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1、Cincident Devent4(2014成都部分高中高三教学质量检测)What do you think of the furniture on exhibition?Well,great!But I dont think much of_you bought.Athe one BitCthat Dwhich5(2014河南洛阳高三统考)If you come across a word_meaning you have forgotten,please look it up in a dictionary.Ain which BwhichCwhose Dthat6(2014贵州师大附中高

2、三年级检测)What about the monthly test?Is it easy?Yes,but I dont think_pass it.Asomebody BanybodyCnobody Deverybody7(2014福建漳州三中月考)The big snow caused great_to the people living in the south of China,_some of them homeless.Adestroy;left Bdamage;leavingCruin;having left Dwound;8_money has been received by_

3、people who suffered from the floods.AA lot of;a good many ofBA great deal of;a great manyCA good many;a large number ofDA great deal of;lot of9(2014福建厦门杏南中学月考)_from what he did,he isnt a person to depend on.AJudge BJudgingCJudged DTo judge10Joining the firm as a clerk,he got rapid promotion,and_as a

4、 manager.Aended up Bdropped outCcame back Dstarted off.完形填空(创新题)Gangnam Style just keeps breaking records.The extremely_1_song from South Korean recording artist PSY has just become the most watched video on YouTube ever,_2_more than 808 million views on the popular media site.The distinction(荣誉)was

5、 previously_3_by another pop heavyweight,Justin Bieber,whose song Baby had_4_more than 804 million views at press time.PSY made the announcement on his Twitter page earlier today.And in September,Gangnam Style also became the most_5_video on YouTube,now with nearly 5.4 million thumbs_6_.At the time

6、of the announcement,the Guinness Book of World Records released a statement_7_:In years past it was unbelievable that something would be_8_a hundred million times,and now Gangnam Style has achieved more than twice this_9_in just three months on YouTube.PSY,your certificate is_10_here at our office,c

7、ome and pick it up any time!Despite its massive popularity,the video shows no_11_of slowing down,and it_12_has a shot at becoming the first video to get more than one billion views.If it_13_its current rate of around six million new views per day,Gangnam Style would be in line to break that_14_by th

8、e end of the year.The YouTube honors are_15_the latest in a long list that shows just how popular the song has become._16_it was released in July,the song has seen a quick rise through the music industry.It has found its way to the tops of music charts in more than 30 countries,_17_the United Kingdo

9、m,Germany,France,Spain and Canada.It became an important part in the 2012 presidential_18_with the now famous Mitt Romney Style video.Meanwhile,such_19_figures as President Obama,UN Secretary General Ban Kimoon and Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt have all made mention of the_20_song.,1.A.popu

10、lar BpleasantCfantastic Dadorable2A.showing BgainingCearning Dpushing3A.caught BheldCwon Doffered4A.very BquiteCjust Da little5A.chosen BlikedCfocused Drespected6A.up BinCon Ddown7A.explaining BspeakingCsaying Ddisplaying8A.viewed BpointedCattached Dsearched9A.billion BfigureCamount Dmember10A.comin

11、g BgettingCfetching Dwaiting11A.signs BsignalsCcases Dsituations12A.still ByetCeven Dnevertheless13A.maintains BcontinuesCconsists BwordCrecord Dbalance15A.just BalreadyCseldom Dhardly16A.Before BWhileCSince DAs17A.including BwithinCbeyond Dconcerning18A.admission BpermissionCelec

12、tion Dselection19A.efficient BinfluentialCadaptable Dcompetent20A.hit BstrikeCknock Dbeat.阅读理解Recordbreaking stormIF you lived by the sea,youd know that typhoons are frequent(频繁的)visitors during summer.They bring strong winds,heavy rain and flooding(洪水)But most of the time,when people stay indoors,t

13、heyre just all right.This is what the people in the Philippines used to believeuntil they met the “super typhoon”,Haiyan.The typhoon hit the country on Nov 8,at around 5 am,when most people were still asleep.But being at home didnt keep them safe,since few buildings remained standing once they were

14、hit by wind as violent as 376 kilometers per hour,according to NBC News.“This is at the top end of any tropical system that weve seen on our planet,” said Bryan Norcross,a weather scientist working for NBC.And so far,Haiyan has caused more than 3,600 deaths and left millions of people homeless.But w

15、here did Haiyan get its destructive power?According to Brian McNoldy,a tropical weather expert at the University of Miami,US,Haiyan was so strong because “it had everything working for it”“All typhoons feed off the warm ocean waters,” Colin Price,a weather researcher at Tel Aviv University in Israel

16、,told National Geographic.Tropical storms are like giant engines(发动机),powered by the heat transferred(传导)from the ocean waters to the air above.However,because of climate change,the oceans have been warming up in recent decades.“Warmer oceans will.result in more intense(强烈的)storms,” Price said.Also,

17、Haiyan started near the equator(赤道),where it was able to pick up more heat before heading to the Philippines.Moreover,the route(路线)it traveled was mostly along open ocean,which means no land prevented it from gathering steam(水蒸气)In addition,there happened to be very little “wind shear(风切变)” in the a

18、rea this time.Wind shear is asudden change in wind speed or direction,which can tear apart developing storms.This is like when you stir(搅动)a glass of water with a chopstick:a swirl(漩涡)will form,but if you move the chopstick in the opposite direction,the swirl will quickly disappear.“When all those t

19、hings align in a certain way,youre going to get something like Haiyan,” Jim Kossin,a scientist with the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,told National Geographic.1Which of the following is TRUE about typhoons according to the article?AThey mostly happen early in the morning.BThey m

