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新编大学实用英语教程 新编大学实用英语教程第二册教案unit最新范文Word格式.docx

1、 eg I love the beauty o gardenia, and the smell o ragrance 我喜欢栀子花的美丽,喜欢它的香味。 3 deliver v 交付,发表,递送 eg On the other hand hen you do align business and IT and deliver solutions that are used, every one ins 另一方面,当你使业务与 IT 结合在一起,交付可用的解决方案时,就获得双赢。 4 purchase v n 购买;赢得 购买 eg So in this case, e only model b

2、rose, select, purchase and pay 因此,我们在本例中,只为浏览、选择、购买和支付建模。 【派】 竞争者;购买 eg I hit the purchase button 我点击了购买按钮。 5 identity n 身份;同一性,一致;特性 eg Passports are usually used to prove the identity o the traveller 护照往往用来证明旅游者的身份。 6 magical adj 魔术的;有魔力的 eg In nature, those are magical moments 那是大自然中最迷人的时刻。 7 day

3、dream vi 做白日梦;幻想 eg Let yoursel daydream, but try to stay conscious as you do it 让自己做做白日梦,但在这过程中要保持清醒的意识。 捐献,捐助;促成 eg In act, they do contribute money to the community hich is as it should be 事实上,他们的确向社区捐钱,这也是他们应该做的。 9 appreciation 欣赏,鉴别;理解;感激 eg My mum gave me an appreciation or the underdog , he s

4、aid 我的妈妈给了一颗让我欣赏失败者的心 ,他说道。 卸;摆脱 之负担,倾诉 eg Unload jobs can be grouped together ith load jobs in the same project 卸载作业可以和同一项目中的加载工作组合在一起。 11 grocery n 食品杂货店 eg My sisters and I loved to go to grocery shopping ith our mother hen e ere little 小时候,我和姐姐妹妹经常喜欢和妈妈一起去食品杂货店购物。 12 lovable adj 可爱的;讨人喜欢的 eg As

5、I see it, pandas are more lovable than monkeys 我认为,熊猫比猴子更可爱。 13 imaginative adj 富于想象力的,有创造力的 eg The youngest children ere unable to make the imaginative leap into someone elses mind 年幼的孩子们不能做出富有想象力的跳跃进入另外某个人的想法。 Use ul E*pressions be delivered to some place 被送到,被交付到 eg I you subscribe to the nespape

6、r, it ill be delivered to your door 如果你订了这种报纸,就会给你送报上门。 in vain 徒劳,无效果 eg I tried in vain to get Sue to come ith us 我试着让苏和我们一起来,但失败了。 contribute to 有助于,促成;捐献 eg Your hard ork contributes greatly to your success today 你今天的成功归功于你的努力。 pre er to 更加喜欢,宁愿 eg The important point is that many drivers pre er

7、 to parallel park themselves 重要的一点是许多司机更喜欢平行停车。 much like 非常像 eg A good reader is very much like a driver He must change his reading speed to it hat he is reading 会读书的人就像一个司机,他必须根据所阅读的材料来改变阅读速度。 原文】Every year on my birthday, rom the time I turned 12, a hite gardenia as delivered to my house in Bethe

8、sda, Md 【分析】 Every year on my birthday 、 rom the time I turned 12 两个时间状语,前一个表示 a hite gardenia as delivered 具体时间;后一个表示整句发生的时间起点。 【原文】A ter a hile I stopped trying to discover the senders identity and just delighted in the beauty and heady smell o that one magical, per ect hite loer 【分析】整句为 I stopped

9、 doing and just delighted in , 是 and 并列句。 the beauty and heady smell o - 亦为 and 并列短语。 eg To my teacher I dedicate this dictionary in token o a ection and gratitude 我谨以此词典献给我的老师,以表示对他的爱戴和感激之情。 E*planation o the second paragraph 2 【原文】But I never stopped imagining ho the giver might be 【分析】 But I neve

