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英语专业课程描述 2Word下载.docx

1、国际学院 International School专业 Major:英语 English2、教学安排 Teaching Arrangement修业年限:2年(2012.92014.7),之后转至其他学院继续其他专业学习Length of Schooling: Two year (2012.9-2014.7), after that, the student will be study at another faculty to study.3、2012.9-2014.1已修课程描述1)基础英语Basic English(6 Credits)本课程主要通过语言基础训练与篇章讲解分析,了解英语各种

2、文体的表达方式和特点,扩大词汇量和熟悉英语常用句型,具备基本的口头与笔头表达能力。通过传授系统的基础语言知识(包括语音. 语法. 词汇与篇章的结构. 语言功能等),训练学生的基本语言技能(听. 说. 读. 写),学生通过积极参与课堂的各种语言交际活动,获得运用英语进行交际的能力,使学生逐步提高语篇阅读理解能力,了解英语各种文体的表达方式和特点,达到全国高校英语专业教学大纲所规定的听. 说. 读. 译等技能的要求。This course provides language drills and text analysis for students to understand various ex

3、pressions and treats of English writing styles, enlarge vocabulary and familiar with common sentences, and possess basic spoken and written English skills; elaborates basic and necessary language knowledge (including pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and text structure as well as language function

4、etc.), trains students basic four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). By participating in all language communication activities in the class, students can obtain communicative language skill, gradually improve the English reading comprehension, and understand expressions and

5、features of various English writing styles, so as to meet the requirements upon listening, speaking, reading and writing skills for English majors of all colleges and universities stipulated in the teaching outline.2)英语听说 English Listening and Speaking (2 credits)本课程是面向英语专业学生的必修课。采用国外先进的语言教学软件,利用多媒体

6、设备以学生自学为主、教师指导为辅的形式,强化训练英语的听力技能与口语技能,使学生能够使用英语做到日常生活交流以及能够进行学术方面的讨论。This course is the required course for students majoring in English. It adopts foreign advanced software of language teaching, uses multimedia equipments and intensifies the training of English listening skills and oral language ski

7、lls by putting students self-learning first and making teachers guidance as the supplementary. This course helps students use English in daily communication and academic discussion. 3)英语阅读English Reading (2 Credits) 本课程讲授的内容包括阅读技巧,范文选读和快速阅读三大部分。第一部分主要讲授各种阅读技能,包括如何利用上下文中的定义,解释,举例,分类,比较等线索判断生词意思,如何理解句

8、子结构,如何判断文章主题及主要内容等。第二部分主要进行范文的讲解, 词义的辨析及构词法知识等。This course includes three parts, namely reading skills, selectively reading of model essays and fast reading. The first part offers an elaboration upon various reading skills, involving how to decide the meaning of new words according to the definition

9、, explanation, examples, sorting and comparison and other clues in context, how to comprehend the sentence structure, and how to grasp the theme and main contents of the essay. The second part mainly relates to the explanation of model essay, choice of words and word formation.4)毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论

10、Introduction to Theoretical System of the Mao Zedong Thoughts and the Chinese Characteristic Socialism(3 Credits) 本课程着重讲授中国共产党把马克思主义基本原理与中国实际相结合的历史进程,充分反映马克思主义中国化的最新成果。This course emphases the historical process of the Chinese Communist combined the basic principles of Marxism with the specific situ

11、ation in China and fully reflects the newest result of adapting Marxism to Chinese conditions.5)思想品德修养与法律基础Ideological & Moral Cultivation And Basic of Law(3 Credits) 思想道德修养以马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论为指导,目标是帮助学生培养正确的世界观,生活和价值观,为处于人生转折点的大学学生提供各种各样有关道德规范的问题,提高学生分辨和抵制错误的思想倾向,应对挫折和适应新环境,培养他们完整的道德行为规范,提高他们处理在学习、生活

12、、职业选择和交朋友过程中处理各种冲突和问题的能力等。法律基础作为非法学专业的必修课程,该课程集中详述了基本法律原理和社会主义法律,介绍有关中国宪法,行政法,民法等法律的基本知识,以便让学生对马克思注意法律和具有中国特色的社会主义法制体系有一个总体的了解,掌握中国宪法和一般法律的实质,熟悉一些公民权利义务的知识,让自己能够更好地适应法制社会。This course is conducted under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory with the objective o

13、f helping the students to foster a correct world outlook and correct views on life and values, offering answers to various kinds of problems concerning morals and ethics raised by college students at the turning-point of their life, improving students ability of identifying and rejecting faulty tren

14、ds of thought, dealing with setbacks and adapting to a new environment, cultivating their moral integrity and norms of conducts, and enhancing their skills in coping with various conflicts and problems occurring from studies, daily life, job-choosing and friends-making, etc.As a compulsory course fo

15、r non-law majors, this course focuses on the expatiation upon general principles of law as well as the socialist laws, introducing to the basic knowledge concerning Chinese constitution, administrative law, civil law, etc, in order for students to have an general understanding of the Marxist law and

16、 the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, to grasp the essence of Chinese constitution and general law, to acquaint themselves with some knowledge about civil obligations and rights, and to further accommodate themselves to the legal society.6)计算机应用基础Basis of Computer Engineering(2 C

17、redits) 该课程介绍一种高级计算机编程语言和一些计算机的基本知识。要求学生掌握高级语言的主要特征,懂得怎样编程序,能够编写,设计和调试程序。学生能根据自己的专业选择下列语言中的一种:Visual FoxPro, Visual Basic, C, Visual C+, FORTRAN, and Pascal.This course introduces one advanced computer programming language and some elementary computer knowledge. Students are required to know the mai

