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1、 她很适合这份工作。 她想保持健康。(3) 比较:match (v) 匹配|,多指两个物体大小|,色调|,形状等方面很相配|,显得很协调我的衬衫和我的领带很不搭。2. guarantee (v) 保证guarantee (sb) sth = guarantee sth (to sb) 向某人保证某事 guarantee to do sth 保证去做某事 guarantee that 保证即使你上了好的高中|,我也不能保证你能上好的大学。政府保证提高人们的生活质量。我向你保证如果你努力学习|,就会取得进步。(n) 保证|,保修期under guarantee 在保修期内你的电视在保修期内吗?3.

2、 expert (n)专家|,能手an expert in/at/on (doing) sth 擅长做某事的专家我的老师是烹饪的专家。(a) 熟练的be expert in/at/on (doing) sth 擅长做某事很擅长画画。4. curl (v) 使卷曲curl up 卷起这封信开始卷起来了。(n)卷曲a curl of sbs lips/mouth撅着嘴说道。 5. balance (n) 平衡keep /lose the balance between A and B保持/失去A和B的平衡 on balance 总的来说 in the balance 悬而未决你应该保持好工作和学习

3、之间的平衡总的来说|,我更喜欢旧的那套制度。那个小男孩的命运仍然悬而未决。(v) 使平衡balance sth against sth 在和之间做出权衡 balance out 相等 balance A with B 使A和B平衡 法庭必须在我们的自由和安全之间做出权衡。有的时候我照看孩子|,有的时候John照看孩子。两个人差不多。 我们应该使一方与另一方成均势。6. in addition 另外ln addition|, look after your hair. 另外|,照顾你的头发。(1)in addition to 除之外除了学英语之外|,他还要学数学。 除了每周的薪水外|,我还能得到

4、很多小费。(2)additional 附加的重的行李要额外收费。7. effective (adj) 有效的take effective measures 采取有效的措施我们的政府正在采取有效的措施来制止污染。(1) effect (n) 效果|,影响in effect 实际上|;生效 side effect 副作用 come into effect 生效|,实行have a(n)effect on 对有影响 of no effect 无效 take effect 开始实行|,开始生效这些法律在中国有效。 这种药的副作用 这个法律将在2个月内生效。吸烟对健康产生不好的影响。他所做的是没有效的。

5、 这药起效果了吗?(2) efficient (adj) 高效的be efficient in ones work 工作效率高他的工作效率很高。(3) affect (v) 影响吸烟影响健康。8. conditioner (n) 护发素 往你的湿头发上喷一些护发素。(1) condition (n) 环境|,状况in/ under favourable conditions 在有利的形势下 in good (out of) condition 健康正常/失常 on condition that 只要|,如果 他是在特别有利的语言环境中长大的。 你可以做瑜伽来让你的身体保持健康。 只要你不乱花钱

6、|,我就让你去。9. normal (adj)正常的 考试之前觉得紧张是很正常的。normalabnormal 正常的不正常的(正常的状态|,标准的常态)commonuncommon 常见的不常见的(强调共性|,哪里都看得到|,满大街都是)ordinaryoutstanding 平常的出众的(强调不出众|,普通性)usualunusual 通常的不寻常的(强调通常性|,昨天是这样|,前天也是这样)regularirregular 规律的|,定期的不定期的|,不规律的 医生说孩子的体温是正常的。 这是一个很普通的包|,你可以在每一个商店找到。 这本小说描述了普通人的生活。 看到他哭很正常。 定期

7、梳头可以帮助头发生长。10. apply (v) 申请|,应用apply for leave 请假 apply for a job 求职 apply oneself to 专心于 applyto 应用如果我们两个人在同一天请假的话|,公司可能会说不。 他将要找工作。 他没有专心于他的工作。 科学上的发明通常都应用于工业生产过程。11. damage (v) 损坏 damage ones name 毁坏某人的名声 因为作弊|,他毁了自己的名声。(n)毁坏do/cause great damage to 造成很大的伤害砍伐森林对环境造成严重的伤害。12. ensure (v) 保证|,担保巨大的努

