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1、很高兴认识你。Do you know Mr. Jones?你认识琼斯先生吗?ve heard so much about you.久仰,久仰。Let me introduce myself.让我自我介绍一下。My name is Wang Xiaoya. This is my first time to your country.我叫王小丫。是第一次到你们国家来。Happy to know you. Just call me Xiao Li or Little Li.认识你很高兴,就叫我小吧。This is Mr. Wang, director of Hubei Provincial Wate

2、r Resources Bureau.这是省水利厅厅长,王先生。I think we have met before. 我想我们以前见过的。Yes, I think we have, havent we?是的,我想我们彼此见过,不是吗?三、机场(Airport)How can I get to the airport?我怎样才能到机场?Are there any planes to New York today?今天有飞往纽约的飞机吗?s the flight number?航班号是什么?How long does this flight take?要飞多久?Do I have to chan

3、ge planes at Paris?我得在巴黎换机吗?Two tourist class tickets for CAAC flight 244 tomorrow, please.请买两明天的中国民航244班机经济舱机票。I need an economy class, threeday return.我要一三天回程的经济舱来回票。How much is the round trip?往返票要多少钱?d like to reconfirm my plane reservation.我想再确认一下我预定的机票。Can I carry this suitcase with me on board

4、?我可以随身携带这衣箱上机吗?What time am I supposed to check in?我该什么时候办理登机手续?Must all my luggage be weighed?我的行必须全部过磅吗?I like aisle seats.我喜欢靠走廊的位置。四、移民局和海关(Immigration & Customs)Here is my passport.这是我的护照。m here for a business tour.我到贵国进行商务考察。Where should I go through the custom?我该在哪里办理海关手续?Would you please che

5、ck my luggage?请检查我的行好吗?All this luggage is mine.这些行都是我的。ve got nothing to declare.我没有什么东西要报关。Do I have to pay duty on things for my own use?个人用品我得赋税吗?Would you please fill in this form for me?请你帮我填写这表格好吗?I dont know what is dutiable.我不知道什么东西要缴税。ve got some cigarettes for my own use.我有些自己用的香烟。五、旅馆(Ho

6、tel)Are there any beds vacant?有空床位吗?d like a room for tonight.今晚我想租一间房。d keep a room for one week.我想要一间房住一周。A single room with a bath, if possible.如果可能,要一间带浴室的单人房。Have you a larger room?你们有大一点的房间吗?Do you have two connecting double rooms?你有两间相连的双人房吗?How much is the room for the night?这房间住一晚上要多少钱?Meal

7、s included?伙食包括在吗?Is there a dining room in the hotel?旅馆里有餐厅吗?What time do you serve meals?你们什么时候开饭?Can I make a long distance call from my room?我可以从房间里打长途吗?I want to check out now. My name is Li Ming.我想结帐了。我的名字叫明。m leaving tomorrow. Id like to have bill ready this evening.我明早离开,请在今天晚上把帐单准备好。六、公务活动(

8、Official affairs)Could you tell me something about the development and utilization of water resources in your country?你能介绍一下你们国家在水资源开发利用方面的情况吗?When was this power station built? How about its installed capacity?这个电站是什么时候建的?装机容量是多少?Yes, forest plays an important role not only in avoiding global warmi

9、ng but also in preserving biodiversity.是的,森林的作用的确很重要,不仅可以避免全球变暖,还保护了生物多样性。d like to know more detailed data.我想了解更详细的数据。Could you elaborate on that?那个问题请您详细阐述一下。Can I keep these materials?这些资料是给我的吗?Do you have Chinese version?有中文版的吗?Lets pose for a group photo.我们来摆好姿势合影一。Could you tell me the website

10、 of your pany ?能告诉我你们公司的网址吗?Can I have your telephone number and email address?能留下您的和地址吗?七、问路(Asking the way)Excuse me, I wonder if you could help me. Im looking for the Museum.对不起,不知您能否帮助我。我在找博物馆。Could you please tell me the way to this hotel?请问去这家旅馆怎么走?Could you take me to Chinese Embassy?可以送我去中国大

11、使馆吗?Please take me to this address.请送我到这个地址。Could you tell me where Washington Street is?你能告诉我华盛顿大街在哪里吗?How far is it to the post office?到邮局去有多远?Should I go this way, or that way?我应从这边走,还是从那边走?Could you tell me where the nearest hospital is?你能告诉我离这儿最近的医院在哪里?Which direction is it to the university?到大

12、学去朝哪个方向走?Can you direct me to the airport?你能告诉我去机场怎么走吗?Can you tell me how to get to the shopping center?去购物中心怎么走?八、餐馆(Restaurant)Excuse me, is there any one sitting here?对不起,这儿有人坐吗?Is this table free?这桌子空着吗?Do you have a table for five?你有供五人用餐的桌子吗?Show me the menu, please.请把菜单给我看。Do you have a menu

13、 in Chinese?是否有中文菜单?s your specialty?你们有什么特色菜?What do you remend we order?你看我们点什么好?Get me some chicken salad, please.请来点鸡肉沙拉。Waiter, a coke, please.服务员,请来一杯可乐。d like some chips.我想要些炸土豆片。May I have a steak, please?请给我一份牛排好吗?I want my steak welldone.把我要的牛排给烧透一点。d like a bowl of tomato soup, please.请给我

14、一碗西红柿汤。Anything is all right with me.我吃什么都行。Help yourself (to anything you like).请随便(挑你喜欢的)吃。Oh, e on, do have some more.哦,来吧,再吃一点儿。m quite full.我已经吃饱了。No, thanks. I dont drink any wine.不,我不喝酒。May I have the check, please?请开帐单,好吗?Its my treat today. Ill pay.今天我请客。我来付。九、银行(Bank)d like to know the rat

