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1、棒磨粉机;小型轧钢厂conical mill:锥形球磨机;锥形磨浆机;锥形磨;精浆机jet mill:气流粉碎机;喷射式粉碎机;喷磨机;粉碎机Lumber Mill:伐木场;木材厂;ex mill:锯木厂;伐木厂例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.N-COUNT A mill is a building in which grain is crushed to make flour. 磨坊例:There was an old mill

2、 that really did grind corn.有一个真正碾磨玉米的老磨坊。2.N-COUNT A mill is a small device used for grinding something such as coffee beans or pepper into powder. 碾磨器.a pepper mill.一个胡椒碾磨器。3.N-COUNT A mill is a factory used for making and processing materials such as steel, wool, or cotton. 工厂.a steel mill.一家钢厂。4

3、.N-COUNT a US and Canadian monetary unit used in calculations, esp for property taxes, equal to one thousandth of a dollar 密尔 ; 美国和加拿大的货币计算单位,尤其用于计算房产税,相当于一美元的千分之一5.V-T To mill something such as wheat or pepper means to grind it in a mill. 碾磨They do not have the capacity to mill the grain.他们没有碾磨谷物的能

4、力。passerbyn. 行人,过路人A Passerby:翻译诗歌passerby stranger:路人passerby A:路人甲Passerby D:路人丁foot passerby:行人passerby n:过路的人I Passerby:我路人甲passerby y:过路人;Strange passerby:陌生的过路人1.N-COUNT A passerby is a person who is walking past someone or something. 过路人A passerby described what he saw moments after the car b

5、omb had exploded.一个过路人描述了汽车炸弹爆炸后瞬间他所看到的情景。submarine音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _英 sbmrin; sbmrin 美 ,sbmrin附加_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 过去式 submarined 过去分词 submarin

6、ed 现在分词 submarining n. 潜水艇;海底生物adj. 海底的;水下的vt. 用潜水艇攻击vi. 在下疾行;在下滑动Submarine Sandwich:潜艇三明治;潜艇三文治;潜水艇三明治;潜水艇夹肉面包submarine canyon:海谷;海底谷submarine gate:潜伏浇口;潜伏式浇口;潜水口submarine contour:海底等深线;等深线;海底等高组submarine earthquake:海底地震;海震;submarine geology:海下地震;海底震submarine valley:海底地质学;海底地质;海洋地质学;地质海洋学submarine

7、topography:海底谷;海底山谷;海谷Polaris submarine:海底地形;1.N-COUNT A submarine is a type of ship that can travel both above and below the surface of the sea. The abbreviation is also used. 潜水艇.a nuclear submarine.一艘核潜艇。up to一直到;相当于;忙于,在做;由决定的up-to symbol:直到符号;翻译Wind up business to:闭业;关店made up mind to:决意up p to

8、:取决于;多达;直到;胜任sign up for to:照顾up exercises to music:广播操wind up promoted to:被提升为give up claim to:放弃对的要求end up promoted to:被提拔为crossing英 krs 美 krsn. 十字路口;杂交;横渡;横道v. 横越(cross的现在分词)pedestrian crossing:行人穿越道;Animal Crossing:人行横道;行人交叉路Human Crossing:动物之森;动物之森新叶;动物森林;城市人brief crossing:人生交叉点overhead crossin

9、g:穿越情欲海street crossing:架空交叉;diamond crossing:架空线网交叉器;立体交;立体交叉点crossing symmetry:街道交叉;过街人行横道;街道交织;十字街口crossing asteroid:菱形交叉;1.N-COUNT A crossing is a journey by boat or ship to a place on the other side of an ocean, river, or lake. 横渡He made the crossing from Cape Town to Sydney in just over twenty-

10、six days.他从开普敦横渡到悉尼只用了二十六天多时间。2.N-COUNT A crossing is a place where two roads, paths, or lines cross. 交叉路口She sighed and squatted down next to the crossing of the two trails.她叹了口气,在两条小路的交叉口旁蹲了下来。3.N-COUNT A crossing is the same as a or a . 平交道口confidential英 knfden()l 美 ,knfdnladj. 机密的;表示信任的;获信任的Kitc

11、hen Confidential:厨房秘事;厨房机密档案;厨房密事;厨房秘诀confidential report:秘密报告;机密报告;机密评核报告;保密报告confidential paper:机密文件;密件confidential adjective:机密的;秘密的confidential session:机密会议Confidential Memorandum:保密备忘录confidential circular:机密通告;公务员事务;机密通知confidential files:机要档案;机密文件本句中对动机;秘密档案Dating Confidential:约会的秘密1.ADJ Info

