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1、 Please remind me to answer that letter. 请提醒我回复那封信. 提醒 I 二.词义辨析: memorize,remember,recall,recollect,remind 这些动词均有记忆,记住,回忆之意. memorize指有意识的下功夫把某事的整个细节都记在脑子里. remember含义较广,多指无意识地回忆起往事,也可指通过主观努力去记忆. recall比remember文雅,指想方设法回忆已经遗忘之事. recollect指在记忆中搜索,设法想起一时想不起的事情或人,强调过程. remind指经某人或某事的提醒而回忆起某件已遗忘之事. 三.参考

2、例句: His nerves remind him. 他的胆怯不安提醒了他. Please remind me, in case I forget. 请记得提醒我,以防我忘记. Remind me to call him tomorrow. 提醒我明天给他打电话. Leave Post-its to remind these intruders. 记在便利贴上提醒那些干扰你的人. Please remind me to write to my mother tomorrow. 请提醒我明天给我母亲写信. Need I remind you who the enemy is? 还需要我来提醒你敌

3、人是谁吗? May I remind you to write a report? 我可以提醒您写一份报告吗? Can you remind me to buy a bottle of Martini? 你能提醒我买一瓶马提尼酒吗? It can remind you of a warm. sunny day. 它能让你想到一个温暖的晴天. 你会用英语提醒别人么?Remind的正确用法小锦囊 remind sb. to do sth. 指提醒某人去做某事,其中的不定式所表示的动作尚未发生;例如: He reminded me to see the film. 他提醒我去看这部电影. And p

4、lease remind him to tell the resellers to bring along their performance reports on our products. 并提醒他告诉各分销商在开会时带去我们产品的销售情况报告. He doesn t need a hero s welcome to remind him of that moment a year ago. 他并不需要一个英雄般的欢迎,来告诉他一年前的伟大时刻.I feel it is absolutely necessary for me to remind him of the meeting tod

5、ay. 我觉得我绝对有必要提醒他今天的会议. I remind him of his promise. 我提醒他许下的诺言.remind sb. of doing sth.提醒某人(使某人想起)已经做过某事, 其中的动名词表示动作已经发生.例如: He reminded me of my seeing the film. 他提醒我说,我曾看过这部电影. It reminded me of the mistakes I had made before. 这使我想起了我以前犯过的一些错误.The bus conductor forgot to remind him to get off at th

6、at station. 公共汽车售票员忘记提醒他在那一站下车了.Please remind him to start earlier. 请提醒他早点动身. 商务英语加油站 1.Everything is ready. 一切准备妥当.2.Please paste up these posters on the walls in the surrounding hallways.请你将这些海报贴在会场的四周.3.Are there any show rules展会有何规定?4.All e_hibits should be ready by the opening hour of the E_hib

7、ition.所有展品都应该在展会开幕前准备好.5.Should we wear our badges at all times?展览期间我们应该随时佩戴证章吗?6.What would be our projected sale for the ne_t year我们明年计划的销售额是多少?7.Now, lets set up our sales target of the ne_t month.现在,让我们制定下个月的销售目标.8.Reaching our sales goal this quarter is a long shot because of the economy.由于经济原因

8、,本季度我们不太可能完成销售目标.9.This new product is to the taste of Asian market.这种新产品在亚洲市场很受欢迎.10.They are not only as low-priced as the goods of other markers, but they aredistinctly superior in the following respects.它们不但和其它厂家的产品一样低廉,而且在以下几个方面有其独特的优越性._.Our products are of superbqualityas well as thetypicalor

9、iental make-up.我方产品,质量优良,具有典型的东方特色._.What are their unique functions?它们有什么独特的功能呢?_.This is a new product in our market or region.这是个我们的市场或区域的新产品._.This is a newly designed model.Its quite modern and comfortable.这是我们的最新设计,既有现代感,又很舒适._.Can I take a message for him要我转告吗? 每日一词 | remind 本释义 remind 英 r?ma

10、?nd 美 r?nd CET4 TEM4 IELTS 考 研 TOEFL CET6vt. 使想起,使记起;提醒 过去式:reminded 过去分词: 现在分词:reminding 第三人称单数:reminds 词根词缀 remind 【词根】mind ment 思想;心智;记忆 mind n.头脑;智慧;思维方式; v. 烦恼;介意; mindset n.观念模式,思维倾向,心态;mind 记忆 +set 设置 设定好的记忆观点 mindful adj.留心的,注意的;记住的,警觉的; mind记忆 +ful 【后缀】形容词后缀 记住的 mention vt. n. ment 思考,神智+io