10、r stopped doing 句型。 ho the giver might be 为 imagining 的宾语从句。 eg She is a girl ho loves unisely 她是一个恋爱轻率的姑娘。 【原文】Some o my happiest moments ere spent daydreaming about someone onder ul and e*citing but too shy to make knon his or her identity 【分析】本句主体是 。 someone onder ul and e*citing 为定语 onder ul and

11、 e*citing 后置修饰 someone 。 为 too to 句型 太 而不能 。 eg No i he as too stupid to have it, then o course he ould have been liberated into the realm o action 如果他因为太愚昧而不能有这种幻想,那么当然他能自由行动。 the third paragraph 3 【原文】She ould ask me i there as someone or hom I had done a special kindness ho might be shoing apprec

12、iation 【分析】 ask me i ,i 从句做 ask 宾语从句。而 there as someone or hom I had done a special kindness ho might be shoing appreciation 句中, or hom 做 someone 的定语从句中 I had done a special kindness or hom ,因而用宾格 hom ;而 someoneho might be shoing appreciation 用主格 ho 。 【原文】As a teenager, I pre er to imagine that it m

13、ight be a boy I had a crush on or one ho had noticed me even though I didnt kno him 【分析】主体句型: I pre er to do that ( 从句 ) 。 that 引导的宾语从句 it might be a boy or one ho ho 引导一个定语从句 ho had noticed me even though I didnt kno him the ourth paragraph 4 【原文】In truth, my mother anted her children to see themse

14、lves much like the gardenia lovely, strong and per ect ith a quality o magic and perhaps a bit o mystery my mother anted her children to see themselves much like 。 i th paragraph 5 【原文】That as the year the gardeing 【分析】强调句型 That as the year(that) 。 the year (that) the gardeing 中 the year 是先行词, the g

15、ardeing 是定语从句。 【延伸】强调句型引导词可以是 it 也可以是 that ;定语从句引导词 that 常常省略。 should be the mother ho raised ive great sons including to generals, to pro essors and an artist 那是养育了五个孩子的伟大母亲,包括两个将军,两名教授和一名艺术家。 e spend together, singing and dancing 我从来都不会忘记我们一起唱歌、跳舞的日子。 Reading comprehension: Choose the best anser a

16、ccording to the te*t Key: 1 D 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 D 3 Key to Activity 2 1 delivery 2 imaginative 3 unloaded 4 lovable 5 mysterious Activity 4 Translate the olloing sentences into English ith the e*pressions given in the brackets 1 给我们打个电话,我们就会把花送到您的家门口。(be delivered to) _2 他的努力没有白费,最终他获得了硕士学位。(in vain) _

17、3 和平、安定、统一能极大地促进一个民族的发展。(contribute to) _4 许多住在城市的人更喜欢住在农村。(pre er to ) 5 你很像我的英语老师,既善良又耐心。(much like) 强调句型() 一、强调的基本用法 1 采用某个单词短语强调,如 only, ever, just, alone, very, still, must, too, a great deal o , by ar, a lot 进行强调。一般这些词位于被强调成分之前,very 一般在 the, this ,that, my, her 等限定词和名词间。 eg Only hen he had han

18、ded in his e*am paper, did he realize he had orgotten to rite don his name 当他交上试卷时才意识到他忘记了写名字。 2 采用助动词(do)表示强调,用 did, do, does, 助动词放在谓语动词前强调谓语。 eg He did tell all that had happened to him 她确实讲了在他身上发生的一切。 eg She does get up early 她的确起得很早。 eg Do be care ul ne*t time 下次一定要小心。 3 某些有否定意义的词用作状语位于句首时,采用倒装强

19、调句子成分,如:never, seldom, little,not until, not only but also , at no time, no sooner than, hardly hen。 eg Never have I ound him in such a good mood 我从没见过他有这么好的心情。 eg Hardly had he inished his ork hen the telephone rang 电话铃响起的时候,他恰好做完了工作。 eg Seldom do I get invited into his o ice alone 我很少独自被邀请到他的办公室。

