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律师承办拆迁法律业务操作指导doc 64页Word格式文档下载.docx

1、第三节 律师代理被拆迁人、房屋承租人在房屋拆迁前期准备阶段的工作第三章房屋拆迁评估中的律师实务第二节 拆迁估价机构的确定第三节 拆迁估价过程中律师法律业务的工作内容第四章城市房屋拆迁补偿与安置中的律师实务第二节 拆迁补偿安置协议第三节 被拆迁房屋面积的确定第四节 被拆迁房屋安置标准第五节 特殊对象的补偿与安置第六节 货币补偿款的分配第五章房屋拆迁行政裁决过程中的律师实务第二节 裁决申请与受理阶段第三节 裁决审理阶段第四节 行政强制执行阶段第六章农村房屋拆迁中的律师实务第二节 集体土地的征收征用及补偿第三节 农村房屋拆迁补偿安置第四节 农村房屋拆迁评估第七章行政复议与诉讼的律师实务第二节拆迁行政

2、复议第三节拆迁诉讼第四节 律师在拆迁诉讼中的举证第八章附则第一章 总则1. 制订目的为提高律师承办房屋拆迁业务的服务水平,指导律师办理与房屋拆迁相关的诉讼和非诉讼业务,依据中华人民共和国物权法中华人民共和国土地管理法等法律、法规、规章和最高人民法院相关司法解释,结合拆迁业务操作流程和经验,制定本指引。本指引供律师在办理拆迁法律服务业务中参考和借鉴,并非强制性规定。1. Formulated for the purpose of improving housing demolition contractors lawyers business services, guidance and cou

3、nsel for demolition of housing-related litigation and non-litigation business, according to Peoples Republic of China Property Law and s Republic of China Land Management Law and other laws and regulations , Regulations and relevant judicial interpretations of the Supreme Peoples Court, with the dem

4、olition process and operational experience, to enact the guidelines. The guidelines for lawyers in legal services for the demolition of reference and draw on, not mandatory requirements.2. 概念界定2.1 城市房屋拆迁,是指经依法许可,拆迁人对城市规划区内国有土地上的房屋所有者或使用者给予补偿安置的前提下予以迁出,对房屋及附属物进行拆除的法律行为。2.2 农村房屋拆迁,是指经依法许可,拆迁人对城市规划区外农民

5、集体所有土地上的房屋所有者或使用者给予补偿安置的前提下予以迁出,对房屋及附属物进行拆除的法律行为。2.3 拆迁人,是指依法取得房屋拆迁许可证的单位。2.4 拆迁单位:取得依法拆迁资质的房屋拆迁企业。2.5 被拆迁人,是指被拆除房屋的所有人和使用人。2.6 房屋承租人,是指与被拆迁人具有合法租赁关系的单位和个人。2.7 违章建筑,是指依法应予以无偿拆除的违法建筑物。3. 律师办理拆迁法律业务的基本原则拆迁关系到社会稳定和广大被拆迁人的切身利益,律师办理拆迁法律业务应遵循如下原则:3.1 忠诚负责原则。律师办理拆迁法律业务,应不受任何单位及其他组织和个人的非法干涉,依法维护国家法律的正确实施和委托

6、人的合法权益。3.2 专业精湛原则。律师办理拆迁法律业务,应掌握拆迁专业知识和业务操作的相应能力和水平,以扎实的专业知识和技能为委托人提供优质的法律服务。3.3 勤勉敬业原则。律师办理拆迁法律业务,应勤于学习、勤于思考,恪尽职守,根据委托人的要求,在与委托人约定的期限内完成各项受托法律业务。3.4 支持合理补偿原则。律师办理拆迁法律业务,应当支持被拆迁人的合理补偿要求,其合理补偿的底线是:被拆迁人原有居住水平不因拆迁而降低。4. 律师办理拆迁法律业务的前提和要求4.1 律师办理拆迁法律业务,应在核实委托人的主体资格并充分了解受托事项的具体情况后,与委托人制作谈话笔录,分析利弊,告知法律风险。4

