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1、ABCDPacific.D错,应改为those。D指代复数名词waters, it是单数,显然是错误的,根据习惯故改为those。注意waters一词并没有错,它指江湖河海中的大片水域,可用复数形式。Water作为水是不可数名词,waters表示水域,通常使用复数形式,作主语谓语动词用复数。Work作为工作是不可数名词,work作为作品,可数不可数都可以,例如: Many of his works= much of his work, work都表示作品In 1920 the presidential candidate Warren Harding coined Athe word“norm

2、alcy”(常态)to express social andB economic conditions they promised the nation.CDD错,应改为he。动作promised是由Warren Harding发出来的,故用第三人称单数he来指代。Many critics believe that Amy Lwell s most important Awork is not poetry, but his biography, JohnBC Keats, published the year of her death.DC错,应改为her。his指男性,显然是错误的,应改为

3、her与后面的her同指Amy Lowell.(四) Who和which的区别which指代事物或者动物,who指代人who/whom son往往要改为whose son, whose可以指代事物The human body contains more than six hundred muscles who A B account for approximately forty percent of the body weight.CDB错,应改为which或that。先行词不是指人,而是指物,关系代词不能用who,故改为which或that。人体前面加定冠词the, account for

4、 占有多大的比例,解释说明(五) that和which的区别介词后面使用which, 而不用that,in that除外When television was first introduced, the extent to that it AB would affect society could not have been foreseen.CDB错,应改为which。The extent to which, 介词加which(引导定语从句),影响社会的程度没有被预见(六) 定语从句的特殊省略Reason后面有定语从句,中间往往省略why, Time后面有定语从句,中间往往省略when I

5、do remember the time I heard the sweetest voice in the wild world.way后面有定语从句,中间省略了in whichResearch on pain has been neglected, although the mainly AB reason people take medicine is to relieve pain.C DB错,应改为main。mainly为副词,不能个饰后面的名词,故改为形容词main。句子中people take medicine修饰reason,定语从句引导词被省略Commercial expan

6、sion from city to suburb hasaffected the way people in the United States-. (A) living and working (B) they live and work (C) live and work (D) to live and to work选择C, the way people.影响了人们生活和工作的方式。二、介词介词是考试中出现的比较多的一个部分,而其中考的最多的就是介词的固定搭配问题。由于篇幅问题,我们在这里仅仅举出几个例题,在说明书手册中我们完整的列出了所有的介词搭配,这些列出的搭配在以前的语法题中出现过

7、,只不过有的时候是正确的选项,有的时候重复考。(一) 介词搭配The teeth in the upper jaw function together those A BCin the lower jaw to cut, tear, and grind food.D和一起,应该为together with,C错The Allegheny (阿勒格尼河)Mountain range is rich of coal. A B CDB错改为be rich inThe rotation of the Earth on its axis is responsible to the ABCalternat

8、ion of periods of light and darkness.DC错,应改为responsible for。形容词responsible后接名词作宾语时要加介词for。(二) 最重要的两个介词1、介词of 多余或者遗漏Mosquitoes usually lay eggs, singly or in batches, on top stagnant water.ABCDD错,应改为top of stagnant。on top of 是因定表达法,意为“在上面”。Christopher Plummer is a Canadian actor who has AB starred in

9、 stage, television, and film productions onCboth sides the Atlantic Ocean.D错,应改为sides of the。 sides为名词,the Atlantic Ocean也是名词,中间明显少了一个介词。2、介词by一种情况表示被动,be+过去分词+by另一种表示通过的方式, by doingThe ceremony of marriage in the United StatesAB can be performed from a justice of the peace.C DD错,应改为performed by。谓语动

10、词是被动式,performed的动作执行者应该由介词by来引导。Along the east coast ,American Indian womens councils A could veto a declaration of war at refusing to B CD supply moccasins and field rations.D错,应改为by refusing。通过拒绝提供鞋子和粮食,表示通过某种方式做某事要用介词by,故将at refusing 改为by refusing。Algebra is the branch of mathematics concerned wi

11、th Aoperations on sets of numbers or other elementsBC that are often represented at symbols.DD错,应改为by。动作的发出者应该用介词by来引导。三、谓语动词(一) 谓语动词的主谓一致、主谓分割原则例1:To the citizens of the United States, the bald eagle, A Americas national bird, symbolize strength and freedom.BCDC错,应改为symbolizes。主语谓语用逗号分割开,主语the bald

12、 eagle为单数,谓语动词也应该用单数形式。、与后者一致原则notbut, 强调but后面的名词,not onlybut also、与前者一致原则名词+with/together with/as well as/including+复数名词,谓语用is, 中心词在前面,谓语动词应该与前面的名词保持一致 The athlete, together with his coach and ABCseveral relatives, are traveling to the Olympic Games.DD错,与谓语动词与the athlete 保持一致,改为is、就近原则or, eitheror,

