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1、【答案】:1.tall 2. short 3. birthday 4. feet 5.stand【解析】: tall 有多高,固定搭配。2.根据答语,肯定回答,Yes, she is short.是的,她不高,前后一致,所以填short .3. When is your birthday? 你什么时候生日?课文句型。4. These are my feet. 这是我的脚,用复数,foot的复数是feet.5. Please stand up. 请站起来,祈使句,用动词原形。4. 根据题意,完成句子。1. 这个玩具车多少钱?_ _ is the toy car?2. 这个风筝15元。

2、The kite _ fifteen yuan.3. 42加25等于多少?_ _ forty-two and twenty-five?4. 钱在这。_ _ the money.5. 这些蛋糕多少钱? 它们一共80元。 _ _ _ the cakes? _ _ _ yuan.【答案】1. How much 2. is 3. What is 4. Here is 5. How much are;They are eighty.【解析】略5. 根据上下问意思,完成下列对话。1.A:? B: My mother is nurse.2.A: Is she your aunt? No,.3.A: Id l

3、ike some eggs.4.A: This is my father.5.A: There are five books in the bag.【答案】1.A:Whats your mothers job ? No, she is my daughter.whats your favorite food? Whos this man? ?How many books in the bag ?6. 请在B栏里找出A栏的正确答句。AB( )1. Im sorry.A Me, neither. )2. Whos that boy?B Nice to meet you. )3. Where are

4、 you from?C He is my brother. )4. Happy Womens Day!D Its OK. )5. This is my friend, Mike. E I am from China. )6. I dont like bananas.F OK! )7. Do you like peaches?G Sure. Here you are. )8. Lets watch TV.H Its on the desk. )9. Can I have a pear, please? I Thank you. )10. Wheres my ruler?J I have twel

5、ve. )11. How many crayons do you have?K Yes,I do.【答案】1.D2.C3.E4.I5.B6.A7.K8.F9.G10.H11.J【解析】1.句意:-对不起。-没关系。2.句意:-那个男孩是谁?-他是我的哥哥。3.句意:-你来自哪里?-我来自中国。4.句意:-妇女节快乐!-谢谢。5.句意:-这是我的朋友,迈克。-见到你很高兴。6.句意:-我不喜欢香蕉。-我也不喜欢。7.句意:-你喜欢桃子吗?-是的,我喜欢。8.句意:-咱们看电视吧。-好的。9.句意:-我能吃个梨吗?-当然,给你。10.句意:-我的尺子在哪儿?-它在桌子上。7. How many a

6、pples are there_the tree?Aon Bfor Cin【答案】A【解析】“生长在树上的”用介词on,如applesonthetree. “非生长在树上的”用介词in,如akiteinthetree.8. 根据所给的题目写话,要求三种句型,至少五句。My classmate_【答案】略9. I _ swimming yesterday.A. go B. goes C. went【答案】C10. 判断出每组中不同类的一项,并将序号填在括号里。 )1.A. long B. short C. photo )2.A. black B. teacherC. student )3.A.

7、friends B. strong C. thin )4.A. forty B. music C. thirty )5.A. long hair B. quiet C. short hair【答案】1-5 C A A B B11. Are you a dancer? AYes,I am B. Yes,it is C. No,it isnt12. What_your mother do? B.does【答案】B13. 完型填空。1afternoon, my uncle and aunt come to my family. Their 2comes here with them

8、, too. Maria is my young sister. We are good 3.My 4are not at 5. They go to 6a doctor. So I phone them to 7back quickly(快点). My uncle and aunt 8me a new hat. Its 9is blue. I 10it very much. )1.A. Today B. This C. That D. Its )2.A. daughter B. son C. children D. cat )3.A. friend B. sister C. friends

9、D. classmates )4.A. father B. mother C. teacher D. parents )5.A. family B. home C. school D. time )6.A. look for B. find C. see D. look )7.A. go B. come C. look D. take )8.A. bring B. take C. carry D. fetch(拿) )9.A. name B. color C. like D. face )10.A. look B. look like C. am like D. like【答案】B A C D

10、 B D【解析】1.B This 在英语中,指当天的上、下午及晚上时,用This 来译作Today的汉语意义,同学们应特别注意this的特殊用法,所以本题选B。2.A daughter,由下一句得知,Maria是一个女孩,因此本题应填的是daughter译为“女儿”。3. C friends因为句子主语是Were,所以后面的名词必须用复数。A、B排除。而D项在文中并未涉及,虽合乎语法要求,但不合题意,也排除。4.D parents由题后的复数be动词are可知,主语应为复数。A、B、C三项均是单数主语,所以排除。5.B at home短语译为“在家”。A项不能与at直接搭配。C项 at sch

