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1、? Yeah, an hour ago. Guess Ive got a headache that just wont quit4A: Owe. You must be sad, what with your best friend taking a job m Texas. Its so far away. Yeah, Im really going to miss her. But at least I have a good reason to visit a new part of the country now. What does the woman imply?5A: My f

2、ingers are sticky from that candy bar. Do you mind if I use the restroom to wash up before we leave? Sure, Ill be over at the bus stop. What will the speakers probably do next?6A: This strap on my briefcase is broken. Do you think you could replace it? Say, by next Tuesday? Lets see, oh sure that wo

3、nt be a problem. It wont even take that long7 A: So, my adviser wants me to take the creative writing class that meets on Wednesday, instead of the Monday class because the instructor in the class is supposed to be great. But that d mean Id have to spend the whole day on campus every Wednesday. Well

4、, but especially in creative writing the instructor can make a big difference in how much you get out of the class What does the woman imply the man should do?8A: Have you finalized your plans for spring break yet? Well, I could visit some friends in Florida, or go to my roommates home. Its a tough

5、choice.9A: This is such a great time to buy winter clothes. So many stores are having sales now and the price reductions are pretty substantial. Yeah, Its just what Ive been waiting for. There are so many things I need. What does the man imply?10A: Where have you been? I was just about to give up on

6、 you. Sorry, my bus was delayed. But Im glad you were patient, It would have been hard for us to find another time to meet this week. What does the woman mean?11A: Its so cold and windy out. This would be a good afternoon for a chess match. Yeah. Id love to. The trouble is Im afraid I never figured

7、out file rules.QWhat can be inferred about the woman?12A: Say remember that proposal for an international festival next spring? Do you think theres any chance itll ever get off the ground? I don t thing its a question of whether itll happen. Its just a matter of where itll be held. What does the wom

8、an imply about the international festival?13A: The bookstore on Center Street is having a sale, Theyre advertising discounts of up to 70% on a lot of their books. Yeah. I was there when they opened this morning. It was so packed I didnt even go inside What does file man mean?14A: Can you drive me to

9、 the Andersons party Friday night? It depends on if I get my car back from the shop.15A: Ive been washing my clothes in the same Laundromat(自助洗衣店)you use, the one near the dorms. But I cant stand it that their prices keep going up, I think I might start going to that one over on 2nd Ave. Well the on

10、e on 2nd might be cheaper. But for me the convenience of having a Laundromat so close to where I live is worth the extra dollar to.16A: I cant believe I cant get a plane ticket for the December holidays. I mean, its only October. Well, you know I wouldnt worry about it too much people cancel their r

11、eservations all the time.17A: A bunch of us are going out for pizza. Count me out, but have a good time.18A: Excuse me. I heard that there were a couple of jobs available in the library. So Id like to apply for one of them. Can I fill out the application form at home and bring it back next week? Sur

12、e, but you should know that were about to start looking at the applications, and we hope to make some job offers in a few days. 19A: I started reading that book you loaned me, but Im having a tough time keeping up with the main characters. Its hard to remember them all Yeah, I know. The first part i

13、snt easy. All I can say is stick with it. Once you get halfway through you wont want to put it down.20A: Im afraid this is the only room in the hotel we have free at this time Sir, We werent expecting you. Oh, dear. I guess Ill take what I can get. Next mime Ill be sure to call in advance and make a

14、 reservation. What can be inferred about the man?21A: I heard you were thinking of applying for a job as a camp counselor. Yeah, Do you know if they need anyone about place where you worked last summer? What does the woman ask the man?22A: Hey, is Susan on the debate team too? Shes wearing a purple

15、shirt today, doesnt everyone on the team wear a purple shirt on days when youre having a debate? I guess, But other people some times wear purple colored shirts too you know.23A:ve been trying to reach you for days, but your lines always busy Youre lucky. You got me before my roommate came home What

16、 can be inferred about the womans roommate?24A:s not fun being around Debbie and Mike these days. All they do is noticed it too. I wish they would keep their squabbles to themselves(把争论留给自己). What does the woman want Debbie and Mike to do?25A:Dr. Jones, I was wondering if you would consid

17、er giving me an extension on my paper. I just got back on campus yesterday from hospital. Well, under the circumstances I cant see how I can deny your request. What does Dr Jones say he will do?26A: I know its only a piece of clothing, but something about wearing a white lab coat makes me feel reall

18、y, well, professional. Yeah, but I think the department should be paying for them, not us. What does the man say about lab coats?27A: I think I need a new tire. I had to put air in it twice this week. That happened to me once. It was just a nail, and they were able to repair it.28A: Say Mary, Ive go

19、t to fly home for winter break early. Im actually leaving tomorrow. Do you think you could take notes for me in our American History class on Thursday? Oh, Jim. Im leaving tomorrow too.29A: This dormitory is too boring for me. I wonder if can move to Richardson? Are you sure you want to do that? Eve

20、n you need some sleep.30A:m going to see the sculpture exhibition at the University Museum next Monday. Oh, You mean theyve decided to hold it over(拖延)? What had the man assumed about the exhibition? BQuestions 31-35A: Dr. Smith. I need to ask you about something in Chapter 12. Well it talks about e

21、rosion and the deposit of sediment on the deep sea floor, but Im confused, cause, well, for that to happen there would have to be some kind of force down there moving the mud or sand or whatever, right? But I thought there werent any waves or currents that deep in the ocean. Thats not exactly correc

22、t. Its true that deep down on the ocean floor we wont have the same kinds of currents we find in shallower parts. But we do find what we call turbidity currents(混浊流). This wasnt in the book but the term came up in class. Do you remember what it means? Um, turbidity currents? Oh, yeah! Isnt that when

23、 sediment like sand or mud gets stirred up and mixes with water,and then this mixer kind of flows through the water around it, right? Good! Um, but I thought that only happened in rivers. Well, yes. This does occur in rivers, but we see turbidity currents deep in the ocean as well. But how do they g

24、et started there? Earthquakes mostly, when an earthquake occurs under water, it throws up tremendous amounts of mud or sand that becomes suspended in a layer of water near the bottom of the ocean. This layer is so much denser and heavier than other ocean water that if flows right down the slopes of

25、the ocean floor and gains more and more speed as it moves along. Then its just like the winds blowing across the desert, picking up sand from one place and moving it along and finally dropping it somewhere else.31:What is the main topic of the discussion?32:What does the professor ask the student to

26、 explain?33:How is a turbidity current different from the water around it?34:According to the professor, how do earthquakes cause turbidity currents?35:Why does the professor mention desert winds?Questions 3639 Hey Neal, now that the midterms are over a bunch of us are getting away for the weekend t

27、o go canoeing. Wanna come along Well, um, itd be great to get away, but Ive never done it before. None of the others have either except for me. I went once last fall. But therell be an instructor in each canoe the first day.t know. Oh, come on. This is our last chance to take a break before finals.

28、The scenery is beautiful, and if it gets too hot we can dive in whenever we feel like it. The rivers really calm this time of the year, no rapids(急流) to deal with.s a relief. What would I have to bring?s see. Toms bringing food for the Friday night cookout(郊游野餐)for everyone. And the people who run t

29、he trip have tents set up and they supply food and drinks for all day Saturday. On the way back Sunday morning well stop somewhere for breakfast. So, you just have to bring a bathing suit(泳衣) and a sleeping hag. Well, I do love camping and sleeping out. Where is this place? Well, its about an hour and a half to the place where we meet the trip leaders. We

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