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本文(江苏省东台市第一教研片学年八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题 牛津版Word文件下载.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

江苏省东台市第一教研片学年八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题 牛津版Word文件下载.docx

1、A .She had a traffic accident. B. Her bike didnt work. C. She lost her car. 6.What time will they meet?A.1:15. B.1:30. C.1:45.7.Who is Lucy waiting for?A. Mr. Smith. B. Mrs. Smith. C. Mr. and Mrs. Smith.8.Why cant she go out for a walk?A. Because she is ill. B. Because she has some homework to do.C.

2、 Because she doesnt like walking.9.How old is Peter? A. He is twelve. B. He is five. C. He is seventeen.10.Does Mrs. Green like pork better than beef?A. Mrs. Green likes beef better than pork. B. Yes, she does. C. No, she doesnt.第二部分 听对话和短文答题(计10分) 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。 听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。答题完毕,请等待嘀的信号,进

3、入第一篇短文。11. What season is it? Its _. A. summer B. spring C. winter12. Toms grandfather has been sick for _. A. ten minutes B. one month C. one year 听第一篇短文,回答13-15小题。请根据短文内容。选择正确的答案,完成信息记录表。13. A. opera B. the Great Wall C. museums14. A. stories B. novels C. books15. A. Pack his books B. Clean his ro

4、om C. Tidy his books 听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。16. Where may the tourists be now? A. In Nanjing. B. On the bus. C. In the park.17. Where does Nanjing lie(坐落)? A. In the southeast of China. B. In the northeast of China. C. In the south of China.18. What does the guide think of the people in Nanjing? A. Hard-

5、working and humorous. B. Polite and generous. C. Helpful and friendly.19. What can people do in Xuanwu Lake Park according to the passage? A. Boating and flying kites. B. Boating and fishing. C. Swimming and flying kites.20. Where can the tourists enjoy the beauty of the whole city? A. Nanjing Museu

6、m. B. On the top of Zijin Mountain. C. On the Great Changjiang Bridge. 二、单项填空(每小题1分,满分10分)21. Who will go to the airport to meet Mary? I will. I her several times. I can find her easily. A. met B. have met C. had met D. will meet22. We each other since I left school. A. dont see B. didnt see C. have

7、nt see D. havent seen23 Where have you _? Ive _ the supermarket. A. gone, gone to B. been, been to C. gone, been at D. been, gone to24. Its very to play chess with old friends at home. A. pleasant; / B. interesting; the C. pleasant; the D. interested;25. -_did your uncle leave his home town ? -He _f

8、or nearly twenty years.A. When , has left B. When , has been away C. How long , has left D. How long , has been away26. There _great changes in our hometown in the past fifteen years. A. has been B. have been C. was D. were 27 - Has your sister come back? -Yes, she has. She_ back two days ago.A. cam

9、e B. has came C. has come D. has been 28. -Have you seen Dr. Adams recently?-No. He _ Hong Kong for an important meeting. Hell come back tomorrow.A. has gone in B. has been in C. has gone to D. has been to29.Since June 1 2008,all the markets have_free plastic bags Ato stop to provide Bto stop provid

10、ing Cstopped to provide Dstopped providing 30. How much time did you spend the new words in Unit 10? A. to learn B. learning C. learned D. learn三完形填空 阅读短文, 从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)A rich man wanted to go 1 a trip to another townHe wanted to take things to 2 and also wanted to buy t

11、hingsHe decided to take ten servants(仆人) 3 himThey would carry the things to sell and also food 4 on the way He said to one of his servants,You are the youngest and the thinnest of all my servants,so you cant carry a heavy load(担)You must choose the lightest load to carry The servant pointed(指)to th

12、e biggest load which was bread to eat on the wayThe rich man said,You are foolishThat is the heaviest load 5 the servant lifted up the load gladly and they started their trip They walked 6 four hours,then they stopped 7 a restThey all ate some of the breadNow there was less bread for the servant to

13、carryEvery day they 8 more bread and there was less to carryHis load grew(变得)smaller and fighter every dayAt the end the clever servant 9 nothing 10 ( )31Ain Bat Cto Don( )32Abuy Buse Csee Dsell( )33Aon Bwith Cin Dwithout( )34Ato look Buse Cto eat Dthrow( )35ABut BAnd CSo DFor( )36Aat Bsince Cfor Do

