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语文版中职英语基础模块 下册Unit 8《The Business World》word教案.docx

1、语文版中职英语基础模块 下册Unit 8The Business Worldword教案Unit8 The Business world一、教学目标:1. key words create dark control event luck situation story university offer opportunity dream desire sample failure react choice 2. useful expressions deal with take a turn give away be interesting in go mad from then on mix

2、 with 3. language skills : (1) listening : 材料1训练听写能力,填空完成关于食品饮料的单句陈述。 材料2 是一段对话,听音后以选择题的形式考查学生对它的解。(2) speaking : 学习运用“饭店餐饮服务”的常用语句进行交际活动。(3) reading :通过阅读“冰茶”饮料的商品经营历程,提高阅读技能。在课文理解的基础上,掌握重要词汇和短语的用法。(4) writing : 根据所提供的无序排列的语句,分析判断文章内容,从而把语句排出正确逻辑顺序,形成短文。训练学生的逻辑思维能力和对篇章结构的处理能力。4. Grammar : The ing F

3、rom of verb(1) 动词的ing形式(一) 1. 作主语;2. 作宾语;3. 作表语 第一课时:New words Warming up 一、教学目标:1.语言知识与语言技能: (1)熟读本单元单词(2)学习与商业有关的英语表述,如:business world, iced tea, World Expo等。(3)能用英语简单回答所提出的三个问题: 1. Do you know how iced tea became popular? 2. Have you ever thought of working in the business world? 3. Do you have a

4、 dream to start your own business some day?2.情感态度与价值观: 培养服务意识、创业敬业精神。二、重点和难点(1)掌握下列重点单词和短语: control, event, luck, situation, story, university, offer, opportunity, dream, failure, choice, deal with, take a turn, give away, be interested in, go mad, from then on (2)能用英语讨论有关世博会的相关话题,讨论图中提到的商品。三、教学内容与教

5、学方法:1.导入: 观察图画,思考所提出的问题: 1. Do you know how iced tea became popular? 2. Have you ever thought of working in the business world? 3. Do you have a dream to start your own business some day?2.研讨、探究与实践: (1)讨论有关商业方面的内容,在讨论中有意地渗透一些与商业相关的常用词句,为正文的学习做好铺垫,自然过渡到课文教学。 I know some successful businessmen. The Wo

6、rld Expo will held in Shanghai in the year 2010. I like iced tea, but I dont know how it was made. I like drinking iced tea in hot summer. It made me cool. (2)检查学生预习单词生词和短语的情况,导入课文教学。鼓励和促进学生养成课前预习的良好习惯。 中国2010年上海世博会: 时间:2010年5月1日至10月31日 地点:上海市 主题:城市,让生活更养好 副主题:城市多元文化的融合 城市经济的繁荣 城市科技的创新 城市社区的重塑 城市和乡村

7、的互动 目标:吸引200个国家的国际组织参展,7,000万人次的参观者 3板书: Unit8 The Business world1. Do you know how iced tea became popular?2. Have you ever thought of working in the business world?3. Do you have a dream to start your own business some day?4作业:预习Reading四、反馈:第二课时:Reading “Iced Tea”一、教学目标:1.语言知识与语言技能: (1)理解本单元readin

8、g的故事内容。(2)可以自己做reading comprehension 中的问题。2.情感态度与价值观: 让学生了解冰茶的来历,培养服务意识和创业敬业精神。二、重点和难点:读懂课文内容,顺利完成阅读题目,复述课文内容。三、教学内容与教学方法:1.导入: 在阅读前,帮助学生通过标题和插图,预测阅读内容与阅读中的词汇,激发阅读兴趣和欲望。 让学生看图,用英语说出图中所涉及的内容。提出问题,导入课文阅读教学: Do you know how iced tea is introduced in our life? Who made it?2.研讨、探究与实践:(1)布置任务,先阅读下列问题: 1.

