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1、Its very extravagant. Well never save enough money to get married.“naked” marriage welding(焊接式)weddingEnvironmentally friendlyEnvironment环境,周围状况,自然环境He grew up in an environment of poverty.Circumstance circle-圈环境,详情,事件Under no circumstance will I believe you.Climate气候 风气She is not used to living in

2、a cold climate.After the revolution the climate of the country remained tense.Weather天气Commercial Merc-贸易,商业 Commerce n.贸易,商业1.商业的,商务的 He does not want to make a living in the commercial world.Commercial bank 商业银行2.商品化,商业性的 the recent movies are too commercial.3.商业广告 There are many commercials on TV

3、 especially TV series.Merchant 商人 店主 专家 商业的 商船的China Merchants Bank 中国招商银行Merchandise 商品 ,货物 推销 销售 经营The cost of international financial and merchandise transactions would become more expensive.Advertise 登广告 宣传,告知(AD)Endorse 赞同,代言Consist由组成 构成 在于 符合 consist of 由什么组成 consist with 与保持一致组成有关的词汇Compose

4、com-共同 pose-姿势1.由.材料构成 be composed of 由什么组成 component 零件2.作曲,创作,编排 v. composition 作文3.使镇静 composed 冷静的Be made up Comprise构成,包含The committee (会议,很多人在一块开会)comprises seven people.Compress压缩 压榨We usually compress three months work into a few days to meet the deadline.Procrastination 拖延症Insist in-里面 sist

5、-坐坚持,坚持认为They insist that I stay there for lunch.Insist on He insist on doing the work himself.Insistent 坚持的,迫切的 insistence 坚持强调,坚持I went to her birthday party at her insistent request.Persist继续,持续,坚持,执意Intriguingly, the effect persists for two or three generations.Persist in doing If you persist in

6、 breaking the law you will go to prison.Persist with sth. Persistent坚持的,连续的,固执的His great success cannot depart from his persistent effort.Persistence 坚持 毅力连续,持续有关的词汇Continue 继续,持续Continuous 持续不断的Weve had three weeks of continuous rain.I look forward to your continuous support.Continual持续的 断断续续的He ha

7、ted these continual arguments with his wife.Sustain su-向下 stand-站立支持,维持,经受 sustainable 可持续的 sustainable development 可持续发展的Last最后 持续,维持,经受住Can you last out? 你还坚持的住吗?How long can the present business boom last? Boom(膨胀物)Lasting 持久的,永久的Nothing can break the lasting friendship between us.Resist re-反着 si

8、st-坐抵制,反抗,忍住Many young people could not resist the spiritual pollution.Resistance 抵抗,抵触 n. resistant 抵抗的 反抗的Resist temptation 抵抗诱惑 temptation water resistant 防水的Assist 帮助 ,协助 assist sb. to do assist in doing assistant 助理System系统Systematic 有系统的,分类的,有条理的We offered a systematic course in vocabulary lea

9、rning.个人相关的词汇Individual 一个人的 独有的 adj. ,个人,个体n. groupIt is difficult for a teacher to give individual attention to children in a large class.The rights and responsibilities of the individual.Personal私人的,个人的,亲自的 othersWithin two hours, I got my personal statement done.Thats my personal opinion.Personn

10、el人事部,员工Private私人的,个人的 私下的 私有的 public private school private conversationPersonal tailor 私人订制 tailor 裁缝 customize 定制 v. customized product 量身定制的产品Conflict 冲突 战斗 矛盾 斗争Your interests conflict with mine.冲突相关的词汇Crash撞击,坠毁,发出巨响,崩溃 破产He crashed his car inti a wall.Crush压碎,击败,使失望,压榨I was crushed that I was

11、nt invited.Have a crush on someone. 迷恋上.Clash冲突,抵触。使发出撞击声 cultural clash 文化冲突Its a pity the two concerts clash.Smash (发音)打碎,粉碎,猛撞Collision碰撞,冲突The two trucks came into collision. Collision bumper 防撞保险杠Collide碰撞,互撞If the aims of two countries collide, there may be war. Collide withInterference inter

12、fere干扰,妨碍I wanted to do the thing on my own without outside interference.Accessory同谋 n. 附属的 Access cess-走靠近 途径Accessible可得到的,易接近的,可进入的Inaccessible不可得到的,不可接近的Excess 过量的Success成功 继续,继承 succeed 继承 成功 继续 successive 连续的,继承的The successive terrorism attacks have aroused the attention from all humanity.Conc

13、ession cess-走 con-共同承认,让步They interpreted her silence as concession.Necessary必要的,必然的 necessity 必需品,需要Food is a necessity, but wine is an extravagance.Accommodate容纳,供给,给.行方便,住宿Commodity商品,日用品 mode-模型 com-共同 model-模特Goods product merchandise 商品Accord cord-词根,心 core-核心 care-关心,用心一致 accordance 一致,符合Cord

14、ial热心的,热忱的Aggress gress-走 ag-进一步攻击,侵犯 aggression 进攻,侵犯 aggressive 好斗的,有进取心的The world dooms(注定) itself to war because man is aggressive at heart 天生的Assassinate暗杀 行刺Assess评定,评估,估算Assistant 助理,助教,助手Oppress使烦恼,压迫压迫有关的词汇PressureStress 强调Repress 抑制,压抑,镇压His childhood was repressed and solitary.Su

