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1、 defeat, conquer, overedefeat 指“赢得胜利”, 尤其指“军事上得胜利”。defeat the enemy 打败敌人conquer指“征服”、“战胜”,特别指“获得对人、物或感情得控制”,如: conquer nature 征服自然。overe指“战胜”、“压倒”、“克服”尤指“感情”而言, 如:overe difficulties 克服困难。4、 attend: v、1) 出席;参加He decided to attend the meeting himself、 她决定亲自赴会。2) 照顾;瞧护Which doctor is attending to (on)

2、you? 哪位医生护理您?3)伴随The work was attended with much difficulty、 这项工作带来许多困难。5、 expose、to、把暴露于Dont expose your skin to the sun for too long、不要使您得皮肤暴露在太阳光下太长时间。They had to be exposed to the enemys gunfire、她们不得不冒着敌人得炮火。6、 blame sb、 for sth、 因为某事责备某人He blamed the boy for his mistake、【扩展】be to blame: 应受责备,应负

3、责任Who is to blame for the mistake?这个错误应归咎于谁?7、 in addition: 除此之外,另外;I paid 100 Yuan in addition、 我又付了 100 元。In addition to English, he has to study a second language、除了英语以外,她还要学习第二外国语。 in addition to, except, besides,besidein addition to:除之外,还有,表示递进关系。The pany provided the workers with free lunch in

4、 addition to paidholidays、 这家公司为员工们提供带薪假期,还有免费午餐。except: 除之外,表示在整体中排除;Everyone except me got an invitation、 除了我以外, 所有人都收到了请柬。besides表示“除了以外,还有”;Besides Mr Wang, we also went to see the film、王先生也去了。We all agreed besides him、我们都同意, 她也同意。beside : 在旁边,表示方位;Lily sits beside me in class、 莉莉在班上坐我旁边。8、 anno

5、unce: 公布;宣告He announced his decision、 她宣布了她得决定。9、 absorb v、1) 吸收 A sponge absorbs water、 海绵吸水。2)专心于be absorbed in sth: 专心得,全神贯注得The little girl was absorbed in reading a tale、 这个小姑娘正在全神贯注得阅读一篇故事。10、 challenge n、 挑战; 挑战书; 邀请比赛; 要求决斗vt、 向、挑战, 要求, 怀疑;vi、 挑战, 对(证据等)表示异议meet the serious challenge 面对严峻挑战U

6、nit 2:1、 consist of 由组成 (没有进行时)The UK consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland、2、 区别:separate 、 from (把联合在一起或靠近得人或物分离出来)divide、into 把分开(把整体分为若干部分)The teacher divided the class into two groups、3、 debate about sth、 辩论关于某事They debate about the proposal for three days、4、 clarify: vt、/vi、 澄清;阐明;清楚;

7、明了I hope what I say will clarify the situation、Can you clarify the question?5、 be linked to 连接到link A to B 将A与B连接起来6、 refer to1)提及,指得就是When he said “some students”, do you think he was referring to us?2) 参考;查阅;询问If you dont understand a word you may refer to your dictionaries、Please refer to the las

8、t page of the book for answers、3) 关系到;关乎What I have to say refers to all of you、This rule refers to everyone、reference: n、 参考 reference books 参考书7、 to ones surprise 令某人惊讶得就是8、 find +宾语宾补Youll find him easy to get along with、They found themselves trapped by the bush fire、9、 get sth done 使某事被做Ill just

9、 get these dishes washed and then Ill e、get done: 用于意想不到、突然或偶然发生,意为“被、”Be careful when you cross this very busy street、10、 break away (from sb / sth) 脱离;破除It is not easy for him to break away from bad habits、The man broke away from his guards、【词组扩展】break down (汽车等)出故障;(人得健康状况)变得恶劣;(情感)失控break in 闯入;

10、打岔break off 中断,折断break into 闯入break out 爆发;发生break up 驱散;分散,拆散 11、 as well as 不仅而且;既又He is a teacher as well as a writer、The children as well as their father were seen playing football in the street、12、 convenience: n、方便;便利We bought this house for its convenience、13、 attraction:1)、 吸引;引力(不可数 n、)2)、

11、吸引人得东西;喜闻乐见得东西;精彩节目(可数 n、)attraction of gravitation 重力He cant resist the attraction of the sea on a hot day、14、 influence1) v、 对产生影响What influence you to choose a career in teaching?2) n、 产生影响得人或事He is one of the good influences in the school、3) n、 影响A teacher has great influence over his pupils、Uni

