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Junior 3Word文档格式.docx

1、40. _ I saw the flag rising, I really felt proud of China. A) Before B) Until C) When D) If 41. Dam of Three Gorges Project (三峡大坝) was completed on May 20, and the rest of the whole project _ by 2008.A) is completed B) was completed C) has completed D) will be completed 42. The book “The Da Vinci Co

2、de”(达芬奇密码) has become one of _ selling books in history. A) good B) better C) best D) the best43. The coffee from Italy smells _.A) terribly B) badly C) nice D) well 44. Shanghai _ taxi base fare (起步价) from ¥10 to ¥11 since May this year.A) will raise B) has raised C) had raised D) would raise45. It

3、s not safe for teenagers to give out too much _ about themselves on the Internet.A) informationB) question C) ideas D) things46. The teacher asked the students to _ what they had heard.A) turn down B) write down C) cut down D) pull down 47. The 2006 World Cup kicked off (开赛) in Germany _ Friday, Jun

4、e 9th.A) for B) at C) on D) in48. I called you this time yesterday, but there was no answer. Oh, sorry. I _ the streets in our neighbourhood.A) was cleaning B) have cleaned C) am cleaning D) would clean49. He asked me _.A) what Danny had told meB) what had Danny told meC) what Danny has told meD) wh

5、at has Danny told me50. This box is too heavy. Can you give me a hand? _A) No problem. B) Not at all. C) No, thanks. D) I hope so.练习(2)31 Little Tom got up late and went to school in _ hurry this morning. A) a B) an C) the D) /32. Junior 3 students are going to have the entrance exams _ June. A) in

6、B) on C) at D) with33. Alice wont go to the cinema with us. She is busy with _ homework now. A) she B) her C) hers D) herself34.Theres little _ in the fridge. Lets go and buy some for breakfast. A) potato B) egg C) bread D) tomato35.Tom likes stamps very much. He has collected about five _ stamps so

7、 far. A) hundreds B) hundreds of C) hundred D) hundred of 36. We all know that the World Financial Center is _ building in Shanghai at present. A) tall B) taller C) tallest D)the tallest37._ exciting event the World Expo 2010 will be ! A) What B) What a C) What an D) How38.The two boys like playing

8、basketball, but _ of them likes playing football. A) both B) neither C) all D) none39Its not easy to drive in busy streets. Drivers _ be very familiar with the traffic rules. A) neednt B) cant C) must D) may40.The fruit salad tasted so _ that the kids asked for more. A) well B) good C) bad D) terrib

9、le41.Hurry up, _ you will be late for the evening performance. A) and B) but C) so D) or42.I cant go to see the film with you tonight _ Im too busy. A) though B) until C) because D) unless43.Every student likes Miss Green because she always talks to them _. A) politely B) lovely C) friendly D) lucki

10、ly44.Mum always tells me _ waste any food when I have dinner at home. A) not to B) not C) to not D) to45Simon is interested in American culture. He _ English at Trojan University next year. A) study B) studied C) will study D) would study46.Nancy _ many famous places since she came to live in China

11、last year. A) has visited B) will visit C) was visiting D) had visited47Chongming Island will be connected _ Shanghai by a tunnel and a bridge.A) in B) with C) on D) for48.Some students were tired of the boring lesson. The underlined word means “_”. A) noisy B) interesting C) exciting D) dull49.Ther

12、e will be a test tomorrow. I have to review the notes now. The underlined word means “_”. A) go over B) worry about C) work out D) take away50Please _ your coat. Its very hot inside the room.A) show off B) take off C) turn off D) put off51Jenny often helps other students and her teachers are very _

13、what she does.A) famous for B) angry with C) afraid of D) satisfied with52.Cars are very expensive. I cant afford to _ one now. A) spend B) pay C) cost D) buy53.Im sorry I didnt hear what you _. Could you repeat it? A) talked B) told C) said D) spoke54.The host wanted to know _ . A) when will the gu