14、n( )37Ato Bfor Cin Don( )38Aeat Beating Cate DUse( )39Adidnt Bcant Cbuy Dhad( )40Abuy Bto eat Cto carry Dcarry四、阅读理解(每小题1分,满分10分)AIts Really a Miracle (奇迹)Mr. Clarke works in New York and he brought his family to China last summer. They visited many places of interest and had a good time here. Befor

15、e they left for New York, the Clarkes climbed the Great Wall. It was the greatest project over two thousand years ago. They took a lot of photos there and then they had a picnic under a big tree. Suddenly it began to rain and they hurried to the car. And when they returned to the hotel, they couldnt

16、 find the bag in which their expensive camera was. They were all sorry for it. They could buy another camera but had no time to go to the Great Wall again. They could not miss the plane!That evening they didnt have supper. Mr. Clarke hoped to make them happy, so he said, “Well, let me tell you a sto

17、ry. An old man lived in a sixty-storey building. One day he fell down from it when he was cleaning the window. But he didnt hurt himself.”“It was a miracle!” called out his children, “Why?”“Because he lived on the first floor!They all began to laugh while two policemen with a bag came in. They said

18、a Chinese boy found it under a big tree and he asked them to find out who lost it.“Its really a miracle!” the Clarkes said happily.41. Where did the Clarkes enjoy themselves before they left for New York? A. In London. B. In Beijing. C. In Shanghai. D. In Hong Kong.42. Where did the Clarkes left the

19、ir bag? A. They left their bag on the Great Wall. B. They left their bag in the car. C. They left their bag under a big tree. D. They left their bag in the plane.43. Why didnt they have anything that evening? A. Because they were sorry for losing the camera. B. Because they were not hungry. C. Becau

20、se they had no time to have supper. D. Because they had nothing to eat.44. What did Mr. Clarke tell a story to his family for? A. His children asked him to do so. B. He wanted to make his family happy. C. He wanted to tell them a miracle. D. He liked telling stories.45. Who found the bag? A. Two pol

21、icemen. B. A Chinese boy. C. A Chinese girl. D. An American boy.(B) Every year thousands of young people in England finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to university. Some young people go to other countries and work as volunteers (志愿者). Volunteers give their time to h

22、elp people. For example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they do something helpful for the environment. Pauline Jones, 18, lives in Cardiff, Wales. Next year she is going to university to study Chinese, but now shes living in Belize. Pauline says, “Im working with other people here to save the

23、 coral reefs (珊瑚礁) in the sea near Belize. The reefs here are beautiful, but if the sea water is very polluted, the coral will die. Im helping to do research on the coral and the fish that live around the reefs. All over the world, coral reefs are dying. We need to do something about the problem bef

24、ore its too late.” “Im staying with a family here and I help do some housework. I dont get any money, butthats OK. I love my work here, and Im learning a lot about the people of Belizeand myself!After I finish my work, I want to stay here for another three months. I want to travel aroundBelize and C

25、entral America.”( )46. Some young people from England _ after they finish school.A. go to university abroad B. spend one year abroad as volunteers C. go to work for money D. start work in schools or hospitals( )47. Pauline Jones, an eighteen-year-old girl, is living in _ now. A. England B. China C.

26、Belize D. Cardiff( )48. Pauline Jones is _ with other people. A. studying Chinese in a university B. working to save the coral reefs C. helping do some housework D. doing some research in Wales( )49. From the passage, we know that the coral reefs _. A. will die because of the pollution B. are not as

27、 beautiful as before C. cannot live without fish in the sea D. will probably be sold for money( )50. Pauline Jones wants to after she finishes her work as a volunteer. A. stay there for another year B. go back home to start work C. learn about the people home D. travel around Central America第二部分 非选择

28、题(共50分)五、任务型阅读.阅读下列短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。(共l0题,每题l分,计l0分) Do you go to school by bus? It is very important for you to know how to be safe when taking a bus, no matter whether you like it or not. First, dont run to the bus stop, but walk. While you are at the bus stop, you should wait in a safe pla

29、ce. Do not run or play while waiting. And never get into a car with a stranger. Second, dont talk in a loud voice when you are on the bus, so the driver will not be disturbed(打扰). If you need to talk with the bus driver, youd better wait until the bus stop. Never throw things on the bus or out of th

30、e windows. Never play near the emergency exit. When there is a fire, the most important thing is to break the window with a hammer or any sharp things and then jump out. Third, when you are getting off the bus, make sure you walk(not run) three more steps away from the door. This is the best place to

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