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1、Despite the danger , I managed to swim across the river.4. 不管你是选择物理还是化学,你都应该先把数学学好。(whetheror)Whether you choose physics or chemistry , you should learn maths well first.5. 虽然他是个年轻的运动员,他却已经夺得了好几块金牌。(as)Yong player as he is , he has already won several gold medals.6. 虽然他们都支持我的提议,但是却没有人去实施它。(while)Whi

2、le they are all for my proposal , nobody will carry it out .7. 我们带了足够的钱,以便我们可以多买些漂亮的玩具。(so that)We took enough money with us ,so that we could buy more beautiful toys .8. 我买了两个橡皮,以防可能会丢失其中的一个。(in case)I bought two erasers in case I might lose one of them .1. 奥运会每四年举行一次。(hold)The Olympic Games are he

3、ld every four years.2. 学生们必须每天朗读英语半个小时。(require)Students are required to read English for half an hour every day.3. 遇到困难时,你可以参考你的笔记。(refer to )When you meet with difficulties , you may refer to your notes .4. 这个实验将测试你说话有多快。(test)This experiment will test how fast you speak .1. 钢琴比赛上,很多参赛者在努力争夺一等奖。(c

4、ompete)Many participants are competing for the first prize in the piano contest .2. 学生们都被要求注意老师将要做什么。(be required)Students are required to pay attention to what the teacher will do .3. 请把手机带着,以防有人找你。Please take your cell phone with you in case someone might look for you .4. 尽管登山很累,但是许多游客还是想到达山顶。(eve

5、n though)Even though its tiring to climb the mountain , many tourists still want to reach the top . 5. 我在考试中如此紧张,以至于没有算出最容易的那个题目。(sothat)I was so nervous in the test that I didnt work out the easiest problem.Unit Two1. 汤姆只能讲一点中文,但他很精通西班牙语。(command)Tom can speak only a little Chinese , but he has a g

6、ood command of Spanish.2. 在我看来,玩电子游戏是浪费时间和金钱。(a waste of )In my opinion , its a waste of time and money playing video games.3. 与外国游客用手势交流有点困难。(communicate with )Its a little difficult to communicate with foreign tourists by gesture .4. 与其找家教,不如自己学习更努力些。(Its better to )Its better to study harder your

7、self rather than to find a tutor.5. 由于那场大雪,许多村民变得无家可归。(as a result)As a result of that heavy snow , many villagers became homeless.1. 在农村,生活节奏慢而且令人快乐。(pace)In the countryside , the pace of life is slow and pleasant .2. 科学家们正在寻找全球变暖的解决方法。(solution)Scientists are looking for a solution to the global w

8、arming .3. 你什么时候方便和你的老师聊一聊? (convenient)When will it be convenient for you to chat with your teacher?4. 我怀疑他是否有资格担任那个职位。(qualified)I doubt whether he is qualified for that position .5. 在我们大学,你有自由选择任何你喜欢的课程。(freedom)In our university , you have the freedom to choose any subject you like.6. 那首歌曲被称为“来自

9、天堂的声音”。(describe)That song is described as “a voice from the heaven”.7. 嫦娥一号的绕月之旅是中国人民的一个重大成就。(achievement)Change Ones circling around the moon is a great achievement of the Chinese people .8. 以前我和那位加拿大的笔友主要通过邮件交流。(mail)In the past I communicated with my Canadian pen-friend mainly by mail .1. 我哥哥很快就

10、适应了在部队的新生活。(adapt)My brother adapted himself to the new life in the army soon.2. 物理老师的鼓励给了我足够的学好物理的信心。(confidence)My physics teachers encouragement gave me enough confidence to learn physics well .3. 和外国游客用英语交流对那个导游来说很容易。(communicate)Its easy for the guide to communicate with foreign tourists in Eng

11、lish .4. 依我看最好停止这项工作,以免浪费更多的钱。(its better to )In my opinion , its better to stop this project so as not to waste more money . 5. 那些愿意报名参加这个课程学习的人,请明天到老师的办公室来。(enroll)Those who are willing to enroll on this course , please come to the teachers office tomorrow.Unit Three1. 你那么说是什么意思?(mean)What do you

12、mean by saying that ?2. 有些模特可以改变衣着的流行趋势。(trends)Some models can change the trends in styles of dress .3. 我不会欣赏油画,因为我从来没有学过美术。(appreciate)I am not able to appreciate oil paintings , for I have never learned art before.4. 这块金牌属于我们篮球队所有的队员。(belong to )This gold medal belongs to all the members of our b

13、asketball team .5. 对我来说,挣足够的钱去国外留学是很不容易的。(It)It is not easy for me to earn enough money to study abroad.6. 几乎每个男生都热衷于卡通和游戏。(keen)Almost every boy student is keen on cartoon and video games .7. 在这个方面,你的建议或多或少是有些帮助的。(more or less)In this aspect , your suggestion is more or less helpful .1. 两年后那位年轻人就被提

14、升为副经理。(promote)Two years later , the young man was promoted as a vice manager .2. 尽管她自己也很穷,老太太还是收养了那个无家可归的孩子。(adopt)Though she was poor herself , the old woman adopted the homeless child .3. 我觉得不太可能很快提高我的英语口语。(it is unlikely)I think it is un likely for me to improve my oral English soon . 4. 三个旅客正在向

