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英语听力入门Unit1 IntroductionWord文件下载.docx

1、 (a)2Where does he live? (b)3What is his telephone number?4How old is he?5Is he married?Ex (see tapescript )Tapescript:What Is Your Name? (52)A: What is your name?B: My name is Robert Fox. Do you live in London? No, I live in Edinburgh. What is your address? 12 Princess Street. What is your telephon

2、e number ? 4709. How old are you? Im 35. Are you married? Yes, I am. How old is your wife? I dont know.Alice (40)Hello! My name is Alice. Im a secretary. This is my office. And this is Jane. She is a secretary, too. Listen. Thats her typewriter. See that man near the door?s our boss. Hes the editor.

3、 His names Mr. James. Well ,its one oclock. Lunch time. Good-bye. Part Robert Write T for true and F for false. 1T 2F 3T 4T 5F (see tapescript)Robert (30)Robert:m Robert Shade. Im 28 years old, and Im a journalist. This is Lulu.Lulu: Hello, Im a journalist, too. Im American. I come from New York. Wh

4、at This? Oh, it s an aspirin. I Too much beer last night? Mm Its lunch time. Lets go to the pub. No, thank you.Where Are You From? (15) Whats your name, please? Sheila Martin. And where are you from? Sydney, Australia.s your job?m a secretary. Are you here on holiday? Thank you. Miss Martin. Lesson

5、2A Phonetics: Sound Recognition1b 2a 3b 4c 5a6c 7a 8b 9b 10cBSentences For Oral Repetition1My full name is Rodney Hill Watson.2I work downtown in a large office building.3-And your initials please?-P.G. Part Rodney Hill Watson Ex 1a 2b 3b 4a 5aRodney Hill Watson (41)My names Rod Watson. My full name

6、 is Rodney Hill Watson. Im Bob Watsons brother, and I live in Denver, Colorado.I live in that house over there. I live on Clayton Street. The number is 1490. My address is 1490 Clayton Street. I was born in 1937. My birthday is March 1. Bob was born in 1941.I work downtown in a large office building

7、. I have a nice office there. I enjoy my work very much. Part Registering Registering (127)Dialogue 1s your surname please?s Wilson. How do you spell it please? W-I-L-S-O-N. And your initials please? P.G.s your address please? 27 Grafton Street. How do you spell the name or the street? G-R-A-F-T-O-N

8、. And whats your telephone number please? 786 9460. Thank you Mr. Wilson.Dialogue 2My name is Harper. H-A-R-P-E-R. Initials J.T.J-T. Got that? And my address is 98. Repeat, 9-8. Ring wood Street. Thats R-I-N-G-W-O-O-D, Street. Tenterden, T-E-N-T-E-R-D-E-N. Kent, K-E-N-T. J.T. Harper,98 Ring wood Str

9、eet, Tenterden, Kent. UNIT 2 GOING TO SCHOOLLesson 3 A Numbers153 265 327th 41s t 514611 74th 838 9517 1030116th 121146 131616 141091 1516thB Dictation1- Whats the room number?- 201. On the second floor.2Hes from Ireland and hes an excellent teacher.3Work hard, speak English, and good luck!Part Wher

10、e Is The English Class? 1b 2a 3b 4c 5aWhere Is The English Class? (30)Joana: Wheres the English class?Paulo: On the first floor. Room 101. Are you sure? No, I Look, Paulo. Are those students in our class? Maybe they are.Excuse me. Good evening. Are you in English 3?Students: Yes, we are.Student 1: 2

11、01. On the second floor. Thank you. See you there. Part Good Luck 1What is Heinzs job?2Where is he learning English? (c)3Where does Francoise come from?4What is she studying?5Who is Mr. OBrien?Good Luck (43)Heinz: Hello, students of English.Im Heinz and Im from Bonn in Germany.m a doctor and Im lear

12、ning English in London. This is Francoise. Shes a secretary from Marseilles in France and shes learning English, too.Francoise: Hello, students of English. How are you?I am very happy in London. My English class is very good. This is my teacher,Mr. OBrien. Hes an excellent teacher.Brien: Good evenin

