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1、You look tired. Would you like to have a drink?奉题测试考生对询问别人意见的句型的理解和应答能力问题是“Would you like to have a drink?”“你要不要来点喝的?”是在征求你的意见,回答时要注意尽量客气、委婉,提供的四个选项中C“不用,谢谢”是正确答案。A.Im looking for a gift for my mother.B.Id rather not.C.You can do it right now.D.Thank you very mucWhat are you doing now?本题测试考生对现在进行时提问

2、的应答能力。“What are you doing now?”你正在干什么?”提供的四个选项中A“我正在为我母亲寻找一份礼物。”表示现在正在做的事情。故选A。A.At home.B.On the table.C.The day before yesterday.D.Tomorrow morninWhen will you leave for London?本题测试考生对询问别人的时间的理解和应答能力。“When will you leave for London?”你们什么时候去伦敦?”提供的四个选项中D“明天早上”符合题童,是正确答案。A.Its not far from here.B.I

3、work for the police station.C.No, Im new here.D.Yes, pleasCould you tell me the way to the nearest police station?本题测试考生对问路的句型的理解和应答能力。“Could you tell me the way to the nearest police station?”“你能告诉我最近的警察局怎么走吗?”所提供的四个选项中B“我就在警察局工作。”意思就是要问话人跟我走就行了,而选项A“寓这不远”并没有说清楚到底怎么走,问话人还是没有得到答案。所以选B。三、Section B(总题

4、数:A.They should put the meeting to an end.B.They should hold another meeting to discuss the matter.C.She would like to discuss another item.D.She wants to discuss the issue again later.M: I think we should move on to the next item.W: OK. But Id like to take this matter up again at the end of the mee

5、ting.Q: What does the woman imply?本题测试考生对细节的理解力。问题是“女士是什么意见?”对话中“Id like to take this matter up again at the end of the meeting.”我想在会议结束前再把这个问题讨论一遍。”符合意思,所以选 D。A.He believes the Browns have done a sensible thing.B.He doesnt think the Browns should move to another place.C.He doesnt think the Browns i

6、nvestment is a wise one.D.He believes it is better for the Browns to invest later. You know, the Browns have invested all their money in stocks. They may think thats a wise move, but thats the last thing Id do. Whats the mans opinion about the Browns investment?本题测试考生对细节的理解能力对话中“They may think thatd

7、 do.”表达了作者的看法和意见,故选C。A.He may convert it and use it as a restaurant.B.He may pull it down and build a new restaurant.C.He may rent it out for use as a restaurant.D.He may sell it to the owner of a restaurant. What is Mr. Peterson going to do with his old house on London Road? Rent it or sell it? I h

8、ave heard he is thinking of turning it into a restaurant, which isnt a bad idea, because its still a solid building. What will Mr. Peterson do with his old house?本题测试考生对询问时间细节的应答能力。对话中“I have heard he is thinking of turning it into a restaurant,which isns still a solid building.”表达的意思是他会把房子改建成餐馆提供的四

9、个选项中只有A“他可能会把它改建成餐馆。”符合题意,故选A。A.She doesnt like the way the professor lectures.B.Shes having a hard time following the professors lectures.C.She is not interested in the course.D.Shes having difficulty with the heavy reading assignments. How do you like Professor Backmans course on the history of ph

10、ilosophy? He is a distinguished scholar on that subject. He is a great teacher. But Im having a hard time with the reading list. I feel I cant ever finish it. What problem does the woman have with the course?本题测试考生对细节的理解能力。对话中“Im having a hard time with the reading list. I feel l cant ever finish it

11、.”表达了女士对拜克曼博士的课程的看法,故选D。A.He never keeps his promises.B.He is crazy about parties.C.He has changed his mind.D.He is not sociabl Robert wants to know if he can go with us to the party. Thats odd. This morning he said he wanted to go by himself. What do we learn about Robert?本题测试考生理解对话中信息的能力。女士说“罗伯特问他

12、可不可以跟我们一起去参加宴会。”男士说“他今天早上才说他想一个人去。”问罗伯特怎么了,可以推断出,他已经改变了想法,故选C。四、Section C(总题数:五、In the (11) , the only known way, to India from Europe involved traveling through Turkey.(总题数:填空项1:_(正确答案:1450s)听力原文11-15In the 1450s, the only known way, to India from Europe involved traveling through Turkey. When the

13、Turks announced a new ax on Europs profitable overland trade with India in 1453, Portugal and Spain began to look for an alternate sea route to India. Their search brought Europe into contact with North and South America. Within a century, much of these two vast continents would come under European

14、con trol. It was not until 1498 that Vase0 da. Gama found the allsea route to Indiaaround the horn of Africa.本题测试考生对年代的听辨能力。录音给出的是“15世纪50年代”。故填1450s。announced)本题测试考生对动词的听辨能力。录音给出的是“announced”,由于是在过去的时间内发生的动作。所以,要用过去式,在词尾加-d。search)本题测试考生对名词的听辨能力。空格处位于物主代词“their”后,显然要填名词录音给出的是“search”。Within)本题测试考生对介

15、词短语的听辨能力。句子中缺的是状语,录音给出的是介词“within”,用来表示“在一段时间内”。around)本题测试考生对介词的听辨能力。空格处缺一个介词引导后面的状语,录音给出的是“a- round”,表示“绕过”。六、Part Vocabulary and Structure(总题数:七、Section A(总题数:10,分数:7.50)1.It will _ me five dollars to get the present.0.75)A.keepB.makeC.takeD.give买这份礼物会花掉我五美元。本题考查固定句型It takes.的用法。此句是固定搭配,It takes.

