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1、8. Is the woman staying in Beijing next Tuesday?A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt. C. We dont know. 9. How does Mary usually go to school?A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By train. 10. How is Tina different from Tara?A. Tina is taller. B. Tinas hair is longer. C. Tinas hair is curlier. 6. M: Emily, did you h

2、ave a good sleep last night?W: Yes. I often sleep six hours. But last night I slept eight hours. 7. M: Why cant you go to the movies with me? Because I have a cold. M: Im sorry to hear that. 8. M: How long are you staying in Beijing? Im getting back next Monday. 9. M: How do you usually go to school

3、, Mary? I usually ride a bike to school. 10. M: Here comes Tina. Well, I really cant tell who is Tina, if her hair isnt curlier than Taras. 610. CCBAC()录音中有一段对话, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。11. Helenon Saturday morning. A. played tennis B. went to the beachC. studied12. Helen played tennis with. A. Nancy B. Mark C

4、. Lisa13. Helen went to the movies on. A. Saturday nightB. Saturday afternoonC. Sunday night14. Maryon Saturday afternoon. A. played computer gamesB. studiedC. went to the movies15. Marys weekend was. A. great B. quiet C. fantasticMary: Hey, Helen! How was your weekend?Helen: It was great. On Saturd

5、ay morning, I went to the beach. How was the beach? Fantastic! I went with Lisa, and it was really fun.And then on Saturday afternoon, I played tennis and. . . What? With Lisa? No, with Nancy. Wow! Shes really good. I know. What did you do on Saturday night? I went to the movies with Mark. What did

6、you do over the weekend, Mary? Me? Uh, I stayed at home and cleaned my room. All weekend? No, on Saturday afternoon. Then I played computer games with my brother. On Sunday night I went to the library and studied a little. That sounds like a good, quiet weekend. 1115. BAAAB()录音中有一段独白, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。1

7、6. Whats Betty like?A. She is outgoing. B. She is quiet. C. She is shy. 17. What does Kate like doing?A. Reading, drawing and singing. B. Reading, shopping and chatting online. C. Reading, shopping and watching TV. 18. What kind of TV shows does Kate like?A. Soap operas. B. Comedies. C. Action movie

8、s. 19. Who is Mike?A. Bettys cousin. B. Kates brother. C. Bettys new friend. 20. How many TV sets are there in Bettys house?A. One. B. Two. C. Three. Hello, my name is Betty. I am outgoing. I like chatting online, playing tennis and watching TV. I like watching game shows and comedies. I think they

9、are relaxing. I have a sister Kate. We look the same, but we are quite different. Kate is much quieter than me. She likes reading, shopping and watching TV. She likes soap operas. Mike is our brother. He doesnt like soap operas or comedies. He thinks theyre meaningless. He likes action movies. He sa

10、ys theyre exciting. There are three TV sets in our house. Sometimes, we watch different shows on different TV sets. Is that interesting? 1620. ACABC. 单项选择(15分)1. (2013广州中考)I enjoyed the performance very much. Yes, it was really good. I thinkboy in white was the best actor. A. aB. anC. the D. /【解析】选C

11、。考查冠词的用法。名词the boy由短语in white所修饰, 特指“穿白色衣服”的那个男孩, 用定冠词the。2. I like cartoons that can make me. A. laugh B. to laughC. laughing D. laughed【解析】选A。考查固定搭配。make sb. do sth. “使某人做某事”, 固定结构。3. (2013湖州浔溪中学质检)Please take it. Im not telling a joke. A. clearly B. quietlyC. loudly D. seriously【解析】选D。句意: 请认真对待。我

12、不是在开玩笑。take. . . seriously“认真对待”。4. do you go to a movie, Jack?Maybe once a month. A. How soon B. How farC. How often D. How long考查疑问词辨析。根据答语“Maybe once a month. ”可知是对“频率”进行提问, 故用how often“多久一次”。5. (2013济南中考)Who helped you clean the classroom yesterday?. I did it all by myself. A. Someone B. AnyoneC

13、. Nobody D. Everybody考查不定代词。问句询问“昨天谁帮你打扫教室了? ”根据答语“I did it all by myself. ”可知没有人帮忙, nobody表示“没有人”。6. Kathy and Peter are from America, butof them are interested in Beijing Opera. A. all B. both C. neither D. either【解析】选B。 凯西和彼得来自美国, 但他们两人都对京剧很感兴趣。all(三个或更多)全都; both两个都; neither两者一个也不; either两者任一。7.

