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1、Build a Common Future Through Cooperation and Inclusiveness And Promote Sound Recovery and Sustained Development Of the World EconomySpecial Message by H.E. Li Keqiang Vice Premier of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2010 Davos, 28 January

2、 2010 尊敬施瓦布主席,女士们、先生们:Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Ladies and Gentlemen,很高兴来到瑞士达沃斯。现在虽然仍处冬季,但我们在这里已经感受到了春天将至气息和经济复苏希望。今年是世界经济论坛第四十届年会。这使我想起2000多年前中国先哲孔子说过一句很有哲理名言,“四十而不惑”。意思是人到成熟之年,有更加开阔眼界和更为豁达心胸,这也寓意着我们应以更多智慧,来理解与应对纷繁世事。本届论坛以“改变世界:重新思考、重新设计、重新建设”为主题,共商后危机时

3、代世界经济发展之计,体现了合作创新精神。这对于集聚各方智慧和力量,“改善世界状况”,具有现实意义。It gives me great pleasure to come to Davos, Switzerland. Though it is winter, here we feel the spring of the coming economic recovery. This is the 40th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. And it reminds me of what Confucius, the great ancient

4、 Chinese philosopher, once said over two thousand years ago, “when one becomes forty, he will no longer suffer from perplexity”, meaning that when one reaches maturity in age, he will have a broader vision and be more open-minded. It tells us that we should have ample wisdom to better understand and

5、 deal with the complicated world as we gather today at this annual meeting to discuss important issues on post-crisis development of the world economy under the theme “Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild”. It embodies the spirit of cooperation and innovation. This meeting is highly relevant as it helps to po

6、ol the wisdom and strength of all to “improve the state of the world”.过去一年,面对国际金融危机严重冲击,中国政府果断决策、及时部署,实施了保持经济平稳较快发展一揽子计划,在较短时间里实现了经济回升向好。国内需求在中国经济增长中发挥了主导作用。去年中国国内生产总值增长8.7%,其中内需扩大贡献了12.6个百分点,弥补了因外需萎缩而减少3.9个百分点影响。在内需中,投资需求贡献了8个百分点,消费需求贡献了4.6个百分点,表现出经济自主增长强劲动力。同时,中国经济增长是开放。去年中国货物进口10056亿美元,贸易顺差比上年减少了

7、近1000亿美元,是世界第二大进口国和全球最大新兴市场。中国国内生产总值增量达到3800亿美元,为世界经济复苏作出了积极贡献。In the past year, facing the severe impact of the international financial crisis, the Chinese government made the resolute decision and took timely measures to implement a package plan aimed at maintaining steady and fast growth, and our

8、 efforts resulted in quick economic rebound and recovery. Growing domestic demand has played a critical role in making it a reality. Chinas GDP grew by 8.7% in 2009, wherein growing domestic demand contributed 12.6 percentage points, making up for the loss of 3.9 percentage points caused by contract

9、ion of external demand. Investment and consumption respectively contributed 8 and 4.6 percentage points, showing a strong momentum of home-driven growth in the Chinese economy. Meanwhile, our economic growth is open in nature. Chinas imports of goods totaled 1,005.6 billion US dollars last year and

10、its trade surplus dropped by nearly 100 billion US dollars over 2008, making it the worlds second largest importer and the largest emerging market. With an increase of 380 billion US dollars in GDP, Chinas contribution to world economic recovery is obvious.为有效应对危机,我们大规模增加财政公共支出并实行结构性减税。2009年新增公共投资达7


12、危机取得成效,是政府正确决策结果,更是人民勤奋工作结果。正是中国人民坚韧不拔,尤其是广大劳动者辛勤努力,推动了中国经济平稳较快发展。To effectively cope with the crisis, we increased public spending by a large margin and carried out structural tax cuts. In 2009, over 720 billion yuan of additional public investment and tax cuts totaling 500 billion yuan added up to

13、 3.6% of the GDP. They stimulated market demand and spurred economic growth, while reducing burdens on enterprises and strengthening vitality of the economy. At the same time, fiscal deficit was kept within a reasonable range of less than 3% of the GDP. The focus of public investment was to improve

14、peoples wellbeing. In fact, under the two-year investment program totaling four trillion yuan, more than half of the government-funded projects were designed to improve peoples wellbeing, and they boosted consumer spending. Meanwhile, we significantly increased input in social security, promoted bas

15、ic medical and health care system for the people as public goods, and advanced “basic medical insurance for all”. While promoting growth, we spared no efforts in readjusting the economic structure. We actively developed new industries of strategic importance, such as new energy, energy conservation

16、and environmental protection, and accelerated the phasing out of outdated production facilities that are energy intensive and heavily polluting. Last year alone, we closed down a total of 26 million kilowatts of coal-fired power generator sets whose single unit capacity was less than 100,000 kilowat

17、ts. Chinas achievements in tackling the crisis are attributable to the governments proper decision-making. More importantly, they have been made possible by all hard working Chinese people. It is the diligence, fortitude and perseverance of the Chinese people, that has ensured Chinas steady and fast

