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九年级英语全册《Unit4Iusedto be afraid of the dark》同步练习 人教新目标版Word文档格式.docx

1、 4. - Hi, Ann! I won the first prize in the English Speech Contest. - Congratulations! And I guess your parents must you. A. be mad at B. be proud of C. be angry with D. be impolite to 5. If you try your best, we will you even you may fail again and again. A. be pride of B. take proud of C. be proud

2、 in D. take pride in 6. The flowers some water because they havent been watered for many days. A. gain B. request C. rescue D. require 7. My little sister the room, because its too dark outside. A. dare not leave B. dare leave C. dare to leave D. dare not to leave 8. - Can you understand me? - Sorry

3、. I can understand what youve said. A. nearly B. easily C. hardly D. exactly 9. Kangkang the math exam because he was not careful enough. A. passed B. failed C. finished D. won10. This kind of plant is seen in our city because it lives 4500m above sea level and is hard to find. A. commonly B. always

4、 C. seldom D. easily11. My little brother shy, but now he a little outgoing. A. used to; is B. used to be; is C. used to; has D. used to be; has12. to get up early? used B. Do; use C. Did; use D. Do;13. I keep dogs for protection, but now I keep them as pets. A. would rather B. had better C. used to

5、 D. have to14. Jennys uncle is a scientist. She is proud him. A. from B. at C. in D. of15. Mr. Wang takes great in the success of his two children. A. proud B. time C. pride D. trouble16. The flowers t been watered for a few days. A. require B. reach C. prepare D. order17. - The boy sing loudly befo

6、re so many people. - Oh, maybe he feels shy. A. not dare to B. dare to C. dare not D. dares18. - I want to know more about how to use this word. - You can look it up in the dictionary. A. mostly B. exactly C. nearly D. hardly19. - Whats the matter? - I studied for the math test for a whole night, bu

7、t I . A. failed B. passed C. lost D. won20. This kind of flower is seen in our hometown because it grows 4000 meters above sea level and is hard to find. A. commonly B. seldom C. easily D. always二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共20小题;21. Tom was ill yesterday, so he didnt take part in the meeting. He was a 22. Mr. H

8、and has a great i on his kids.23. Barry had a very successful i this morning. He will go to work next week.24. What he said always made us laugh. We all think he is very h 25. - What are you doing?- I am studying for the English e 26. Ann kept s all day because his little brother broke her toy bear.

9、27. Cold running water is h to treat a small burn.28. Before the meeting began, I made the necessary i 29. In g , I agree to what you said.30. You cant use the car. Its p . Its owner is Mr. Green.31. - How many students are a today?- None. Everyone is here.32. My English teacher had a great i on me.

10、33. I know youll have an i tomorrow. I hope you can get the job.34. The h story made all of us laugh.35. Mr. Wu felt sick. The doctor gave him a careful e 36. - Why are you s ?- I dont want to talk because of the bad news.37. He is very h . He often helps us with our English study.38. The i of this

11、kind of machines made it possible to make things quickly.39. In g , he can get along well with his classmates.40. You cant go into p rooms if you arent allowed. Thats impolite.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共20小题;41. The man we saw yesterday is so (幽默) that we all like him very much.42. The children went out an

12、d the room was (寂静的).43. Lucy is polite and (乐于助人的) and we all like her.44. You have to get at least 80 (分数) to pass the test.45. After the (访谈), the boy became happy and lively.46. Please make an (介绍) to Project Hope.47. David (不及格) his math exam last term.48. His wife teaches physics in a (私人的, 私有

13、的) school.49. Hey, children! Dont make noise in the (背景). It is on air now.50. What is the (影响) of television on children?51. Jim is so (幽默的) that he is always making us laugh.52. Everybody was active in the meeting except Tom. He kept (沉默的) all the time.53. Tom is such an honest and (乐于助人的) boy tha

14、t all the neighbors like him.54. They won the basketball match yesterday. The (成绩) was 5:3.55. Sally became a member of the company after the job (面试).56. Please write a letter of (介绍) for me, Sally.57. If you (失败) for the first time, you will have a second chance to do it again.58. Its impolite to

