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1、1、一般现在时一般现在时常用来表示现在习惯或经常反复发生的动作,与always, usually, often, sometimes, every day (week, month)等连用;表示现在的事实或状态;表示主语所具有的特征,性格和能力;以及表示客观事实或普遍其理。一般现在时的构成: 一般现在时通常以动词原形表示,但当主语是第三人称单数时,动词原形后需加-s或-es。She likes biology very much. 她非常喜欢生物。They often go to school by bike. 他们通常骑车上学。2、一般过去时一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示

2、过去时间的副词如:yesterday, last week, two hours ago等连用;表示过去一段时间经常或反复发生的动作,这时可与频度副词often, usually, always等连用;表示过去发生的一连串动作,以及在时间和条件状语从句中,用一般过去时表示过去将来的动作。一般过去时的构成:一般过去时由动词的过去式构成。We met each other on the street yesterday. 我们昨天在街上碰见了。She often went swimming last year. 她去年经常去游泳。They moved the chairs to the table

3、, sat down and began to have supper.他们把椅子搬到桌边,坐下开始吃饭。Mary told me that she would stay at home if it rained.玛丽告诉我如果下雨她就呆在家里。3、一般将来时一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示将来的时间状语如next month, tomorrow, in a week, soon等连用。一般将来时的构成:1)一般将来时由“助动词will/shall+动词原形”构成。其中shall主要用于主语是第一人称(I和we)的疑问句中。2)也可以用“be going to+动词原形”这个

4、结构来表示根据目前迹象很有可能发生的某件事情,或是打算、计划、以及决定要做某件事情等。They will have a class meeting next Tuesday. 他们下周二将举行班会。We shall meet at the school gate. 我们将在学校大门口见。It is going to rain. 要下雨了。4、现在进行时现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,常与now, at present, at this moment等连用;或与these days, this week/month等连用,表示现阶段正在进行的动作。有时还与always, continua

5、lly, forever等词连用,表示反复出现的动作,代替一般现在时,表达说话人强烈的感情。如赞扬、不满、讨厌等。如:He is always asking such silly questions.他老是提这类愚蠢的问题。现在进行时的构成:现在进行时由“be (am/is/are) +V-ing”构成。They are watching TV now. 他们正在看电视。The dog is enjoying his meal. 小狗正在吃饭。5、过去进行时过去进行时的用法与现在进行时用法相同,只不过参照的时间基准点不同。过去进行表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作。一般和特定的时间状语或状语从句连

6、用。then, at that time, at eight yesterday, this time yesterday, when he came in等。 过去进行时的构成与现在进行时类似,只不过把be (am, is, are)变为过去式(was, were)They were watching TV at that time. 他们那会正在看电视。The dog was enjoying his meal at this time yesterday. 小狗昨天这个时候正在吃饭。6、现在完成时表示动作已经完成,但后果或影响仍在,常与already, just, yet等副词连用;或是

7、表示过去发生的动作一直持续到现在,常与for或since引导的一段时间状语连用。现在完成时由助动词“have/has+过去分词”构成。He has already come back. 他已经回来了。(三)掌握系动词be, look, feel, smell, get, become, turn, keep等的基本用法;常见的连系动词有:become, turn, get, grow, keep, feel, look, seem, smell, fall等。它们后面常接形容词,构成系表结构。Please keep the classroom clean. 请保持教室的干净。The bread

8、 looks very fresh. 这些面包看上去很新鲜。(四)了解过去将来时、过去完成时态的基本用法;过去将来时表示从过去某一时点看将要发生的动作或存在的状态。过去将来时和一般将来时的构成相同,只是把will, shall变为过去式would, should,把助动词be的过去式变为过去式was或were而已。They were going to have a meeting.他们曾打算开会。过去完成时表示在过去某一时刻或动作之前已完成的行为或存在的状态。与现在完成的用法相同,只不过作为衡量基准点的时间点不同,现在完成时以现在作为衡量的基准点,而过去完成时则以过去某个时刻作为基准点。它表示

9、在过去某一时刻或动作之前完成了的动作,即“过去的过去”,常by, before引导的时间状语连用。By the time he was ten, Edison had built a lab for himself.到爱迪生10岁时,他已给自己建了一个实验室。She said she had worked in that hospital for 20 years.她说她已在那所医院工作20年了。(五)掌握助动词be, do, have, shall, will的基本用法;助动词是“辅助性”动词,一般没有词义,不能单独作谓语,但可用来帮助构成谓语,表示不同的时态,语态,和数的变化。常见的助动词

10、有:(1)be (am, is, are, was, were, being, been) 与现在分词结合,构成各种进行时态;或与过去分词结合构成被动语态。Im looking for my pen. 我正在找我的笔。(现在进行时)These cups are made in China. 这些杯子是中国制造的。(被动语态)(2)have (has, had, having)与过去分词结合,构成完成时。They have known each other for twenty years. 他们互相认识有二十年了。(现在完成时)He had built a chemistry lab for

11、himself at the age of ten. 他十岁时就已经为自己建了一个化学实验室。(过去完成时)(3)do (does, did) 助动词do后只能跟动词原形,与not及其他动词结合构成否定句,或置于主语之前构成疑问句。He does not speak English.他不说英语。When did he come back? 他什么时候回来的?(4)will (would), shall (should) will能用于一般将来时的任何人称后;would是will的过去时,能用于过去将来时;两者后面都接动词原形。The plane will arrive in ten minut

