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1、 28. Im very thirsty. 29.busy and tired 30. hot or cold 31. Look at my picture. 32. Its nice. 33. Whats that? 34.Whos this? 35. The prize is for you. 36. Put the egg in the egg-cup like this. 37.Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. 38. an ice cream and an orange 39. Put on Dads hat . 40 Come with me. 4

2、1. Im an actor and you are an actress. 42. Knock at the door. 43. funny dog and cat 43. policeman and postman 44 milkman and lazybones. 45. a fat schoolboy 46 empty or full 47.Open your desk and give me the stamp. 48.tall or short 49 young or old 50. handsome and beautiful 51. clever or lazy 52. Wha

3、ts in it? 53. heavy or light 54.long or short 55. big or small 56. thick or thin 57.which are our caps?58. What nationality are you? 59. Go on their side. 60.pull 61.Theres a letter for your mother. 62.Ita a bill. 63.on the shelf/wall/locker 64. a box of chocolates 65 near the gate/truck 66.What col

4、our are the cups? 67. Are your hands dirty? 68. Show me your towel. 69. Go and wash your hands at once. 70. Look at its tails. 71.Try on these pretty shoes. 72.How are they? 73. Are they tight or just right? 74.Two apples for one stamp. 75. What is it in English? 76.The new pupils are twins. 77. Ope

5、n the packet and put in the duster. 78. Take out the sandwiches. 79. Hurry up. 80. Leave my bananas alone. 81. Listen, thats the school bell. 82. Were late for school. 83. Whats the time? 84. The headmaster is on the playground. 85.Go to the classroom quickly. 86. The children are very quiet this mo

6、rning. 87. Go upstairs and see. 88. Perhaps theyre asleep. 89.wake up. 90. Its eight oclock. 91.Its a holiday. 92.The shops shut today. 93.Give us two packets of sweets. 94. How much are the lollipops? 95. a shilling each. 96 Are there any animals near the window? 97. How many books are they? 98. Co

7、unt them and share them. 99 Just a minute. the refrigerator/jar/packet/street =3L英汉对照检查(L1-50) 1、见见你的老师 2、哪支是你的钢笔 3、红色的铅笔 4、她的棕色书包 5、他的绿色橡皮 6、我我们 你-你们 他她它他们 7、给你 8、谢谢你,先生 9、这是谁的早餐 10、请过来 11、坐下 12、踢球 13、好的,行 14、当心 15、对不起 16、没关系 17、黄灰色的篮子 18、桌子和椅子 19、那女孩是谁 20、在黄色自行车上的女孩21、她在我班上 22、带有黑白足球的男孩 23、

8、带雨伞的妇女 24、车里的男人 25、兄弟和姐妹 26、茶准备好了 27、你现在饿吗? 28、我渴了 29、忙碌和疲劳 30、热或冷 31、看着我的图画 32、它很棒。 33、那是什么? 34、这是谁? 35、奖励是给你的 36、像这样把鸡蛋放在蛋杯里 37、上午/下午/晚上好 38、一份冰淇淋和一个橘子 39、戴上爸爸的帽子 40、跟我来 41、我是一个男演员你是一个女演员 42、有趣的狗和猫 43、警察和邮差 44、送奶员和懒汉 45、一个胖男学生46、空的或满的 47、打开你的书桌并给我看邮票 48、高的或矮的 49、年轻的或老的 50、英俊的和漂亮的 51、聪明的或懒惰的 52、里面有

9、什么? 53、重的或轻的 54、长或短 55、大的或小的 56、厚的或薄的 57、哪些是我们的帽子? 58、你的国籍是什么? 59、去他们那边 60、拉,拖,61、有一封你妈妈的信 62、它是一张帐单 63、在架子上/墙/橱柜 64、一盒巧克力 65、在门口附近/卡车 66、杯子的颜色是什么? 67、你们的手脏吗? 68、把你的毛巾给我看 69、马上去洗你的 70、看它的尾巴 71、试穿这些漂亮的鞋子 72、他们身体好吗? 73、他们是绷紧的还是刚好 74、两个苹果换一张邮票 75、它用英语怎么说? 76、新学生是双胞胎 77、打开包装放进抹布 78、取出三明治 79、赶快 80、别动我的香蕉