12、rmation that is confidential is meant to be kept secret or private. 保密的She accused them of leaking confidential information about her private life.她指责他们泄露了有关她的私生活的保密信息。2.confidentially ADV 保密地People can phone in, knowing that any information they give will be treated confidentially.人们可以打电话进来,他们知道他们所

13、提供的一切信息都会被保密。3.ADJ If you talk to someone in a confidential way, you talk to them quietly because what you are saying is secret or private. 悄悄的Look, he said in a confidential tone, I want you to know that me and Joey are cops.“喂,”他悄声说,“我想要你知道我和乔伊都是警察。”4.confidentially ADV 悄悄地Nash hadnt raised his vo

14、ice, still spoke rather softly, confidentially.纳什没有提高嗓门,仍然很轻地、悄悄地说。appeal英 pil 美 pilvi. 呼吁,恳求;上诉;诉诸,求助;有吸引力,迎合爱好;(体育比赛中)诉诸裁判n. 呼吁,请求;吸引力,感染力;诉诸裁判vt. 将上诉,对上诉appeal body:上诉机构;详细翻译Emotional Appeal:感召力;情感诉求;情绪感染;感性诉求appeal board:上诉小组;诉委员会;appeal case:申诉案件;上诉个案rating appeal:差饷估价上诉案Child appeal:儿童吸引Star A

15、ppeal:星星相吸惜Rational Appeal:理性诉求;性诉求appeal panel:上诉委员会;上诉委员团;1.V-I If you appeal to someone to do something, you make a serious and urgent request to them. 呼吁He appealed to voters to go to the polls tomorrow.他呼吁选民们明天去投票站。2.V-T If you appeal a decision to someone in authority, you formally ask them to

16、 change it. 申诉We intend to appeal the verdict.我们打算对此裁决提出申诉。3.V-I If something appeals to you, you find it attractive or interesting. 有吸引力On the other hand, the idea appealed to him.另一方面,这个主意对他有吸引力。4.N-COUNT An appeal is a serious and urgent request. 呼吁He has a message from King Fahd, believed to be

17、an appeal for Arab unity.他有个来自法赫德国王的口信,相信是对阿拉伯团结的呼吁。5.N-COUNT An appeal is an attempt to raise money for a charity or for a good cause. (为慈善或好的事业所做的) 筹款努力.an appeal to save a library containing priceless manuscripts.为挽救一个藏有无价手稿图书馆的一次筹款努力。6.N-VAR An appeal is a formal request for a decision to be cha

18、nged. 申诉They took their appeal to the Supreme Court.他们上诉到了最高法院。7.N-UNCOUNT The appeal of something is a quality that people find attractive or interesting. 吸引力Its new title was meant to give the party greater public appeal.其新的名字意在给予该党更大的公众吸引力。8. see also appealingovernight英 vnat 美 ovnatadv. 通宵;突然;昨晚

19、adj. 晚上的;通宵的;前夜的n. 头天晚上;一夜的逗留vt. 连夜快递vi. 过一夜overnight ad:一夜;突然;在头一天晚上;忽然overnight repo:隔夜回购Overnight Grids:隔夜栅格overnight millionaire:暴发户camping overnight:通宵露营Overnight deposits:过夜存款Overnight fame:一夜成名Overnight Rating:最新的隔夜收视率overnight RA:隔夜回购协议1.ADV If something happens overnight , it happens throug

20、hout the night or at some point during the night. 通宵地; 在夜间 ADV after vThe decision was reached overnight.这个决定是夜间做出的。2.ADJ Overnight is also an adjective. 通宵的; 夜间的 ADJ nTravel and overnight accommodation are included.旅行及夜间住宿是包含在内的。3.ADV You can say that something happens overnight when it happens ver

21、y quickly and unexpectedly. 突然地 ADV after vThe rules are not going to change overnight.这些规则是不会突然改变的。4.ADJ Overnight is also an adjective. 突然的 ADJ nIn 1970 he became an overnight success in America.1970年他在美国一夜之间成了成功人士。5.ADJ Overnight bags or clothes are ones that you take when you go and stay somewhere for one or two nights. 外出住宿一两晚的 (包或衣服) ADJ nHe realized hed left his overnight bag at Marys house.他意识到他把自己的短途旅行包落在玛丽家里了。Bible英 bab()l 美 babl释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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