8、力确保了我们工作的成功。ensure sb sth 使某人一定得到巨大的努力使我们一定会成功。(1) make sure 查明|,设法确定make sure to do 确保做某事 make sure of sth确保明天准时到这里。 你必须把时间和地点弄清楚(2) assure (v) 使(某人)相信assure sb of sth 使某人相信某事他使我们相信他解决问题的能力。13. attention (n) 注意pay attention to 注意 bring/call/catch/draw/have ones attention 引起某人的注意注意你吃了什么。 你可以用橙色吸引人们的

9、注意。14. stress (n) 压力lay/put stress on sth 强调某事他强调了学习的重要性。【拓展】stressful (a) 有压力的|,紧张的15. rob (v) 抢劫rob sb of sth 抢劫某人某物压力会使你亮丽的头发失去光泽。【拓展】robber (n) 强盗 robbery (n) 抢劫案accuse sb of sth 控告某人犯某事cheat sb of sth 骗取某人某物cure sb of sth 治好某人的病inform sb of sth 通知某人某事remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事rid sb of sth 使某人摆脱某

10、物warn sb of sth 警告某人某事课堂练习一、 选择框中适当内容并以适当形式填空fit guarantee be expert in take effect damage suitablekeep balance on condition make sure stress in addition(1) The rules must be published Friday to _ before Obama is sworn in Jan 20.(2) We can say that each member of the group _ some area.(3) No dish _

11、all tastes.(4) We always want to _ between growth and value.(5) These houses _ in the last years earthquake.(6) I will lend you the book _ that you return it on Monday.(7) I think Ive got one of the _ jobs here and I almost want to quit.(8) Please _ to turn off the lights before you go.(9) This gard

12、en has the best collection of native plants. _|, it contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas.(10) The boss _ his workers the full salary last year二、 翻译句子1. 除英语外|,他还得学第二外语。(in addition to)2. 新的时刻表什么时候实行?(come into effect)3. 只要他明天能还回来|,就可以用这辆自行车。(on condition that|,虚拟语气)4. 学生们应该专心学习。(apply on

13、eself to)5. 这些化学药品会对环境造成损害。(cause damage to)6. 这篇文章的目的是让人们关注这些问题。(draw ones attention)7. 家长非常重视孩子的表现。(put great stress on)8. 他们夺走了人民的自由。(rob sb of sth)阅读拓展精讲阅读理解细节题做题技巧:第一步:通读全文|,把握文章大意 拿到阅读篇章|,第一步就是要求通读全文|,力争把握文章体裁和脉络|,做到能够回答when(故事发生的时间)、where(故事发生的地点)、who(文章的主人公)和what(文章讲述了什么事情)等问题。第二步:细读题干|,查寻转换

14、内容 把握文章大意后|,必须把注意力集中到文章题目上来|,对于题干内容|,必须要提炼出最能够说明问题的词、词组或者句型|,然后再在这个基础上从文章中找出同义词、词组或者句型|,这一遍带着目的读文章必须是字斟句酌、非常仔细。第三步:扫读语块|,搜索有效信息 刚才我们已经在文章中找到了与题干吻合的单词、词组或者句型|,在这个吻合单词、词组或者句型周围扫描|,力争找到能够说明问题|,帮助选择正确答案的信息。第四步:查读题项|,定位正确答案 The Global Drink Tea|, the global drink|, is consumed around the world more than

15、any other drink except water. Originating in China|, tea has long established itself as the national drink of this country|, the nation with the biggest population on earth.A century before the birth of Christ|, tea was described in Chinese texts as a health drink that made one live longer. Tea is s

16、till being regarded as such. Scientific studies have suggested that drinking five cups of tea a day can be compared to having two servings of vegetables. Both green and black teas are claimed to be effective for preventing cancer|, heart disease and many other deadly diseases. There is only one poin

