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1、长时间阅读后记得做眼保健操。考查祈使句。remember记得,根据do eye exercises after reading for a long time可知,表示的是建议,用祈使句,祈使句的肯定形式是动词原形放在句首,故选A。【点睛】祈使句:指的是要求、请求或命令、劝告、叮嘱、建议别人做或不做一件事。肯定祈使句构成:1、动词原形放在句首。例如:Sit down,please.请坐。2、Let+sb+动词原形.例如:Lets go swimming.让我们去游泳吧。否定祈使句的构成:Dont+动词原形。Dont smoke here.不要在这吸烟。4. The news said the

2、world lost two great men Stan Lee and Jin Yong last month. Who are they? _ is a great writer in the Chinese-speaking world, and _ is a super creator of the comic book world.A. One; another B. One; the other C. Another; other【答案】B新闻说,上个月世界失去了两位伟人斯坦李和金庸。他们是谁?一个是华语世界的伟大作家,另一个是漫画世界的超级创作者。考查不定代词。another又

3、,再(强调三者及以上);onethe other一个另一个;other其他的,根据two great men可知,是两个人,答句说的是一个是,另一个是,故选B。5.The environment will be in great danger, so we should save the earth by using_ paper and plant _ trees.A. more; fewer B. less; more C. more; less环境将会处于极大的危险之中,所以我们应该少用纸,多种树来拯救地球。考查形容词的比较级。more更多的,many/much的比较级;fewer更少的

4、,few的比较级;less更少的,little的比较级,根据前面的save the earth可知,应该是少用纸,多种树,纸是不可数名词,用less修饰,trees是可数名词复数,用more修饰,故选B。6.The UK isnt a large country, so its possible _ many great cities in a short time.A. visit B. visited C. to visit英国不是一个大国,所以在短时间内参观许多大城市是可能的。考查非谓语动词。visit参观,动词原形;visited参观,动词过去式;to visit参观,动词不定式,根据

5、固定句型it is possible to do sth做某事是可能的,所以应该用动词不定式,故选C。【点睛】句型It is+形容词+to do sth中,it作形式主语,真正的主语是to do sth。适用于所有的形容词。It is difficult to finish that task.完成那项任务很难。7.The human-like robot Sophia is really smart. Scientists believe _ more robots like her in the future.A. there are B. there will be C. there w

6、ill have像人类一样的机器人索菲亚真的很聪明。科学家相信将来会有更多像她这样的机器人。考查there be句型的将来时。there are有,一般现在时;there will be将会有,一般将来时;there will have错误表达,there和have不能连用,由后面的in the future可知,应该是一般将来时,排除A,故选B。【点睛】一般将来时:指的是表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态。构成:主语+will+动词原形。表将来的时间状语:tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,next week,in 2 weeks,in the future等。He w

7、ill fly to China tomorrow.他明天将要飞往中国。8.She _ a trip to Paris when the school year _ .A. takes; endsB. is going to take;C. is going to take, is going to end她打算在学习结束时去巴黎旅行。考查when引导的时间状语从句。take a trip to sp去某地旅行;end结束,由when引导的时间状语从句遵循“主将从现”原则,排除A和C,故选B。9.Some teachers never get _ although sometimes the

8、job is _ .A. bored; boring B. bore; boring C. boring; bored尽管有时工作很无聊,但有些老师从不感到无聊。考查形容词辨析。bored无聊的,用来修饰人,主语通常是人;boring无聊的,用来修饰物,主语是物,根据所给空前面的get可知,后面跟形容词作表语,排除B,由第一个空的主语Some teachers是人,所以用bored,排除C,由第二个空主语job是物,所以用boring,故选A。10.The little baby cried when she woke up, because she didnt know _ .A. wher