14、In England, peopleuse Mr, Mrs or Ms with their first name. A. always B. sometimesC. never D. often考查副词辨析。由文化常识可知在英国, 人们从不把先生、夫人或女士等称呼与名连用, 这些称呼只与姓氏连用。never“决不; 从不”, first name“名字”。8. (2013杭州中考)Its muchto have a small lovely room than a big cold one. A. good B. well C. better D. best考查形容词比较级。 拥有一个小而可

15、爱的房间比一个大而寒冷的(房间)要好得多。much可用来修饰形容词的比较级, 且句中有than。故选C。9. Dont worry about Mary. She isto take care of herself. A. enough old B. old enoughC. enough tall D. enough careful考查固定用法。 不必担心玛丽。她年龄够大了能够照顾好自己。enough修饰形容词或副词时, 要置于所修饰词的后面。10. Of all the students in our class, Jane is. A. most careful B. carefulC.

16、 more careful D. the most careful考查最高级。由“Of all the students”可知应该用最高级, 且形容词最高级前常加the。11. What do you think of your English teacher?I love her. She is really. She always has a smile on her face. A. outgoing B. funny C. friendly D. serious考查形容词词义辨析。由答语中“She always has a smile on her face. ”可知她对学生很友好。o

17、utgoing“外向的”; funny“滑稽的”; friendly“友好的”; serious“严肃的”。12. (2013大连中考)The British Museum is very serious. Visitorskeep quiet. A. may B. might C. can D. must考查情态动词的用法。may可能, 可以; might可能, 可以(可能性比may小); can能够, 可以; must必须。 大英博物馆是非常庄严的。参观者必须保持安静。13. Whatnews it is! Nobody believes it. A. a surprising B. su

18、rprisingC. a surprised D. surprised考查感叹句。感叹名词时, 用what引导感叹句, news为不可数名词, 不能用a修饰; 排除A、C两项, news为物, 用surprising修饰。14. many children like playing computer games, theyd better not spend too much time on them. A. Because B. When C. Although D. If考查连词辨析。 尽管许多孩子喜欢玩电脑游戏, 但是他们最好不要在玩游戏上花太多时间。although“虽然, 尽管”,

19、引导让步状语从句。15. (2013宜昌中考)Which one of these do you want?. Either will be OK. A. No problem B. Im sureC. Come on D. I dont mind考查情景交际。 你想要这些中的哪一个? 我不介意。哪一个都可以。表示不介意, 可用“I dont mind”。. 完形填空(10分) An Internet friend is someone who you talk with online and you have probably never met. You may talk with thi

20、s1in a chat room and discover that you have a lot in common. You probably exchange messages with this person whenever you are online. Internet friends often live in another city, 2even another country! Having Internet friends3a special experience and gives us a chance to learn about other people. 4h

21、aving Internet friends can be a lot of fun, it is important to remember that we need to be cautious(谨慎的). Since we have probably5met the people we are talking with, we have no ways of knowing if they are telling the truth. It is important not to give6personal information because it may be dangerous(

22、危险的). Always think twice7giving an Internet friend your telephone number or home address. Having Internet friends can be very exciting, but it is important to8not to believe in every one of them. There may be many people that you9online, but they dont really know about you. Internet friends can neve

23、r take the place of your true friends. Good friends know much about you and will be there when you10them. You can spend time with each other and share your feelings. 1. A. girl B. boy C. person D. woman考查词义辨析。泛指“一个人”用person。2. A. so B. or C. but D. for考查连词。表示“或者”, 用or。3. A. is B. are C. were D. have

24、考查主谓一致。本句的主语是动名词短语“Having Internet friends”, 动名词(短语)作主语, 谓语动词用单数。4. A. When B. IfC. Because D. Though引导让步状语从句, 意为“尽管”, 应用though。5. A. often B. alwaysC. never D. sometimes考查语境理解。由其后面的“. . . we have no ways of knowing if they are telling the truth. ”可知前面句意为“我们也许从未见过和我们聊天的人”。never“从来不; 从来没有”。6. A. too

25、much B. too manyC. much too D. many tooinformation是不可数名词, 不能用many修饰, 可用much来修饰。too much修饰不可数名词, much too修饰形容词或副词。7. A. ago B. before C. after D. while由其前面的“. . . it may be dangerous. ”可知“在告诉网友电话号码或住址前, 一定要三思”, before“在之前”。8. A. decide B. tellC. forget D. remember 有网友可能令人非常激动, 但记着不要相信他们中的每一个人, 这很重要。r

26、emember“记着; 记得”。9. A. talk with B. worry aboutC. think of D. come on考查固定短语。 在网络上, 也许有很多与你交谈的人, 但他们并不真正了解你。talk with“与交谈”。10. A. lose B. like C. need D. face 好朋友很了解你, 当你需要他们时, 他们会在你身边。need“需要”。. 阅读理解(30分)A One of the easiest ways to keep fit is to do jogging. Jogging is the name for a very gentle(舒缓的

27、)runningit is just a little faster than walking. Start slow jog 20 meters, then walk 20 meters. Little by little, if you are not feeling very tired, you may do more jogging and less walking. Finally, jog the whole way. It will be easy for you to start jogging for 15 minutes twice a week, slowly, increase this to 2030 minutes every day. The longer you join in jogging, the more you enjoy it and the healthier you will become. Some people like jogging a

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