14、ests come B) when the guests will come C) when would the guests come D) when the guests would come55.Im sorry Ive broken your glass. _ A) Thats right. B) Never mind. C) Youre welcome. D) Of course not.56John, youve won the first prize in the competition. Congratulations! A) No problem. B) My pleasur

15、e. C) Yes, please. D) Thank you.练习(3)1. _ orange on the desk is for you, David. A) A B) An C) / D) The2. My uncle began to learn Chinese painting _ his forties. A) in B) on C) at D) for3. This ticket belongs to my brother. _ is on the table. A) His B) Yours C) Her D) My4. George has made _ progress

16、in English this term than before. A) little B) less C) few D) fewer5. Children are often told that they _ pick flowers in public gardens. A) can B) may C) neednt D) mustnt 6. My friend _eighty yuan on the coat the day before yesterday. A) spent B) cost C) took D) pay7. Our headmaster _ to Beijing to

17、 attend the meeting at that moment. A) flies B) flew C) has flown D)will fly8. Linda did her project on Chinese traditional food _ me. A) much carefully than B) as more carefully as C) far more carefully thanD) as far carefully as9. My pen friend has got three brothers. One is a teacher, and _ two a

18、re doctors. A) another B) others C)theother D) the others10. _ wonderful this kind of computer is! A) How B) What an C) What D) What a11. _ people went traveling during the Spring Festival. A) Thousands B) Thousand C) Thousand of D) Thousands of12. They _ ready for the experiment by eight oclock yes

19、terday morning. A) had got B) has got C) got D)was getting13. The leading actor felt _ when he saw a lot of people cheering him. A) thirsty B) happy C) angrily D) happily14. These _ have saved many childrens lives since they worked in the hospital. A) woman doctors B) women doctor C) women doctors D

20、) woman doctor15. Basil said to us that he _ careful with electricity the next time. A) is B) will be C) would be D) has been16. We cant go to the concert _ we are quite busy now. A) though B) until C) so that D) because 17. As we all know, plastics _ many things. A) used to making B) used to make C

21、) are used to making D) are used to make18. Mr. Chen hasnt decided _. A) how to do next B) how to do it the next C) what to do next D) what to do the next19. The scientist did a lot of experiments to_ how the bees pass passages. A) find B) find out C) see D) watch 20.Your computer will _ without any

22、 anti-virus software (防病毒软件). A) go wrong B) go ahead C) go back D) go over21. Thanksgiving Day _ on the fourth Thursday in November in the U.S. every year. A) is celebrated B) was celebrated C)will celebrate D) is celebrating 22. This kind of pop music is liked by many people in the world. A) ordin

23、ary B) various C) modern D) popular23. It is something known by everyone that London will hold the Olympic Games in 2012. A) a message for everyone B) everyones knowledge C) common information D) common knowledge24. Did you know _? A) whom was Bill waiting for B) whom is Bill waiting for C) whom Bil

24、l was waiting for D) whom Bill is waiting for25. - _-Sorry, he has gone to America. A) Who is Windy? B) How is Windy today?C)Whats wrong with Windy? D) May I speak to Windy?26. - I passed the important test last week!- _ A) Thats very kind of you. B) Have a good time. C) Congratulations. D) What a s

25、hame.练习(4)1. Mr. Smith is _ European engineer. Hes worked in Shanghai for nearly ten years.A) a B) an C) the D. /2. Billy said he enjoyed reading magazines _the beginning of his speech. A) in B) at C) on D) of3. One of his fingers was wounded. What about _? A) the others B) another C) others D) the

26、other 4. _ wonderful newspaper 21st Century is!5. About _ students in our class can describe that place in English. A) three-fifths B) three-fifth C) third-five D) third-fifths6. Hurry up, _ you wont catch the early bus. A) or B) so C) and D) but7. You _ the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A) neednt to attend B) dont need attendC) neednt attend D) dont need attending8. Rose still failed in the examination, _ she tried her best. A) because B) if C) until D) though9. My c

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