9、e she is B. where was she C. where she was小婴儿醒来时哭了,因为她不知道自己在哪里。考查宾语从句。根据宾语从句遵循陈述语序,即“疑问词+主语+谓语”,排除B,由主句she didnt know可知,主过从必过,主句为过去的某种时态时,从句也要用过去的某种时态,排除A,故选C。【点睛】宾语从句三要素:1、语序:陈述语序,即“疑问词+主语+谓语”;2、引导词:that、if/whether、特殊疑问词等;3、时态:主现从需、主过从过、客普现。The teacher says us that we will have a sports meeting tom

10、orrow.老师说明天我们会有一场运动会(引导词是that,时态遵循主现从需)I asked her whether the question was right.我问她这个问题是否正确(引导词是whether,时态遵循主过从过)The teacher told us that the earth travels around the sun. 老师告诉我们地球围绕太阳转(引导词是that,时态遵循客普现)第二节词语填空通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。One day, an old carpenter(木匠) was ready to leave.

11、 He told his boss about his plans to live a more _11_ life. He would miss the salary (薪水), but he needed to rest from work.The boss was sorry to see his worker go and asked if he could build just one more _12_ .The carpenter said yes, but it was easy to see that his _13_ was not in his work at all.

12、He did his work in a careless way. It was a bad way to _14_ his lifelong work. When the carpenter finished his work, the boss handed the front-door key to him. “This is _15_ house,” he said, “my gift to you.”What a _16_ ! If he knew that he would build his own house, he would do it _17_ . Now he had

13、 to live in a poorly-built home. This wasnt what he thought before.Its the same for all of us, too. We live our lives in a distracted(不经心的) way, keeping alive(活着) but not living. At important times, we do not put our _18_ into what we do. Then we look at the house we have created and find that we ar

14、e now living in the house we have built for ourselves. If we knew what was happening earlier, we would do things in a different way.Think of yourself as the _19_ . Think about your house. Each day, you do some little things for your house. Build it _20_ . It is the only life you will ever have. Even

15、 if you live it for only one day more, that day needs to be gracious(优雅的) and with dignity (尊严).11. A. hard-working B. difficult C. relaxing12. A. house B. boat C. room13. A. head B. body C. heart14. A. end B. start C. find15. A. my B. our C. your16. A. surprise B. wish C. talent17. A. differently B

16、. quickly C. comfortably18. A. worst B. best C. least19. A. boss B. writer C. carpenter20. A. cheaply B. wisely C. slowly【答案】11. C 12. A 13. C 14. A 15. C 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. B文章大意:文章主要讲的是一名即将退休的木匠的故事,告诉人们应该如何面对生活和人生。【11题详解】句意:他告诉老板他打算过一种更轻松的生活。hard-working用功的;difficult困难的;relaxing令人放松的,根据后文

17、的“he needed to rest from work”“他需要休息一下”可知,应该是更轻松的生活,故选C。【12题详解】老板看到他的工人要走了感到很难过,问他能否再盖一栋房子。house房子;boat船;room房间,根据后文的“This is _5_ house”可知,应该是再盖一栋房子,故选A。【13题详解】但很容易看出他的心根本不在工作上。head头;body身体;heart心,根据后文的“He did his work in a careless way”“他以一种很粗心的方式做他的工作”可知,应该是心不在工作上,故选C。【14题详解】这样结束他毕生的工作是一种不好的方式。end

18、结束;start开始;find发现,根据后文“When the carpenter finished his work”“当木匠完成他的工作时”可知,应该是结束他的工作,故选A。【15题详解】这是你的房子。my我的;our我们的;your你的,根据后文的“my gift to you”“我给你的礼物”可知,应该是这是你的房子,故选C。【16题详解】真是太令人吃惊了!surprise吃惊,惊讶;wish希望,愿望;talent天赋,根据前文可知,老板把建好的房子送给了木匠,所以应该是惊讶的,故选A。【17题详解】如果他知道他会建造自己的房子,他会做得不同。differently不同地;quick

