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1、A. forget; remind B. have forgotten, tell C. forgot; inform D. forgot; notice 7. Who else can I _for help, if not _?A. count on; he B. account on; him C. rely on; he D. depend on; him 8.The news shocked the public, _ to great concern about students safety at school.A. having led B. led C. leading D.

2、 to lead 9. What you said at the meeting was not quite _. To many audience, it was totally _. A. in the place; out of the place B. in place; out of place C. in the place; out of place D. in place; out of the place 10. She likes to have everything in place so that she can _them when they are needed.

3、A. have a hand in B. place hands on C. put her hands on D. lay her hand on11. Knowing how to apply first aid really _ in case of emergency. It can save lives. A. makes difference B. has a difference C. makes a difference D. is different 12. Jane told me she would not attend the conference _ .A. if h

4、e invited B. when inviting C. unless invited D. while inviting13. _more attention, the trees would have grown better. A. Given B. Being given C. Having given D. Give 14. When the housewife returned home, she was _ to see a stranger _on the sofa, _ and asleep. A. surprised; seating; drunk B. surprisi

5、ng; seated; drinking C. surprised; drunk D. surprising; sitting;15. It was too noisy outside. Not until _ at the top of my voice _ his head.A. I shouted; did he turn B. I shouted; had he turnedC. did I shout; D. had I shouted; he turned16. _ that you are ten minutes late for the meeting?A. How about

6、 B. What about C. How e D. How happened 17.The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune _.A. is made B. would make C. was to be made D. had made18.As a teacher, I often meet some cases _ a lot of sudents lose interest in studies.A.which B. that C. where D. what 19.At th

7、e meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River_, one of the ten largest cities in China.A.lies Chongqing B. Chongqing lies C.does lie Chongqing D.does Chongqing lie 20.Solittle_agreeontheplanthattheycouldnotsettledifference.A.did C.did D.二完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项

8、(A、B、C、和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并写在答题卡上。One day last month after I received my salary,(薪水) I went shopping with my little son. 21 in the crowded store, I had my pocket 22 and my whole salary was gone with it. I was so angry that I almost lost 23 of myself. We were not very rich. The money was 24 not a sm

9、all sum for my family. It would 25 our life greatly. What could I do? How could I tell my wife? I felt very sad and even 26 for losing the money and had no choice but go back home. In order to make up for my 27 mistake, I gathered all my strength to give our house a thorough cleaning and then 28 a w

10、onderful meal and cooked a special dish my wife loved to 29 her.When she came home, I gavea smile to 30 her. She was surprised to see the neat house and delicious meal. I told my story 31 while we were sitting at the table eating. To my 32 ,she did notrespond immediately. It was as if she had not he

11、ard my 33 .“Ive lost my salary,” I murmured to her again.“I see,” she did not shout at me as I had 34 . She didnt lose her 35 . So I was afraid she was trying hard tocontrol her 36 . A moment later, my wife was still 37 and seemed to be enjoying her favorite dish. At last I could not help 38 , “Ive

12、lost the money. Why not shout at me?” 39 her eyes, she looked at me and said, Oh, on the contrary, Im thinking about how to40 you. Itsthe thiefwho is to blame.21. A. UnluckilyB. UnlikelyC. UnusuallyD. Unfairly22. A. robbedB. scratchedC. pickedD. stolen23. A. thrillB. wayC. heartD. control24. A. rare

13、lyB. purelyC. partlyD. really25. A. forbidB. sufferC. affectD. improve26. A. tenseB. worriedC. ashamedD. guilty27. A. unforgivableB. unforgettableC. unbelievableD. unbearable28. A. preparedB. servedC. deliveredD. provided29. A. convinceB. confuseC. pleaseD. inspire30. A. meetB. greetC. adoreD. deman

14、d31. A. swiftlyB. deeplyC. deliberatelyD. nervously32. A. amusementB. surpriseC. reliefD. disappointment33. A. reasonsB. informationC. messageD. words34. A. expectedB. experiencedC. wishedD. witnessed35. A. tearsB. temperC. emotionD. interests36. A. authority(权威)B. smileC. desireD. anger37. A. silen

15、tB. steadyC. quietD. calm38. A. showingB. expressingC. askingD. clarifying39. A. OpeningB. RaisingC. MovingD. Shutting40. A. scoldB. punishC. fortD. discourage三阅读理解(40分)第一节:基础阅读。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(每题2分,共26分) A Anita is a 28-year-old designer. She works at home and she doesnt meet any

16、people. Two months ago Anita saw an advertisement for a puter dating organization. She decided to try and find a boyfriend by puter. She filled in the organizations questionnaire and paid five pounds. Two weeks later she received a phone-call from her first date. Anita told me what happened. Im a ve

17、ry shy person. I wrote in the questionnaire that I wanted somebody very different from me.Somebody finds conversation easy. Somebody is an extrovert(性格外向的人). I met this man sent by the organization in a restaurant the following day. It was terrible. He was so shy he didnt talk to me all evening. Eve

18、ry time he looked at me, his face turned red. The second man sent to her was worse than the first. Anita is quiet. She likes films, plays, reading, listening to classical music. She doesnt smoke or drink. He was a tall, chain-smoking sports fan who spent all his spare time in public. He told me that

19、 he hated all the things I love. It was pletely crazy. Anita said. She has now told the organization not to sent any more puter boyfriends.41. Anita is unmarried because _. A. she is too old to marry B. she is unwilling to get married C. she has no chance to meet people D. she never loves any man42.

20、 She decided to find a boyfriend with the help of _. A. her friends B. her relatives C. her parents D. a machine43. Anita wants to find a boyfriend who is _her. A. as shy as B. quite different from C. almost like D. as old as44. The man was a chain-smoker. He _. A. smoked one cigarette after another

21、 B. hated smoking C. seldom smoked D. had given up smoking45. According to Anita, the puter is _. A. scientific B. successful C. believable D. not believableBPeople today expect to be examined when they enter a doctors office. At least they expect their blood pressure and temperature to be measured.

22、 However, as recently as two hundred years ago, a doctors treatment depended on talking with patients. In general, the munication between doctors and their patients was the most important part of medical methods. The modem age of medicine began with the stethoscope ,an instrument for listening to pa

23、tients heartbeat and breathing. Before that, a doctor did not touch a patient. In fact,there was no such things as a medical examination. The stethoscopeand all other medical instruments-had a serious effect, on the practice of medicine. Doctors became better at finding the medical problems. More li

24、ves were saved. At the same time, doctors gave less importance to the munication between patients and doctors. Some doctors actually stopped talking to their patients. It is easy to understand why some sick people thought themselves as broken machines. 46. A stethoscope can be used to_. A. check hea

25、lth conditions B. cure some illness C. measure temperature D. treat heart disease 47. Doctors gave less importance to the munication between patients and doctors mainly because_. A. modern medical instruments were used B. they could cure more diseases and save more lives C. they had much more medica

26、l experience than before D. they were too busy to have time to talk with patients 48. Some sick people thought of themselves as broken machines, which suggested that_. A. modern doctors should treat their patients as machines B. the level of the treatment was greatly improved C. they thought they we

27、re useless just like broken machines D. they were not satisfied with the manner in which doctors treated them 49. The best title for this passage should be_. A. Medical Methods of Two Hundred Years Ago B. The Development of Medical Methods C. The Modem Age of Medicine D. The Use of the Stethoscope C

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