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1、7. During daylight savings time the meridian used for determining the time is located farther A.west in west longitude and east in east longitude B.east in west longitude and west in east longitudeC.west D.east(44-No.4)8. Attention is _ the advice on the use of charts in The Mariners Handbook Chapte

2、r 3,Section 1.A.fixed to B.needed for C.pushed to D.drawn to9. Charted depths _ by 2 meters due to state of the decreased B.decreased C.decreases D.are decreased比较: 46-No.7Charted depth is the _A. vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom, plus the height of tide

3、 B. vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottomC. average height of water over a specified period of time D. average height of all low waters at a place10._ the abstracts of deck logbook covering the said accident.A.Attached herewith are B.Attached is herewith C.Attached are

4、hereby D.Hereby are attached11.Every entry required to be made in the Official Logbook shall be signed by the _.A.Mate on watch B.Master and Chief Mate or other member of the crewC.Master only D.Purser,one of the Mates,and some other member of the crew12.Logbooks are used to record the events occurr

5、ing when _.A.the ship is in a harbor B.the ship is at anchorage C.the ship is underway D.all of the above13.An accident came _ my mind when I saw the broken B.on D.with14.The SMS should provide for specific measures aimed at promoting the _of equipment or systems the sudden operationa

6、l failure of which may result in hazardous situations.A.visibility B.ability C.reliability D.capability15.A qualified deck officer should be _ the charge of B.arranged C.decided to D.the depth of16.How many GMDSS operators are needed/required on board according to the provisions of the In

7、ternational Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974? _.A.4 operators B.3 operators C.2 operators D.1 operator(43-No.17,44-No.18)17.Instructions on how to conduct search and rescue are given in the _ which is primarily designed for use by merchant ship.A.MARPOL B.IRPCS C.SOLAS D.MERSAR18.Annex

8、V to MARPOL 73/78 contains requirements pertaining to the discharge into the marine environment of _.A.oil B.garbage C.noxious liquid substances D.None of the above(45-No.26)19.Apparent wind speed blowing across a vessel under tow can be measured by a(n) _.A.barometer B.wind vane C.anemometer D.ther

9、mometer20.After casting off moorings at a mooring buoy in calm weather,you should _.A.go full ahead on the engine(s)B.back away a few lengths to clear the buoy and then go ahead on the enginesC.go half ahead on the engines and put the rudder hard rightD.go half ahead on the engines and pass upstream

10、 of the buoy21.The most doubtful and unpredictable factor in a mooring system is the _.A.ability of the anchors to hold in a seabed B.anchor chain catenary lengthC.variability of the fairlead D.angle of the flukes22.Chafing gear should be placed all wearing points of mooring lines the bi

11、tter ends of all standing riggingC.around running rigging D.on wire rope only forces(42-No.17,43-No.)23.Owing to the big draught of the ship,she has to go alongside by the time of _.A.spring tide B.flood tide C.ebb tide D.slack water(44-No.28,45-No.28)24.The rules state that vessels may depart from

12、the requirements of the Rules when _.A.there are no other vessels around B.operating in a narrow channelC.the Master enters it in the ships log D.necessary to avoid immediate danger(43-No.25)25.Mariners proceeding across the main routes are _ to do so as wide an angle as practicable.A.recommended B.

13、reported C.applied D.complied42-No.55: Mariners proceeding across the main routes are recommended to do so at _. A. as wide an angle as practicable B. as wide an angle so practicable C. like wide an angle as practicable D. like wide as angle so practicable (43-No.24)26.A tug would NOT assist a ship

14、to steer if the tug is made up to the large vessel a tow line ahead of the vessel B.forward on either bow of the vesselC.approximately amidships of the vessel D.on the vessels quarter27.Where one of two vessels is to keep out of the way the other _.A.shall not keep her course but shall keep h

15、er speed B.shall not keep her course and speedC.shall keep her course but change her speed D.shall keep her course and speed28.All of the following are engaged in fishing EXCEPT _.A.A vessel trawling B.A vessel trolling C.A vessel setting nets D.A vessel tending lines(44-No.27)29.When underway in a

16、channel,you should keep to the _.A.middle of the channel B.starboard side of the channelC.port side of the channel D.side of the channel that has the widest turns30.The two vessels underway may collide with _,if they dont take immediate to another the other C.each the other D.ea

17、ch other31.The shortest distance between any two points on earth defines a _.A.small circle B.great circle C.rhumb line D.hyperbola32.When a buoy marks a channel bifurcation(分支), the preferred channel is NOT indicated by _.A.the shape of an unlighted buoy B.the light color of a lighted buoyC.the col

18、or of the topmost band D.whether the number is odd or even33.Uncharted lights, fog signals and radar beacon transmissions may be _ near the station.A.encountered B.met C.contacted D.seen(46-No.36)34.Spring tides occur _.A.when the moon is new or fullB.when the moon and sun have declination of the sa

19、me nameC.only when the moon and sun are on the same sides of the the beginning of spring when the sun is over the equator35.The set of the ocean current is caused by _.A.density differences of the water B.rotation of the earthC.direction of primary circulation of air D.all of the above43-N

20、o.34: The navigational term SET OF CURRENT means_A.velocity of current in knots B.direction from which the current flows C.estimated current D.direction toward which the current flows36.You are docking a vessel.If possible,you should _.A.go in with the current B.go in against the currentC.approach t

21、he dock at a 90Deg angle and swing to the beginning of spring when the sun is over the equator45-No23: You are docking a vessel. wind and current are most favorable when they are . A. crossing your course in the same direction B. crossing your course in opposite directions C. parallel to the pi

22、er from ahe D. setting you on the pier(46-No.41)37.All the holds to be loaded with grain must be swept _ commencement of loading.A.cleanlyduring B.clearmeanwhile C.cleanbetween D.cleanprior to38.Stop _ the derrick at once,the gooseneck is use operate C.maneuvering D.using39.The actual

23、 amount of cargo loaded depends upon _.A.the broken stowage listed B.the broken stowage calculatedC.the broken stowage given D.the actual broken stowage(45-No.31)40.The Routing System which aimed at reducing the risk of casualties is called as _.A.Traffic Separation Schemes B.Recommended tracksC.Pre

24、cautionary areas D.Inshore traffic zones41.What kind of conditions would you observe as the eye of a storm passes over your ships position?A.Huge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and an extremely low barometerB.Flat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and an extremely lo

25、w barometerC.Flat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and high pressureD.Huge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and high pressure42.When completed their duty, pilots want the master of the vessel to fill in _.A.their yellow books B.their pilotage forms C.their identificat

26、ion cards D.their pilotage licenses43.When force of winds reaches 10-11 in Beaufort scale,we usually call such wind _.A.Gale B.Storm C.Hurricane D.Typhoon44.Which of the following is a characteristic of a Ro-Ro vessel?A.Passenger tours available upon docking B.Long port stays necessary to secure veh

27、iclesC.Short in port turnaround times D.Heavy vehicles only require lightweight securing equipment45.After a cold front passes,the barometric pressure _.A.drops,and the temperature drops B.drops,and the temperature risesC.rises,and the temperature drops D.rises,and the temperature rises46.On a vesse

28、l with a single propeller,transverse force has the most effect on the vessel when the engine is put _.A.full ahead B.full astern C.half ahead D.slow astern(44-No.51)47.A Doppler log in the bottom return mode indicates the _.A.velocity of the current B.bottom characteristicsC.depth of the water D.speed over the ground48.On a ship,a door that is required to be marked KEEP CLOSED is designed to _.A.prevent the passage of flammable gases B.prevent the passage of poisonous vapors

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