10、 81、听,那是学校铃声 82、我们上学迟到了 83、什么时间了? 84、校长在操场上 85、快点去教室 86、今天上午孩子们非常安静 87、去楼上看 88、也许他们睡了 89、醒来 90、现在8点钟 91、它是一个假期 92、今天商店关门了 93、给我们两包糖果 94、棒棒糖多少钱? 95、一先令一个 96、在窗户附近有动物吗? 97、他们有多少书? 98、数一数来分它们 99、等一会 100、在冰箱里/罐子/袋子/街道3L第一册 51-70 课 重点单词和句型1.Where are my glasses? 2 .in front of the blackboard 3.Hes up the

11、re 4. down there 5. behind the fence. 6.beside the box 7 stand between Tom and Sandy 8.under the newspaper 9.Hold this kite and ladder for me. 10.over the building 11.get into lines 12. do some exercises 13. jump together 14.Touch your toes and knees. attention. 16. Dont laugh. 17.whats the m

12、atter? 18.face, ear and mouth 19.Bring me the dress . 20. Pass and kick the ball. 21.Give me the coat and trousers 22. shirt and blouse 22. plate and wheel 23. Show the spoons. knives and forks to me. 24. I cant light the fire. 25. Theres a birds nest in our chimney. 26. Lets fill the wash-basin wit

13、h water. 27.make a boat. 28.Take a piece of paper and fold it like this. 29.Turn on the light. 30. Turn off the radio. 31.Can you stand on your head? 32. Of course, its easy. 33. upside-down 34.Sandy cant ride a horse, but he can jump off the box. 35. What are you doing? 36. Im pumping up the tire.

14、37.Its still flat. 38. Theres a puncture in the tube. a game of hopscotch with girls 40. Its my turn. 41.Throw your stone. the window 43.stand in a line. 44.Let me try. 45 take off the socks. 46. at home/school 47.Perhaps theyre in your pocket. 48. How silly of me!3L英汉对照检查(L51-70)1.我

15、的眼镜在哪儿? 2.在黑板前面 3.他在那上面 4.那下面 5. 在栅栏后面 6.在盒子旁边 7.站在Tom和Sandy中间 8.在报纸下面 9.帮我拿着这个风筝和梯子 10.在建筑物之上 11.排队 12.做一些练习 13.一起跳 14.摸你的脚趾和膝盖 15.注意! 16.别笑 17.怎么了? 18.脸,耳朵和嘴巴 19.帮我拿来那件裙子 20.传球并踢球 21.给我那件大衣和裤子 22.男衬衫与女衬衫 22.盘子与轮子 23.给我汤匙,餐刀和叉子 24.我点不着火 25.在我们的烟囱里有个鸟窝 26.把洗脸盆装满水 27.做一艘船 28.拿一张纸,像这样把它折起来29.开灯 30.关掉收

16、音机 31.你会倒立嘛?32.当然,这很简单 33.倒立 34.Sandy不会骑马,但他能从盒子上跳下来 35.你在干什么?36.我在给轮胎打气 37.它还是扁的 38.在管子上有个小孔 39.和女孩们玩“跳房子” 40.轮到我了 41.丢你的石头 42.打开窗户 43.站队 44.让我试试 45.脱下袜子 46.在家/学校 47.也许它们在你的口袋里 48.我怎么这么傻!新概念第一册 1-30 课 重点单词和句型1Excuse me. 2.Pardon 3. pen or pencil 4.coat or dress 5.skirt or shirt 6.son or daughter 7.

17、What make is it? 8. a German car American book 10. What nationality are you? 11.Whats your job?12.Customs officer 13.hard-working employee assistant 15.sales reps or engineer 16. housewife or nurse 17. hairdresser or milkman 18.keyboard operator 19. policeman or policewoman 20. taxi d

18、river or air hostess 21. postman or mechanic 22. How are you today? 23.Nice to meet you. 24. fat or thin 25. tall or short 26.dirty or clean 27. hot or cold 28.old or young 29. busy or lazy 30. Here you are. 31. Whose house is it? 32. my umbrella 33.your blouse 34. his tie 35. her handbag 36. its fa

19、ce 37.our friends 38.your boxes 39. their ice creams 40. the same colour 41. Come upstairs and see it. 42. father or mother 43. sister or brother 44. Where is the cigarette? 45. a glass in the cupboard 46. red carpet in the middle of the room 47. grey and black hat 48. a brown and white dog near the

20、 television 49. a picture on the wall 50. yellow suit 51. an orange case on the left 52. green passport on the shelf 53. a blue watch on the table 54. an electric cooker in the kitchen 55.Whats the matter, children? 56. tired and thirsty 57.sit down 58.Are you all right? 59. light or heavy 60.blunt