9、What important event took place in St. Louis, Missouri, USA in 1904?2. For how long was the Fair held in St. Louis?3. Why was the Fair called the “Worlds University”?4. Why did Richard Blechynden go to the Fair?5. Why were people at the Fair not interested in his tea at first?6. What did Richard Ble

10、chynden do to change his way of business?7. How was the iced tea welcomed at the Fair?8. How should we handle the situation when something goes wrong?带着以上问题阅读课文,搜集信息,回答问题。在快速阅读中,指导学生遇到生词不要停下来,尽量根据上下文判断生词的含义。对疑难句可先标出来,待精读时解决处理。多读几次课文,画出书中重点词汇及短语,掌握大概内容,找个别同学进行复述。作业:1.If you can not _ (控制)yourself, yo

11、u will not be a successful person.2.In this _ (形势),everyone will be inspired.3.The school _ (提供)food to all the students who study there.4.I will take the _ (机会)to enlarge my knowledge of English.5._ (失败)is the mother of success.6.I have no _ (选择)but to stay at home.7.In the _ (大学), all the students

12、 will join at least a club.8.It _ (天要黑了)and we shall go back home.9.Martin Luther King made a famous speech “I have a _ (梦想)”.10.Some of the members did not _ (反应)positively to the plan.Keys:control situation offers opportunity Failure choice university is getting dark dream react 四、板书:Iced TeaDo yo

13、u know how iced tea is introduced in our life? Who made it?1. What important event took place in St. Louis, Missouri, USA in 1904?2. For how long was the Fair held in St. Louis?3. Why was the Fair called the “Worlds University”?4. Why did Richard Blechynden go to the Fair?5. Why were people at the F

14、air not interested in his tea at first?6. What did Richard Blechynden do to change his way of business?7. How was the iced tea welcomed at the Fair?8. How should we handle the situation when something goes wrong? 第三课时:精读Reading 一、教学目标:1.语言知识与语言技能:(1)掌握下列短语和词汇的用法: create, dark, control, event, luck,

15、situation, story, university, offer, opportunity, dream, desire, sample, failure, react, choice; deal with, take a turn, give away, be interested in, go mad, from then on, mixwith,等等。(2)掌握下列语句分析理解和扩展使用: It takes both rain and sunshine to create rainbow. If we handle our bad luck wisely, the situatio

16、n may take a turn for the better. With the strong desire to expand his business, he had planned to give away free samples of hot tea to fair visitors. The iced tea tasted good and cool, so that people all came here and asked for a drink.(3)掌握动词-ing形式作主语、宾语、表语的基本用法。(4)阅读中能准确扑捉课文信息,并能正确理解文章内容,能回答课后的问题

17、。2.情感态度与价值观:(1)培养学生自主学习意识、小组合作学习、探究学习的良好习惯。(2)通过对课文的学习,进一步让学生了解冰茶的来历,培养服务意识和创业敬业精神。二、重点与难点:(1)掌握下列词汇和短语: create, dark, control, event, luck, situation, story, university, offer, opportunity, dream, desire, sample, failure, react, choice, deal with, take a turn, give away, be interested in, go mad, f

18、rom then on, mix with, 等等。(2)动词的-ing形式的用法。三、教学内容与教学方法:1.复习上节课的内容,让同学复述课文2.讲解reading中所要掌握的语言点:(1)It takes both rain and sunshine to create a rainbow. 需要有雨和阳光,彩虹才能出现。 It takesto do “花费去做某事” It took me two hours to do my homework.(2)There are always two sides to everything. 每件事情都有两面性。(3)We cannot contr

19、ol all the events that happen in our lives, but we can control how we deal with them. 我们无法控制生活中所发生的所有事件,但我们可以掌控如何应付他们。 deal with “处理;应付”。(4)If we handle our bad luck wisely, the situation may take a turn for the better. 如果我们处理坏运气时聪明一点,情况可能会变好。 Take a turn for better “好转;变好” Things will take a turn f

20、or the better next month. The Fair offered people an opportunity to learn first-hand information about the wonders and the cultures far from their everyday lives. 交易会给人们提供了学习第一手远方的奇迹和文化信息的机会。offer sb. sth. “为某人提供某物”offer sth. to sb.(6)With the strong desire to expand his business, he had planned to

21、give away free samples of hot tea to fair visitors. 怀着拓展生意的强烈愿望,他本来打算向参观博览会的人发放免费热茶样品。 此句中,with the strong desire to expand his business 作伴随状语,其中,to expand his business 是定语,修饰desire。give away 这里是“分发”的意思。(7)It was so hot that no one was interested in his hot tea. 天气这么热,没有人对他的热茶感兴趣。 sothat,结果状语从句,“如此以

