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1、2014年浙江省初中毕业生学业考试(金华市卷)英语 、听力(本题有15小题;第一、第二节每小题1分,第三节每小题2分,共20分)第一节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,回答问题。()1.What would the man like?AMilk. BCoke.CCoffee.()2.What will the weather be like tomorrow?ASunny. BRainy.CCloudy.()3.Where does the conversation most probably take place?AIn a shop. BIn a bank.CIn a r

2、estaurant.()4.How does Tony feel?AHe feels angry. BHe feels sad.CHe feels excited.()5.Whats the relationship between the two speakers?ATeacher and student.BMother and son.CDoctor and nurse.第二节:听长对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,回答问题。听下面一段较长的对话,回答第67两小题。()6.Where does the man want to go?AA hotel. BA bus stop.C

3、A railway station.()7.How long will it take the man to get there by bus?AAbout twenty minutes.BAbout thirty minutes.CAbout forty minutes.听下面一段较长对话,回答第810三个问题。()8.What did John think of the vacation?ABoring. BGreat.CNot so bad.()9.Where did John visit in London?AThe parks. BThe schools.CThe museums.(

4、)10.Who did John meet there?AHis brother. BHis classmate.CHis pen friend.第三节:听独白,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。Information CardName:Ronnie SmithJob:_11_Birthplace:_12_Arrival time: _13_Hobbies: _14_ and travelingActivities in class: play games, sing English songs and _15_()11.A.a writer Ba teacherCa s

5、inger()12.A.New York City BLos AngelesCQuincy()13.A.last week Blast monthClast year()14.A.reading BwritingCsinging() English films Btalk to pen friendsCmake daily reports二、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。()16.We are going to have _ party on Fathers Day.Aa Ban Cthe D

6、不填()17.The blind man walked across the street _ the help of a boy.Aby Bat Cin Dwith()18.Jim,if you have _ to do,what about helping me in the garden? Ok,Mom.Asomething BanythingCnothing Deverything()19.Its our _ to have fresh air and clean water.Adream Btrouble Cproblem Dwaste()20.Nothing is _ if you

7、 put your heart into it.Anecessary BdifficultCdifferent Dpossible()21.We _ be more careful,or we will make the same mistake in the experiment.Amight Bcan Cmay Dshould()22.Mr.Smith is popular with the students _ he always makes his class interesting.Auntil Bwhile Cbecause Dalthough()23.After training

8、 for two months,we _ won the first prize for the competition.Aactually Bfinally Cusually Dhardly()24.Try your best _ with your parents,and they will understand your decision.Ato talk Btalk Cto play Dplay()25.Daniel is a boy of few words.But _,he is warmhearted.Ain a hurrv Bin factCin the end Dabove

9、all()26.My parents ask me to _ myself when they go out.Abring up Bthink ofCagree with Dlook after()27.Mom,where is Dad?He _ a speech for tomorrows meeting.Awas preparing Bis preparing Chas prepared Dwill prepare()28.Luckily,the old lady _ to hospital immediately after she fell down to the ground.Ase

10、nt Bis sent Cwas sent Dsends()29.Jimmy,the 2014 FIFA World Cup is coming.Do you know _ the first match will be on?On June 13th.Ahow Bwhere Cwhy Dwhen()30.Maggie,youve made a lot of progress this term.Im very proud of you._AThank you. BSounds great. CGood luck! DCongratulations!三、完形填空(本题有15小题;每小题1分,共

11、15分)阅读下列短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Serena was the oldest child in the family,and her housework was to mow(割草) their yard(院子)Mrs.Martin,their elderly neighbor,was not _31_ to take care of her yard, so Serenas dad promised _32_ that Serena would do this job.“Why didnt you ask me first?” Serena aske

12、d _33_“Did you ask me first when you got me to be in the school festival last autumn?”asked her father.“No,I didnt ask you first,_34_ youre always ready to help others.”“I try when I can,” Dad answered.“Serena,we have known Mrs.Martin for a very long time.She has always _35_ our family. Now we shoul

13、d do something for her in return.Whats more,the _36_ you get from helping others makes you wonder who isreally helping whom.”“I dont know,Dad,” said Serena.“I only feel _37_ after mowing our yard.”“I know its hard work for you,” said Dad.“Just wait and see.”After _38_ at 7:30 am.,Serena made her way

14、 to Mrs.Martins yard.She was _39_ her job and soon Mrs.Martins yard looked much tidier.Mrs.Martin _40_ with a big glass of orange juice and _41_ it to her.Serena stopped her work and enjoyed the _42_,while Mrs.Martin was talking to her about all of the flowers in her yard.Seeing the joy(喜悦) in Mrs.Martins eyes,Serena began to _43_ how much the yard meant to Mrs.Martin.After _44_ her drink,Serena returned to _45_ in the yard,feel

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