13、 neithernor,单数名词+or+复数名词+are如果把句子变为一般疑问句,也就是把be动词提到前面,那么变为is所以注意一点: 如果是陈述句,靠后面近,用复数 如果是疑问句,靠前面近,用单数The structure or behavior of many protozoans(原生动物) are AB amazingly complex for single-celled animals. C DA错,应改为and。从谓语动词是复数形式判断,主语应该为复数,or连接两个名词时动词和后面的名词保持一致,behavior是用单数形式,因此只有改为并列连词and才能使主谓在数上保持一致。定

14、语从句主语就近原则There are five apples that are red.apples是复数,因此从句谓语动词是复数。A rocket burns propellant rapidly and most rocketsAcarry a supply that last just a few seconds.B C DD错,应改为lasts。从句的逻辑主语a supply为单数,其谓语动词应为单数形式。the +形容词主谓一致The rich are not always happier than the poor.The rich 表示一类人,应该用复数、倒装句的主谓一致改错题倒

15、装句的主谓一致一般考两种情况:a. there be 句型there be+名词+名词,那么最近的名词决定其形式b. between/ among 放在句首+be+名词,名词其实是主语,所以be和名词保持一致There are no known society in which left-handed people predominate.ABCD there be 句型由最近的名词决定其形式,society当然用单数,A错,there are 改为there isBetween the foothills of the Andes and the Pacific AB Ocean are a

16、 dry coastal strip averaging about 30 C miles in width.D倒装句,are改为isAmong the favorite attractions at the National Air and AB C Space Museum in Washington D.C. are the filmD presented on the five-story-tall screen.D错,应改为films , 主语实际上是名词,应该与谓语动词保持一致。、百分比结构的主谓一致fifty percent of + 名词one percent of + 名词谓

17、语动词的形式和百分比多少没有关系,主要取决于后面的名词,比如: one percent of my students + are fifty percent of my time is spent on working. 这里要强调两个结构half of =fifty percentmost of + 可数名词+ aremost of + 不可数名词+ isNearly half of the ancient meteor craters has been ABC found in central and eastern Canada. DC错,应改为have been。介词of的宾语为复数名

18、词短语,作主语的中心词half当然表复数,相应的谓语动词应为复数形式。Approximately fifty percent of the package utilized AB in the United States are for foods and beverages. C DA错,应改为packages。从谓语动词用复数形式判断出主语是复数名词。注意food用复数表示不同种类的食品,beverage用复数表示不同种类的饮料,故(C)、(D)均没有错。(二) 谓语动词的时态、主要考察时间状语例 The metal aluminum ljuminim has been first iso

19、lated early in the nineteenth century.A BCDMetal, aluminum同位语,in the nineteenth century为明显表示过去时间的状语, 因此应该用过去时态,把has been改为was、For和since的区别区别一:For 后面使用时间段,since 后面使用时间点区别二:Since 只能用在现在完成时态,For 最主要用在现在完成时和一般过去时 I has been a teacher for three years. I has been a teacher since 1996. I was a teacher for

20、three years.这种表达可以,for three years表示一段时间,was 表示过去做了三年,现在不是老师了 Since 1921 the budget of the United States becameABthe primary responsibility of the president.C DA错,应改 In. since一般要求主句用完成时态,而句中谓语动词为过去式,其时间状语应与之呼应,故改Since为In。Adella Prentiss Hrghes served as manager of A B C the Cleveland Orchestra since

21、 fifteen years.DD错,应改为for。since引导时间状语时,主句谓语动词为一般完成时;主句谓语动词为一般过去时要用介词for;而且一段时间用for, 而不是since。52. In general, prawns lived in shallow coastal waters or in streams. ABC D自然现象和客观事实用一般现在时态,live(三) 谓语的语态语态主要表示是主动语态还是被动语态。有四组动词是改错题中常考的:、prove My advice proved to be wrong. 我的建议被证明是错的尽管是被证明,但习惯上用主动;A majori

22、ty of the reports received from people claiming A to have seen the legendary Loch Ness Monster have proven to beBC mistakes, misconceptions, or they were being tricked.DD错,应改为tricks。并列连词 or在此连接名词,如果把D理解为并列句,不仅时态不对,语义也有问题,故将整个句子改为名词。have proven to be是正确的。、Locate,Situate这两个词可以用作主动,表示把放置在地方;确定的位置Bats locate obstacles.蝙蝠确定障碍物的位置这两个词也可以用作被动My school was located near the river.区分locate的主动和被动比较难,但是有一个技巧存在:locate如果用作主动,后面必须跟宾语The center of gravity of the human body - behind the hip joint.(A)locates (B)locating(C)to locate (D)is located 空格处显然缺谓语动词,故首先排除不能作谓语的B和C。动词locate后面没有宾语,所以用作被

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