12、t 3:1.impression n、 印记;印象;感想;My first impression of him was favourable、 她给我得第一印象不错。I got the impression that they were unhappy about the situation、 我觉得她们不满于当时得状况。【知识拓展】impress v、 给留下深刻得印象;使铭记;使感动;impress sth、 on/upon sb 给留下深刻得印象;It impressed me that she remembered my name、令我佩服得就是她记得我得名字。2.remind v、提

13、醒;使想起;remind sb、 to do sth、 提醒某人做某事;remind sb、(that)/wh-从句 提醒某人;使某人想起;remind sb、 about/of sth、 使某人想起或意识到;提醒某人某事You remind me of your father when you say that、 您说这样得话使我想起了您得父亲。3、 constantly adv、 始终;一直;重复不断地Fashion is constantly changing、 时尚总就是日新月异。4、 previous adj、 先前得;以往得;(时间上)稍前得No previous experien

14、ce is necessary for this job、 这一工作无需相关得经验。5、 bend v、 弯曲;使弯曲;弯腰;弯身;bend ones mind/efforts to sth、 致力于某事;bend sb、to sth、 迫使;说服 bend the truth 歪曲事实Its hard to bend an iron bar、 把铁棒弄弯很不容易。6、 press v、 压;按;推;挤;坚持;敦促n、 报章杂志,新闻工作者,新闻界She pressed down hard on the gas pedal、 她用力踩下油门踏板。He is still pressing her

15、 claim for pensation、 她仍坚持索赔。7、 switch n、 & v、 用作名词表示“开关;转换” She made the switch from full-time to part-time work when her first child was born、 第一个孩子出生后,她就由全日工作改为非全日工作。Press these two keys to switch between documents on screen、 按这两个键就可以在屏幕上得文件之间进行切换。I cant work next week, will you switch with me? 下

16、个周末我不能上班,咱俩换个班好不好?8、 lack n、 & v、 用作名词,表示:“缺乏;短缺”;用作动词,表示:短缺;没有;不足”。e、g、 a lack of food /money/skills 缺乏食物/金钱/技能The trip was cancelled through lack of interest、 因为缺乏兴趣这次旅行被取消了。He lacks confidence、 她缺乏信心。知识拓展:lacking adj、 缺乏;匮乏;不足9、 surroundings n、pl、 环境;surround v、 围绕;环绕 surrounding adj、 周围得;附近得e、g、

17、 Everyone likes to work in pleasant surroundings、 人人都喜欢在愉快得环境中工作。启发学生思考问题,哪些单词用作名词时常用复数形式?10、 catch/gain/get sight of 发现,瞧出 lose sight of 瞧不见,忘记 lose ones sight 失明 at first sight 一见就;乍瞧起来 At first sight, the problem seems easy、 at (the) sight of 一瞧见就 At the sight of the teacher, the boy ran away、 be

18、 in sight 瞧得见,在眼前 The island is still in sight、 out of sight 瞧不见 Out of sight, out of mind、11、 take upto fill or use an amount of space or time 占用(时间);占据(空间)to learn to or start to do sth 开始做(某项工作);开始从事to accept sth、 that is offered or available 接受(建议或能得到得东西)e、g、 The table takes up too much room、 这张

19、桌子太占地儿。They have taken up golf、 她们学起打高尔夫球来了。She took up his offer of a drink、 她请她喝一杯,她接受了。He takes up his duties next week、 她下周就要开始履行职责。12、 sweep up 打扫;清扫;横扫;涌向;快速地抱起e、g、 He swept up the baby up into his arms、 她一把将孩子抱进怀里。Unit 4:1、 concentrate vi、 聚精会神,集中思想,多与 on 与 upon 或连用 Concentrate on your work、

20、集中精神工作。e、g、 A driver should concentrate on the road when driving、开车时驾驶员得注意力要集中在路上。Industrial development is being concentrated in the west of the country、这个国家得西部正集中发展工业。2、 acquire vt、 获得, 学到,取得,拥有 acquired, acquiringe、g、 She acquired a knowledge of the English by careful study、她认真学习而精通英语。Some smokin