20、ostly do damage during winter.CDuring most typhoons people can keep safe just by staying at home.DThis year,more intense storms have happened in the world.2Which of the following made Haiyan so powerful?aIts starting point was the equator.bThe frequency of other intense storms.cMore heat was transfe

21、rred from the ocean waters to the air above.dThere was a strong wind shear in the area.eThere was no land in its way.AabcBacdCace Dade3The underlined word “align” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to_.AdisappearBaffect each otherCarrive at the topDhappen at the same time4The article mainly

22、 talks about_.Ahow destructive Haiyan wasBwhy Haiyan was so destructiveChow typhoons like Haiyan form(形成)Dways to protect yourself when typhoons hit1选D考查交际用语。句意:实在对不起,打扰您一下。我能用用您的手机吗?情况太紧急了。好的,当然可以。A表示“很乐意效劳”,B表示“别着急”,C用于回答对方的道歉,都不符合语境。D表示“同意某人做某事”,故选D。2选D句意:我听说今年冬天英格兰有300多人死于寒冷天气。是的。这个消息对我们来说是件震惊之事

23、。news在本句中特指上文提到的内容,故与定冠词连用;shock作“令人震惊的事”讲时为可数名词,在本句中表示泛指,意为“一件令人震惊的事”,故第二空用不定冠词。3选A考查名词辨析。根据句意可知应选A,traffic accident意为“交通事故”。affair“个人的事”;incident“严重事件,暴力事件(如犯罪、袭击等)”;event“重要的事情,大事”。4选C考查代词。此处使用that替代不可数名词furniture,其后为定语从句,省略了作宾语的关系代词which或that。注意the one用于替代特指意义的单数名词,不能替代不可数名词。5选C分析句子结构可知,“_meanin

24、g you have forgotten”是定语从句,且空处与meaning之间是所属关系,故用关系代词whose。6选D句意:月考怎么样?简单吗?是的,但我认为不是每个人都能通过考试。此处not everybody意为:不是每个人,是部分否定。7选B考查词义辨析及非谓语动词的用法。这场大雪给中国南方人民的生活造成了巨大破坏,致使一些人无家可归。damage n破坏;vt.毁坏,损害。destroy vt.破坏,毁灭。ruin v& n(使)毁灭/坏;pl.废墟,遗迹。wound n创伤,伤口;vt.使受伤,伤害。8选B句意:因为洪水而受罪的人们已经收到了大量救济钱款。a good many修

25、饰复数名词,而第一空后为不可数名词,故排除C项;a good many后面直接加复数名词。故本题选择B。9选B考查judge的用法。从他所做的事情来看,他不是一个可以依赖的人。judging from/by由判断,judging from为独立结构,不用考虑与句子主语的逻辑关系,用法相当于:generally speaking,considering(考虑到)。不管句子主语为人、物,judging from都不变。10选A考查动词短语辨析。他进入公司时只是一个小职员,后来晋升很快,最终当上了经理。“end up as职位/职业”表示“最终做了某职位或职业”;drop out退学或退出;come

26、 back回来;start off出发。【语篇解读】韩国唱片艺人PSY(朴载相)的歌曲江南Style总是不断地打破纪录,已经成为热门网站YouTube史上观看最多的视频,在YouTube的点击量已超过8.08亿次。1选A与下文的“.more than 808 million views on the popular media site.”相呼应,此处选择popular表示“流行的,受欢迎的”,即“极度流行的江南Style歌曲已经成为热门网站YouTube史上观看最多的视频”;而pleasant“令人愉快的”,fantastic“奇异的”,adorable“值得崇拜的”。2选B“在YouTub

27、e获得的点击量已超过8.08亿次”,gain表示“获得”,符合语境;而show表示“展示”,earn表示“赚得,挣得”,push表示“推;推进”。3选B“以前占据这一宝座的是另一位重量级乐坛人物贾斯汀比伯”,hold表示“持有,占据”,符合语境。4选D由后面的语境“more than 804 million views”可知,此处选择a little修饰比较级more than。其余选项均只能够修饰原级形容词。5选B“九月份,江南Style还成为YouTube的最受喜爱视频”,此处用like的过去分词表示“受喜爱的”,符合语境。6选A由语境thumbs可知,此处表示“竖起的大拇指”,故用up。

28、7选C“吉尼斯世界纪录发布了一条声明说”,say表示“说明,声称”,符合语境。8选A“前几年一个视频被点击1亿次这种事是难以想象的”,view表示“观看,查看”,符合语境;而point表示“指出”,attach表示“附着,粘贴”,search表示“寻找,搜索”。9选B“江南Style竟然仅仅三个月时间在YouTube的点击量就达到这个数字的两倍还多”,figure表示”数字”,对应上文的a hundred million。10选Dwait表示“等待”,即“你的吉尼斯世界纪录证书就在我们办公室,随时等你来拿!” fetch表示“拿来,取回”。11选A“视频播放的频率没有一点下降的迹象”,sign

29、表示“迹象”,符合语境;而signal表示“信号,暗号”,case表示“情况”,situation表示“局面,局势”。12选C“它甚至有望成为第一个点击量超过10亿的视频”,even表示“甚至”,符合语境;nevertheless表示“尽管如此,然而”。13选A“如果江南Style保持当前每天600万新点击率的增长速度”,maintain表示“保持,维持”,符合语境;continue表示“继续(做某事);坚持(某物)”,consist表示“构成”,insist表示“坚持(主张)”。14选C此处选择record表示“打破这一纪录”,与上文语境中的“the first video to get more than one billion views”相呼应。15选A“江南Style在YouTube获得的荣誉不过是这首歌曲受欢迎的众多表现之一”,故选择just。

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