19、ly快速地;comfortably舒服地,根据前文的“He did his work in a careless way”和“If he knew that he would build his own house”可知,应该是会做得不同,会更精心地修建自己的房子。故选A。【18题详解】在重要的时候,我们没有全力以赴。worst最糟糕的;best最好的;least最少的,根据前面的“we do not put our”“我们没有把我们”和后文的“If we knew what was happening earlier, we would do things in a different wa

20、y”可知,应该是我们没有全力以赴,由前面的“not”可知,应该用best,故选B。【19题详解】把自己当成木匠。boss老板;writer作家;carpenter木匠,根据后文的Think about your house可知,应该是把自己当成木匠,故选C。【20题详解】明智地建造它。cheaply便宜地;wisely明智地;slowly缓慢地,根据前文的“Each day, you do some little things for your house”“每天,你都为你的房子做些小事情”可知,应该是明智地建造它,故选B。III.阅读技能第一节图表理解阅读下列图表,从每题所给的A、B、C三个

21、选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。ACome and have fun on Baxi IslandActivity: walking, camping, riding bikes, having a picnicAddress: across from Pingtang Bus StationParking lot: 10 yuan for a carTicket: freeBesides Orange Island and Moon Island, you have another nice choice for a trip in Changsha.21. If George dr

22、ives a car to Baxi Island with two friends, he will pay _.A. 30 yuan for the parkingB. 10 yuan for the ticketsC. nothing for the tickets22. You CANT _on Baxi Island.A. take a walk B. go camping C. ride horses【答案】21. C 22. C文章主要介绍了Baxi Island旅行的票价、停车费、活动、地址等信息。【21题详解】细节理解题。根据“Parking lot: 10 yuan for

23、 a car Ticket: free”可知,一辆车停车是10元,票是免费的,故选C。【22题详解】根据“Activity: walking, camping, riding bikes, having a picnic”可知,在Baxi Island可以散步、露营、骑自行车、野餐,但是不能骑马,故选C。BHow do you feel about being friends with your parents? What do you think of the relationship with your parents? A new survey can tell us about thi

24、s.ChinaUSJapanSouth KoreaKids often talk to theirparents57.7%81.0%81.7%79.0%Kids think theirparents understandthem80.6%86.8%89.0%93.3%Kids havearguments(争执) withtheir parents82.1%75.6%72.0%75.0%Kids have the mostarguments with theirparents because of.Schoolwork(55.8%)Chores(家务)(20.0%)Schoolwork(43.4

25、%)(44.7%)23. Kids and parents mainly argue about _ in South Korea.A. chores B. schoolwork C. use of the Internet24. Which country has the worst relationship between kids and parents?A. South Korea. B. The US. C. China.25. Which is NOT true according to the survey?A. Schoolwork is the common reason f

26、or the arguments between Asian parents and kids.B. American kids like talking with their parents more than Japanese kids do.C. Chinese parents should spend more time talking with their kids.【答案】23. B 24. C 25. B文章通过表格形式介绍了不同国家的孩子觉得和父母做朋友怎么样的一个调查。23题详解】根据表格South Korea列中的“Schoolwork(44.7%)”可知,韩国的父母和孩子

27、会关于学业问题有争吵,故选B。【24题详解】根据表格“Kids have arguments(争执) with their parents”行中,可知,中国的比例是最高的,所以父母和孩子之间的关系是最差的,故选C。【25题详解】根据表格“Kids have the most arguments with their parents because of. ”行中可知,学业问题是中国、日本、南非的家长和孩子之间吵架最主要的原因,所以A说法是正确的;根据表格“Kids often talk to their parents”行中可知,日本的孩子比美国的孩子更喜欢和父母说话,所以B说法是错误的;根据

28、表格“Kids often talk to their parents”行中可知,中国的孩子和父母说话的比例是最低的,所以中国的父母应该花更多的时间和孩子交流,所以C说法是正确的,故选B。第二节短文理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回(共10小题,计20分)Every two years, the World Wildlife Fund(世界野生动物基金会) gives the Living Planet Report-a report on Earths health. The report for this year came out on Oct 30. It says

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