15、Mr Black 投诉服务员的恶劣态度。(complain)Three passengers were complaining to Mr Black of / about the waiters bad attitude .5. 一个学生的衣着与他的个性是有联系的。(be linked to )A students dress is linked to his personality .6. 由于某种未知的原因,那次比赛被取消了。(cancel)For some unknown reason , the match was cancelled.1. 如果你能给我一个及时的回复,我将不胜感激。

16、Id appreciate it very much if you could give me a timely reply .2. 大雨之后,这条河的水位上升了半米。(by)After the heavy rain , the water level of the river rose by half a meter .3. 几乎所有的青少年都热衷于那位超女的歌曲。Almost all the teenagers are keen on the super girls songs .4. 在我找到工资更高的工作之前,我买不起新汽车。(afford)I cant afford to buy a

17、 new car before I find a job with higher pay .5. 那些专家在森林里寻找野外的熊猫。(search)The experts are searching the forest for wild pandas .Mid-term 1. 这些荣誉都属于我的祖国。(belong)All these honours belong to my motherland . 2. 一般来讲,你住得远越远,越容易上学迟到。(the more , the more)Generally speaking , the farther you live , the more

18、easily you will be late for school .3. 他总是通过电子邮件与他的笔友交流。(through)He always communicates with his pen-friends through e-mail . 4. 顾客们都希望这些服装价格能尽可能合理。(asas)Customers all hope that the prices of these clothes can be as reasonable as possible .5. 尽管雪下得很大,他还是去上班了。Although it snowed heavily , he still wen

19、t to work .6. 在同事们的帮助下,我设法按时完成了任务。(manage)With the help of my colleagues, I managed to finished the task in time .1. 如果你方便,请为我买一本最新的杂志。(convenient)If its convenient for you , please buy a latest magazine for me . 2. 你的每一分努力都与你的考试结果联系在一起。(link)Each of your effort is linked to the result of your test

20、.3. 老师祝贺我赢得了化学竞赛一等奖。(congratulate)The teacher congratulated me on my winning the first prize in the chemistry contest .4. 通常认为,成功的关键在于自信和勤奋。(lies in )It is generally thought that the key to success lies in self-confidence and hard work .5. 尽管天气寒冷,那位男子还是每天在河里游泳二十分钟。Despite the cold weather , the man

21、swims in the river for twenty minutes every day .Unit Four1. 导游建议在博物馆旁的花圃前拍照。(suggest)The guide suggested taking a photo in front of the flowerbed beside the museum . 2. 给我印象最深的是他在15岁时就参军了。(impress)What impressed me most was that he had joined the army at the age of 15 .3. 毫无疑问Linda 将赢得这次英语演讲比赛的一等奖。

22、(no doubt)There is no doubt that Linda will win the first prize of this English speaking contest .4. 那位女孩已经使自己成为最受青少年欢迎的歌手。(establish)The girl has established herself as the most popular singer among teenagers .5. 到明年年底这里将建立一所新的医院。(set up )By the end of next year a new hospital will have been built

23、here .6. 那个国家每年都要从中国进口许多家用电器。(import)That country imports many electrical appliances from China every year .1. 中国宇航员很可能在2020年之前登上月球。(likely)Chinese astronauts are likely to land on the moon before 2020 .2. 便利店通常都开办在一些方便的位置。(location)Convenience stores are usually opened in convenient locations .3. 面

24、对这么多种不同的选择,我真不知道应该买哪种MP3了。(a wide range of)Faced with such a wide range of choices , I really dont know which MP3 to buy .4. 在上学的路上,我常常会看到那位老人在公园里锻炼身体。(on ones way )On my way to school , I often see the old man taking exercise in the park .5. 在“国美电器”,你几乎可以买到你想要得任何电器产品。(electrical)In GoMe Appliances

25、, you can buy almost any electrical product you need .6. 为什么私立学校在数量上和影响上发展得如此之快呢?(grow)Why have private schools grown so fast in number and influence . 7. 在自主管理中,学生会已经成为一股新生力量。(new force)In self management , the Student Union has become a new force .8. 学校的任务不仅满足学生对知识的需求,而且要帮助他们的全面发展。(meet ones deman

26、d)The task of the school is not only to meet students demand for knowledge , but also to help them develop in every way .1. 人们普遍认为这种培训项目是有必要的。It is generally thought that this training programme is necessary . 2. 数学老师建议我们不要做太难的练习。The maths teacher suggested that we should not do too difficult exerci

27、ses .3. 为了达到目标,他尝试了所有可能的手段。(achieve)To achieve his goal , he has tried all the possible means . 4. 那位医生成功地为病人的心脏做了手术。(operate)The doctor succeeded in operating on the patients heart .5. 我们的年龄从十六岁到十九岁不等。(range)Our ages range from twelve to nineteen . / We range in age from twelve to nineteen .Unit Fi

28、ve1. “虚拟现实”游戏已经成为这些孩子生活的一部分。(part of)VR games have become part of childrens life .2. 由于他们的及时帮助,我们的车没有被洪水冲走。(thanks to)Thanks to their timely help , our car wasnt washed away by flood .3. 一旦你习惯了早起,你会发现早晨的空气是那么清新。(get used to )Once you get used to getting up early , you will find the air is so fresh i

29、n the morning .4. 据说喜欢暴力游戏的人更容易犯罪。(commit)It is said that those who like violent games are more likely to commit crimes .5. 当你走进那家咖啡厅,你会发现它里面的一切都是西方风格。(step into )When you step into the cafeteria , you will find everything in it is of western style .6. 虚拟现实使那位建筑师提前发现了她设计方面的错误。(enable)Virtual reality en

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