13、g, students of English. Work hard, speak English, and good luck! Good-bye. Lesson 4Drill 11c 2a 3b 4a 5b 6c 7b 8c 9b 10aDrill 21Herbert 2James 3married 4club5Ireland 6Pond 7No.24 8parcel9First names, surnames 10Ed (see tapescript) Part Here Comes Tony () Here Comes Tony () (33)Ann: Look, here comes

14、Tony.David: I wonder if hes coming in this direction?Allen: Ask him! Good afternoon, Tony.Tony: Hi, Ann, David, Allen. Did you just get out of school? Yeh? Why so early? Early?s three oclock now. Yeh, school starts at 8:45 in the morning and ends at 3 in the afternoon. You people are lucky!s nothing

15、 special. Its the usual time. Part Here Comes Tony () 1What is Tony doing?2When is Tony s mother going to register him?(b)Here Comes Tony () (34) In my country, we go to school from eight oclock in the morning until five in the afternoon. Five days a week, too? Actually, five and a half. On Saturday

16、, there is only a half day. Gosh! Thats too much. Where are you heading now? I beg your pardon? Oh, he meant to ask you where are you going now? Oh, well, Im going to try to find out where the school is located. When do you begin to go to school? My mother said, she is going to register me tomorrow.

17、s good!UNIT 3 MEETING STRANGERS Lesson 5A. Sentence Structure 1aIve caught a fish.2aGreen is the colour. 3bIs he going to go ?4cWho do you want ?5bShe was in a phone box. 6cIs that you ?7bThey caused trouble.8bSchool starts at 8:35 in the morning. 9aWhere are you going to stay ?10aA cousin of mine w

18、ent to Spain last year. B Difficult Sentences1-Goodness me! Your English is very good.-I wouldnt say that. Theres still a loi for me to learn.2 I hope youll also enjoy your stay in England. Part Next- Door Neighbours 1a 2a 3b 4b 5cNext- Door Neighbours (53)Mr. Taylor is or. a ship. He is going to Am

19、erica.He is talking to a strangerTaylor: Do you live in London ?Stranger: Yes, I do. I live in Hampstead. Hampstead! I live in Hampstead, too. Lon-dons a funny place. I dont know my next-door neighbour. I live in Pond Street.s funny! I live in Pond Street, too. I live at No. 24 Pond Street. I live a

20、t No. 23! Youre my next-door neighbour! My names Taylor.s Bennett. How do you do?Stranger Part On A London Bus 1Where is the student from?From Spain.2How long has he been learning English?For three years.3What does the woman think of his English Very good.4How long is he going to stay in England?Ano

21、ther two months.5Where is the womans cousin now?In Spain.On A London Bus (1)Old Woman: Lovely day, isnt it?Student: Oh, yes. not English, are you? No, Im from Spain. How long have you been learning English? Student: For three years now. For three years? Goodness me! Your English is very

22、 good. Student: I wouldns still a lot for me to learn. How long are you going to stay in this country? Another two months. Then Ill have to go back to Spain to start work. A cousin of mine went to Spain last year. Hes an engineer, you know. Really? What did he think of Spain? He must like it very mu

23、ch, because he hasnt come back yet. I hope youll also enjoy your stay in England. Thank you. Im sure I will. Lesson 6ASentence Structure lMr. Anderson has just come from Canada. Wherehas Mr. Anderson just come from?2Mr. Anderson has come to see Miss Morrison. Who has Mr. Anderson come to see?3Mr. An

24、derson has brought a parcel from Kates parents. What has Mr. Anderson brought? (b) 4Bob goes home from school at noon. When does Bob go home?5She studied her lessons last night. What did she do last night?6Jack and Sue were in the library this morning. Where were they this morning?7Bill is from America and Jane isnt. Where is Bill from?8The students have a Chinese class at nine. When do they have a Chinese class?9Mary telephoned Jack yesterday. Who

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