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1、IConferenceand Incentive会议和奖励Thetwo sales segments relating to conference and incentive group travelCAMCapitalAsset Management 资本资产管理CAPComplianceAssurance Process.担保依法纳税措施CAPEXCapitalExpenditure资本支出CCACapitalconstruction authorization基本建设批准CMHCompanyManaged Hotel.Includes hotels that are owned and

2、operated hotels, and thoseoperated under management agreement酒店管理公司:包括自行经营酒店方和酒店管理方Competitive SetGMdefined local hotels (usually four or five) with which a particular hotelcompetes竞争对手ConfirmationThepercentage of offered calls in a CRO that actually turn into bookings.确认预定百分比COOChiefOperating Offic

3、er首席营运官COS/COGSCostof Sales or Cost of Goods Sold销售成本CPCCustomerProfit Contribution.The revenue supplied by a customer inayield contribution model, minus the cost undertaken to service, complete thesale and the displaced revenues (Displacementis a measure of demandthat was declined as a result of ac

4、cepting this business.)客户利润贡献在收入贡献模型中,来自客户的收入减去所发生的服务成本,就得到销售与因(业务)替代分流的总利润其中所谓的替代分流是指由于使用本业务而减少的对其它业务的需求CRMClusterRevenue Manager.A Revenue Manager with responsibilities for more than one hotel区域收益管理经理:其职责超过1家酒店CROCentralReservations Office中央订房办公室CROCCECashReturn on Cash Capital Employed使用资本额的现金收益C

5、RSCentralReservation System.Holidex Plus being rolled out globally replacing Holidex andGlobal II中央预定系统CSAControlSelf-Assessment (online internal control questionnaire)内部控制自我评估CSSCentralShared Services中央共享服务CTPContributionto ProfitThehotelscontribution to group Profit (Total of management and incent

6、ive fees)收益贡献:酒店提交给集团的收益(包含管理费和提成)ECSElectronicCommission Services.The group that manages our outsourcing partner and internalsystems which make sure travel agent commissions are paid by our hotels (theTACP programme)在线佣金服务系统EEOEqualEmployment Opportunities均等就业机会EMEAEurope,Middle East and Africa欧洲、中

7、东和非洲EMEROTheEMEA Central Reservations Office (call centre) located in Amsterdam.位于阿姆斯特丹的欧洲、中东、非洲中央预定办公室EOWAEqualOpportunity Woman Agency (Australia Only)妇女均等就业机会机构(仅在澳大利亚)ERTEmergencyResponse Team紧急反应小组ESEmployeeSurvey员工满意度调查FAMFinanceand Asset Management (1 of 8 business units). Responsible for cor

8、poratemanagement reporting, external financial reporting, Tax, Treasury, IR capitaland project appraisals财务及资产管理:对企业管理报告负责,外部财务报告,税收,财政,风险资本和项目评估FISFranchiseInformation System加盟信息体系Flow-throughThepercentage of change in revenue that flows through to profit against last yearor budget. GOP is usually

9、used as theprofit measure. Also known as drop through收入变化率计入去年或预算利润通常用营业总收入测算利润也称为直接测算FLSFireLife Safety消防救生索及配件系列FPMMFireprotection maintenance management消防防护维修管理FranchiseeAnoperator who uses a brand under licence from the brand owner特许经营人FranchisorThebrand owner who licences brands for use by othe

10、r operators授予特许者GBSGlobalBrand Services (1 of 8 business units).Responsible for the delivery of brandservices such as reservations offices globally, and the definition of thosebrand standards that apply globally全球品牌服务GDSGlobalDistribution System全球分销系统GFIGroundFault Interrupter断电器GOPGrossOperating Pr

11、ofit before fixed costs and overheads, i.e. before management fees,rent/lease expense, tax, insurance, interest, depreciation, amortisation,gain/loss on sale of property毛营业利润:扣除各项固定费用如管理费,租借费,税收,保险,利息,折旧费,分摊费,损益GOPPARGrossoperating Profit per available room.(revenue after variable costs)每间房间的毛营业利润GR

12、RGrossRooms Revenue房间毛利润GSAGeneralSales Agent总经纪人GSSGuestSatisfaction Index (the key measure within GSTS)宾客满意度指数GlobalSales Support全球销售支持GSTSGuestSatisfaction Tracking System宾客满意度追踪系统HACCPHazardAnalysis Critical Control Path (Food Safety)危害分析临界控制途径HIROHotelInventory Reservation Optimiser.The revenue

13、 maximisation or yield managementsystem whereby information about guest demand for a particular hotel is compiledand analysed on a hotel by hotel basis and is then used to suggest “Hurdle” values based on thisanalysis.It is a highly automated system which assists individual hotels intheir management

14、 of rates based on patterns and statistical insights derivedfrom the hotels operating history酒店空房预订优化系统(方案)酒店收入最大化或称酒店生产管理系统,它收集(酒店的)客户需求(信息),并对酒店进行逐个分析,基于这样的分析,系统(可为酒店)提供临界(障碍)值这是一个高度自动化的管理系统,可以根据酒店类型和酒店历史数据的统计信息帮助各个酒店进行费用(入住率)管理HMAHotelmanagement agreement.The agreement under which the owner of a

