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1、My names Gina.重点词组:电话号码_ 第一个名字_后一个名字_ 名_姓氏_ 身份证_1. A:What is yourhisher name? My His Her name isIm2. A:Nice to meet you! B:Nice to meet you,too.3. A:What is yourhisher telephone number? My His Her telephone number is4. A:What is yourhisher family name? My His Her family name is5. A:Hello!Im Mary. Ma

2、ry. Im Jim.6. A: Are you Li Mei? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.语法归纳: Be动词(am, is, are)的用法: 我是am你是are (I am, You are); is用于他,她,它 (He/ She / It is); We, You, They是复数, 后面统统跟上are.Unit 2 Is this your pencil?重点词组:用英语_ 电脑游戏_失物招领_ 文具盒_用(号码)给某人打电话_ 学生证_一串钥匙_ 请原谅_1、A:Is this that your his her ? Yes, it is. Its my N

3、o, it isnt. Its his her 2、A:Whats this in English?Its a an3、A:How do you spell it? W-A- T- C-H.4、A:Excuse me. B: Yes? (什么事) 一般疑问句用“Yes”或“No”作回答; 特殊疑问句不能用“Yes”或“No”作回答。-Is this your pencil case? -Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.-Whats this in English? -Its a picture. Unit 3 This is my sister.为感谢某人_ 家庭照片_ 家

4、谱_ 在图画里_ 一张我的家庭照片 _介绍别人:this:这(近距离) that: 那(远距离)1. This is my sister. That is my brother.These are my sisters. Those are my parents.2. A: Is this / that your ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. (提问照片上的人) Are these / those your friends? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.注:this - these (这些) that-those (那些)Unit

5、 4 Wheres my backpack?重点词组在桌子上_ 在课桌底下_在书包里_ 闹钟_数学书_ 把带到 _把带来_ 我不知道 _Please take these things to your brother. He needs them.Can you bring some books to me? I need them. 交际句型Wheres my book? B: Its on the desk.Is the book on the desk? B:Yes,it is. No,it isnt.Where are my books? They are under the bed.

6、Are they on the desk? Yes, they are. No, they arent.5. Here is my room. = This is my room. Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?乒乓球拍_ 网球拍_运动俱乐部_玩电脑游戏_看电视_ 在电视上_做运动_ 打篮球_ 踢足球_ 每天_句型Do you they have a basketball? Yes, I they do. No, I they dont.Does he she have a soccer ball?Yes, he she does. No, he she d

7、oesnt.3. Let s +V.原形 :让我们做 eg: L ets play volleyball. 4. That sounds +adj. 这听起来 eg: That sounds good / interesting / boring. 5. have “有”, 第三人称单数为has: I / We / You / They have a soccer ball. (have)I / We / You / They dont have a soccer ball. ( not have)He / she / It has a baseball. (have)He / she / I

8、t doesnt have a baseball. (not have)语法归纳:一般现在时态一、概念:表示经常性,习惯性的动作或状态。二、构成(分三类)1、主语+be+2、主语(I、We、You、They、复数名词)+V.原+否定句:主语+助动词(dont)+V.原+疑问句:助动词(Do) +主语+V.原+?3、主语(He、She、 It、单数名词)+V.三单+主语+助动词(doesnt) +V.原+助动词(Does) +主语+V.原+?三、标志词:every day、often、usually、sometimes (有时) 四、动词第三人称单数的构成与名词复数相同。即:一般在词尾加s;以辅

9、音字母+y结尾的,改y 为i, 再加es; 以ch, sh结尾的加es; 注:go-goes; do- does have -has将下列句子变为否定句和一般疑问句:He is my good friend. I like playing basketball. Li Ming plays sports every day. He watches sports on TV. Unit 6 Do you like bananas?健康食品_冰淇淋_薯条_一个赛跑明星_吃早餐(午餐、晚餐)_Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. No, I dont. Do they li

10、ke ice cream? Yes, they do. / No, they dont.Does he / she like French fries?Yes, he / she does. No, he / she doesnt.3、For lunch, I like hamburgers, salad and apples.可数名词复数构成规则:1、一般在名词后+“s”, eg:friend-friends day- days2、以辅音字母+y 结尾的,改 y 为 i ,再加es eg: strawberry- strawberries fry- fries3、以o结尾的名词变复数,pot