15、e for US dollars.我想知道美元的兑换率。s the exchange rate today?今天的兑换率是多少?Could you change me some money, please?能否请你给我兑换一些钱?d like to change some coins for this note, please.我想把这纸币换成硬币。d like to break this 100dollar note.我想把这一百美元钞票兑开。Do you charge for cheques?兑换支票你们收手续费吗?Would you please tell me the current

16、rate for RMB?请告诉我人民币现价好吗?Give me some small notes, please.请给我一些小票子。Please let me have two fiftydollar notes.请给我两五十美元的纸币。Would you give me tendollar notes and the rest in small change, please?请给我十美元纸币,其余的给零钱好吗?十、(Telephone)I want to make an international call, could you tell me how to dial it?我想打个国际长

17、途,您能告诉我怎样打吗?The telephone number is 0086 27 87221000.我的是0086 27 87221000。How to dial from room to room?请问,房间打房间怎么拨?s the number for room service?客房服务是多少?Whos speaking, please?请问您是谁?Would you hold the line a moment?请您等一下好吗?Can I have a morning call, please? Six thirty tomorrow morning.我想定个叫醒服务。明早六点半。

18、十一、购物(Shopping)Show me this one, please.请把这个拿给我看看。May I try it on?我可以试穿一下吗?How much is this camera?这个相机多少钱?s the price of that skirt?那条裙子买多少钱?Is this shirt on sale today?这种衬衣今天减价出售吗?Have you got a bigger size?尺寸大一点的你们有吗?Can you e down a bit?可以再便宜点吗?m interested in buying a new bike.我很想买一辆新自行车。How mu

19、ch do I owe you?一共多少钱?ll take it.我买了。十二、常用词汇和部分国家、首都及货币名称(一)常用词汇机场费 airport fee国际机场international airport国机场domestic airport机场候机楼 airport terminal国际候机楼 international terminal国际航班出港 international departure国航班出站 domestic departure卫星楼 satellite入口 entrance;in出口 exit; out; way out进站(进港、到达) arrivals不需报关 no

20、thing to declare海关 customs登机口 gate; departure gate候机室 departure lounge航班号 FLT No(flight number)来自 arriving from预计时间 scheduled time实际时间 actual time已降落 landed前往 departure to起飞时间 departure time延误 delayed登机 boarding由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures迎宾处 greeting arriving由此上楼 up; upstairs由此下楼 down;

21、downstairs银行 bank货币兑换处 money exchange订旅馆 hotel reservation行暂存箱 luggage locker出站(出港、离开) departures登机手续办理 checkin登机牌 boarding pass (card)护照检查处 passport control行领取处 luggage (baggage)claim国际航班旅客 international passengers中转 transfers中转旅客 transfer passengers中转处 transfer correspondence过境 transit报关物品 goods t

22、o declare贵宾室 V. I. P. room购票处 ticket office付款处 cash出租车 taxi出租车乘车点 Taxi pickup point大轿车乘车点 coach pickup point汽车服务处 airline coach service租车处 car hire公共汽车 bus; coach service公用 public phone; telephone厕所 toilet W. C; rest room男厕 mens; gentlemens女厕 women ladys 餐厅 restaurant酒吧 bar咖啡馆 coffee shop; cafe免税店 d

23、utyfree shop邮局 post office出售火车票 rail ticket旅行安排 tour arrangement行牌 luggage tag机票(指限定条件) endorsement ; restrictions旅客 name of passenger起点城市 from起飞日期 date起飞时间 time订座情况 status机票确认 ticket confirm登机口 gate前往城市 to承运人(公司) carrier航班号 flight no.座舱等级 class (fare basis)机号 plane No.机座号 seat No.吸烟坐位 smoking seat非

24、吸烟席 nonsmoking seat姓 family name名 first (given) name性别 sex男 male女 female国籍 nationality;country of citizenship护照号 passport No.原住地 country of origin前往目的地国 destination country登机城市 city where you boarded签证签发地 city where visa was issued签发日期 date issue前往国家的住址 address while in街道及门牌号 number and street城市及国家

25、city and state出生日期 date of Birth年 year月 month日 day偕行人数 acpanying number职业 occupation专业技术人员 professionals & technical行政管理人员 legislators &administrators 办事员 clerk商业人员 business people服务人员 service农民 farmer工人 worker学生 student其他 others无业 jobless签名 signature官方填写 official use only 防洪 flood control抗旱 drought

26、 control污水处理 sewage treatment环境保护 environment protection世行贷款水利项目 water resources project financed by the World Bank水土保持 water and soil conservation灌溉排水 irrigation and drainage水电站 hydropower station水能资源 water energy resources混凝土面板堆石坝 concrete face rockfill dam重力拱坝 gravity arch dam碾压混凝土坝 roller pacted

27、 concrete dam粘土心墙堆石坝 rockfill dam with clay core东 east南 south西 west北 north左 left 右 right直行 straight on那儿 there前方 front后方 back旁边 side之前 before之后 after猪肉 pork牛肉 beef羊肉 mutton鸡肉 chicken鱼 fish虾 shrimp蔬菜 vegetable土豆 potato面包 bread水 water咖啡 coffee奶 milk葡萄酒 wine香槟 champagne白兰地 brandy威士忌 whisky盐 salt胡椒 pepper货币 currency, money兑换货币 money changing兑换单 an exchange form钞票 bank note 大票 note of large denomination小票 note of small denomination零钱 small change辅币subsidiary money镍币nickel piece硬币coin可兑换纸币 convertible money超市 superm

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