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1、高级软件工程复习题Advanced software engineeringChapter 1 An Introduction to Software Engineering1. Why software engineering is important?非正规的软件开发不奏效,费用高不可靠难以维护,应该使用新的技术和方法来控制大型软件系统固有的复杂性,这就是软件工程。2. What is software? What is software engineering? 软件(software)是计算机程序和所有使程序正确运行的相关文档和配置信息。 软件工程(software engineeri

2、ng)是关于软件生产的各个方面的工程学科。3. What is the difference between software engineering and computer science? 计算机科学侧重理论和基础,而软件工程侧重于软件开发和交付的实际活动。4. What are the attributes of good software? 软件应具有用户所需的功能和性能,而且应该可维护、可靠、可用5. What is CASE? 旨在使软件过程活动自动化的软件系统,常用作方法支持6. What is the difference between software engineeri

3、ng and system engineering?系统工程侧重基于计算机系统开发的所有方面,包括硬件、软件和处理工程。软件工程只是它的一部分。7. What are software engineering methods? 软件开发的结构化研究方法,包括:系统模型、标记法、规则、设计忠告和过程指南8. What are the key challenges facing software engineering? 要面临一流系统、不断增长的多样性以及减少递交次数等问题的挑战9. Issues of professional responsibility严格保守雇主或客户的机密,实事求是的表

4、述自己的工作能力,知晓专利权、著作权等知识产权的法律,不滥用他人的计算机。10. Code of ethics principles 公众感与公众利益一致客户和雇主满足客户和雇主的最大利益产品达到尽可能高的行业准则判断力公正和独立的职业判断力管理拥护并倡导合乎道德的有关软件开发和维护管理工作职业感-弘扬职业正义感和荣誉感,尊重社会公众利益同事公平的对待和协助每一位同事自己毕生学习专业知识,倡导合乎职业道德的职业活动方式11. If you are a software engineer, what code of ethics principles should you obey? And d

5、escribe why?(如果你是软件工程师,以应该遵守什么样的道德准则?说明为什么)参考上题解答Chapter 2 Socio-technical Systems2. What modal does the system engineering process usually follow? And why ?系统工程一般遵循需求定义、系统设计、子系统开发、系统集成、系统安装、系统进化和系统退役的过程。系统工程过程在系统开发期间返工的余地缩小,并且学科间相互渗透。3. What are the five steps of the system design process? 分割需求、识别子

6、系统、为子系统分配需求、描述子系统功能、定义子系统接口4. Why system evolution is inherently costly?1、必须从业务和技术的角度对提议的变更做仔细的分析,变更生效之前必须经过有关人员的认可2、子系统不是孤立的,对一个子系统的变更可能导致其他子系统的性能或行为产生影响,往往也需要变更其他子系统。3、原始设计决策的理由通常未被记录4、系统长时间运行后,其结构被修改得复杂而凌乱,系统进化成本进一步增高。2. System modelling is usually presented as a block diagram.3. After completion

7、, the system has to be installed in the customers environment .4. The systems engineering process includes specification, design, development, integration and testing. System integration is particularly critical5. List three examples of emergent properties. Volume、Reliability、Security、Repairability

8、、Usability6. The system design process includes: Partition requirements , identify sub-systems, Assign requirements to sub-systems, specify sub-system functionality, Define sub-system interfaces .7. What is emergent system properties? Please list three examples of emergent properties? 遗留系统是以计算机为基础的社

9、会-技术系统,他们是在过去开发出来,往往采用在今天看来是旧的和不再使用的技术。这些系统不仅包括硬件和软件,还包括遗留的过程和手续。1、 系统硬件为大型机硬件设计,现在已不再使用或是维护成本过高或是与当前的IT购买政策不相容。2、 支持软件所依赖的操作系统、实用程序开发工具可能被废弃,无法得到支持。3、 应用软件一般由多个程序组成,在不同时间段开发。4、 应用数据系统处理的,积累了大量的数据,存在不一致或者重复。5、 业务过程为达到一定目的而使用的过程,围绕遗留系统设计,受限于遗留系统的功能。6、 业务策略和规则规定业务应该怎样完成以及对业务的约束。8. The systems engineer