22、至于”. He was so excited that he jumped at once. 他如此激动,立即跳了起来。(8)Iced tea became the hit of the Fair.冰茶成为博览会的热门货。 hit “击打;受欢迎,风行一时的事物”。hit 常常指当今流行的音乐唱片。(9)If nature gives us a lemon, we have a choice: either cry or make lemonade.如果大自然给我们一只柠檬,我们就可以选择:或是怕它让你流泪而拒绝,或是将它榨出柠檬汁而接受。(10) Richard Blechyndens st

23、ory offers an inspiring tip for all of us. 理查德布莱钦顿的故事给了我们所有人一个令人鼓舞的启发。 tip “顶端;小费”。现在多见于报刊、网络等传媒,被翻译成“小贴士”,表示“提示,建议,小窍门”的意思。3.作业:做书中练习四、板书:Iced Tea1. It takesto do “花费去做某事” It took me two hours to do my homework.2. deal with “处理;应付”3. offer sb. sth. “为某人提供某物”offer sth. to sb.4. give away5. sothat “如

24、此以至于”6. tip “顶端;小费”五、反馈:第四课时:Listening Speaking 一、教学目标:1.语言知识与语言技能: (1)能听懂关于食品饮料的观点和看法。 (2)学习餐馆服务和英语点餐2.情感态度与价值观: 耐心细致,树立自信心。二、重点与难点:1.听懂食品营养的内容,完成填空练习。2.结合实际生活的餐馆服务用语,能在恰当的场合正确表达。三、教学内容与教学方法:1讲解听力中的难点:(1)Drink milk does our bodies a lot of good. do somebody good “对有好处”如: Doing morning exercise does

25、 good to your heath. = It is good doing morning exercise .(2)Chocolate is very tasty. Many people like it. Chocolate is used in many kinds of food, like chocolate ice cream and chocolate cookies.tasty 是形容词“好吃的,有味道的”,动词为taste.如:smell,动词“闻”。形容词“smelly”表示“有味儿的”。(3)Oxygen is a gas we breathe in. carbon

26、dioxide (CO2) is a gas we breathe out. breathe in 与 breathe out 是一对反义词,表示“吸入”与“呼出”。 Breathe是动词,名词是breath.常见的短语有:out of breath “上气不接下气”,hold ones breath “屏住呼吸”(4)Youre right. Soft drinks are often carbonated, that is to say, there is gas in the soft drink. that is to say “也就是说”,是插入语。2.先让学生阅读并分角色朗读对话,

27、使学生体会餐馆服务的会话场景。3.指导学生掌握常用表达方式,如:Would you like something to drink/eat?What would you like to have?What would you like to drink: tea or coffee?Would you like some more?Yes, Id like a drink.Id like rice and chicken.Id like green tea.Can I have some more soup?Its so delicious. Thank you.Thank you. Ive

28、had enough.Im full. Thank you.Its very delicious, but I cant eat any more.4.组织学生自编对话。根据提供的语句进行口语对练。四、板书:do somebody good “对有好处”Doing morning exercise does good to your heath. =It is good doing morning exercise .breathe in 与 breathe outout of breath “上气不接下气”hold ones breath “屏住呼吸”五、反馈:第五课时:Writing一、教

29、学目标:1.让学生根据所提供无序排列的语句,分析判断文章内容。2.把语句排出正确逻辑顺序,形成短文。二、重点与难点:把语句排出正确顺序,形成短文。三、教学内容与方法:1.分别说出每个单名的意思。2.分析各个句子的时间先后关系。3.让学生试着把故事情节串联起来。4.参考范文:1. William and his wife Lucy liked watching TV very much. One day after they got up, they turn on their TV set. 2. But they could not see the TV picture clearly. T

30、hey thought there must something wrong with their TV set. 3.So they called a repairman to come to repair it. He come a few minutes later. 4. But to his surprise, he found there was nothing wrong with his TV set and he could see the picture very clearly. 5. It took the worker a long time to try to fi

31、nd what was wrong. 6. It turned out that William and Lucy were wearing each others glasses by mistake.四作业: 完成练习册中的写作练习。五、反馈:第六课时:Grammar一、教学目标: 掌握动词的-ing 形式。二、重点与难点:运用动词的-ing 形式。三、教学内容:动词的-ing 形式:词的-ing形式是由动词原形加词尾-ing构成,是一种非谓语动词,可以有其自己的逻辑主语、宾语、状语,构成动词的ing形式短语。动词的-ing形式及其短语可以在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语、补足语和状语。动词的-ing

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