11、ool意为“在学校”,at time指此时。6.C see a doctor是固定搭配,译为“找医生看病。”look for强调找的动作。Find强调找的结果。Look单独使用要译为“看”,当接宾语时,与介词at搭配使用。7.B come ,A 项的go不能与back构成“回来”之意,而要译为“回去”,不合题意。Look at译为“回头看”或“向后看”, takeback “把取回”。8.A bring B项take常与方向词to连用,译为“把拿到去”。C项carry常指“手提、肩担”,不具有方向性,且常指提重物。D项是生词,具有双重方向性。Bring有随身携带之意。9.B color 由后面

12、的形容词, blue可判断出前面是说颜色,而非其他三项。10.D like, 题意要求选项的含义是“喜欢”,A项是“看”之意,B项look like 译为“看起来像”,C项am like是当主语是第一人称I时,be like的正确形式,也译为“长得像”。14. 选出不同种类的单词。 ) 1.A.hen B.cow C.goat D.fat 2.A.rainy B.windy C.cloudy D.Hello B.shirt C.dress D.jacket B.time C.two D.thirty 5.A.afternoon room

13、C.washroom D.board【答案】D A15. 当你想知道别人去哪儿里时,你问:A、Is that far from here ? B、Where are you going ? C、Do you have a map ?【解析】Where are you going ?用于询问对方要去哪,注意where为副词,动词go后面不要加to。16. 根据图片,选择合适的英语句子,描述他们的疾病。1._.2._.3._.4._. AShe has got a cold.BHe has got a stomach ache.CShe has got a fever.DShe has got a

14、 headache. C【解析】1.He has got a stomach ache. 他胃痛。2.She has got a cold.她感冒了。3.She has got a headache.她头痛。4.She has got a fever. 她发烧了。17. 翻译下列单词或者短语。1.飞_2.太好了_3.带,拿_4.多云的_5.周六_6.多风的 _7.周五_8.天气 _9.为什么 _10.因为 _【答案】1.fly2.great3.take4.cloudy5.Saturday 6.windy7.Friday8.weather9.why10.because18. We do all

15、_ of things in the class.A. kind B. kinds【解析】all kinds of 各种各样的,kind要用法复数形式,B合适。19. I have _ bags.A. a B. two【解析】bags用的是复数形式,不能用a一个,修饰,只能选择A two 两个。20. Can I _you?A. to help B. help C. helping【解析】此句意是:我能帮你吗?在情态动词后跟动词原形,应选B。21. 根据要求完成句子。1.Youre welcome. (写出同义句)_2. You can find a gas station at the fi

16、rst corner. (对画线部分提问)3.The police station is on the fifth floor.(对画线部分提问)_4.Thanks a lot.(写出答语), can, me, the, station, you, gas, tell, the,way(?)(连词成句)【答案】1.Not at all.2.Where can I find a gas station?3.Which floor is the police station on?4.Youre welcome.5.Can you tell me the way to the gas st

17、ation?【解析】1.此句意是:不客气,与之意思相近的是Not at all.2.此句的画线部分是at the first corner, 表地点,所以提问时要用Where.3 此句的画线部分是the fifth, 所以提问时要用Which, 应为Which floor is the police station on?4. 此句意是:非常感谢。其答语应为Youre welcome.5.根据所给词可组成句子为:Can you tell me the way to the gas station? 你能告诉我去加油站的路吗?22. 按要求写单词。1.look for (汉语)_ 2.behin

18、d(汉语)_3. beside(汉语)_4.the police station(汉语) front of (汉语)_【答案】1.寻找 2. 在后面 3. 在旁边 4.警察局 5. 在前面【解析】1.look for寻找2.behind在后面3. beside在旁边4.the police station警察局5. in front of在前面23. He is looking _the supermarket.A. for B. up C. at他正在找那家超市。look for寻找。24. 当你想让同学把图片粘起来时,你应该说:A. Put on the picture.B. P

19、ut up the picture.C. Take off the picture.【解析】把图片粘起来用put up the pictures,A中put on是穿上的 意思, C中take off 是脱下的意思, 故选B。25. 根据所给的中文写出正确的英文。1.感冒_ 2.做家务_ 3.喝大量的水_4.带书到学校_5.待在床上_【答案】1. have a cold 2. do housework 3.drink a lot of water 4. bring books to school 5. stay in bed26. I am _ I cant ride fast. ( )A、OKB、afraidC、glad【解析】本题含义为:我恐怕骑不快。根据题意,AC选项与题意不符,故选B。【点评】本题考查固定句式的用法。27. Ms. Smart is _ (跑)?【答案】running【解析】跑用run ,又因为是现在完成时,故填runnin

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