7、.2 律师须与委托人签订委托协议,在取得委托人的合法授权后,在受托权限内依法履行职责,不得损害委托人的合法权益。4.3 律师办理拆迁法律业务,应把有利于社会稳定作为自己的社会责任,把维护被拆迁人的合法权益、促进矛盾化解、构建和谐社会作为办理拆迁法律业务的工作要求。4.4 律师在办理拆迁法律业务中应保守所知悉的国家秘密、委托人的商业秘密和个人隐私。5. 本操作指引的业务适用范围本操作指引适用于律师代理与拆迁相关的诉讼和非诉讼法律业务。主要适用于律师在提供拆迁法律咨询、受托调查、起草并修改拆迁计划与方案、起草并修改各类法律文书、出具专项法律意见书、培训拆迁管理与实施人员、代理政府、拆迁人、拆迁单位

8、、被拆迁人、房屋承租人、房屋同住人、房屋使用人参与拆迁评估活动、参与听证及谈判活动、参与行政裁决活动、参与强制拆迁活动、参与行政复议活动、参与仲裁活动、参与诉讼活动等法律服务。涉及军事设施、教堂、寺庙、文物古迹以及外国驻华使(领)馆房屋的拆迁法律服务不适用本操作指引。2. 2.1 define the concept of urban housing demolition, is that the law permits, the demolition of urban people of the area of housing on state land owners or users re

9、settlement compensation under the premise be moved out of housing and to dismantle the appendage Legal acts. 2.2 demolition of housing in rural areas, is permitted by law, the demolition of urban planning were outside all the collective farmers on the land owners or users of housing resettlement com

10、pensation under the premise be moved out of housing and appendage to the removal of legal acts .2. 2.1 define the concept of urban housing demolition, is that the law permits, the demolition of urban people of the area of housing on state land owners or users resettlement compensation under the prem

11、ise be moved out of housing and to dismantle the appendage Legal acts. 2.2 demolition of housing in rural areas, is permitted by law, the demolition of urban planning were outside all the collective farmers on the land owners or users of housing resettlement compensation under the premise be moved o

12、ut of housing and appendage to the removal of legal acts . 2.3 demolition, is made in accordance with the law permits the demolition of housing units. 2.4 demolition of flats Qualification made in accordance with the law demolition of housing demolition business. 2.5 was the demolition, refers to th

13、e demolition of houses and use of all people. 2.6 Housing lessee, is that people with the demolition of a legal relationship between the rental units and individuals. 270 illegal construction is that the law should be removed free of illegal buildings. 3. Demolition of legal services lawyers for the

14、 demolition of the basic principles related to social stability and the vast majority of the demolition of the vital interests, legal counsel for the demolition business should follow the following principles: 3.1 responsible for the principle of loyalty. Legal counsel for the demolition business, s

15、hould be free from any units and other organizations and individuals in the unlawful interference, safeguard the correct implementation of national laws and the legitimate rights and interests of clients. 3.2 superb professional principles. Legal counsel for the demolition business, the demolition s

16、hould have the expertise and operational capacity and the corresponding level to a solid professional knowledge and skills for the client to provide quality legal services. 3.3 diligence dedicated principle. Legal counsel for the demolition business, should be diligent in learning, thinking hard, fu

17、lfill their duties, in accordance with the requirements of clients, in agreement with the client within the period entrusted with the completion of the legal business. 3.4 support the principle of reasonable compensation. Legal counsel for the demolition business, the demolition should be supported

18、by the reasonable compensation request, reasonable compensation for its bottom line is this: the demolition of the original living standards of people because of the demolition and lower. 4. Barristers in the demolition business law and requirements of the premise of 4.1 legal counsel for the demoli

19、tion business, clients should verify the qualifications and the main body entrusted with the full understanding of the specific situation, with the clients production notes, analysis of the pros and cons to inform the legal risk. 4.2 lawyers and clients must be signed by the agreement, in a clients

20、lawful authority, the authority entrusted to perform their duties in accordance with the law, without prejudice to the legitimate rights and interests of clients. 4.3 legal counsel for the demolition business, should be conducive to social stability as their own social responsibility, to uphold the

21、demolition of the legitimate rights and interests, and promote conflict resolution and building a harmonious society as a legal business for the demolition work requirements. 4.4 for the demolition of lawyers in legal business should be aware of the conservative state secrets, commercial secrets and

22、 client privacy. 5. Guidelines on the operation of the business scope of the operation guidelines applicable to counsel and demolition-related litigation and non-litigation legal services. Mainly applicable to lawyers in providing legal advice demolition, entrusted with the investigation, drafting a

23、nd revising the demolition plans and programmes, the drafting and amending various legal instruments, issued by the special legal submissions, training management and implementation of the demolition, the Government Agent, demolition, the demolition unit , Demolition, housing tenant, living housing,