20、4 采用强调句型 (1)hat is / as ; (2)It is / as + 强调成分 + that / ho / hom + 句子其他成分; (3)i ever 用于引导从句,加强主语; (4)on earth, in the orld 用于疑问句中强调,表示 究竟 的意思。 5 It is/as + 被强调成分 + that / ho 结构,被称之为 it 强调句型,其中 it 没有意思,只帮助改变句子的结构,使其中的一个成分受到强调,被强调的部分通常是主语、宾语或是表示时间、地点和原因的状语。其用法可用下表简明表示 用法 例句 强调句型可以强调的句子成分通常为主语、状语、宾语等,不

21、能用来强调谓语、表语、让步状语及条件状语。 It as in the railay station that I met my old classmate on Monday 我星期一是在火车站遇到老同学的。 (强调地点状语) It as on Monday that I met my classmate in the railay station 我是星期一在火车站遇到老同学的。(强调时间状语) It as my classmate that I met in the railay station on Monday 我星期一在火车站遇到的是我的老同学。(强调宾语) 强调句型中连接词一般用

22、that, 如果被强调的部分指人, 可以用 ho / that, 其他一律用 that 不能用hich, here, hen 等。 It as in the park that e met the inspectors this morning 今天早晨我们是在公园里遇到检察员的。 在强调结构中, be 动词一律用 is / as 形式,如果原句的谓语动词是一般过去式,就用 as。 It is the monitor ho ins the irst prize in the competition 这次比赛荣获第一名的是班长。 until 引导的时间状语从句可以用在强调句型中,其结构为 It

23、is / as not untilthat It as not until the class began that he came in 他直到上课时才来。 当强调的是主语时,其谓语动词应和被强调的人和物保持人称、数的一致,如果被强调的主语是人称代词,可以用主格也可以用宾格。 It as I / me ho cleaned the classroom 是我打扫的教室。 注意 be 的数和时态。be 在句中总是单数形式,没有复数形式。它的时态通常只有两种:is 和 as。若原句的谓语动词是各种现在或将来时态,则be 的形式应为is ;若原句的谓语动词是各种过去时态,则be 的形式应为 as。

24、eg It is a magazine that Mary ill give me tomorro 玛丽明天要给我的是一本杂志。 eg It is tomorro that e are going to have a meeting 我们要开会的时间是明天。 eg It as John and Mike ho/that sa Mary in the street last night 约翰和迈克昨晚在街上遇见了玛丽。 只有强调作主语用的人时,才用 It is / asho, 强调其他形式的主语、宾语或状语时,都可用 It is / asthat eg It is the teacher ho

25、teaches me ho to be a respectable man 就是这位老师教我们如何成为一个值得尊敬的人。 eg It is English that Pro Li teaches us 李教授教我们的是英语。 eg It as in the street that I sa Li Hua that morning 就是在这条街上,那天早上我遇见了李华。 eg It as in 1988 that I orked in a actory 那是在 1988 年,我在一个工厂上班。 即使被强调的主语是复数形式,it 后面的谓语动词也要用单数形式 is 或 as。 eg It is t

26、hey ho / that o ten help me ith my English study 就是他们经常帮助我学习英语。 eg It as John and Tom ho / that cleaned the classroom yesterday 就是约翰和汤姆昨天打扫了教室。 eg It as only the to passengers ho / that got hurt 只是这两位乘客受伤了。 在强调时间、地点、原因、行为方式等状语时,被强调的部分后面不能用 hen, here, hy, ho, 而是用 that。 eg It as only hen I reread his

27、poems recently that I began to appreciate their beauty 只有当我最近再次阅读他的诗歌时,我才开始欣赏它们的美。 eg It as because his mother as ill that he did not go to the party 是因为他妈妈病了他才没去参加聚会。 eg It as only ith the help o the local guide that the mountain climber as rescued 在当地导游的帮助下,那个登山者才得以获救。 此结构不能用来强调谓语动词。若要强调谓语动词,则要在谓语动词的原形前面加上助动词 do,does 或 did。 eg I do like ice cream 我确实喜欢冰激凌。 eg Mr u did teach us

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