17、t people need to be aware of when they drink tea it should not be drunk along with meals. This is because an element contained in tea can interfere with the bodys absorption of iron.Tea|, a popular drink in China and many other countries|, is carefully prepared according to local customs. The Chines

18、e put loose tea in teapot|, add boiling water|, and serve it in teacups. The strong tea from Chinas Fujian Province is drunk in tiny cups before dinner. Lighter teas with jasmine|, rose or other flowers|, are special to Chinas Changjiang River regions. These are usually served after dinner to help d

19、igestion.In England people use teabags and mugs. Many English people|, traveling away from home|, feel at a loss if their favourite teabags are not available. Afternoon tea in England is still a time-honoured tradition. Its a good opportunity for people to socialize or discuss business matters|, tho

20、ugh now more young people prefer acola.In Japan|, a tea ceremony is often held while people are drinking tea. The ceremony|, usually held in a teahouse|, dates back to the sixteenth century. Guests follow strict rules set up then and the tea used is a powdered green tea. Though still practised today

21、|, the tea ceremony may not be as popular as it used to be. Young Japanese tend to favour other drinks.I. Comprehension Questions1. Tea is considered a global drink because .A. it tastes much better than boiled waterB. it is long established in ancient China before Jesus Christ was bornC. it is pref

22、erred not only in China but also in many other countriesD. it ranks first in terms of the number of drinkers other than water 2. Why is tea called a health drink?A. Because it contains as much vitamin C as green vegetables.B. Because it can cure many diseases like caner|, heart problem|, etc.C. Beca

23、use its nutritional value can be compared to that of vegetables.D. Because a person doesnt have to have any vegetables if he drinks five cups of tea a day.3. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The custom of serving tea varies with each culture.B. Japanese today still enjoy the traditional tea ceremon

24、y very much.C. Lighter teas are often served with meals to help digestion.D. Stronger teas are preferred because it helps to interfere with the bodys absorption of iron to stay slim.4. Which of the following best sums up the main idea of the text?A. Tea the global health drink has a history of over

25、2019 years.B. Tea the global health drink is a symbol of a nations culture.C. Tea the global health drink enjoys a great popularity all over the world.D. Tea the global health drink originated in China and has become its national drink.II. Put the following phrases either in English or Chinese accor

26、ding to the reading passage1. a serving of 2. loose tea 3. tend to 4.a time-honoured tradition_5. powdered green tea 6. 干扰 7. 茶道 8. 设立|,建立 9. 追溯到 10. 把 比作 . Fill in the blank with the words or phrases in the reading passage1. Tea has long been regarded as that helps one live longer.2. I am as to how

27、 to solve these problems.3. Tea is believed to be indigenous (本土的|;专属某地的) to China. Did rice wine also in China?4. Too much fat in ones meal may cause poor |, and thus can result in stomachache.5. There are a number of churches in Britain that the 13th century. 6. Too much pressure from the teacher

28、can childrens performance at school.IV. Translation1杰克声称他发现了一种新的化学元素|,但没人相信他。(claim)2月饼被视为中国人的传统食品|,它随着移民来到了悉尼唐人街。( be regarded as)3他们常常会去买一些很便宜的、经加工的食物|,如罐头鸡肉和水果。(tend to)4. 我们希望在不久的将来|,人人都能享受到免费医疗服务。( available)5. 早上我喜欢喝一杯浓清咖|,这是一个保持精力旺盛的有效方法。( effective)6. 经过几十年的科学实验和研究|,这个科学家最终创立了一个新的理论|,并因此在科学界确立了地位。( set up|,establish)回家作业一、 词汇自默(20min)hairstyle suit guarantee on top of the world expert curlangle balanced in addition shampoo effective conditionernormal apply wet squeeze squeeze out combdamage loosen dirt hairdr

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