24、 housing demolition of the use of people involved in assessment activities, to participate in hearings and negotiations, the decision to participate in activities, to participate in mandatory demolition activities, to participate in the review activities, to participate in arbitration Activities, to

25、 participate in activities such as litigation legal services. Involve military facilities, churches, temples and cultural relics in China and foreign countries (from) the demolition of the Museum of legal services are not applicable to operating guidelines.第二章 房屋拆迁前期准备中的律师实务本章所称前期准备阶段是指截至房屋拆迁许可证公告之日

26、前的阶段。1房屋拆迁的前提条件国家法律规定,凡需要拆迁房屋的建设单位应当向拟拆迁房屋所在地的县、市拆迁主管行政机关提出申请,取得行政许可后,方可实施拆迁房屋。其中在城市拆迁许可的形式为房屋拆迁许可证,农村为拆迁许可证或征收批准文件。2概念界定2.1 搬迁期限,是指被拆迁人和拆迁人在拆迁补偿安置协议中约定或者行政裁决中规定的被拆迁人腾出房屋完成搬迁事宜的期限。2.2 拆迁期限,是指拆迁许可证设立的实施拆迁活动的期限。The preparatory phase of this chapter is alleged that the demolition permit as of the date

27、of the notice period. 1. Housing demolition of the prerequisites for national legislation, where the need for demolition of housing construction units to the proposed demolition of housing should be the seat of the county, city demolition charge of the executive authorities to apply to the administr

28、ative licensing, before the demolition of housing. In the city demolition permit in the form of house demolition permit, the rural levy for the demolition permit or approval of documents. 2. 2.1 define the concept of the relocation period, means the demolition and relocation in the demolition of res

29、ettlement compensation agreement or agreements set forth in the judgement were vacated by demolition of housing completed relocation of the period. 2.2 demolition deadline, is the demolition permit the establishment of the implementation of demolition activities in the period.1. 律师代理拆迁人、拆迁单位在房屋拆迁前期准

30、备阶段的工作:1.1 核实拟拆迁地段的土地性质,以确定是适用城市还是农村房屋拆迁的程序。1.2 核实拆迁人、拆迁单位的主体资格与资质,核实拆迁工作人员的上岗证并核实拆迁人与拆迁单位签订的拆迁委托合同。1.3 核实拆迁人是否已合法取得国有土地使用权或土地征收征用批准文件且是否依法公示。1.4 核实拆迁人是否已合法取得建设项目批准文件且是否依法公示。1.5 核实拆迁人是否已合法取得建设用地规划许可证且是否依法公示。1.6 调查被拆迁人的基本情况(拆迁的四至范围、房屋类型、面积、户数、人口、老弱病残特殊对象等)。1.7 核实在规划管理部门核发建设用地规划许可证、确定拆迁范围后,拆迁范围内的单位和个人

31、有无进行下列活动:1.7.1 新建、改建和扩建房屋及其附属物;1.7.2 改变房屋和土地用途;1.7.3 建立新的房屋租赁关系;1.7.4 分列房屋租赁户名。1.8 参与制定拆迁方案的听证会,发表律师意见。1.9 核实拆迁计划与拆迁方案的合法性、完整性、可行性,拆迁方案应载明如下事项:1.9.1 拆迁四至范围;1.9.2 拆迁房屋总建筑面积(分别列出居住房屋与非居住房屋的具体数量及公房、私房、宗教产和代管产的具体数量);1.9.3 拆迁户数;1.9.4 拆迁期限;1.9.5 拆迁范围分期实施拆迁的情况;1.9.6 拆迁补偿安置资金总额的预算;1.9.7 申请拆迁许可证时首期补偿安置资金到位数额、产权调换房屋的面积量与价值量,及后续资金分期到位计划;1.9.8 实施拆迁的方式;1.9.9 拆迁计划是否已经列入本地经济发展计划和本省(市)的拆迁计划。1.9.10核实拆迁人是否有足额的拆迁补偿安置资金专用存款账户,前述存款金额不得低于省市政府规定的补偿安置资金总额的比例。该存款金额与安置用房价值之和不足补偿安置资金总额的,建设单位应当在拆迁方案中明确资金分期到位的时间。1.9.11 核实用于产权调换房源的产权是否清晰、无权利负担。1.9.12核实用于产权调换房源

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