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1、 C17.Most Swedes speak and understand _,so it is not necessary to have your business cards translated into Swedish.答案:C22.This is especially true in Japan, where the buiness card exchange is as _ as it gets anywhere in the world.答案:28.Never carry your business cards, or pl

2、ace another persons business card in a _ back pocket.答案:33.When you receive a _business card, unless you are fluent in _, read the English side first but definitely turn to the _ side for the reasons noted earlier.34.A Chinese Chinese ChineseB JapaneseJapaneseJapanese35.GermanyGermany36.

3、French French37.答案:38.Which style is widely used in business letters and personal-business letters 39. Style Style?40. Block Form with Indented Style? Block Style?41.answer:42._ put great stock in the exchange of business cards at the beginning of a meeting.43. 44.答案:A45.Business cards shoud be prin

4、ted in English on one side and Arabic on the other in_ .46. and other Arabian countries and Indonesia47.答案:48.In_ ,exchanging business cards is common among professional normally it is not the situation in social settings.49. 50.答案:51.In a business letter,the date line consists of the month,day and

5、is the right business style of date line 52. Feb 2011 February 2011 14,2011 14,2011答案:53.The salutation is written flush with the_margin _space or lines below the inside address.54. ,two ,one ,two ,one55.答案:56.In_ ,exchanging business cards is common among professional normally it is not the situati

6、on in social settings.57. 答案:58.In _, the gesture that people put the business card into a wallet and then put the wallet in the back pocket of his or her pants is not meant to be a sign of disrespect.59.A. JapanB. Indonesia60.C. Korea61.D. America62.答案:63.In the Islamic world, when presenting or re

7、ceiving a business card, using the _ hand is a good manner.64.A. LeftB. Right65.C. Left or right66.D. Left and right67.答案:68.One of your first impressions you will make on a foreign colleague is through your business card, and in many cultrues, especially in _, the exchange of business card is a mea

8、ningful ritual rather than a casual informality.69.A. Europe B. Asia 70.答案:71.When presenting your name card, make sure that the side using _is face up.72. mother lauguage lauguage of people who receive card73.答案:74.On the second line below the message, type a complimentary closing that is _to the t

9、one of the message .75.A. right B. appropriate C . suitable 76.答案:77.In Japan, you receive a business card from one of your colleague, then, you should_78. it in your pocket without reading it.79. it in your back pocket after you read it.80. it in your cardholder after you read it carefully.81. it i

10、n your cardholder without reading it.82.答案:83.In_, the business cards you received are often a bit larger than in other countries.84. B. America 85.答案86.When you receive someone elses business card you should( )87. put it into your back pocket88. pass them your business card89. at the card but say n

11、othing about it90. at the card and acknowledge it91.答案:92.The right way of writing date line in a business?is_.93.A. 2 14, 2010B. Feb 14, 2010C. 14 Feb, 2010D. February 14, 201094.right answer is D95.In _,business cards are exchanged after the initial introductions without formal ritual.96.B. Asia A

12、nswer: A97.In _,exchanging business cards is common among professional workers. But noamally it is not the situation in social settings.98.A. FranceB. Asia D. Australia99.Answer: D100.In_,business cards have no formal exchange protocol.101.A. FranceB. Asia D. South AfricaAnswer:102.What we shouldnt

13、do when meeting visitors at the airport103. send just a driver104. a translator if necessary105. a greeting sign106. the visitors name with a marking pen on carboard107.Answer:108.Giving a welcoming ceremony at the airport can enforce the idea that the visitors are entering a new culture not just a

14、business venture,usually the welcoming place is _.109. airport lobby110. private room off the crowds111. front of the aeroplane112.113.答案:114.A welcoming packet of information should be given to _ of the visiting group at the welcoming ceremony.115. director116. president117. general manager118. mem

15、bers119.答案:120.In a General Inquiry, a businessman states clearly all the information he needs. So which one is not belong to General Inquiry121. catalogue list book offer122.答案:123._ should be worn (even in hot climates) as a sign of professional respect.124. suits125.126.127. dress128.答案:129.Answe

16、ring some requests requires a substantial amount of time and effort,which statement belowing is NOT in accord with such a requisition130. may need to consult other members of your company to obtain the answers to some questions.131. may need to retrieve electronically stored data or search paper rec

17、ords.132. may need to do nothing.133. may need to obtain formal permission to release information that you have yourself.134.答案:135.If your request is prompted by an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine ,for example,give the_and _of the publication.136. , date , date ,name ,size137.答案:B?138.139.

18、_ shoud be done by menmber of the host team when people welcome a visitor at the airport.140. introductions? shaking? business cards141.答案:142.If your price are attractive, we will _ an order with you.143.144.答案:145.Likewise, years later, your corporation was late to embrace the_ for digital imagery

19、.146.147.答案:148.Structure aid for inquiry and reply contians the following ,except_.149. yourself s identification?150. inquiries or request the main points or urging for an reply151.答案:152.If the director, president, or general manager cannot be on hand for the greeting at the airport, send the ()

20、available.153. next highest official?154.answer:155.As the hosts, a welcoming packet of information should be given to ( ) members of the visiting group when meeting the visitors at the airport. few156.answer:157.When meeting the visitors at the airport in the morning, it is ( ) to extend a dinner i

21、nvitation with your visitorstiredness and jet lag in mind.158. good 159. bad idea 160.answer:161.After picking the visitors up at the airport, they should then be driven to their hotel (at( )expense)162.163. themselves or visitors hosts nor visitors164.answer:165.At the hotel, the visitors check-in

22、should be helped by ( ).166. one who made the reservation member of the host team visitors themselves hotel manager.167.answer:168.Person who usually welcomes and helps visitors and answers the telephone in an organization is known as a _.169.170.171. guard172.173.答案:174.At the end of an Inquiry, wh

23、ich sentence in the following is more appropriate_175.A. Thank you in advance.176.B. Thanks a lot.177.C. We trust that you will reply to us immediately.178.D. Contact us quickly.179.Answer:180.Be _careful to avoid demands and commands, long, involved sentences, patronizing statements, and so on. esp

24、ecially181. more especially182.183.答案:184.Express your appreciation in _ way, but do not thank the reader in advance. other189.答案:190.Visitors should arrive on time and be prepared _ a certain amount of ceremony before work begins.答案:196.In business culture, when

25、things go wrong in the hotel?in which the host arranges the visitors live, the visitors shold not_197.A. take full responsibility.198.B. attempt to blame the local staff.199.C. be willingness to be accountability.200.D. never reflect poorly on the host company.201.ANSWER:202.When meeting the visitor

26、s at the airport, which of the following actions is not a good manner in business culture( )203.A. Send the general manager to pick up the visitors.204.B. Hold a tasteful and professional looking greeting sign.205.C. Using computer laser print of the name in extra-large type.206.D. Write the visitor

27、s names with a marking pen on cardboard.207.ANSWER:208.TO make it easy for the reader to determine exactly what you want and to provide it quickly and accurately, you can_209.A. display different things in a numbered list.210.B. write the responsibility clearly.211.C. enclose a stamped envelope if n

28、ecessary212.D. all above213.ANSWER :214.If infirm or elderly members of the visiting team require immediate exit from the airport, let the hosts know well _.A in advance Bahead of time C bringforwardD ahead of scheduleanswer:215.In car etiquette,When a lady enter into a car,which is the correct posture216.A crawl into a car217.B put one foot into the car first ,and then another foot218.C let her hip onto the seat first ,and the

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