10、ing process(系统工程过程)9. The figure below shows intruder alarm systemFill the blanks with the component types in alarm system from the figure.Communication: Telephone Caller Sensor: Movement sendor , door sensor Interface: Siren,Voive synthesizer Actuator: Alarm Controller Co-ordination: Voive synthesi

11、zer 10. The system design process(系统设计过程)11. Whats Emergent property?参见第7题Chapter 3 Software Processes1. Generic activities in all software processes are : specification, design ,implementation and validation and evolution .2. List three kinds of CASE systems (not tools). 工具用以支持单个的过程任务工作平台用以支持描述、设计等

12、过程阶段和活动环境支持全部软件过程或至少是软件过程的主要部分3. List three kinds of generic software process models.瀑布模型-采用一些基本的过程活动,即描述、开发、有效性验证和进化,并且使用单独的过程阶断表现这些活动进化式开发在描述活动、开发活动和有效性验证活动中不断修改内容。基于组件的软件工程基于已经存在的很多可复用组件4. What are the RUP (Rational Unified Process ) phases?开端建立系统的一个业务案例细化增进对问题域的理解,建立系统的体系框架,给出项目计划并识别关键项目风险构造系统设计

13、、编程和测试转换-将系统从开发单位转移到用户单位,使之在真实环境工作。5. What are the problems of evolutionary development?过程不可见管理者需要经常的交付来把握进度,如果系统开发比较快,产生每个版本的文档不划算系统结构通常比较差连续的变更损坏了系统的结构6. What are the advantages of the incremental development 客户无需等到整个系统的实现 客户可以将早期的增量作为系统原型,获得后续增量系统的需求经验。 项目总体性失败的风险比较低 最重要的系统接受了最多的测试Extreme program

14、ming(极限编程)7. Please list three types of generic software process models: The waterfall model, Evolutionary development and Component-based software engineering .8. List at least generic software process models.瀑布模型-采用一些基本的过程活动,即描述、开发、有效性验证和进化,并且使用单独的过程阶断表现这些活动进化式开发在描述活动、开发活动和有效性验证活动中不断修改内容。基于组件的软件工程

15、基于已经存在的很多可复用组件9. What is the software process and What is the main activities of the software process? 软件过程是一组引发软件产品生产的活动。1、 软件描述2、 软件设计和实现3、 软件有效性验证4、 软件进化10.What kind of model does the following diagram show? When the model is appropriate for? 此图描述的是“瀑布”模型 在全面理解需求,而且在系统开发过程中不太可能发生重大改变的时候,应用此模型。11.

16、 The diagram shows what kind of model of the software process? And what does each loop in the modal represent? 此图描述的是“螺旋”模型每个回路表现的是软件开发的一个阶段In spiral development, each loop in the spiral is split into four sectors. The four sectors are 目标设置 , 风险评估和规避 , 开发和有效性验证 , 规划 .12. Why Software evolution is ne

17、eded?从头开发的系统很少,将软件系统的开发和维护看作一个连续的过程更有意义,也就是将其开做一个进化过程。13. What is requirements engineering process? What is the main four period of requirements engineering process?需求工程的目标是建立和维护系统的需求文档,主要过程包括系统可行性研究、需求导出和分析、需求描述、需求有效性验证。14. Extreme programming is based around the development and delivery of very sm

18、all 增量 of functionality.15. There are four fundamental process activities that are common to all software processes. These are: Specification , Design , Validation , Evolution .16. In spiral development, each loop in the spiral is split into four sectors. What are they? Objective setting , Risk asse

19、ssment and reduction , Development and validation , Planning .17. What is the main drawback of the waterfall model ? 瀑布模型将项目生硬的分解成确切的阶段,难以响应用户的需求变更18. When is the waterfall model appropriate? 在全面理解需求,而且在系统开发过程中不太可能发生重大改变的时候,应用此模型。19. Lower risk of overall project failure in incremental development,

