, I hope you are not happy when you can find me let me make you happy.68、怀念那段我们之间最纯真的流年,我奢侈,希望我们不再有隔阂。Remember that the most innocent time, I hope our luxury, we no longer have the estrangement.69、偶尔要回头看看,否则永远都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了什么。Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know w

19、hat you have lost in the way of forever searching.70、我只想带着这与任何人任何事无关的爱情,走去一个人的天荒地老。I just want to take this has nothing to do with anyone any love, go to a man of the earth.71、你说很好可是为什么你还要离开我,我不要其他人我的心里只有你。You said it was very good, but why do you have to leave me, I do not want other people my hear

20、t only you.72、你曾经所说的地老天荒,如今已经不屑一顾,究竟是我不值还是你不配?You said once The end of life now, whether I am not worth a contemptuous disregard, or you dont deserve it?73、这种天气能约出来的人都是真爱,这种天气还披着头发的姑娘都是真英雄。This weather can be about out of the people are true love, this kind of weather is also dressed in the hair of

21、the girl is a true hero.74、时光的流逝,可以使人淡忘很多往事,但彼此间的爱意,却永远都不会磨灭。The passage of time, can make people forget a lot of things of the past, but the love between each other, will never die.75、因为你的回复太慢了,为了平等,即使想秒回,我也会故意过一段时间再回复。Because your reply is too slow, in order to equal, even seconds back, I would de

22、liberately over a period of time to reply.76、痛是理所当然,当我们在为爱而惨,当你说勉为其难,不如我们现在好好的散。The pain is behoove when we are in love, and miserable, when you say little, as we now have scattered.77、你好陌生人,是否还再为爱肝肠寸断,我告诉你,根本没有爱这回事,都是空想。Hello stranger, whether to love heart, I tell you, theres no such thing as love

23、, is a fantasy.78、喜欢就喜欢了,心被牵动,无须理由,爱上你是我的自由,请打开窗口,让我的灵魂与你的灵魂相拥。Like love, the heart was affected, without reason, fell in love with you is my freedom, please open the window and let my soul and your soul to embrace.79、想爱不能爱才最寂寞,我试着勇敢一点,可我无法面对镜中颤抖的双眼,所以只能跟靠近我的每个人说再见。Love can not love like the most lo

24、nely, I tried to be brave, I can not face the mirror shivering eyes, so close can with I say goodbye to each person.80、如果生活的洪流注定我们分开,请你把我彻底忘记,勇敢地去寻找另一个开始,而我,却在此生将你悄悄想念。If the torrent of life is doomed to separate us, would you please take me completely forget, bravely to find another beginning, and I, but in this lifetime will you quietly miss.

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