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1、 让学生知道英语的重要性并以此来增强他们学习英语的动力。4.Culture awareness: 让学生知道英语作为一种国际语言,在世界文化领域占有重要地位。 通过了解卡通人物,让学生明白动漫电影是世界文化的重要组成部分。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:Words and phrases: cartoon, character, widely, foreigner, from now on Sentences: I cant wait to fly there! Try your best and work much har

2、der from now on.Grammar: Simple present passive voice 2. Difficult points: 能正确地以口头和书面形式把一般现在时态的主动语态变成一般现在时态的被动语态。 能正确地运用动词的过去分词,尤其是不规则动词的过去分词。.Learning strategies通过不同的构词法来培养学生猜测生词的能力。 通过引导学生在听前阅读1b,培养学生形成听前熟悉、预测听力材料的习惯。通过2a来培养学生的观察和归纳能力。.Teaching aids图片/录音机/幻灯片/影像资料等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time

3、 period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting studentsready for learning(2-3 mins)Class activityPresent some pictures of places of interest such as the Great Wall, the Great Pyramids, the Big Ben, the Disneyland, etc. Get the Ss to speak out the names and the countries w

4、here they lie.T: Hi, boys and girls! Look at this picture. Do you know it?Ss: Its Disneyland. Right. Where is it? Its in Los Angeles.Speak out the names of the places of interest and the countries where they lie. .尽可能用学生已经学习过的名胜,让学生能够用英语说出来,增强他们的自信心。当学生在说 “Disneyland”,“Los Angeles”有困难时,教师要适时板书并教读,以降

5、低他们在听1a 时的难度。2Revision (5 mins)Group work Let the Ss discuss where to go if they have a chance to go abroad. Then encourage them to report. If you have a chance to go to other countries, which country are you going to visit? Now discuss in your group and then report to the class. You may begin like

6、this “We are going to visit., because we .”Discuss in groups and choose a member to give a report as follows:S1: We are going to visit Egypt, because Egypt is one of the “Four Ancient Civilizations” and we can visit the Great Pyramids.S2: We are going to visit the U.S.A because we can visit Disneyla

7、nd.S3:如果有条件,老师可以在大屏幕上展示一幅世界地图,帮助学生减少选择的时间。老师可以预先准备一些世界名胜的图片。如果学生不能正确用英语表达,老师可以用英语展示出来。3Pre-listening (5-6 mins)Individual work Individual workStep 1: Brainstorming: Present many pictures of cartoon characters and let the Ss speak out their names. Look at this cartoon character (write them down on th

8、e Bb). Whats the name of it?Step 2: Let the Ss read the statements in 3 on page 56. Encourage the Ss to guess the meanings and pronunciations of “film-maker, garage” by word -formation and picture. Teacher gives help if necessary.Then let the Ss listen to the tape and mark T/F. Listen twice and chec

9、k the answers together. Finish 3. Do you want to know who created Mickey Mouse? Lets listen to a story and find the answer.Step 3: Let the Ss read the questions in 1b before listening to 1a and try to make clear what they are going to pay attention to. Read the questions in 1b and find out what you

10、are going to pay attention to.Look at the pictures and speak out the names as quickly as possible. They are Tom and Jerry. Its Mickey Mouse.Its .Read and guess the meanings and pronunciations. film: 电影 maker: 制作的人、制作者 film-maker: 电影制作人S4: garage: 车库Listen to the tape and mark T/F and then check the

11、answers.Read the questions in 1b. Put up hands after finishing reading.老师应当把所出示的图片集中展示出来,以便引导学生猜测、说出或老师点出本课的重点词汇“cartoon, character”,为听1a扫清词汇障碍。一定要有米老鼠的图片,待学生说出Mickey Mouse以后要及时板书在黑板上。4While-listening (6 mins) Let the Ss listen to 1a once and do 1b alone .Listen to the tape carefully and tick the an

