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1、3. 现在完成进行时,以及现在完成时,不论其动作或状态在说话时已经完成还是延续到说话时刻并可能继续下去,都与现在时间有联系。如果与现在时间没有联系,那就要用一般过去时(Simple Past Tense)或过去进行时(Past Progressing Tense)。His sister has been a writer all her life. (含义是:她现在仍然是一个作家。)His sister was a writer all her life. (含义是:她现在不再写作了。He has been living in China for ten years. (含义是:他可能还住在中

2、国,也可能刚刚离开中国。He lived in China for ten years. (含义是:他现在已不在中国。同样的,如果用了与现在时间没有联系的确定的时间状语,也要用一般过去时或者过去进行时。 例如: Ive been all over Africa. 我去过非洲所有的地方。 I went all over Africa in 1965. 我在1965年走遍了非洲。 又例如: “You look tired.” - “Yes, Ive been working non-stop all day.” 我一整天都不停的在工作。“You look tired.”- “Yes. I was

3、working non-stop until seven oclock.” 我一直工作到七点。4. 相对于现在进行时(Present Progressing Tense)来说,现在完成进行时更强调动作对于现在的影响。I am sitting here right now.I have been sitting here for two hours.前一例的意思是“我现在正坐在这里”,暗含的意思可能是“你不能坐这儿了”;后一例的意思是“我已经在这里坐了两个小时了”,暗含的意思可能是“我坐得很累了”或者“我已经等了很久了”。5. “for一段时间”和“since时间点(或者表示过去时间的状语从句)

4、”都可以表示一段时间,常常用于完成时态,表示动作持续了多久。She has been learning to play the guitar for three years.She has been learning to play the guitar since 1996.She has been learning to play the guitar since she was ten years old. 一些词和词组的用法1.“for时间段”和“since时间点(或是时间状语从句)”表示的是一段时间,一般用在完成时态里。如果对这部分提问,应该用疑问词how long(多久)。而whe

5、n表示“当时候”,提问的是一个动作的时间点。How long have you been playing computer games?I have been playing computer games since 3 oclock / for two hours. When did you begin playing computer games? I began playing computer games at 3 oclock.2.raise 除了表示我们以前学过的“抚养”、“升起”的意思以外,这一课里我们还学习到它表示“筹(款)”“募捐”,它还可以表示“招(兵)”。 raise a

6、 loan 借款raise a regiment 招募一团兵 out of “用完”“用尽”They have run out of ink. 他们墨水用完了。 the way “顺便说一句”By the way, do you have any idea where the post office is?顺便问一下,你知道邮局在哪儿吗?5.share 作为动词,可以表示“分享”;作为名词,可以表示“股票”、“份额” Ill share the cost with you. 我会跟你分担费用。He had a large share in bringing it about.

7、 他在促成这件事上出了很大的一份力。6.go除了可以表示我们所熟知的“去”,还能用来表示“相配” 、“配合”、“起作用”、“行得通”This truth goes everywhere. 这个真理到哪里都行得通。Whatever he says goes. 他说到做到。Any other night goes, but not this night. 别的任何一个晚上都行,只有今晚不可以。7.each和every都可以表示“每一”、“每个”,但every更强调全体或全部,each更强调个体或各别。另外,every只能作形容词,each可以作形容词和代词。She knows every pupi

8、l of the class. 她认识班级里所有的学生。She knows each pupil of the class. 她认识班级里每一个学生。 另外,在现代英语里,常常用they、their这样的复数代词来指代each、every one。 Every one has their own dreams. 本周强化练习:一、根据句意和所给首字母,填写单词。1.Its quite dark outside. Its p_ 9 oclock in the evening.2.There are altogether seven p_ in this passage.3.I can s_ my

9、 lunch with you if you forget to bring yours.4.The cake t_ sour. It may have gone off.5.He likes collecting telephone cards. He is a telephone card c_.6.I like to travel around the world and try different foods of exotic f_.7.Did you n_ that Miss Green changed her hairstyle?8.Those peasants live in

10、a small v_ in the west.9.Wang Lin speaks English fluently. He sounds like n_ speaker.10.You need b_ and silk to make kites.二、读下列短文,并根据要求完成文后提出的任务。香港餐馆简介A. The Bookworm(书虫) CafeIf you are visiting Lamma Island(南亚岛), why not go and relax in a caf where you can eat healthy food and read lots of books a

11、nd magazines? The Bookworm Caf near Yong Shue Wan Pier(码头)is a good place. The caf serves healthy vegetarian food, salads and sandwiches and also makes its own cakes. One of the most popular cakes is the carrot cake. It is made with nuts, pieces of fruit and carrots, of course. To drink, there are f

12、resh fruit juices. One of the best is a mixture of ginger(姜), lemon and apple juice. If its cold outside and you need warming up, you could always try one of their homemade herb teas. Of course, if you prefer, there is English or Chinese tea. If youre relaxing on your own, there are lots of magazine

13、s and books to read. You can sit there for a couple of course with a herb tea and nobody will trouble you. You can also surf the Net as the caf has a computer. B. Komix KafeIf you are in Causeway Bay(铜锣湾)and want to eat at a restaurant, surf the Net and read comics(漫画), look for the Komix Kafe. (Yes