18、n characters of advanced language and how to edit, design and debug a program. According to their major, students can choose one of following languages: Visual FoxPro, Visual Basic, C, Visual C+, FORTRAN, and Pascal.7)体育Physical Education(1 Credit) 本课程是必修课。一年级学生的成绩评估基于他们在普通体育课或综合选择性体育课的表现,包括体育理论,健康标

19、准和体育俱乐部。选择性体育课提供给学生对于某一具体运动的知识和技能。普通体育课是为一二年级的学生开设的,它介绍运动的原理和方法。目的是帮助学以科学的方法进行锻炼。This Course is compulsory for all the students. Freshmen are evaluated according to their performance on General PE or an integration of Option PE, PE theories, health standard and PE clubs. Option PE provides the stude

20、nts with the basic knowledge and skills of specific sports. General PE is for freshmen and sophomores without an adept sport. It introduces the principles and methods of exercise. The purpose is to help students to exercise in a scientific way.8)英语写作Writing English(2 Credits) 本学期第一阶段为学习打英文的草稿以及写作前的准

21、备工作。在这个阶段中,学生要开发新思想、交流各自的知识储备、搜集资料信息、思考要写的内容以及搜寻、搜集新词汇和表达方式来恰当地表达他们的感受和思想。第二个阶段是实际写作。从首先的确定主题思想,到第二、第三稿的写作,学生需要对他们的作品进行综合、组织和详细阐述。最后的阶段是修改。在本阶段学生要对自己的作品进行仔细的分析。通过修改和编辑,作者对文章的思想、结构和语法进行去粗取精,力求完成成功、优秀的作品。In this way the first stage of the activities would consist of prewriting (pre-work). In this stag

22、e, students discover new ideas, exchange knowledge, gather information, think of what to write about, and ask or search for new vocabulary and expressions to voice their feelings and thoughts. The second stage is the actual writing. As they are encouraged to first jot down ideas, then go to the seco

23、nd and third drafts, they synthesize, organize, and clarify the writing. The last stage is revision, in which students analyse their writing. Through the process of revising and editing, the writers refine their thoughts, structures, and grammar over successive drafts. 9)大学国文 Chinese Language and Li

24、terature for University Students(2 Credits) 本课程主要讲授内容为中国古今优秀文学作品及中国传统文化知识。This course mainly provides excellent ancient and modern Chinese literature and traditional Chinese culture.10)走进东南亚This is Southeast Asia(2 Credits) 本课系统性的介绍了东南地区和国家的基本知识,包括政体、经济、文化、历史、民族、民俗和对外关系,尤其是与中国的关系。本课将尽可能全面而又简要的展销东南亚地

25、区性的发展概括和国别情况。通过本课程的学习,促进学生对东南亚各国的了解和认识,拓宽学生的知识面。为地处连接东南亚各国的云南大学学生提供认识全面了解东南亚的机会,增强学生对社会的适应能力。This course focuses on introducing the overview of all the countries in Southeast Asia, including government, culture and history, with special attention to political reform, foreign policy and ideology. Dis

26、cussed some special phenomenon in political and economic, together with highlighted some countries with more rapid development, namely, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore, it will help students understand the role of this area in the world. And also the introduction of its culture and history will be

27、discussed, which helps students pay more attention on the protection of cultural heritage.11)搏击 Fighting(1 Credit)本课程是一项及智育与体育一身、增进健康、陶冶心智的运动项目。是有益于力量、耐心与协调的综合性训练。通过正规的搏击练习能够强身健体,提高运动能力,塑形健美,同时又能够环节紧张学习造成的压力, 为培养身心健康的高校人才打下基础。This course is a sports item which integrates intelligence education and p

28、hysical education, promotes health and cultivates the mind. It is a comprehensive training which is beneficial for strength, patience and coordination. Through formal fighting exercise, students can build up their bodies, improve sports abilities, shape body and keep fit, as well as release the stre

29、ss caused by tense studying. This course can lay foundation for cultivating talents with healthy body and mind in higher institutions.12)中国近代史纲要Outline of Chinese Modern History(2 Credits)本课程主要介绍从1840年鸦片战争开始知道1949年新中国成立为止这段中国历史的变迁。This course aims to introduce Chinese history from 1840(First Opium W

30、ar broke out) to 1949(Foundation of P.R.C)13)形势与政策The World Status and Politics(0.5 Credit)本课程为了解世界的经济与政治的现状,对国家的总体政治与经济形势进行相关的分析。This course introduces the actuality of the world economics and politics with the purpose to help students to analyze national gross politics and economics.14)交响音乐常识与鉴赏Sy

31、mphony Appreciation(2 Credits)本课程主要讲授内容为音乐鉴赏的基本原理、视听艺术的完美杰作、交响音乐与交响曲.This course elaborates the basic principle of music appreciation, the masterpieces of audio visual arts, symphony.15)水土保持与城市生活环境 Soil and Water Conservation and Urban Living Environment(2 Credits)本课程通过介绍水土保持成功案例来使学生认识到水土保持是生态环境建设的重

32、要组成部分,帮助学生树立科学正确发展观,了解水土保持的发展趋势,初步掌握城市水土保持的方法,协调人与自然的关系。Through introducing successful cases of soil and water conservation, this course can make students realize that soil and water conservation plays an important role in the construction of ecological environment. It also can help students build up correct scientific concept of development, know the development tendency of soil and water conservation, prelimina

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