21、g and alcoholic drinks are an acquired taste and are not in born、抽烟喝酒往往就是一种后来习得得嗜好,并不就是生来就有得。3、 accuse sb、 of doing sth、 指责,指控 accused, accusinge、g、 The police accused him of murder、 警方指控她谋杀。She accused him lying、 她指责她说谎、He was wrongly accused of stealing、 她误遭控告犯偷盗罪、4、 be of interest/ importance, va

22、lue, use, help, 、 = interesting/important/valuable/useful/helpful、e、g、 This is a matter of great importance、 这就是一件非常重要得事。The book is of great value to me、 这本书对我来说有很大价值。There is nothing interesting/of interest in todays newspaper、今天报纸上没有什么新鲜事。5、 journalist n、新闻记者;新闻工作者e、g、 He is a professional journa

23、list、 她就是一位专门得新闻从业人员6、 delighted a、 高兴得, 快乐得e、g、 I am really delighted、 我真得很高兴。【词语联想】delight n、 高兴, 愉快 ; vt、 使高兴, 乐于; vi、 感到高兴(或愉快、快乐)e、g、Singing is her chief delight、 唱歌就是她得主要爱好。【习惯用语】 take delight in 喜爱, 以、为乐 find delight in 喜爱, 以、为乐 have delight in 喜爱, 以、为乐 to sb、s delight 令人高兴得就是、7、 assist n、 帮助

24、, 协助; vt、 帮助, 促进; vi、 协助, 参加【习惯用语 】 assist sb、 with sth、 帮助某人做某事 assist sb、 to do sth、 帮助某人做某事 assist sb、 in doing sth、 帮助某人做某事 区别: help, aid, assist 都含帮助、援助得意思。 help 系常用词, 意义较aid, assist 强, 指以积极态度给予各方面得帮助, 强调受助者得到帮助或好处, 并着重受助者对帮助得需要e、g、 Please help me arrange these papers、请帮我整理这些文件。 aid 属较正式用语, 强调帮

25、助受助者脱离困难或危险, 有时意味着强者援助弱者e、g、 They aided flood victims、她们援助遭受水灾得灾民。 assist就是正式用语, 多指在提供帮助时, 帮助者起次要或起协助作用e、g、 She assisted him in his experiments、她协助她做实验。8、 case n、 情况,事实e、g、 Is that the case?就是这么回事吗? a hard case 无可救药或顽固不化得人; 难对付得人、处境困难或可怜得人、难办得事; 难治之症、古里古怪冒冒失失得家伙 as is often the case 这就是常有得事 in any c

26、ase 无论如何, 总之 in case of 万一、, 如果发生、 in no case 决不 in that case in this case 假如这样得话 It is not the case 情况不就是这样; 并非事实。 This is not the case 情况不就是这样; That is not the case 情况不就是这样; just in case 以防(万一)Unit 5:1、 first aid 得意思就是“急救”,例如:first aid to the injured 给予伤员得急救。短语联想give/offer aid 援助 e to sbs aid 帮助某人

27、teaching aids 教具 medical aid 医疗救护with the aid of 借助于get injured 受伤,在现代英语中大量地出现了由“get + 及物动词不达意得过去分词”构成得被动语态,这叫 get - 型被动语态。又如:The puter got (was)damaged when we were moving、 我们搬家得时候,电脑碰坏了。My bike is getting (is being)repaired row、 我得自行车正在修理。2、 Protect 动词,“保护、维护”,用于句式“protect + 名词 + against/from + 名词

28、”。例如:e、g、 He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight、 她带着太阳镜以挡强烈得阳光。【短语联想】 Keep、 from、 不让/避免 stop、 (from) 、 阻止 prevent、(from) 、 妨碍/防止 disable、 from、 使失去(能力/资格) save、 from、 挽救、拯救3、depend on 取决于。e、g、 The amount you pay depends on where you live、 您付多少取决于您住哪里。词义拓展depend on 依靠,

29、依赖:His family depends on him、 她得一家人全靠她养活。依赖,信任:We are depending on you to finish the job by Friday、 我们相信您在星期五前能完成这项工作。4、 squeeze 动词,意思就是“榨取”、“挤出”,例如:squeeze an orange 榨橘子常用句式squeeze + 名词 + out(of/from) + 名词,例如:e、g、 Those blackmailers intended to squeeze more money out of him、那些勒索者打算向她榨取更多得钱。over and ove

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