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1、选校网 高考频道 专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库高考英语短文改错常见错误类型 高考英语改错题是考生感到棘手的题型之一。笔者对近几年的高考英语改错题作了细致的分析并加以归类后,发现错误类型主要集中在以下方面。(例题保留原题号) 1. 动词时态 每年都有时态错误的小题,而且改动基本集中在一般过去时与一般现在时之间。时态的更改要以上下文的主体时态为依据。 (1)(2003全国卷)She liked it very much and reads it to the class. All said the story was. 84. read (and连接并列谓语) (2)(2

2、004江苏卷)At once I apologize and controlled myself. 83. apologized (and连接并列谓语) (3)(2004全国卷) Sometimes, we talked to each other very well in class,. 82. talk (根据sometimes可判断此句为一般现在时) (4)(2005全国卷)I will write again and send you the photos we take together. 85. took (把照片寄给你,应该是已经拍好的,用过去时) (5)(2005全国卷) Th

3、ere are advantage for students to work while studying at school. One of them was that they can earn money. 77. is (从上下文判断,应该是现在时,谓语用is) (6)(2005江苏卷)We named him Jack and keep him for about three years. 76. kept (and连接并列谓语) 2. 名词单复数 单复数互改是高考英语改错题的基本题型之一,改动的依据有:一是根据名词前的修饰限定成份;二是根据上下文的逻辑关系。 (1)(2003全国卷

4、)Their word were a great encouragement to me. 85. words (是把word改为words 还是把were改为was,根据名词前的修饰限定词their来决定。) (2)(2004江苏)that was a dinner we had waited for several month. 85. months (several修饰复数名词) (3)(2004全国卷) a few minute on the Internet. 77. minutes (a few修饰复数名词) (4)(2005全国卷)But one and a half year

5、later. 79. years (one and a half意思为一年半,故判断此处year应为复数形式) (5)(2005全国卷)There are advantage for students to work. 76. advantages (从there are 判断应该用名词复数) 3. 句子结构 句子结构方面的错误范围庞大,解答高考英语改错题主要可以从以下几方面来思考:1)句子结构是否完整,成份是否冗缺;2)单词的词性与其在句中的功能是否相符;3)主谓一致;4)复合句中连接主句和从句的关系词或引导词的运用是否得当等。 (1)(2004 全国卷)I wont be able to

6、meet you at the airport although I have classes in the afternoon. 78. because/as (复合句中连接主句和从句的关系词运用不当) (2)(2004 全国卷) I dont know that they dont like to talk with me. 81. why (复合句中连接主句和从句的关系词运用不当) (3)(2005全国卷)For the most part, students working to earn money for their own use. 78. work (缺谓语动词) (4)(20

7、05全国卷)Earning their own money allow them to spend on anything if they like. 79. allows (主语是动名词短语Earning their own money,谓语应该用单数) (5)(2005江苏卷)But the most wonderful thing about Jack were his musical ability. 84. was (主语是第三人称单数) 4. 赘述 高考英语改错题中的赘述是指在一些固定表达中或从上下文逻辑来看用了多余的词,从而使句子表达不合规范或造成逻辑上的重复。 (1)(2003

8、全国卷80)I followed her advice and should put down 100 words or so each day. 80. should (并列谓语,should多余) (2)(2004 全国卷)Can you tell me about what I should do? 85. about (tell sb about/of sth或tell sb接从句) (3)(2004重庆卷)I had to look up to the same word many times, . 78. to (look up a word查字典) (4)(2005全国卷)Som

9、e students may also to save up for their college or future use. 84. to (情态动词may后接动词原形) (5)(2005江苏卷) But for the most wonderful thing about Jack was his musical ability. 83. for (but是连词for是介词,不能并列) 5. 固定结构(固定句型、固定短语、固定搭配) 所谓固定结构是指英语中一些不能随意更改的习惯表达。如固定短语中的词不能缺,固定搭配要前后一致等。 (1)(2003全国卷81)Soon I began to

10、enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was . 81. talking (enjoy doing为固定短语) (2)(2004 全国卷)I am sure they will laugh to me and see me as a fool. 79. at (laugh at sb. 固定短语) (3)(2004 浙江卷)from friends can all provide you for stamps from all over the world. 82 with (provide . with为固定短语) (4)(2005全国卷)I am writi

11、ng to thank you with your kind help. 76. for (thank sb for sth) (5)(2005全国卷) or for permission to do things by money. 83. with (with money) 6. 冠词 英语中冠词只有三个,从高考英语改错题的角度来看,只能从以下几个方向出题:1)不定冠词a和an互改;2)不定冠词a或an和定冠词the互改;3)根据需要增删冠词。 (1)(2004 全国卷)I will have to decide what I want to do over a weekend. 77.

12、the (根据句义是特指这个周末) (2)(2004江苏卷)When I was boy, . 76. a (我是一个男孩,应用不定冠词 a.) (3)(2004 辽宁卷)This was my first visit to a English family. 78. an (English开头字母是元音,应该用an) (4)(2004重庆卷)I started writing down words from books that I read. 82. the (名词后由从句修饰时,应使用定冠词) (5)(2005全国卷)I hope youve hadpleasant journey ho

13、me and will come to China 83. a 7. 代词 代词不仅要与其所指代对象一致,其运用还要符合上下文的语气及逻辑关系。 (1)(2004 浙江卷)And every year more and more people start a stamp collection of your own . 78. their (指代对象应一致) (2)(2004湖北卷)You have to be friends with your pupils and take good care of him. 83. them (pupils 是复数,后应该用替代复数名词的代词。) (3)

14、(2005全国卷)Some students may also save up for our college or future use. 85. their (指代对象应一致) (4)(2005江苏卷)We often play a trick on himself. 79. him (play a trick on sb) 8. 连词及与并置问题 连词连接的前后两部分是否合乎逻辑;并列连词所连接的前后两部分结构是否等同。这两点是解答连词及其相关问题的关键所在。 (1)(2004江苏卷)My grandma was the best cook in the world but could make the most delicious dishes. 79. and (从句意可知,此处表并列关系,应用and) (2)(2004全国卷)My class will be over by then or I will pick you up there. 82. and (并列关系,“于是、同时、然后”等意思) (3)(2004全国卷)I would describe myself as shy and quietly. 77. quiet (连接的词性应一致) 9. 易混淆的词或词组

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