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1、Grammar focus .三、 Teachi ng Difficult poi nts (教学难点):1.Words &2.Key sentences and liste ning practice.四、 Teachi ng methods (教学方法):Practici ng, Liste ning and Role play ing methods.五、 单元教材分析:-It 学会用以上句型结构运用到口语交际当中,并努力创造性的使用语言,达到学以至用,提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。六、 课时安排The first period (第一课时):Section A (1a - 2d)T

2、he sec ond period (第二课时):Section A (Grammar focus-3c)The third period (The fourth period (The fifth period (第三课时):Section B (1a - 1d)第四课时):Section B (2a - 2c)第五课时):Section B (3aSelf Check)Period one一、Teaching Aims(教学目标)1.Knowledge Object and Ability(知识与技能)2.Process and teach ing methods采用 Summarizin

3、g,Accumulating(过程与方法):和Comparing的学习策略,利用图片、实物等来展开课堂教学Pair-work的问答的口语交际活动,进行询问和谈论时间。To form a good time for work and rest. Onea . tomorrowtoday ” works better than two二、 Teaching Key points (教学重点)1.How to talk about daily rout in es.2.What time 引导的特殊疑问句和时间的表达三、 Teachi ng Difficult poi nts (教学难点)Lear

4、n to use freely .Liste ning for specific in formatio n and Role play ing. Pairwork.五、 Teachi ng Aids (教学用具):Tape-recorder , pictures ,objects六、 教学用时:40分钟七、 教学流程:【搭桥引线】-“新旧知识、生活体验、学科渗透” + “明确目标”(搭桥)1. Greet the whole class.2、自主学习(教师寄语: Knowledge is power.)(弓 I课)Guess ing gameIt has no feet (脚),but it

5、 can walk (走) with its hands (手).It has no mouth (嘴巴), but it can speak to you. It calls Tick (滴答),Tick, and Tick every day. What is it?(明标)学生朗读,教学目标中的“知识与技能” ,明确本节课的学习目标。【前置作业】“自主学习、合作学习、探究学习” + “展示交流”1、“自主学习”一一通过 ppt让学生练习时间的用法。0Q07:00 9:306:2515(拓展延伸) What time is it?2、“合作学习”一一通过图片让学生合作学习。(1) let

6、s learn :s six o What time is it now? It3“探究学习”一一通过图片学习英标、新单词以及词组。一) 时间的表达法:1顺读法:“钟点+分钟”按时、分的顺序用数字直接表示;整点数字后加上oclock.4:00 four o 7 点 15 分 seven fifteen40 six forty2、 分钟+past+小时“几点过几分”12:05 five past twelve8:25 twen ty-five past eight11:10 ten past eleve n3、 分钟+to+小时 “差几分几点”(当分钟大于30时,用to表示“差几分钟到下一个钟点

7、” 。to是“差”的意思。)10:50 ten to eleve n58 two to seve n9:40 twenty to ten15 或 45 分钟:a/one quarter半小时用:half45 a quarter to eight15 a quarter past ten3:30 half past three注意:(具体的哪一天用on,具体的时间段用in,时间点用at)二) 询问时间“是几点了”用 :What time is it?=What s the time ?回答用:It s三) 练习:完成 secti onA 1A,1B,1C.“展示交流”学生自主学习,分组合作学习讨

8、论, 探究出结果后,教师对以上问题给小组分配任务,进行展示交流,阐述观点。教师及时给予学生指导、鼓励。【答疑解惑】“纠偏纠正、互答互补、答疑释难” + “授人以渔”pastclock分钟数不超过30分 10 six tenhalf pa时间表达法: 25 seve n twen ty-five2.分钟数+past +点钟数(分钟数不超过30分) 20 twenty past seve n 30 half past eight3.差分钟数+ to +下一点钟数(分钟数超过30分)45 fiftee n to nine 50 ten to ten【梳理评价】“收获体会、梳理板书、小组评价” + “

9、达标检测”学生说出体会收获 教师或学生根据学生的叙述进行知识梳理、 板书,并对各小组的学习表现进行评价总结。【板书梳理】Unit 2 What time do you go to school? /What s the time? s 2 o clock./11:05.【达标测评,反思提高】1、上午七点整2、中午十二点3、早上五点半4、下午五点一刻5、差十分六点6、五点过两分7、三点二十五8、四点三十八分9、十二点差一刻10、五点零五分11、九点十分12、十一点零八分【“教” “学反思】Period Two一、 Teachi ng Aims(教学目标)Review the conversati

10、on.Practicing,saying, writing.3.Moral Objects (情感态度)培养良好的作息习惯和守时习惯。四、 Teach ing methods (教学方法):speak in g,writ ing, group-work.五、 Teaching Aids (教学用具):1. A tape record 2 . Some school things七、 教学过程1.Greet the whole class.2、 自主学习利用图片复习单词及词组。 PPT11-12(引课):利用图片练习对话。 PPT13-18What time do you usually go