12、swers. Let the Ss listen to 1a again and fill in the blanks in 1c. Listen to 1a again and fill in the blanks as quickly as possible. You can write just a few letters at first and then finish them after listening. Listen to 1a once and do 1b alone.Listen to 1a and fill in the blanks in 1c as quickly

13、as possible.在听完1a 后,老师不要马上核对答案,让学生通过阅读来自己核对答案,这样可以让学生带着问题去阅读。在学生做1c时,建议学生采用速记的方式。听完录音以后再完善答案。速记是学生在学习英语时应当掌握的技巧。5Post-listening (20 mins)Pair work and class activityGroup work Let the Ss check the answers to 1b and 1c with their partners. Then, check the answers together. Finish 1b. Read 1a and chec

14、k the answers to 1b and 1c by yourself. Then, check with your partner. If you finish checking, put up yours hands. Now lets check together. Step2: Let the Ss read 1a again and underline the passive voice, the new words and the useful phrases and sentences. Encourage the Ss to guess the pronunciation

15、s and meanings of “widely, throughout, from now on”. Write down some key points on the Bb. Let the Ss observe the answers in 1c and discuss in groups and then report their findings. Finish 1c. Look at the answers in 1c and pay special attention to the forms. Discuss in your group and then report you

16、r opinions.Step4: Let the Ss study the example in 2a and try to complete the sentences, and find out how to change the active voice into the passive voice. Ask the Ss to guess the meaning of “foreigner” by “foreign + er ”. Check the answers. Finish 2a. Study the example in 2a and try your best to co

17、mplete the sentences.Step 5: Let the Ss play the game in groups of three by following the example in 2b. Make sure the Ss understand how to play the game. Look at the example in 2b and then play the game in groups of three. Check the answer to 1b and 1c in pairs.Read and find out the key points and

18、difficult points. English is spoken as the main language in America. Its also widely used throughout the world now. I cant wait to fly there.Observe and discuss 1c. Then choose a member to report. We find they have the same structure “be+pp”.S2 :Study and find out the rule.I think the rule is “sth /

19、sb +be动词+by +pp” I think the “be verb” can be “am ,is or are ”Play the game in 2b.Group One: Wang Wei takes my pen. My pen is taken. My pen is taken by Wang Wei.Group Two:与同伴互相检查可以增强基础好的学生的成就感,也可以减轻基础差的学生害怕出错的心理负担。新课标倡导让学生通过感知、体验、观察、归纳、总结来学习语言知识(尤其是语法)。老师在学生基本说出 “be 动词+ PP”这个概念时,要马上用中英文板书并明确告诉学生这就是本

20、话题的语法重点一般现在时态的被动语态。然后与学生一起总结一般现在时态的被动语态的构成方法。在2a 部分,老师不要急着把规律直接告诉给学生,应该让学生自己去发现,这样才能成为他们自己的东西,不要填鸭式地灌输。待学生找出规律后,老师再进行讲解。为了让学生明白怎样玩这个游戏,老师可以和基础好的学生做个示范。老师最好在黑板上或者PPT上准备好第一个句子,这样可以节约时间。让学生自己发现问题、解决问题,才能体现自主学习。6Summarizing and assigning homework Sum up the main content of this class and the key points

21、Lets go through what we have learned today. HMK:1.Make five sentences with the simple present passive voice.2.Find out the answers to 1c on page 55.speak out the key words, phrases,sentences and grammar points. cartoon, character,. Widely, throughout,. from now on, have a chance to do sth.把1c 当家庭作业,

22、可以让学生有充足的时间去求证,为下次课节省时间。. Blackboard designEnglish is widely spoken throughout the world.Words and phrasesDisneylandLos Angelescartooncharacterforeignerwidelythroughoutfrom now onthe simple present passive voiceStructure: be+ ppI cant wait to fly there.Try your best and work much harder from now onEnglish is spoken widely.Its also widely used .

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