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1、court n.庭院,法庭,球场.;take possession of 占有 ;specialize in专门从事; embark on开始,着手; state adj. 国有的,政府的;57. “Viager” in the passage means .A) money earned by selling the property of the aged peopleB) the way of disposing of the house of the old peopleC) practice of converting property into private pension D)

2、 old-age pension provided by Social Security58. The old people in France .A) depend on viagerB) have to advertise their property for volunteersC) sell their property at willD) can sell their property because they are advancing in ages59. The old people who take up viager .A) must be the residents in

3、 ParisB) are all unmarriedC) can also get benefits form the governmentD) must seek for help from the lawyers in Paris60. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A) Advertisement of viager can be easily found in any ad edition of French newspaper.B) The old people who take up viager h

4、ave to pay tax.C) Because viager is prevailing now, the government begins to reduce the social welfare.D) Lawyers who help handle viager have to act secretly.61. The most appropriate title of the passage would be .A) A Strange Practice B) A Fair Exchange C) Old People in France D) A Wise Decision这是一

5、篇说明文,主要介绍法国老年人退休后,如果没有子女继承财产,他们可以采取 “自助式养老计划”来确保他们在有生之年能有人赡养。他们去世后,赡养者则可以享有他们的房产。采取了“自助式养老计划”的老人同样可以获得政府的救助金。57. C; 题干中定位信标词“viager”在文中指“获取养老金的做法”即“一种使你的房子增值,让他变成自助式老年退休金计划的方法”B项信息不全,还应包括地产,为干扰项。58. C; 推理判断题。文中虽没有直接说明这一点,但根据常识,任何人都有权自由处置自己的财产,老年人也不例外,所以老人可以自愿卖掉财产,也可采用“viager”方式安度晚年。59. C; 题干中的定位信标词位

6、take up viager, 与第二段最后一句关联(没有什么能妨碍那些接受自助式老年退休计划的老人们全额享受法国政府的救助金)。B项概括过头,A,D是主观臆断,60. B; 题干无中定位信标词,语义理解题。主要考查第二段中的 “included in French income-tax regulations(也写进了法国的所得税法规中)”的理解。该部分意思表明以viager方式获得的收入要缴所得税。AC干扰项,第二段第一句“政府老年救助金的范围在增加”说明C错误,D文中未提及。61. B; 主题归纳题。文章讲的是提供viager与接受viager的人之间的一种交易。赡养者先尽赡养老人之责,

7、老人去世后,赡养者得到房产作为回报,这是公平交易。Passage twoThe nations popular warm-weather spots have proved to be hospitable environments for the permanent and transient retirement communities that have flourished there in the past thirty years. But the best year in the Sunbelt may already be behind us. Florida has not

8、experienced a destructive hurricane since these retirement developments sprang up, and a big one is overdue, as is a catastrophic earthquake in southern California. Retirees in Arizona may rejoice in their rock gardens, which finally conquer the crabgrass(一种杂草) enemy of their younger years. But they

9、 are also discovering that their water supply, which they took for granted where they came from, can be terribly finite.As development pushes into new areas, we can expect Mother Nature to put up considerable resistance. Its not just alligators(美洲鳄鱼) foraging (草料) in Florida backyards. In New Port R

10、ichey, Florida, a retirement community was overrun by black toads. “The whole yard looks like its moving,” one of communitys administrators admitted. “They just completely cover everything. Its unreal.”These areas are experiencing enormous growth as much because of thriving economies as because of t

11、he migration of older people. With that growth has come air pollution and busy traffic. In Arizona, zoning bodies have begun to put strict limits on new trailer parks. Florida may eventually have to take even more drastic measures to halt growth. Should present trends continue, “by 2020 it will take

12、 44 lanes to carry the traffic on 1-95 from Miami to Ft. Lauderdale,” according to Daniel P. Moynihan, the United States expert on public works. “Pretty soon there wont be anything left of Florida!” 词汇:Spot n.斑点,地点v.发现;hospitable好客的,宜人的;permanent持久的,永久的;transient短暂的,瞬时的;flourish v.繁荣,兴旺;spring up萌芽,

13、(雨后春笋般)出现,跳起来;overdue过期的,迟到的;rejoice v.使高兴,欣喜;finite有限的,限定的;put up resistance to抵抗;overrun v&n.泛滥,蹂躏.;toad蟾蜍;thriving 繁荣的兴盛的;trailer拖车,汽车拖的居住车;drastic猛烈的,激烈的;halt 停止,终止62. The retirement communities flourish .A) because the best years have passedB) because hurricane never invaded the communities C)

14、because of economics and old people rushing inD) because grass enemy had been conquered63. In the fist paragraph the author tells us .A) people are eager to move in the nations warm weather sportB) every part of the nation does not have warm weatherC) Florida faces sea, but no hurricane has visited