11、n 表名词有思考向导,提到词性变化:作动词 词义用法 同义词辨析: 这些动词均有记忆,记住,回忆之意. memorize 指有意识的下功夫把某事的整个细节都记在脑子里. remember 含义较广,多指无意识地回忆起往事,也可指通过主观努力去记忆. recall 比remember文雅,指想方设法回忆已经遗忘之事. recollect 指在记忆中搜索,设法想起一时想不起的事情或人,强调过程. remind 指经某人或某事的提醒而回忆起某件已遗忘之事. 词语用法: remind 的基本意思是指通过一定的媒介或激发而慢慢想起某事(做过或应做某事).这事可以是全然忘却的,也可以是一时想不起来的; 这

12、媒介则是引起人们回忆的外界人或事物. remind 只用作及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由带或不带疑问词的动词不定式.that从句或以疑问词引导的从句充当. remind 常和介词of连用,表示提醒注意未来的事或使想起过去的事的内容, of的宾语可以是名词.动名词,也可以是疑问词引导的从句. remind 作提醒解时与remind about同义,其主语只能是人,作使想起解时主语通常是事物. 搭配短语: remind of + -ing v. 提醒,使记起about sth 提醒某人做某事sb of sth 使某人想起某事,提醒某人某事sb about sth 就提

13、醒(某人) 酒店用例 Thanks for your reminding . 谢谢您的提醒. 用于感谢客人善意的提醒,礼貌用语 I d like to remind you about your luggage. 我想提醒您关于您的行李的事. 用于提醒客人保管好行李 E_cuse me sir, I d like to remind you that our restaurant is non-smoking. 对不起,先生,我想提醒您我们的餐厅是无烟餐厅. 用于服务员提醒客人不要在餐厅吸烟 Please remind me in case I should forget. 如果我忘了,请你提

14、醒我一下. 用于请别人提醒自己做某事 remind的用法和短语例句 remind的用法大全: remind的用法1:remind的基本意思是指通过一定的媒介或激发而慢慢想起某事(做过或应做某事).这事可以是全然忘却的,也可以是一时想不起来的; remind的用法2:remind只用作及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由带或不带疑问词的动词不定式.that从句或以疑问词引导的从句充当. remind的用法3:remind常和介词of连用,表示提醒注意未来的事或使想起过去的事的内容, of的宾语可以是名词.动名词,也可以是疑问词引导的从句. remind的用法4:remin

15、d作提醒解时与remind about同义,其主语只能是人,作使想起解时主语通常是事物. remind的用法5:remind sb of sth/ v -ing/wh-clause属双宾语结构, of引起的短语是直接宾语,可以把remind sb that/wh-clause中的从句看作是其前省略了介词of. remind的用法6:可以把remind sb to- v 中的to- v 看作是直接宾语 remind的常用短语: 用作动词 (v.) remind about (v.+prep.) remind of (v.+prep.) remind的用法例句: 1. dietary e_pert

16、s can advise on the ins and outs of dieting. 饮食专家可以对日常饮食的方方面面提出建议. 2. could you suggest someone to advise me how to do this? 这该怎么办?你能不能推荐一个人帮我出个主意? 3. a family tor will be able to advise on suitable birth control. 家庭医生能够就合适的节育措施提出建议. 4. the centre has a remit to advise asian businesses and entrepren

17、eurs. 这个中心有为亚洲的企业和企业家提供建议的职能. 5. they advise against foreign delegates wandering unescorted in various parts of town. 他们建议外国代表在没人陪同时不要在城镇四处游逛. 6. he set up a three-man panel to advise him. 他成立了一个三人小组为他出谋划策. 7. have you moved yet? pls advise address, phone no. 你已经搬了吗?请告知地址和电话号码. 8. some tors advise s

18、etting aside a certain hour each day for worry. 一些医生建议每天留出一点时间来解决烦心事. 9. herbert would surely advise her how to approach the bank. 赫伯特一定会就如何与银行接洽向她提供意见. 10. please could you advise me what i should do? 能不能请您就我该做什么给点建议呢? _. i would strongly advise against it. 我强烈建议反对此事. _. i would strongly advise against going out on your own. 我要极力奉劝你别单独外出. _. tors now advise only sparing use of such creams. 现在大夫建议,这种乳霜要慎用. _. e_perienced seamen will advise you about sailing in this weather. 有经验的海员会告诉你在这种天气下的航行情况. _. he made it a useless attempt to advise her. 他认为试图劝她是无用的.

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