15、read others (私人的) letters without permission.59. Volunteers from different (背景) feel like part of one big family.60. This book has a great (影响) on the children.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共10小题;61. 她年轻的时候常常把钥匙忘在家里。 (词数不限)She leave the key at home when she was young.62. 过去你在周末上课吗? have classes at the weekend?63

16、. 是时候采取措施治理污染了。Its time to take measures to pollution.64. 在公共场所不要大声说话。(词数不限)Dont talk loudly 65. 今天我以学校为荣,明天学校以我为傲。Today Im of my school and tomorrow my school will take in my success.66. 他们过去不常看电影。They films.67. 我过去总是想的太多。I think too much.68. - Its important for us students to develop good habits.

17、(词数不限)- And we should also learn (如何对付) the bad ones. (deal)69. Its polite to keep our voice down (在公共场合). (词数不限)70. 每个中学生都应该为自己感到自豪,因为每个人都有优点。Every middle school student is supposed to in themselves because each of them has good points.五、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) On May 27, 1995, our life was suddenly chang

18、ed. It happened a few minutes past three, 71 my husband, Chris, fell from his horse as it jumped over a fence. Chris was paralyzed(瘫痪) from the chest down, unable to breathe normally. As he was thrown from his horse, we entered into a life of 72 with lots of unexpected challenges. We went from the “

19、haves” to the “have-nots”. Or so we thought. 73 what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out of sharing difficulties. We came to learn that something wonderful could happen in a disaster(灾难). All over the world people 74 Chris so much that letters and postcards poured in every day. By t

20、he end of the third week in a medical center in Virginia, about 35,000 pieces of 75 had been received and sorted. As 76 , we opened letter after letter. They gave us comfort and became a source of strength for us. We used them to 77 ourselves. I would go to the pile of letters marked with “Funny” if

21、 we needed a 78 , or to the “Disabled” box to find advice from people in wheelchairs or even in bed living happily and successfully. These letters, we realized, had to be shared. And so here we offer one of them to you.Dear Chris, My husband and I were so sorry to hear of your 79 accident last week.

22、 No doubt your family and your friends are giving you the strength to face this 80 challenge. People everywhere are also giving you best wishes every day and we are among those who are keeping you close.Yours Sincerely, Nancy Reagan 71. A. since B. before C. when D. while72. A. disability B. possess

23、ion C. inconvenience D. experience73. A. So B. For C. Or D. Yet74. A. wrote for B. cared for C. hoped for D. sent for75. A. news B. paper C. equipment D. mail76. A. patients B. a family C. nurses D. a group77. A. encourage B. express C. control D. treat78. A. cry B. laugh C. chat D. sigh79. A. drivi

24、ng B. flying C. running D. riding80. A. technical B. different C. difficult D. valuable六、阅读理解(共18小题;共36分)A I used to hate my mother because she worked a lot and didnt spend much time with me. Then one Friday morning I took part in a three-day self-help program for teenagers. Whether you believe it o

25、r not, that weekend changed my life. About 100 other teenagers were there. During the first two days I met a lot of great people. I was glad because I made so many friends there. On Sunday, the leader did an interesting exercise called Chocolate or Toys. He asked a girl which she liked better, choco

26、late or toys. She chose chocolate. Then he asked her to choose again between chocolate and chocolate. Of course, she didnt have a choice. This exercise told us that sometimes we dont have a choice in life, and that sometimes we have to accept something, rather than complaining(抱怨). A girl stood up a

27、nd started talking about her mom who was a drug addict (吸毒者) and how much she hated her mother. I want a new mom, she cried.Unluckily, you cant have one, the leader replied.You have to accept the mother that you have. This hit me hard. I realized that, for better or worse, my mom was my mom. I could

28、nt choose another mom, but I could try to make the best of the situation.81. The writer used to hate his mother because A. she didnt care for him B. she had no time to be with him C. she was a drug addict D. she was too strict with him82. The self-help program for teenagers lasted A. a week B. two d

29、ays C. three days D. only one day83. The writer started to change his thinking A. during the first two days of the program B. after the exercise named C. as soon as he came to the program D. after he left the program some time84. From the end of the passage, we can know that A. the writer used to love his mom for years B. the writers mom is a very bad

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