15、hotel contractsout the operation of the asset. Sometimes called an OMA酒店管理协议HMGHotelManagement Group酒店管理团队IBPIntegratedBusiness PlanFormsintegral part of budget process and used to track actual sales compared tobudget and forecast.Also contains rolling forecast for next 12 months整合的企业管理流程计划:预算组成部分,采

16、用实际销售与预算比较及预测跟踪反馈系统,同时也包含对未来12月的滚动预测IBTIndividualBusiness Travellers 个体商务旅行者IDSInternetDistribution Systems (e.g. Hotwire, Priceline, Orbitz, Travelweb, Travelocity,Expedia)互联网分销体系IGUIncomeGenerating Unit.Used in financial accounting to aggregate hotels intohomogeneous groupings收益产出单元:用于财务生成酒店同品牌体系计

17、算IRRInitialrate on return回报初始率KNRKeyNegotiated Rate关键协议费率KPOKeyPerformance Objectives主要绩效标准LIRGLowestInternet Rate Guarantee最低网站预定保证LNRLocalNegotiated Rate当地协议汇率LOILetterof Intent意向书LTILosttime injuries浪费机会的损害LTOLabourTurn Over劳动力流动MACROMarketArea Central Reservations OfficeThesystem by which all re

18、servations for properties in a given market are forwardedto a dedicated, specially trained team based in one of our central reservationsoffices.A fee is levied on the hotel based on the volume of calls handled市场区域中央预定办公室MMRManagers Monthly Report经理月度报告MPIMarketPenetration IndexCalculatedby dividing

19、the hotelsactual market share by fair market share市场渗透指数,酒店实际市场份额除以平均市场占有率MTDManager,Talent Development管理层与人才发展MTMManager,Talent Management管理层与人才管理Net RevCoNetrevenue per call offered.A key efficiency measure for the CRO which measuresthe amount of money generated per call through to the CRO每个所打电话的净

20、收益NOPNetoperating profit净营业利润OHS OccupationalHealth & Safety职业保障OSHOccupationalSafety & Health职业安全OSIOverallSatisfaction Index总体满意度指数P2PPay2 Produce货到付款PAFPersonnelAction Form个人行动表格PDPPerformanceDevelopment Plan个人发展计划PDRPerformanceDevelopment Review个人发展回顾PFPPayfor Performance.The collective name for

21、 all revenue generation programmes notcovered by a franchisees reservations or marketing assessments. These include VCRO, MACRO and Affiliatemarketing按效果付费(联营模式)PIPPropertyImprovement Plan.A detailed review of a hotel property assessing whatimprovements/investments are required for the property to m

22、eet brand standards资产改进计划PMSPropertyManagement System资产管理体系PPPriorityPrivilege优先特权PSCPrioritySales Campaign优先促销活动QESQualityEvaluation System质量评估体系Atool used to measure the consistency of compliance of our hotels and resorts toproduct and service standards relevant to hotel brandRCDResidualCurrent de

23、vice漏电保护器RDOSRegionalDirector of Sales区域销售总监RevPARRevenuePer Available RoomCalculatedby dividing the hotelsrooms revenue by the number of rooms available.Rev Par will equal the hotels average room rate whenoccupancy is 100%. 房间总收益除以可用房总数。当入住率100%时,此用来平衡平均房价RevPASHRevenuePer Available Seat Per Hour每位

24、每小时收益RFPRequestfor Proposal提案申请RGIRevenueGeneration IndexCalculatedby dividing the hotelsRev Par by the total Rev Par of your hotels direct competitors每间可售房收入除以竞争对手总可售房收入RGMRegionalGeneral Manager区域总经理RMECRegionalMajor Expenditure Committee区域支出委员会负责人ROCEReturnon Capital Employed, calculated as opera

25、ting profit before exceptional itemsdivided by net operating assets, less revaluation reserve but adding backwritten off goodwill已投资资本回报:主营业务收入(扣除额外项目)由净营业资产,极小重估价准备及商誉注销生成ROIReturnon Investment投资利润率RPCRedeemedPoint Cost.The estimated cost to the PCR fund of redeeming one of theoutstanding points aw

26、arded to PCR members.Based on the estmated % of pointsthat will be redeemed plus the current amount of money paid to hotels or thirdparties for redemptions积分回收RTWReturnto Work复工SOPsStandardOperating Procedures标准操作步骤SpendPARTotalspend per available room a better measure of total revenue in the hotel

27、than RevPAR as it incorporatesthe performance of non-room revenue generating activities as part of theoverall picture空房总支出-比RevPAR更好的衡量酒店总收入的方法,它包含总收入一部分的非房间收益SRDTSalesand Revenue Diagnostic Tool销售收益诊断工具SSPStrategicSales Path战略销售途径STIShortTerm Incentive短期激励TACPTravelAgent Commission Programme.The pr

28、ogramme that stipulates how much a travelagent is paid by our hotels for taking a booking旅行社佣金项目:规定了一旦预定生成,旅游社的佣金支付TPIThirdParty Intermediary Third party Companies such as “WotIf” and “Need it Now” that sell our roominventory on line第三方中介人TQMTotalQuality Management全面质量管理VCROVirtualCentral Reservations OfficeAtool for hotels to divert their in-house after office hours reservation callsto the nearest CRO虚拟中央

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