20、why? 客户无需等到整个系统的实现 客户可以将早期的增量作为系统原型,获得后续增量系统的需求经验。 最重要的系统接受了最多的测试Chapter 4 Project management1. Software project management activities include: , , , , , .Proposal writing.Project planning and scheduling.Project costing.Project monitoring and reviews.Personnel selection and evaluation.Report writing

21、 and presentations2. Software project plan structure includes: , , , , , , .Introduction.Project organisation.Risk analysis.Hardware and software resource requirements.Work breakdown.Project schedule.Monitoring and reporting mechanisms3. Whats Milestone?里程碑就是一项软件过程活动的终结4. What is a milestone in proj

22、ect management?参见3题5. Risk factors(风险因素)6. Please describe the process of risk management.风险识别、风险分析、风险规避、风险监控7. Bar charts and activity networks are graphical notations which are used to illustrate the project schedule. Bar charts show who is responsible for each activity and when the activity is sc

23、heduled to begin and end. Activity networks show the dependencies between the different activities making up a project. Consider the set of activities shown in Table 3.1. This table shows activities, their duration, and activity interdependencies. Given dependency and estimated duration of activitie

24、s, an activity network which shows activity sequences may be generated as the following Figure 3.1.Table 3.1 Task durations and dependenciesFigure 3.1 An activity networkFigure 3.2 is the activity bar chart of the project. The project bar chart shows the extent of the possible delay as a shaded bar.

25、Figure 3.2 Activity bar chartTable 3.2 suggests an allocation of staff to the activities illustrated in Figure 3.2.Table 3.2 Allocation of people to activitiesTaskEngineerT1JaneT2AnneT3JaneT4FredT5MaryT6AnneT7JimT8FredT9JaneT10AnneT11FredT12FredFigure 3.3 suggests staff allocation vs time chart.Figu

26、re 3.3 Staff allocation vs time chartAnswer the following questions:(1) Which task is task T3 dependent on? It is right that T1 must be completed before T3 starts?T3依赖于T1,T3开始前T1必须完成(2) Before progress can be made from one milestone to another, all paths leading to it must be complete. According to

27、this, what task(s) must be finished before task T9 started?T3和T6完成后,T9才可以开始(3) The minimum time required to finish the project can by estimated by considering the longest path in the activity graph(the critical path). In this case, how many working days does the project need at least? Please notify

28、the critical path.11周或者55个工作日。T1(8)-T3(15)-T9(15)-T11(7)-T12(10)(4) If T8 is delayed, does it affect the final completion date of the project? Why?T8不再关键路径上,T8延时不会导致最后完成日期(5) How many working days is the extent of the possible delay of T4? What about T7? Why?T4(10)-T5(10)-T10(15) 35天T4(10)-T8(25) 35

29、天 总天数为55天,T4最多可延期20天T1(8)-T7(20)-T10(15) 43天 总天数为55天,T7最多可延期12天(6) Does staff has to be assigned to a project at all times? In Figure 3.3, T6 and T10 are assigned to Anne, but there is a intervening periods between T6 and T10, why?工作人员不必把所有时间都分配到一个项目。这段时间他们可以休假、做别的项目或者参加培训和其他活动。Chapter 5 Software Re

30、quirements and Requirements Engineering Process1. Milestones in the requirement process, is the corresponding milestone of Feasibility Study.2. Requirements measures(需求度量)3. Whats Problems with NL specification?1自然语言的理解依赖于读者和作者对同一个词语的一致的解释2自然语言书写的需求描述太过随意性3。没有一个简单的方法,将自然语言书写的需求模块化。4. Please describe

31、 requirements document structure?1 引言1.1 需求文档的目的1.2 产品范围1.3 定义、首字母缩写与缩略语1.4 参考文献1.5 文档其余部分的概览2 一般描述2.1产品透视2.2产品功能2.3用户特征2.4一般约束2.5假设和依赖型3 专门需求:覆盖功能和非功能以及接口的要求4 附录5 索引Chapter 6 Object-Oriented Design1. Whats UML?UML,统一建模语言,已经成为了一个标准的建模语言,尤其是面向对象的建模。2. Object-oriented analysis, design and programming are related but distinct. OOA is concerned with developing an object model of the applicat

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