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译林版九年级上 Unit3 知识点梳理Word下载.docx

1、 crazy about doing sth痴迷于做某事23.the cause of . 起因 feel angry感到生气 for hours 玩几个小时25.worry about sth = be worried about sth担心某事26.get into trouble陷入困境27.allow sb to do sth允许某人去做某事 so strict with sb对某人如此严格29.develope ones hobbies培养某人的爱好30.stay out late 呆在外面太晚31.achieve a balance between

2、 A and B在 A 和 B 之间获得一个平衡32.look forward to sth/ doing sth盼望着做某事33.hear from sb收到某人的来信34.hear of sb听说某人35.valuable suggestions= valuable advice有价值的建议 obeyed被遵守 against违反38.the right to .的权力39.strict parents 严格的父母40.make a list of sth做一个.的清单 out 算出来 idea of sth一个.的想法43.according

3、to sth根据.44.agree with sb同意某人agree to sth同意某事45.need silence需要安静46.share ones worries with sb和某人分享忧虑47.go to sb for help = ask sb for help向某人寻求帮助 myself表达我自己49.use method to solve the problem用方法去解决问题50.get ones replies得到某人的答复51.laugh at sb嘲笑某人52.when feeling sad=while feeling sad 当感觉伤心时 (此

4、处是当前后主语一致时省略第一个主语 ) no attention to sb/sth不要在意 .54.seem much happier than before似乎比以前更快乐 worried担忧的56.make little progress in sth在某方面几乎没有进步57.go over sth=review sth复习 sth aloud大声读.59.pronounce all the words correctly 正确的发所有单词的音60.their correct pronunciations 他们正确的发音 unhappy w

5、ith sth不满意.62.many students of our age许多和我们同龄的学生 about在意 care for关心【重点句型】1. It is good for you to eat less and exercise more.少吃多运动对你有益2.Why was the TV always on last night? /Why was the TV on all the time?为什么昨晚电视一直开着。因为我忘记关了3.Lots of work almost drove the workers mad.大量的工作几乎把这些工人逼疯了4.Do you h

6、ave any problems getting enough sleep at night?晚上保证睡眠充足,你有问题吗5. Why not remind me to get up early this morning?为什么不提醒我今天早晨要早起呢6. I wonder if Li Bo got the highest mark in the English exam.我想知道李博是否在这次英语考试中取得了高分7.These messages are S0 boring that they are not worth replying to.这些短信很无聊,不值得回复8.I once dr

7、eamt of/about being a great writer.我曾梦想成为一名伟大的作家9.I hardly have any time for my hobbies this term.我几乎没有时间来进行我的爱好10.Im not sure how to deal with/ what to do with this problem.我处理这个问题没有把握11.Tne main cause of the stress is 100 much homework.造成压力的一个主要时间是太多的作业12.I doubt if he stayed up late last might.我怀

8、疑他昨晚是不是熬夜了13.I had no choice but to turn off the TV when mother came back.妈妈回来时,我别无选择,只好关了电视14.Mr/Miss Wang used to be strict with us and required us to hand in our homework on time.他过去常常严格对待我们,要求我们准时上交作业15.I have been used to staying up late to work.我已经习惯于熬夜工作了16.They havent decided how to deal wit

9、h/ what to do with the old computer.他们还没有决定好如何处理这台旧电脑17.Dont stay out late, or youll be in danger.不要在外呆到很晚,否则你会有危险18.This problem is easy enough for every student to work out.这道题够容易,所有学生都能算出来19. According to the shopping list. I spent 100 yuan in all.根据这张购物清单,我总共花了100元20.He thinks these details are

10、well worth paying attention to.他认为这些细节很值得注意21.Thank you for offering me such valuable suggestions/ advice.或Thank you for providing me with such valuable suggestions/ advice.谢谢你给我提供这么宝贵的建议22.You can ask youth workers to help you with/ solve/ work out the problem.你可以请青少年辅导员帮你解决这个问题23.I wonder why my p

11、arents dont allow me to play computer games.我想知道我父母为何不允许我玩电脑游戏24.Could you tell me what this photo reminds you of?能告诉我这张照片使你想起什么吗?25.Did you stay up to watch the World Cup last night?昨晚你们熬夜看世界杯了吗26.I dont know who to share my worries with.我不知道该和谁分担我的忧虑27.We are all surprised that Edward has made suc

