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本文(《物理双语教学课件》Chapter15ElectricFields电场Word文件下载.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、Another action-at-a-distance problem arises if we move q1, say, toward q2. Coulombs law tells us that when q1 is closer to q2, the repulsive electrostatic force acting on q2 must be greater, and it is. Does the electric field at q2, and thus the force acting on q2, change immediately?The answer is n

2、o. Instead, the information about the move by q1 travels outward from q1 as electromagnetic wave at the speed of light c. The change in the electric field at q2, and thus the change in the force acting on q2, occurs when the wave finally reach q2.15.1 The Electric Field1. The temperature at every po

3、int in a room has a definite value. We call the resulting distribution of temperature as temperature field. In much the same way, you can imagine a pressure field in the atmosphere: it consists of the distribution of air pressure values, one for each point in the atmosphere. Theses two examples are

4、of scalar field, because temperature and air-pressure are scalar quantities.2. The electric field is a vector field(1) It consists of a distribution of vectors, one for each point in the region around a charged object. (2) In principle, we can define the electric field at some point near the charged

5、 object by placing a positive charge q0, called a test charge, at the point. (3) We then measure the electrostatic force that acts on the test charge. The electric field at point P due to the charged object is defined as . (4) We represent the electric field at point P with a vector whose tail is at

6、 P, as shown in the figure. (5) The SI unit for the electric field is the newton per coulomb (N/C).15.2 Electric Field Lines1. Michael Fraday, who introduced the idea of electric fields in the 19th century, thought of the space around a charged body as filled with lines of force. Although we no long

7、er attach much reality to these lines, now usually called electric field lines, they still provide a nice way to visualize patters in electric fields.2. The relation between the field lines and electric field vectors(1) At any point, the direction of a straight field line or the direction of the tan

8、gent to a curve field line gives the direction of at that point.(2) The field lines are drawn so that the number of lines per unit area, measured in a plane that is perpendicular to the lines, is proportional to the magnitude of . This second relation means that where the field lines are close toget

9、her, E is large; and where they are far apart, E is small.3. Some Electric Field lines(1) The electric field lines of a sphere with uniform charge as shown in the right figure. (2) Right figure gives the electric field lines of an infinitely large, non-conducting sheet (or plane) with a uniform dist

10、ribution of positive charge on one side. (3) The figure shows the field lines for two equal positive point charges. (4) The figure shows the pattern for two charges that are equal in magnitude but opposite sign. (5) From above figures, we can come to the conclusion: Electric field lines extend away

11、from positive charge and toward negative charge.15.3 The Electric Fields for some cases1. The electric field due to a point charge q(1) If we put a positive test charge q0 at any point a distance r from the point charge, the magnitude of the electrostatic force acting on q0, from Coulombs law, is .

12、The magnitude of the electric field vector is . The direction of is the same as that of the force on the positive test charge: directly away from the point charge, as shown in right figure, if q is positive, and toward it if q is negative. (2) We can find the net, or resultant, electric field due to

13、 more than one point charges with the aid of the principle of superposition. If we place a positive test charge q0 near n point charges q1, q2,qn, then the net force from the n point charges acting on the test charge is . So the net electric field at the position of the test charge is . Here is the

14、electric field that would be set up by point charge i acting alone. 2. The electric field due to an electric dipole: Figure (a) shows two charges of magnitude q but of opposite sign, separated by a distance d. We call this configuration an electric dipole. Let us find the electric field due to the d

15、ipole at a point P, a distance z from the midpoint of the dipole and on its central axis, as shown in the figure. (1) The magnitude of the electric field is , in which the product qd is the magnitude p of a vector quantity known as the electric dipole moment of the dipole.3. The electric field due t

16、o a line of charge(1) So far we have considered the electric field that is produced by one or, at most, a few point charges. We now consider charge distributions that consist of great many closed spaced point charges (perhaps billions) that are spread along a line, over a surface, or within a volume

17、. Such distributions are said to be continuous rather than discrete. When we deal with continuous charge distributions, it is most convenient to express the charge on an object as a charge density rather than as a total charge. For a line of charge, for example, we would report the linear charge den

18、sity (or charge per length) , whose SI unit is the coulomb per meter. The figure shows a thin ring of radius R with a uniform positive linear charge density around its circumference. What is the electric field at point P, a distance z from the plane of the ring along its central axis? (3) We can get

19、 the magnitude of the electric field as 4. The electric field due to a charged disk(1) The figure shows a circular plastic disk of radius R that has a positive surface charge uniform density on its upper surface. What is the electric field at point P, a distance z from the disk along its central axi

20、s?(2) Our plan is to divide the disk into concentric flat rings and then to calculate the electric field at point P by adding up the contributions of all rings. The magnitude of the electric field is 15. 4 A point charge in an electric field1. We now want to determine what happens to a charged parti

21、cle that is in an electric field that produced by other stationary or slowly moving charges. This force is given by , in which q is the charge of the particle and is the electric field that other charges have produced at the location of the particle.Measuring the elementary charge: Figure shows the

22、Millikan oil-drop apparatus for measuring the elementary charge e.Ink-jet printing: Figure shows the essential features of an ink-jet printer.15.5 A Dipole in an Electric Field1. The figure shows why the molecule of water (H2O) is an electric dipole. If the water molecule is placed in an external el

23、ectric field, it behaves as would be expected of the more abstract electric dipole.2. The torque can be written as .Potential energy of an electric dipole: The expression for the potential energy of an electric dipole in an external electric field is simplest if we choose the potential energy to be zero when the angle in the figure is . It can be written as Microwave cooking: the explanation it.

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