15、ppress 镇压,隐瞒,压制,禁止He couldnt suppress his anger.Depress v. 使沮丧,压下 使萧条,降低,压抑 depression农村义务教育 rural compulsory education Rural 农村的 ,田园的 urban 城市的 Compulsory 强制的,势在必行的,义务的 compulsory subjects花钱如流水 spend money without restraint Restraint 克制,抑制,束缚 Luxurious 奢侈的,豪华的 Extravagant 奢侈的,浪费的病毒 virus Disease 疾病

16、 Infectious 传染的节能减排 energy saving and emission reduction Emit 放射,发出,发行 发表 mit-送 He emits his opinion. Emission 排放排放有关的词汇Discharge charge 管理,充电排出,释放,解雇,放电Exhaust使筋疲力尽,耗尽Release解放,让渡Eject喷射,放逐,驱逐机动车 motor vehicles Vehicle 交通工具,车辆 Mobile 容易移动的,非固定的 手机 Mobilize 调动,动员,使流动 Automobile 汽车 auto 自动的循环利用 recyc

17、le Circulate 使循环,使传播,发行量 circulation The old coins were taken out of circulation.寿 longevity n.长寿,寿命 Prolong 延长 Longing 渴望 n. longing to do ,for sth福 good fortune Fortunately和 harmony 和谐,协调,调和 n. Harmonious 和谐的,和睦的 harmonious society四大发明 the four great inventions of ancient china Innovation 创新,改革 te

18、chnological innovations Innovate innovative火药 gunpowder powder粉指南针 compass丝绸 silk road造纸术 paper making印刷术 printingControvert 议论,辩驳 controversy n. controversial 有争议的,引起争论的They had a bitter controversy over the question.辩论有关的词汇Argument n.辩论,论点,论据This point is vital to my argument.Debaten. v.辩论,讨论 pro-

19、and-con 正方和反方Contend content 内容竞争 争斗 争辩 坚决主张Dispute 争论,辩驳,质疑 disputable 有争议的,可疑的The couple disputed where to spend the holiday.Strife争吵,冲突,竞争,倾轧Positive 积极的,肯定的,正面的,明确的Approve 批准 赞成,同意 n.approvealFavorable 有利的,顺利的,赞同的,良好的The conditions are favorable for opening a new business.Promising 有希望的,有前途的Id l

20、ike to endorse your opinion.Im of exactly the same idea as you.I dont think anymore would disagree.Negative 消极的,反对的Oppose v.反对 opposed opposition 反对,在野党We are strongly opposed to racial discrimination(歧视).Protest 抗议,反对If its protested by all the people, the government can hardly carry out the new po

21、licy.Object 反对 (个人)I objected that he was too young for the job.Think-believe hold deem reckon maintain argue claim contend assume assert assume supposeImportant-essential(essence) crucial critical significant vital of utmost importance.Bad-dreadful unfavorable poor adverse ill Badge 象征,标记,徽章Bandage

22、绷带Baggage行李Boundary边界,分界线Advocate提倡,支持Defend辩护Slogan口号Banner横幅Eloquent有说服力的,能言善辩的 eloquence 雄辩,口才Actions speak louder than words.Facts speak louder than eloquence.Intrinsic内在的,固有的,本质的You have a natural and intrinsic talent and skill.Innate固有的Ability is not innate, but comes through practice.Inherent

23、固有的,内在的She has an inherent love of beauty.Inherit继承遗传某特征He inherited a house from her father.Simulate same假装,模仿These insects can simulate dead leaves. Simultaneous 同时发生的,同步的Stimulate 刺激,激励,鼓舞Light stimulates plant growth.激励刺激有关的词汇Provoke 激起。挑衅,惹怒 thought-provoking 发人深省的Invoke 援引 引起,求助,请求The speech i

24、nvoked his memory of childhood.Irritate 激怒Motivate motor激发(兴趣欲望),给予动机Motive 动机Stir 激起,惹起,搅合The story stirred her sympathy(同情心).Inspire 鼓舞,激发,产生,赋予灵感Glamourn.魔力,魅力 v.迷住Attraction吸引力,有吸引力的事物Fascination魅力,迷惑力Vigorous精力充沛的,有力的Charming迷人的,引人入胜的Captivate capture捕获迷住,迷惑Enchant施魔法,使迷惑,使喜悦 be enchanted with

25、enchanting 迷人的 Disenchant 唤醒,使不再着迷,使不抱幻想Disgusting令人厌恶的 sickRepel排斥,抵制The positive poles of two magnets repel each other.Expel驱逐,开除,排除Propel推进,驱使Impel驱使,激励Immerse沉浸于,陷入I immerse my clothes in the water. The teacher immerses among the students.Occupy占用,占领,使忙碌,从事,专心Sink下沉,沉没,渗透 水槽,沟渠The captain realiz

26、ed to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly.Devote致力于,奉献给After he graduated, he continued to devote himself to the research.Devoted忠诚的,专注的Pre-前Preconception-预想,先入之见,偏见Preoccupation-全神贯注Precise-精确的,恰好的Pro-向前Prologue-开场白,序言 dialongue 对话,对白Promote-促进,提升,升迁 mote 动PromotionProminent-显著的,杰出的 min-伸Ante-前任Anteroom-接待室,前厅,休息室Antecessor-先行者 cess-走Fore-前Forehead-前额Foreground-前景,显著的位置 backgroundFore

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