21、or sharp 61.large or small 62.spoon or fork on the tin 63. What must I do? 64. shut the door 65. open the window and air the room 66. put on your trousers 67.take off your shoes 68. turn on the stereo 69. turn off the tap 70.sweep the floor 71. clean the untidy blackboard 72.dust the dressing table

22、73.empty the cup the magazine 75.sharpen the knives 76. Put the clothes in the wardrobe 77. I-me we-us you-you he-him she-her it-it they-them新概念英汉对照检查 (L1-30)1.对不起 2.请再说一遍 3.钢笔或铅笔 4.衣服或裙子 5.裙子或衬衫 6.儿子或女儿 7.它是什么牌子? 8.一辆德国汽车 9.一本美国书 10. 你是哪国国籍? 11.你的工作是什么? 12. 海关官员 13.辛勤工作的员工 14.办公助手 15.推销员或工程

23、师 16.家庭主妇或护士 17.美发师或送奶工人 18.键盘操作员 19.男警或女警 20.出租车司机或空姐 21.邮差或技工 22.你今天身体好吗? 23.幸会 24.胖或瘦 25.高或矮 26.脏或干净 27.热或冷 28.老或年轻 29.忙碌或懒惰 30.给你 31.这是谁的房子? 32.我的雨伞 33.你的衬衫 34.他的鞋带 35.她的手提包 36.它的脸 37.我们的朋友 38.你们的盒子 39.他们的冰激凌 40.同样的颜色 41.来楼上看它. 42.爸爸或妈妈 43.姐妹或兄弟 44.香烟在哪? 45.食橱上的玻璃杯 46.房间中央的红地毯 47.灰黑相间的帽子 48.电视机旁

24、的一条棕白色的狗 49.墙上的一幅画 50.黄色的外套 51.左侧的一个桔色包 52.书架上的绿色护照 53.书桌上的一只蓝色手表 54.厨房里的一个电饭煲 55.孩子们,怎么了? 56.又累又渴 57.坐下 58.你还好吗? 59.轻的与重的 60.钝的与锋利的 61.大的与小的 62.在罐头上的汤匙或叉子 63.我该做什么? 64.关上门 65.打开窗,让屋子透气 66.穿上你的裤子 67.脱下你的鞋子 68.打开收音机 69.关上水龙头 70.扫地 71.把脏黑板擦干净 72.打扫梳妆台 73.将杯子倒空 74.读杂志 75.磨刀 76.将衣服放进衣橱 77.我 我们 你 你们 他 她

25、它 他们 (主格-宾格)新概念第一册 31-60 课 重点单词和句型 1.Go into/out of the shop 2.sit beside the mother 3.walk across the street along the wall 5.jump off the branch 6.stand between them 7.near the river 8.under the tree 9. fly over the bridge door front of the blackboard 12.behind the teapot 13.wa

26、it for a bus 14 wash the dishes 15. half a pound of coffee 16. a tin of tobacco 17. a bar of chocolate 18.listen to the stereo 19.type the letter for the boss 20. make the tea 21. tell the truth 22. at the butchers 23.What about steak? 24. The handwriting is terrible. 25. hurry up. 26.Can you find t

27、hem? 27.Is there any cheese on the plate? 28.What are you going to do with it? 29.Dont drop it. 30. Pinks my favourite colour. 31.whats the weather like in your country? 32. spring , summer , autumn , winter, 33. January February March April May June July August September October November December 3

28、4. Which season do you like best? 35. the subject of conversation 36.The sun rises early and sets late. the morning/afternoon/evening noon /at night 39.take them to school the moment 41. by bus 42.on foot 43. Is that all? 45. what else do you want? 46. The large size 47.whats the t

29、ime? 48.look ill 49. have a cold/ stomach ache/toothache/earache/temperature/headache 50. take some medicine 51.stay in bed. 52.see a doctor/dentist 53.drink tea together 54.arrive home late 55.a pleasant climate 56. jam /honey /bread /butter /mince/soup/wine/beer/whiskey/chicken your tongue 58.telephone number in Nanchang 60. hot /warm /dry /wet /snowy /cloudy /sunny /windy /rainy/新概念英汉对照检查 (L31-60)1.进/出商店 2.坐在妈妈身边 3.穿过街道 4.沿着墙走 5.跳下树枝 6.站在他们中间 7.靠近河 8.树下 9.飞过大桥 10.隔壁 11.在黑板前 12.在茶壶后面 13.等公共汽车 14.洗碟子 15.半磅咖啡 16.一罐烟草 17.一条巧克力 18.听收音机 19.为老板打信 20.泡茶 21.说出真相

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