18、 economic growth.去年四季度,中国居民收入、财政收入、企业利润与国内生产总值同步增长,价格水平由负转正,经济回升基础得到巩固。但是国际国内经济环境中仍然存在许多不确定因素,今年中国经济发展面临形势极其复杂。我们将保持宏观经济政策连续性和稳定性,继续实施积极财政政策和适度宽松货币政策,同时根据新形势新情况着力提高政策针对性和灵活性。关键是处理好保持经济平稳较快发展、调整经济结构和管理好通胀预期关系,着力提高经济增长质量和效益,切实防范可能出现风险。In the fourth quarter of last year, Chinas central government reven

19、ue, household income and profits of businesses all increased in tandem with GDP growth. The price level turned from negative to positive, and the foundation for economic recovery was consolidated. However, there still remain many uncertainties in domestic and external economic environment, and the r

20、oad toward Chinas further economic development this year is beset by extreme complexities. To tackle these problems, we will keep continuity and stability of our macro economic policies, continue to follow a proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policy and make our policies better tar

21、geted and more flexible in response to new circumstances. The key in achieving this goal is to strike a balance among promoting steady and fast growth, readjusting economic structure and properly managing inflation risks. We will endeavor to raise the quality and efficiency of growth and take effect

22、ive measures to fend off potential risks.需要强调指出是,国际金融危机没有改变中国经济发展基本面和长期向好趋势。回顾去年,我们坚定信心、迎难而上,保持了中国经济平稳较快发展。筹划今年,我们有能力处理复杂局面,继续保持中国经济平稳较快发展。展望未来,我们有条件实现中国经济长期平稳较快发展。中国人口多,市场广阔,回旋余地大,正处于工业化、城镇化快速推进时期,现代化建设进程不可逆转。中国经济总量虽然已居世界前列,但中国仍然是一个发展中国家,人均国民收入还排在100位以后;城市和沿海地区虽然已得到一定程度发展,但农村和中西部地区居民收入还比较低。改善民生、实现全

23、面进步,是中国人民不懈追求,也蕴涵着巨大发展潜力。It should be stressed that, despite the international financial crisis, the fundamentals and long-term positive trend of Chinas economic development remains unchanged. Last year, we acted with resolve and confronted challenges head-on, and succeeded in ensuring steady and fa

24、st economic growth. As we draw plans for this year, we are confident that we can stay on top of the complicated situation and maintain the steady and fast growth of the Chinese economy. Looking ahead, we are well positioned to achieve long term, fast and steady economic growth. China has a large pop

25、ulation and a huge domestic market, and enjoys considerable buffer against setbacks. The process of industrialization and urbanization in China is picking up speed, and the process of modernization is irreversible. However, though Chinas economic aggregate is among the largest in the world, its per

26、capita national income is lower than some 100 other countries. Although cities and coastal regions have made progress in their development, peoples income is still very low in Chinas rural areas and central and western regions. It is the strong aspiration of the Chinese people to live a better life

27、and achieve all-round progress. And our efforts to achieve these goals hold out great potentials for development.我们还清醒地认识到,中国发展仍然面临许多挑战。后危机时代,国际经济形势还存在诸多不稳定因素,国内经济运行长期积累矛盾亟待解决。经济结构不合理,增长付出代价大,资源环境制约日趋严重。在我们这样一个有十几亿人口发展中大国实现现代化,还需要战胜重重困难,付出艰苦努力,是一个很长过程。站在新历史起点上,传统粗放型增长方式必须转变,过于依赖投资和出口发展模式必须创新。这需要我们按照

28、科学发展观要求,加快经济发展方式根本性转变,加大经济结构战略性调整,着力创新发展模式。We are also keenly aware of the many challenges in Chinas future development. In the post-crisis era, the international economic situation will still be fraught with destabilizing factors, and the problems built up in Chinas economic development over the ye

29、ars are still outstanding. The economic structure needs to be optimized. The economic growth is not cost-effective, and the pressure on resources and the environment is mounting. China, a big developing country with more than one billion population, has to keep working hard and overcome many difficu

30、lties before it can realize modernization. As we stand at a new historical juncture, we must change the old way of inefficient growth and transform the current development model that is excessively reliant on investment and export. We need to follow the scientific outlook on development, accelerate

31、transformation of economic growth pattern, intensify strategic adjustment of economic structure, and endeavor to explore new development model.我们将立足扩大内需拉动经济增长。面对世界上潜力最大国内市场,需要着力扩大国内需求特别是居民消费需求,千方百计扩大就业,加快健全社会保障“安全网”,积极调整国民收入分配结构,提高中低收入居民收入,促进居民消费持续增加。同时,大力优化投资结构,不断改善投资效益。近十几年来,中国城镇化率年均提高1个百分点,一年有近千万

32、人口由农村转入城市,既改变着城乡结构,又扩大了国内需求。需要继续积极稳妥地推进城镇化,逐步形成大中小城市和小城镇并举、沿海城市带和中西部城市群并立发展格局。We will focus on boosting domestic demand to drive economic growth. Chinas domestic market has huge potential. We will strive to expand domestic demand, especially consumer demand. We will make every effort to increase employment, speed up improvement of the social safety net, adjust national income distribution structure, increase income of the low and middle

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