11、to school?I usually go to school at 7:00.1.“自主学习”一一通过 ppt让学生独立完成2a-2b(拓展延伸)Let s fill.Jim a big family. He has brothers and two sisters, but theyonly have one shower. Maybe you think it s for them to take a shower.No, they have a shower schedule( 时间表). His brother Bob takes a showerat 5:30. That s e

12、arly, but I never take a shower so early. Then his sisterMary a shower 5:50 Next his brother Jack a shower at 6:15,then his sister Anna 6:45. Now, please guess: What time Jim take a shower?2.“合作学习”一一通过图片让学生合作学习。Let s do.睡觉 穿衣服 刷牙 去上学 吃早餐 起床 洗澡 吃午餐 做运动 2d Role-play the con versatio n3、探究学习” Grammer F

13、ocus1、 What time is it?2、 -What time do you get up?-I usually get up at 6:15.-What time does he brush his teeth?-He brushes his teeth at 6:30.3、 感叹句:4、 What +名词词组+主语+谓语+其他成分!What a good day it is!How +形容词/副词+ 主语+谓语+其他成分!How hard she works!What time do you get up?(they)I /we usually get up at 6:15. 主

14、语为三单时,谓语动词有变化: What time does he brush his teeth?He brushes his teeth at 6:30. (she)一、 完成句子:你通常什么时间起床? 我通常早上 6:25起床。 瑞克通常什么时候去上学?他通常7:35分去上学。二、 通过2d完成填空:Scott has in terest ing job. He works at a radio and he works twelveo clock at night six o clock in the morning. He works very hours.He usually at

15、eight and eats breakfast nine. That s a breakfast. that he usually at about ten twen ty, the n he goes to at eleve n. So he is late work.Period three名词:after noon evening homework动词短语 :do homework, go home.2.Key sentences-Whe n do people usually eat dinner?-People usually eat dinner in the eve ning.

16、3.要求掌握以下句式:When does sb(第三人称单数)usually verb?Sb(第三人称单数)verbs prep .Liste ning, talk ing and Role play ing.Time is life .( 时间就是生命)1.Key sentence.2.liste ning practice.1.用 When与 What time引导的特殊疑问句异同。2.听力的训练。四、 Teaching methods (教学方法):Reading and listening.A tape recorder2、 自主学习:刷牙 淋浴 去上班 到达 整晚/天/年 听音乐 床

17、睡觉 回家 给写信 开始做某事 在星期六在上午/下午/晚上 利用图片学习Talk about yourselfFirst : What time do you get up / get dressed/ brush teeth ? I usually get up/ get dressed/ brush teeth atThen:I usually get up at then next after that so1“自主学习”一一通过 ppt让学生练习学习归纳总结。get up?-What time does Rick take a shower?have breakfast?gets up

18、 at 5 :-He takes a shower at has breakfast at (拓展延伸)Write an swers pr questi ons. Use always, usually or n ever.What time do you get up on school days?1. 2.?Rick always gets up at 6:20.3.What time do you have breakfast?4. ?Anna n ever eats breakfast.5.What time does your best friend go to school?1.W

19、he n do stude nts usually do these thin gs? Match the activities with the timeof day.2.Let s listen and circle. Then listen again and write the time3.“探究学习”一一通过图片学习英标、新单词以及词组。1)from to 从 至U She works 7:00 9:00_00p.m. 2) about / around 大约、大概Rick usually goes to school 7:00 a.m. 1.It s time for sth.=I

20、t s time to do sth.该做某事了/到了做某事的时间了2.It s time for sb. to do sth.某人该做某事了 /到了某人做某事的时间了。 【梳理评价】“收获体会、梳理板书、小组评价” + “达标检测”学生说出体会收获 教师或学生根据学生的叙述进行知识梳理、板书,并对各小组的学习表现进行评价总结。-People usually eat dinner in the evening.-Whe n does Rick usually get up ?- He usually gets up at ?I.翻译词组1.起床 2.洗淋浴 3.睡觉 4.做作业 5.去上班 I

21、I.用所给单词的适当形式填空6.What time he usually (go) to bed?7.Scott (work) very long hours.8.The food in the boxes (be) very delicious.9.His pare nts usually (get) up at five.10.What about (liste n) to the music.11.Tom isnt good at (speak) Japa nese.12.His sister (wa nt, joi n) the music club.13.They are busy (have) lun ch.14.Jack, (put) on your rain coat.15.It s time (go) home now.Period four一、Teachi ng Aims(教学目标) expressionsTime flies !We should save time . (光阴似箭,我们应该珍惜时间)二、 Teaching K

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