16、表示花时间或金钱(做某事)。2.The master is trying to search _ to the problem of environment.A.a answerC.a replyD.a solution这个研究生正在试图寻找一种解决环境问题的方法。本题考查词语辨析四个词中表示“问题的解决方法”这个意思的只有solution,其他三个都不含这个意思故选D。3.It was in that town _ I was born.A.asB.whenC.whichD.that那个城镇是我出生的地方。本题考查强调句的用法。It is . that是强调句的固定

17、搭配。故选D。4.Either of you _ able to move that stone.A.areB.isC.have beenD.be你们中任何一个都能搬动那块石头。本题考查的是主谓一致。either表示两者之一,其后的主语表示单数意义,谓语要用相应的单数形式故选B。5.Ive never seen you _ behind the standD.stood我从未见过你站在门后。6.This is one of the highest buildings that _ in our city.A.are ever builtB

18、.have ever builtC.have ever been builtD.were ever built这是我们这座城市最高的建筑之一。本题考查定语从句中现在完成时的用法。that在这里指代前面的buildings,同时还在从句中充当主语的成分,很明显是一个定语从句。而且“是目前本市最高的建筑之一”表示对现在有影响,所以要用现在完成时。7.I hope they _ the bridge by the time we leave at the end of this month.A.have builtB.will have builtC.will buildD.are to build

19、我希望他们能在这个月底,我们离开前建好这座桥。本题考查将来完成时的用法。at the end of this month表示在这个月底,根据句子意思,我希望在离开前,这座桥已经修好。实际上我还没有离开,而且这座桥也还没有修好。可能正在修。很明显句子要表达的意思是在将来的某个时间已经完成的动作。故选B。8.By the time you came back yesterday, they _ for London.A.have leftB.leftC.had leftD.leave就在昨天你回来之前,他们就已经离开去了伦敦本题考查过去完成时的用法。你昨天回来这个动作已经是过去范畴内的动作,在此之

20、前他们就已经离开,证明他们离开的动作发生在你回来之前,所以是过去的过去,要用过去完成时。9.I have no doubt _ most of you can graduate from here.A.althoughB.asC.whether我不怀疑你们大部分人都能从这里毕业。本题考查固定句型的搭配。no doubt后接从句要用that做引导词故选D。10.The book is _ more interesting than the one I sent you last year.A.ratherB.soC.muchD.very这本书比我去年送你的那本还要有趣。本题考查形容词、副词比较级

21、的修饰。形容词和副词的比较级的修饰词,只能用much。八、Section B(总题数:11.I didnt see your sister at school. If she 1 (come), I would have given her the telephone number.Had come)我在学校没看见你妹妹,如果她回来,我会告诉她这个电话号码的。本题考查虚拟语气,主句用would+现在完成时,从句用过去完成时。12.The computer does not seem to work well, and I think it needs 1 (repair).to repaire

22、d)电脑似乎不能正常工作了,我认为它需要修一下。本题考查被动语态的用法。电脑是被别人修理的,所以,要用动词不定式的被动语态。13.He talked as if I 1 (be) his brother to help him a lot.were)他说我像他哥哥一样给他许多帮助本题考查虚拟语气的用法。像他的哥哥但实际上并不是他的哥哥,与事实相反,所以要用虚拟语气表述。14.They stopped 1 (talk), because the teacher came in.talking)他们停止讲话,因为老师进来了。本题考查词语的固定搭配。stop后接to do或doing,但两者意思不同

23、。to do是停下手中的事,去做另一件事,而doing是指停下手中一直在做的事本属中他们停止说话,是指他们不再说话。故填talking。15.This is the first time I 1 (have) such a wonderful party.Have had)这是我第一次参加如此棒的聚会。本题考查词组的固定搭配。句型“Its the first time后接完成时表示第一次,以前从来没做过。16.Every time he is the 1 (early) student to get to school.earliest)他每次都是最早到校的学生。本题考查形容词的最高级的用法。

24、形容词early的最高级是 earliest,根据题意,要填最高级。17.The Blanks look forward to 1 (have) a summer vacation in China.having)布朗克一家人盼望着到中国过暑假。look forward to后接doing表示一直期望做的事。18. 1 (see) nobody at home, she decided to join Annys party.Seeing)因为家里没有人,她决定去参加安的舞会。本题考查状语的用法。前半句表示原因,因为她在家里没看见人,所以才决定去舞会。前半句中省略了She is, 而用一个分词

25、seeing来表示原因。19.When I went into the restaurant, Doctor Smith 1 (talk) with a beautiful lady.was talking)当我走进餐馆的时候,史密斯医生正在跟一位漂亮的小姐说话。 when引导的时间状语表示在那个时候正在做的事。强调主句中的动作与从句的动作同时发生。20.Do you mind me 1 (sit) beside you until the manager leaves?sitting)你介意经理离开前我一直坐在你旁边吗?mind后接动词的lng形式,表示介意做某事。九、Part Reading Comprehension(总题数:十、Task 1Directions:(总题数:5,分数:21.How long will last the festival in Philippine?1.00)A.28 days.B.29 days.C.30 days.D.31 days.细节题。根据文章第一段第二句可以看出在菲律宾。人们会用整个五月庆祝节日,而五月正好是 3l天。所以,正确答案应为D。22.What will children do in this festival?

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