14、, you would have spelt it “Comics Caf”, Im sure!) Customers can use the computers for free and can also look through the comics from Jade Dynasty Publications. The manager says that Komix Kafe is different from other comics cafes; he thinks that it is important to serve really good food. All the dis

15、hes have names from the comics, so you should read the explanations! Popular dishes include(包括)chicken wings, and lobster(龙虾)soup. There are also plenty of good desserts. The Baked Alaska is a mixture of cream and egg whites and comes with a burning flame(火焰)on top!C. Goldfinch(金雀)RestaurantSome cus

16、tomers are happy that their favorite restaurant never changes. Such a restaurant is the Goldfinch restaurant which first opened its doors nearly 40 years ago. The manager refuses(拒绝)to change the 60s decor(装饰)! “We have customers who started coming here when they were young. Of course we change the

17、lights and wallpapers from time to time, but only when necessary. Its not just old people who visit the restaurant. Lots of young people come here too, including teenagers. They come in for a pepper steak(辣椒牛排)or a pork chop(猪排). They say that they like the prices too.” The restaurant serves steaks

18、and chops and sizzling platters(铁板烧的菜). The large servings mean that their customers never leave hungry, and dont return for more until they are hungry again!1. 你的朋友要做以下几件事情,请你帮他在上述三家餐馆挑选,哪些餐馆最适合做这些事,请在表格里划勾。A B C Where would you go1) - for a birthday meal?2) - for a light lunch?3) - to email a frie

19、nd in another country?4) - while out of town for the day?2. 下面有些文中单词或词语的解释,请你从上述三个文段中找出与之意思相同的词或词语。1) your hand and feet are cold (Text A) _2) people will not ask you to leave (Text A) _3) started its business (Text C) _4) the colors and furniture (Text C) _5) they think the restaurant isnt expensiv

20、e (Text C) _词汇小结:TitleHow long have you been collecting shells?Topic HobbiesFunctions Talk about how long you have been doing thingsStructuresPresent perfect progressiveSimple past tensePresent progressive tenseTarget languageHow long have you been skating?Ive been skating since nine oclock.When did

21、 you start skating?I started skating at nine oclock.Students are skating at the Hilltop School.Vocabularyinline skating, marathon, skate, stamp, shell, snow globe, pair since, collectingRecyclinglast year timesnumbersHow long student, school, birthday, penguin, hobby, kiteLearning StrategiesInducing

22、cooperatingWords and Expressions:(n. 名词 adj. 形容词 adv. 副词 v. 动词 prep. 介词 )单词/短语词性词义讲解与例句collectv.收集;搜集Do you like collecting stamps?你喜欢集邮吗?shelln.贝壳你收集贝壳有多久了?skate滑冰He loves roller skating. 他喜爱穿四轮滑冰鞋滑冰。inlineadj.一列式的inline skating 纵列式滑冰marathon马拉松赛a swimming marathon. 长距离游泳raise募集;筹措raise funds 筹集资金m

23、onster怪物;怪兽a sea monster 海怪The pumpkin is a real monster. 这南瓜可真大。probably或许;大概It will probably rain. 天很可能要下雨了。-Will it rain this afternoon?- Probably not.今天下午下雨吗? 大概不会。run out of用尽;缺乏Though they are running out of food and drink, the men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon.他们虽然已经水

24、尽粮绝,但情绪都很好,并且深信他们很快就会出来的。store储存;存放The shed will store 30 tons of coal.这个棚子能容纳30吨煤。room空间Theres no room for move. 没有挪动的空间。This desk takes up a lot of room. 这张课桌很占地方particularlyadv.特别地;显著地It is particularly hot today. 今天特别热。He isnt particularly clever but industrious.他并不特别聪明,但很勤奋。polar近极点的polar bear

25、北极熊Love and hatred are polar feelings.爱与恨是完全相反的感情。anyonepron.任何人Anyone can use the library here. 在这儿任何人都可以用图书馆。by the way顺便说一句By the way, what happened to the money?顺便问一句,那笔钱后来怎么样了?bamboo竹子a bamboo chair 竹椅common共同的;常见的a common cup 公用杯子Snow is common in cold countries. 在寒冷的国家雪是常见的。free无拘束的;自由的The pr

26、isoner wished to be free again. 囚犯希望重新获得自由。topic话题;题目It is a good topic for a composition.这是个好作文题目。be interested in对 感兴趣Are you interested in music?你对音乐感兴趣吗?I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!我只是对独坐孤舟无所事事感兴趣。Words from the readingparagraph(文章的)段;节Read from book, starting at the second paragraph. 念书,从第二段开始。share分享;共用We shared the sweets. 我们分吃了糖果。They share their joys and sorrows. 他们同甘共苦。Bill and Bob shared the work equally between them.比尔和鲍勃两人把工作平分了。taste品尝;尝起来Can I taste your drink?我可以尝一尝你的饮料吗?This tea tastes sweet. 这茶的味道很香。teach教;教授

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