12、es. 飞机十分钟后将要到达。I was sure we would win. 我确信我们会赢。shall与should这两个助动词本身没有词义,shall只能用于一般将来时的第一人称后;should是shall的过去时,只能用于过去将来时的第一人称后;We shall meet at the school gate tomorrow. 我们明天将在校门口见。I told them that I should do the work alone. 我告诉他们我将独自做那项工作。三、链接中考1. (2008南京) Did you see a girl in white pass by just

13、now?No, sir. I _ a newspaper.A. read B. was reading C. would read D. am reading.答案:B【解析】此题考查的是过去进行时态。根据题意:我在那个时候正在看报,是过去进行时。故选B。2. (2008河北) Hows Annie? I _ her for a long time.A. dont see B. wont see C. didnt see D. havent seenD【解析】此题考查的是现在完成时态。“for a long time”用于现在完成时态中,故选D。3.(2008杭州)Happiness in h

14、er grandfathers eyes every time he hears her voice.A. shines B. is shone C. Has shone D. was shoneA 【解析】此题考查的是一般现在时。根据句意“每次听到他的声音,她的眼睛里闪烁着幸福”,所以用一般现在时。故选A。4. (2008河南)Look! The light is still on in Mr. Zhangs office.Im afraid he _ his work yet.A. doesnt finish B. didnt finish C. hasnt finished D. won

15、t finish C【解析】考查动词时态。本题出现了yet通常用于现在完成时。我恐怕他也不能完成工作。故选C。5. (2008福建三明)The grand buildings _ in two years.A. were built B. are built C. will be builtC 【解析】此题考查的是一般将来时的被动语态。“in +一段时间”用于一般将来时中,又句子的主语是物,所以用被动语态。6.(2008湖北咸宁)Some of the plastic bags cant _ after June1.Yes, people will use environmental bags

16、 instead.A. use B. be use C. be used D. are usedC【解析】此题考查的是含有情态动词的被动语态。根据句子的主语是物,可推知用被动语态,又句子中有情态动词cant, 故选C。四、分类训练、适当形式填空现在进行时1. Look! The bus _(come)2. What are the students doing?They _ (watch) a basketball match on the playground.3. Listen! Someone _ (cry)in the room.4. Wei Fang is ill. She _ (s

17、tay)in bed now. 5. What _ they _(do)now?They _(climb) the hill.一般现在时1. _ Tom often(watch)TV on Saturday?Yes, he _.2. Li Fang _(be)good at maths.3. He usually _(watch)TV in the evening.4. My sister _ (not like)swimming.5. They often _ (play)football after school.一般将来时1. I dont know whether Mother _ m

18、e to Beijing next month. (take)2. I_ (write)to you as soon as I get to Shanghai.3. I dont think that it_(rain)tomorrow.4. They_ (build)a new bridge over the river next year.5. The students_(clean)their classroom tomorrow.一般过去时1. She_ on her coat and went out. (put)2. When they_(reach the station, th

19、e train had already left.3. The story_ (happen)long ago.4. He _ (not do)his homework last night.5. The scientist_ (give)us a talk yesterday.过去进行时1. The twins _ (dig)a hole for a young tree at that time yesterday.2. It _(rain)outside then. He had to take the raincoat with him.3. They _(do) their less

20、ons at eight yesterday evening.4. Mr. Black_(talk)with my mother when I saw him.5. The children _(watch)TV at seven last night.6. His aunt _(do)some cooking when he came in.7. He_(do)his homework at eight yesterday.8. When his teacher came, he _ (talk)with his classmates.9. It was twelve oclock at n

21、ight. Mr. Li_ still_(work) in the tab.10. _ he _(do)his homework at eight last night?11. He _(mend)his motorbike when I saw him.12. John and his sister _ (pick)apples in the garden when we went to visit them this morning.13. Who knocked at the door when I _(sleep)?14. What_ you _ (do) from eight to

22、ten yesterday morning?15. He_(lie) in bed when I came into the room. 现在完成时1. Wei Fang isnt here. She_ (go) to the reading room.2. Zhang Hong _ (make) many friends since she came to Paris.3. She _ (work) in this factory for ten years.4. They _ (not hear) from each other since 1995.5. _ you _(finish)

23、your homework yet?No, not yet.6. Where is Jim?He _(go) to Canada.7. How long _ you_ (be) at this school?8. I_ (have) breakfast already.9. She _ (study) English for three years.10. I _ never_ (see) such a wonderful match before.参考答案:现在进行时:1. is coming 2. are watching 3. is crying 4. is staying 5. are

24、 doing, are climbing1. Does, watch, does, 2. is 3. watches 4. doesnt like 5. play1. will take 2. will write 3. will rain 4. will build 5. will clean1. put 2. reached 3. happened 4. didnt do 5. gave1. were digging 2. was raining 3. were doing 4. was talking 5. were watching 6. was doing 7. was doing

25、8. was talking 9. was, working 10. was, doing 11. was mending 12. were picking 13. was sleeping 14. were, doing 15. was lying1. has gone 2. has made 3. has worked 4. havent heard 5. have, finished 6. has gone 7. have, been 8. have had 9. has studied 10. have, seen、单选选择1. _ you_ your homework now?A.

26、Are, do B. Do, do C. Will, do D. Are, doing2. Look, they _ a good time.A. has B. have C. are having D. had3. I cant find my pen. Can I use yours?Sorry, I_ it now.A. am using B. was using C. have used D. used4. _ you _ to the radio?No, you can turn it off.A. Did, listen B. Have, listened C. Do, listen D. Are, listening5. Look! Some children _ games on the playground. A. is playing B. are playing C. are played D. is going to play6. Dont go out now. It _ hard.A. will rain B. is rains C. is raining D. raining7. Dont make any noise. The teachers _ a meeting.A. are having B. i

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