12、h great progress.Edward已经取得了这么大的进步28.We shouldnt pay attention to/ should pay no attention to those who laugh at us.我们不应理会那些嘲笑我们的人29.Youd better go over what you have learned before exams.你最好在考试前复习一下你所学的东西30.Why did you get such low marks?你怎么得了这么低的分31.Its very kind of you to teach me the correct pro

13、nunciation of these words/ (how) to pronounce the words correctly. Dont mention it你真是太好了,叫我这些单词的正确发音,别客气32.The girl of my age had no choice but to call the police.这个和我年龄相仿的女孩别无选择,只能报警33.Not only this book but also those magazines are well worth reading.不仅这本书,而且那些杂志都很值得一看34.My parents always care so

14、much about my marks that I feel stressed.我父母总是太在乎我的分数,所以我倍感压力35.I wonder if/ whether you have tried your best.我想知道你是否已经尽力了36.If you keep the problem of stress to yourselves. it will get worse.如果你把压力问题留给自己,会变得更糟糕37.I m thinking about how to plan my time more wisely.我一直在考虑怎么才能更仔细地计划我的时间38.We had no ch

15、oice at that time but to run away.我们当时没有别的办法只能逃走39.I hope you can be patient enough to work out/ solve/deal with the difficult problem.我希望你能有足够的耐心来解决这个难题40.Could you tell me who got the highest mark in the Chemistry你能告诉我化学考试谁取得了最高分吗41.Its not polite of you to laugh at the disabled.你嘲笑残疾人是不礼貌的42.He s

16、tayed up late to go over his lessons last night so he was very tired in class today.他昨晚熬夜复习功课了,所以今天上课很累【重点语法】一、疑问词引导的宾语从句A语序:无论主句是陈述句还是疑问句,宾语从句都必须使用陈述语序,即“主句 +连词+宾语从句(主语+谓语+)”句式。根据连接词在从句中所担任的不同成分,可分为以下四种:(1)连接词+谓语。连接词在从句中作主语。常见的连接词有:who,what,which 等:如:The small children dont know what is in their st

17、ockings.这些小孩子不知道袜子里有什么东西?(2)连接词+名词+谓语。连接词在从句中作主语的定语。whose,what,which,how many,how much等。He asked whose handwriting was the best in our class.他问我们班上谁的书法最好。(3)连接词+主语+谓语。连接词在从句中作宾语、 状语或表语。who( m),what,which,how many,how much,whenHe hasnt decided when hell go on a trip to Wuxi.他还没决定什么时候去无锡旅行。(4)连接词+名词+主

18、语+谓语。连接词在从句中作宾语或表语的定语。what,which,how many,how much,how 等。She asked me what colour my pen was.她问我的钢笔是什么颜色。注意:在选择宾语从句时,首先应该注意从句的句式是否正确。B时态:与第二单元涉及的宾语从句的时态,用法相同,省略讲解。二、提建议的方法初中常见的用英语提建议的句型归纳如下:1. Why not-和 Why dont you-“Why not+动词原形 +其他?”这是个省略句,其完整句式为“Why dont you (we)+动词原形 +其他?”意为一“为什么不呢?”常用于间接地向对方提出建

19、议,往往带有肯定的意味,一般不必回答。Why not have a try?=Why dont you have a try?为什么不试一试呢?2What about 和 How aboutWhat/ How about+名词代词动词的 -ing形式+其他?此句型意为“怎么样?是提建议或征求对方意见的委婉说法。What about going to 8 movie?去看场电影怎么样?3Lets+动词原形 +其他。此句型意为“(让)我们吧”。其否定形式直接在 let 后加 not。Lets go to the water park让我们去水上公园吧。4Shall we/l+动词原形 +其他?此句

20、型意为“我们我做好吗?” ,常以商量 的语气向对方提出建议。What a sunny day! Shall we go hiking?天气多好呀!我们去远足好吗?5Would you mind+动词的-ing形式+其他?这是英语中用来提建议或要求的常用句型,意为“请你做好吗?” ,语气委婉,客气,一般用在面对陌生人时或者比较正式的场合。例如:Would you mind closing the window?请你关上窗户好吗?6Could you please+动词原形 +其他?此句型意为“请你好吗?”其中 could并不是 can的过去式,而是表示更委婉的建议或请求。Could you please wash the dishes?请你洗盘子好吗?其否定形式,只需要在动词前加上 not 即可。Could you please not talk in class?在课堂上你能不讲话吗?当对方向你提出建议时,肯定回答可用 OK!Good./ Good idea!That sounds good.Sure.Of course.Yes please. Yes I think so.Yes Id love to.All right.No problem./I agree with you.等。否定回答可用No,thanks.No I dont think so.No

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