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1、广大附中20162017学年度初三英语二模考试试题(满分110分,时间120分钟)一、语法选择(每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1-15各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。There was once a king1 had a great palace with a wonderful garden. In the garden, there lived all kinds of animals. All of them enjoyed2 there.There was only one thing that the king ha

2、ted in the garden: an old tree3 the centre of the garden. It was so old and dry. This made the king4 angry that he finally asked some people to cut it down and turned the place into a swimming pool. However, after the tree5 , the animals left the garden. Without the animals, the garden was not6 befo

3、re. The king was sad,7 he didnt know what had happened.A young man went to the king, and said he8 what had happened. “This was9 you cut the old tree down,”said the young man.“There were10 moths(飞蛾)which lived in the tree. Birds needed the moths 11 and then they produced wastes for plants to grow. Th

4、e plants then attracted many12 animals to your garden. So your garden became very beautiful. But13 you cut the tree down,the animals had to leave”“Excellent!” said the king, “Ill make you rich and you will try to make my garden beautiful again.”“Im afraid14 will take many years to finish it. To get

5、back the natural balance will take many years,” said the young man.The king was sad, but all he could do was just15 .1. A. whomB. which C. who D. whose2. A. live B. livingC. to liveD. lived3. A. in B. onC. atD. for4. A. suchB. such aC. soD. so a5. A. cut down B. cutting downC. is cut down D. was cut

6、 down6. A. as beautiful soB. so beautiful thanC. so beautiful asD. more beautiful as7. A. however B. butC. andD. so8. A. can explainB. could explain C. will explain D. explains9. A. why B. soC. because D. that10. A. thousand B, thousand ofC. two thousands D. thousands of11. A. eat B. to eat C. eatin

7、gD. eaten12. A. other B. others C. anotherD. the other13. A. unlessB. though C. so D. as14. A. itB. this C. that D. I15. A. waitB. waitsC. to waitD. waited二、完型填空(每题1.5分,共15分)阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I received a ring as a birthday present. It was a mood(情绪) ring. That meant it could 16

8、 colorsblue if I was sad, black if I was angry, yellow if I was happy.I was playing with the ring 17 my teacher, Ms Fuller, announced that wed be getting a new student in our class. Her name was Millie. When Ms Fuller told us that Millie had only one 18 , I stopped playing with my ring.“How did she

9、lose it?” asked Clem.“She didnt lose it. She was bom with one hand,” said Ms. Fuller.The following week, Ms. Fuller had us writing 19 . I wrote about a ring that had special powers. The person who wore it could travel through 20 . Millies story was about a man who could see through walls.Clem said o

10、ur stories were silly. Millie said that it took a big brain to think of ideas 21 time-travel and super-sight. I invited Millie to join me in another century and wed beat bad guys together. She smiled. That was the first time I had seen her do that. I 22 the ring when we were playing ball. Ms.Fuller

11、stopped the game and we all searched for it, but it stayed lost and everyone gave up, I kept looking for my ring. Millie helped me 23 . The bell rang.“We have to go in now, or well be late,” I said.Just then Millie cried, “I found it!”She put the ring on her finger and held it out 24 .“You can time-

12、travel now,” I told her.“Me?” she said.“Yes,” I said. “Its your ring now.”She smiled. We stared at the ring. It started to turn 25 .16. A. mix B. check C. increaseD. change17. A. becauseB. when C. unless D. if18. A. hand B. arm C. leg D. foot19. A. lettersB. poemsC. storiesD. notices20. A. lightB. w

13、ater C. earth D. time21. A. withB. likeC. fromD. through22. A. repaired B. lost C. returnedD. chose23. A. count B. recordC. learnD. search24. A. impolitelyB. madlyC. proudlyD. bravely25. A. yellowB. blue C. black D. green三、阅读理解(共两节,满分45分)第一节阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(A)

14、A doctor entered the hospital hurriedly after being called in for an important surgery (外科手术)He found the boys father in the hall waiting worriedly.On seeing him,the father cried out,“Why did you take all this time to come? Dont you know that my son is in danger? Dont you have any sense of duty?”The doctor smiled and said, “I am sorry. I wasnt in the hospital and I came as fast as Icould after receiving the call and now, I wish youd calm dow

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