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1、管理基础理论与实践IntroductionIn this assignment is going to do a general discussion about three classic management theories, theory X and theory Y, the one minute manager and Total quality management. The purpose is to figure out which one is of the greatest value in China in 2012 with current phenomenon of

2、 enterprises. Theory X and Theory YTheory X and Theory Y are theories of human motivation created and developed by Douglas McGregor at the MIT Sloan School of Management (1960) that have been used in human resource management, organizational behavior, organizational communication and organizational

3、development. They describe two contrasting models of workforce motivation. Theory X and Theory Y have to do with the perceptions managers hold on their employees, not the way they generally behave. In Theory X, management assumes employees are inherently lazy and will avoid work if they can and that

4、 they inherently dislike work. As a result of this, management believes that workers need to be closely supervised and comprehensive systems of controls developed. For example, Haier group is a large enterprise in China, established in 1984. There is a slope sphere theory in Haier culture which mean

5、s enterprise position in the market is like a slope ball, the ball needs a rising force (target ascension), make its continuous development upward; but also requires the check power (basic management), prevent it fell. Mainly Down forces are from the inertia of employees, lack of confidence, and blo

6、ws of challenges. When check force greater than down force, Sphere will be upward along the slope. So high pressure can motivate employees vitality and potential, motivate the staffs working enthusiasm, such, the quality of staff also went up. Meanwhile, the company also is full of vitality; the com

7、panys benefit is improved. Raise the companys benefit in turn can let employees have a sense of achievement. Finally, this virtuous cycle is very beneficial to the development of the company.In Theory Y, management assumes employees may be ambitious and self-motivated and exercise self-control. It i

8、s believed that employees enjoy their mental and physical work duties. According to them work is as natural as play.Lenovo group is a large enterprise has diversified development in information industry which was established in 1984. There is a engine theory in Lenovo enterprise culture: employees a

9、s the engine, they should self-active to advance after established target of direction in customer demand by together with leaders, even initiative drives other services for your target. Work is to reflect their own value, staffs should have strong desire to do better, the requirements of the things

10、 they do become they voluntarily. Everyone in company should recognize that each persons success could help the company success, and the growth of each individual is closely linked with company success. Theory X and Theory Y comment Without a doubt, Haier and Lenovo are the outstanding representativ

11、es of enterprises in China. They are successful, but the employees management theories are totally different. Essentially, according to the idea for employees management of Haier belong to X theory and Lenovo is theory Y, and both are adapted to the enterprises actual situation, theres the reason th

12、ey have been a huge success. So, when is exactly to apply the theory X or theory Y? There are some revelation from Ichak Adizes (1988) enterprise life cycle theory (see Exhibit 1) and Maslows (1970) Personality Theory (see Exhibit 2). Ichak Adizes ten stages of corporate life-cycleExhibit 1Source: I

13、chak Adizes ten stages of corporate life-cycleFrom the point of view of the enterprise, there are four main stages in enterprise development: founding stage (Courtship), growth stage (Infancy to Prime), mature stage (after Prime to Aristocracy), recession stage (after Aristocracy). In the founding s

14、tage, enterprises main purpose is to survive in the market, therefore, there is no standardize management problems in this stage. In the growth stage, unified operation mode and unified enterprise development work process has become necessary. But not all of the staffs can adapt to the development o

15、f enterprise, then, enterprise must adopt compulsory and control means to strengthen employees behaviour. Management concept in this stage always trend to forced, strengthen and control which is theory X pattern. The times for each enterprises growth stage are different, because enterprise in the fa

16、ce of different actual situation and growth stage can not to be avoided.After the growth, employee behaviour has kept consistent with the requirement of the company. In accordance with company policies, and process work has been internalized as part of staffs daily habit, and they have been able to

17、self control and creation in the enterprise standard range. At this time, the managers should change the management concept to theory Y. Maslows Personality TheoryExhibit 2Source: Maslows Personality TheoryWhen people in the lower level, such as physiological need to and safety needs havent been sat

18、isfied, the situation is more accord with theory X hypothesis, compulsory and control for incentive and punish is relatively more sensitive to employees; when these two levels get meet, esteem needs and belongingness and love needs will replace them as psychological needs. At this time, if the manag

19、ement is still focus their attention on the physical needs, wants to incentive employees through pay higher wages, provide good working conditions, or attractive benefits, the results will be no longer apparent. In other words, when peoples basic physiological needs and safety needs get meet, theory

20、 X reach to its critical point of effectiveness, from now on, theory Y is more effective. Managers need to change the incentives measures, pay more attention to employees esteem needs, belongingness and love needs and self- actualization needs. Encourage employees to play to their enthusiasm and ini

21、tiative, give him a certain degree of freedom to control their own activities. So that employees realize their own interests and the development of enterprises is closely related to, resulting in a strong sense of responsibility and sense of accomplishment.Theory Z Theory Z is essentially a humanist

22、ic approach to management that looks at the organisation as a whole. Ouchi (1981) described organisations as “clans”, stating that clan culture is characterised by homogeneity of values, beliefs and objectives. Clan culture emphasises the “socialisation” of all members to achieve clan (organisationa

23、l) goals. This universal commitment by all clan (organisation) members leads to: Long term employment The individual and the organisation are committed to each others prosperity, engendering greater loyalty on both sides. Consensual decision making All members are involved as opposed to typical hier

24、archical decision making organisations. Individual responsibility As all members are committed to achieving clan (organisational) goals, they take individual responsibility for their own performance. Slow evaluation and promotion. The longer term commitment of employees allows more in depth, longer

25、term assessment of individuals and identification of the most suitable candidates for promotion. Informal control/Formalised measures Type Z organisations exhibit informal control methods whilst retaining performance measures through formal mechanisms. Moderately specialised career path Career paths

26、 are not as specialised as in most American organisations but more specialised than traditional Japanese organisations. Holistic concern Concern for fellow employees goes beyond the workplace. Theory Z commentTheory Y and theory Z has essential difference. Theory Y is based on the western liberalism

27、 and individualism, more emphasize on autonomy; theory Z emphasize cooperation, the western liberalism and individualism is not advisable, but cooperation. For instance, Intel successful links individuals together with company, the staffs are individuals, at the same time; they are also the members

28、of the company. Managers are required to be able to acknowledge and accept employees mistakes, also able to learn from employees advantages. Organization management trends to involve open communication, ethics, staff development, long-term commitment and collective cooperation.One minute managerThe

29、One Minute Manager reveals three secrets to productive and efficient managing as told through a young mans search for the perfect managing and leading skills. The One Minute Manager is focused on, not surprisingly, a one minute manager. The man is a venerable leader that is highly spoken of by his e

30、mployees, his three secrets being the key to his success. The first secret is One Minute Goals. This involves a meeting of the manager and the employee where goals are agreed on, written down in a brief statement, and occasionally reviewed to ensure that productivity is occurring. This whole process

31、 takes a minute, which truly means it is a quick meeting, however it is not limited to just sixty seconds. The purpose of one minute goal setting is to confirm that responsibilities of each working is understood, understanding that confusion leads to inefficiency and discouragement. The second secre

32、t to one minute managing is one minute praising. This involves being open with people about their performance. When you catch someone doing something right, a goal of the one minute manager, you praise them immediately, telling them specifically what they did correctly. Pause to allow them to feel how good you feel regarding their importance to the organization, and finish by shaking hands. The third secret is the one minute reprimand. Being honest with those around you involves reprimanding when a wrong has occurred. The first step is to reprim

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