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1、s why were telling you about it. So thats decided then. Lets make a list of things we need to do.ll do that. One of the first things we should do is choose the charity. Yes. And choose a day for the event. And we need to design the sponsorship form. Ive got one here. That looks fine, but we must cha

2、nge the wording. Who wants to do that?ll do that. What have we got so far? Choose a charity. Also a day for the event. Change the wording on the sponsorship form. Um . We have to decide where the punt will start from. Cherwell Boathouse, no question! Its a very beautiful route from here, apparently.

3、m with you on that. Me too . m not used to boats Woah! Whoops! Watch out! You nearly hit me with that thing! Sorry! I didnt mean to. . OK, were off! Maybe I should do the punting. Its fine. Ive got the hang of it now give me a chance. Well, Id like to have a go. Supposing I do the first hour. Then y

4、ou can take over for a while, if you want to. Yes, great. Youre really good at it, Mark! This is fantastic!s exactly how I imagined life here! Look over there isnt it lovely! Yes, it is. . Kate, everythings organized, isnt it, for collecting the sponsorship money? Yes, Ive arranged for people to get

5、 the money to me by next Friday if they havent paid online. Ill count it all up. Good. Wed better have a meeting soon after that, dont you think? How much have we raised? About 600. Fantastic!m so enjoying this! Hey guys, Ive got a suggestion how about moving over to the bank and we can have our pic

6、nic! Hey, look, theres Louise and Sophie! Whoo .Girls: Mark! Are you all right? Er . Of course Im all right. Kate, I think its your turn to punt! Come in. Hey, Janet. Hi Kate, are you busy?m just doing an essay. But its great to see you. So whats new? Well, nothing much. You look a bit fed up. Whats

7、 bugging you? Well, I had a phone call from my parents and it made me feel homesick. It happens every time they call, and it gets me down.m sorry to hear that. I know how you feel. I love speaking to my mum and dad, but I always feel miserable after the call. My dad doesnt say much, and I want to sp

8、eak to him, but I wish I knew what to say. Dont let it get to you. My dad doesnt say much on the phone either. I call, he answers the phone, and says, Hi, Ill pass you to your mother.s really irritating. But I miss him and my mother a lot, and I like to hear his voice. Just tell him what youre up to

9、. Sometimes I feel as if I made a mistake leaving home and coming to Oxford. Sometimes I feel like a moody teenager. Try not to worry about it, Janet. Its normal to feel like that. I understand how you feel, but I bet everything will be fine next term. Youll get used to it. Hey, why dont you do what

10、 I do? What When my dad calls, I ask him for more money! He usually says no, but at least I get to hear his voice! Maybe. Im sorry to take up your time, Kate, but I must go now. Bye! Wait a minute .! I think I may have upset Janet last night. What happened? She came to see me. I was busy doing an es

11、say but I was really pleased to see her. Shed had a call from home, and said she was feeling homesick. Poor kid! It must be tough when you guys living so far away from home. I tried to make her laugh, told her not to worry about it, and that it was normal to feel miserable. Suddenly she looked miser

12、able, and then she got up and said, I must go now and left my room. It was really sudden. I felt as if Id said something wrong. Maybe she was just being polite. It was probably because she realized you were working and didnt want to disturb you. I just wonder if she found it difficult to talk about

13、her feelings with me. Maybe I shouldnt have tried to make her laugh? Perhaps she thought I wasnt taking her seriously. I wouldnt worry about it. Put yourself in her shoes. How would you feel if you were a student at college in China? I know. Thats why I feel bad. If only she had stayed longer! I wis

14、h I could have helped her more. Hey, everyone! Hi Janet, you look cheerful!ve just got my essay back. I got an alpha minus! What an amazing grade! Well done.m really happy for you, Janet. I feel on top of the world! So, what did you think of the movie? It was good but I thought it was too long. Yes,

15、 me too. Hey, wheres my bike? I dont believe it!s gone! It was next to mine, you chained it up! Someones stolen it! Oh, how could they! Oh, Kate! How could someone have done this! The creep!s a really mean thing to do, steal a bike. It was a mountain bike and it cost a fortune I dont have the money

16、to buy another one. Listen, Ill go down the street and see if I can see anyone with it. Why dont you go into that shop and see if theyve seen anything suspicious?ll be back in a minute. OK. Well? No luck. What did they say in the shop? I asked the shopkeeper if shed seen anything And? She said she h

17、adnt. I guess it was a long shot. She advised me to report it to the police. But according to her, bikes get stolen all the time around here. Listen, lets get back so you can report got no bike. Im just so upset!s not far to college. Come on!Ready So did you ring the police? Yes. I went to the

18、 police station to report it. What did they say? No ones found it. This woman said that Oxford has the fifth highest rate of bike theft in the country!re joking!s what she said. What else did she say? She told me that sometimes you do get bikes back the thieves use them and then abandon them, appare

19、ntly, and then people find them and report them. So you might get it back. I hope so, Mark, I really do. Its just too much, you know? But . um . what else? She told me to go to this sale they have of abandoned bikes. She thinks I might find it there. But its only every two months, I cant wait till t

20、hen! Honestly, Mark, Im really furious! You can always buy a cheap bike on eBay. Hello . Speaking . You found it! Where was it? Is it .? Oh, thats fantastic news! There was a lamp and a basket on it . Right . OK, thank you, Ill be in tomorrow morning to pick it up. Unbelievable! This guy found it! B

21、rilliant! Was that the police? Yes. What they said was, someone dumped it outside this guys backyard.s so strange! The lamps been stolen and the basket. Forget about it! Youre lucky to get it back! This is just so crazy! What? This story Im reading. So tell us. A man within a wheelchair crossing the

22、 road in front of a lorry at some traffic lights. Somehow, the back of the wheelchair got stuck on the front of the lorry. When the lorry started moving, it took the wheelchair and the man with it! The driver drove for several miles at 80 kilometres an hour before he stopped at a garage. The man was

23、 unhurt because his seat belt had stopped him falling out. What a terrible story! Thank goodness the man was all right! The police asked the driver if hed realized he had a passenger. The driver said he had no idea at all. Do you want to hear another one? A funny one this time. Go on. A woman report

24、ed that her car had been stolen and that shed left her mobile phone in the car. The policeman suggested calling the mobile. When he did, the thief answered it. The policeman told the thief that he was answering an ad in the paper and that he wanted to buy the car. And the thief agreed to sell it! He

25、 didnt! So they arranged to meet and the thief was arrested and the woman got her car back. A happy ending! You get these great stories in the papers I always read them.Voice on radio: The news at one oclock. Tornadoes have damaged homes in Northern England. There is still no news of missing company

26、 director, Alan Marsden.Scientists claim that global warming is accelerating.There are reports coming in of more fighting in . Do you mind if I turn it off?s fine, I wasnt listening. Do you follow the news? Yeah, I do. But I dont often listen to the radio, I mostly get my news online. Do you? Yes, I read articles from different papers. My dad does got used to reading real newspapers. You should try reading the news online. You get lots of differ

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