11、ato, tomato +es”,其余+s: photo-photos; tomato-tomatoes4、以s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词变复数,在名词后 +“es”, watch-watches; bus- buses 不可数名词没有复数形式,当单数看。如: chicken, ice cream, salad, broccoli写作话题: Myself My Good FriendUnit 7 How much are these pants?多少(钱)_ 看一看_特价出售_ 服装店_以一个好价格_向买_ 把卖给_How much is the red sweater? Its ten do

12、llars. How much are these blue socks? They are five yuan.3. Can I help you?=What can I do for you? (我能帮你做什么?/ 你想买点什么?4. -Thank you. / Thanks. -Youre welcome.5. Ill take it. = Ill buy it.6. Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store!Unit 8 When is your birthday?几岁_ 篮球 / 排球赛_学校庆祝日_ 学校上课日_英语演讲比

13、赛_英语晚会_学校郊游_ 生日晚会_ 艺术节_ 音乐节_语文竞赛_ 妈妈的生日_ When is your birthday? My birthday is Its November 11th.When is Li Pings birthday?Her / His birthday is Its September 5th.3、A: When is the school trip? Its March 18th.Happy birthday! Thank you!How old are you? Im fifteen. A:How old is your mother? She is fort

14、y-two (years old).1、序数词:规则变化在基数词尾+th. eg: four- fourth 不规则变化:one- first, two- second, three- third, five-fifth, eight- eighth, nine- ninth, twelve-twelfth, twenty- twentieth, twenty-one- twenty-first序数词前要用定冠词the; 当序数词前有形容词性物主代词或名词所有格时(sbs) ,不用the. eg: the first day , my first teacher2、名词的所有格( 某人的 ):

15、1) 单数名词加s eg: Jims bike2) 以s结尾的复数名词加 eg: Teachers Day3) 不以s结尾的复数名词加s eg: Childrens DayUnit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?去看电影_ 看电影_动作片_ 看喜剧_京剧_ 和我的朋友_中国历史_ 我最喜爱的演员_在周末_ 学习有关_重点句型Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Does he she want to go to a movie?Yes, she he does. / No, he / she

16、doesnt.3. A: What kind of movies do you like? I like action movies and comedies because I think they are interesting.4. A: What kind of movies does he / she like? He/ She likes comedies because he / she thinks they are funny.5. He likes thrillers but she doesnt like comedies. (but 表示转折“但是”)6. She li

17、kes comedies and she likes Beijing Opera. (and 用来连接两个肯定句)Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?下象棋_ 说英语_ 弹吉他_ 弹钢琴_拉小提琴_ 一点儿,少许_艺术俱乐部_ 游泳俱乐部_象棋俱乐部_ 音乐俱乐部_摇滚乐队_ 学校表演_电子邮件地址_ 参加俱乐部_帮助做_ 加入我们_1. A: Can you dance? Yes, I can. No, I cant. Yes, a little. Can he she speak English? Yes, he she can. No, he she cant

18、. What can you do? I / We can draw/ sing/ swim What club do you want to join? I We want to join the art club.5. A: Why do you want to join the club? Because I want to learn about art. May I know your name? Certainly. My name is情态动词can (能、会、可以),cant (不能、不会), may(可以)的用法:后接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。肯定句:I /You / H

19、e/ She/ It/ We/ You / They can play basketball.否定句:I /You / He/ She/ It/ We/ You / They cant play basketball.疑问句:-Can I /you / he/ she/ it/ we/ you / they play basketball? -Yes, can. / No, cant.乐器前要用定冠词the, 球类和一日三餐前不用the. 如:play the guitar/ piano/ violin/ drum; play basketball/ volleyball; have/eat

20、breakfast/ lunch/ dinner/supper.写作话题My hobby(爱好)Unit 11 What time do you go to school?几点钟_ 去上学_ 起床_ 沐浴_去上班_ 到达_ 上床睡觉_ 回家_ 刷牙_ 整个晚上_到家_ 做作业_听_ 放学后_在星期天_ 乘坐12 路公共汽车_在上午/ 下午/晚上_What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at six oclock.What time does your father / mother go to work?He / She goes to work at 8:00.What time is it? (问时间) Its eight oclock. / Its eight thirty.When do people usually eat dinner? People usually eat dinner in the evening.写作话题 My DayUnit 12 My favorite subject is science重点词组 我喜爱的科目_ 电视节目_在课堂

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