15、the stateD) retirees in Arizona always have the problem of thriving grass in the garden64. The last sentence of the second paragraph “its unreal” means .A) its nonsense B) it seems true but incredible C) its exaggerated too much D) its as if imaginary65. Which at the following is NOT true according

16、to the passage?A) The author compares the old people to a certain kind of birds.B) The people in the Arizona retirement community also had problem of water in their original placesC) Mother Nature has to be tough to endure mans abuse.D) Florida tried to limit its growth just for the sake of Florida

17、itself.66. What do you think is the best title for the passage? A) Mother Nature. B) Retirement Community.C) Floridas Favorable Weather. D) Natural Limits. 这是一篇说明文,主要介绍美国南部的阳光地带弗罗里达州是适宜退休老人居住的好地方。退休老人聚集区也发展得很好,但风光不再。虽然他们在庭院里征服了各种杂草,但却出现了黑色蟾蜍满地爬的现象,水供应也不是他们过去想象的不成问题。退休老人的到来导致了当地的繁荣,同时也带来了交通的拥挤和空气的污染。

18、这是人们非常担忧的问题。62. C; 题干中的定位信标词位the retirement communities flourish,与文章第三段首句关联。与these areas are experiencing enormous growth 意思相同。同义转述题。第三段首句兴盛的原因是 “由于经济的繁荣和退休老人的到来,这些地区在快速成长”。B弗罗里达没有遭受飓风破坏,并非老人社区繁荣的原因。63. B; 第一段与第一句可知“不是全美国到处都有warm weather”Sunbelt指美国南部阳光充足的地带,B半否定句,C项干扰方式概括过头,“自从退休开发区出现以来弗罗里达没有遭受毁灭性的飓

19、风”D与第一段中的conquer the grass enemy不符。64. D; 定位信标词its unreal 与第二段末尾关联。语义理解题。Unreal 有“虚构的”之意。文章说toads爬满了整个院子,这种现象不像是实实在在的情况,人们简直不相信自己的眼睛,不相信这是真的。65. B; 同义转述题。第一段最后一句的意思是:他们发现现在的供水极为有限,而过去的居住地,他们把水看成理所当然的事。根据句中的which(water supply)they took for granted得出:他们过去没有供水限制的问题。66. D; 定位信标词best title,需读完整文后全面考虑。主题归

20、纳题。由于经济的不断和老年人的涌入,退休社区越来越繁荣。人们希望“自然母亲”能有更强的承受力,然而,大自然的承受力是有限的。AB两项干扰方式为:题目太大、范围太大;C项是文章提及的社区发展的一个因素。Test 2Passage One Commercials for fast food hamburgers are ubiquitous(无处不在的) on television, but French fries dont get nearly as much love.On Monday, however, Wendys will announce the details of a nati

21、onal marketing plan for its new recipe(食谱,方法) for French fries, “Fries,” said Ken Calwell, the chief marketing officer at Wendys, “is something we hadnt been a leader in the past.”For the last year, the company has been examining its product line for opportunities to promote food made with more natu

22、ral ingredients, Mr. Calwell said. Now Wendys fires are thinner and crisper than the current fries.The idea is to provide and alternative to McDonalds, which has long been the leader in French fry sales. The Wendys campaign, which begins on Nov.29, includes two television spots and the cost of the c

23、ampaign is estimated to be $25 million.One spot was filmed on a beach in Los Angeles and shows a line of people waiting to taste the new fries. When the man at the head of the line doesnt share his fries, the crowd chases him down the beach.“When something is really good, you dont necessarily want t

24、o share it so easily,” said Linda Kaplan Thaler, the chief executive of he Kaplan Thaler Group in New York, a Public Group agency and the agency of record for Wendys.The campaign includes two radio commercials that will air nationally, as well as billboards(广告牌) around the country. The digital campa

25、ign includes the use of the Wendys Web site, a Twitter account, a Facebook fan page and digital banner ads. The companys You Tube channel will feature an ad for the fries and the background of the Wendys Twitter account page will also feature art for the fries and a “Fry for All” app will let users

26、select a box of fries that they can post on their Facebook page, so they can “share” fries with their friends.(翻译:公司的YouTude频道将会有一薯条的专题广告,温迪国际快餐连锁集团的Twitter 记载页面的背景也会给薯条赋予艺术的美感,一个“给大家的薯条”的计算机应用程序将让用户选择一盒他们在Facebook页面邮购的薯条,这样他们就能与朋友“分享”薯条了。)Commercial n.商业广告,adj.商务的,商业的; alternative adj. 供选择的;交替的二中择一;供替代的选择;campaign n.活动,战役;banner n.横幅57. Whats the implied meaning of the first paragraph?A) People like French fries as much as fast food hamburgers. B) People can find many commercials for French fries on TV. C) People can find

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