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1、low 低的 least (little的最高级)baby 婴儿;小孩 traffic 交通slow 慢的;缓慢的 somewhere 某处;在某处note 短信;笔记come along 出现,发生 look through 浏览get along 相处 go swimming 去游泳wait in line 排队 hate doing sth.It looks like rain 看上去要下雨了。wait for the bus/ train 等车I hope so/not. 我希望如此/我不希望这样。So am / do I. 我也是。 be late for/to 迟到at least

2、 至少 be careful 小心;tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事 a little hot 有点热on Saturday night 在周六晚上 at this time 在这个时候next weeks game 下周的比赛 thank-you note 感谢信日常用语:Its really windy, isnt it? Yes, it is. Youre Bens sister, arent you? Yes, I am. The No. 15 bus stops here, doesnt it? Yes, it does. The train is alway

3、s late, isnt it? No, it isnt. You dont love violin music, do you?Yes, I do. It looks like rain, doesnt it?No, it doesnt. I forgot my umbrella. I hope the bus comes soon. Is it very crowded? Thanks for showing me the school last week. 精讲巧练1. Its a nice day, isnt it? 天气不错,不是吗?这是一个反意疑问句,表示提出情况或看法,问对方同不

4、同意。这种问句都由两部分组成,前一部分用陈述句的形式,后一部分是一个附着在前一部分上的简短问句。如前一部分为肯定形式,后一部分通常用否定形式,而且后一部分的主谓与前一部分的主谓要保持人称及助动词等方面的一致。这种疑问句的回答要根据事实,肯定的用“Yes, ”。否定的用“No, ”。前后要一致。如:He is a teacher, isnt he? 他是一位老师,不是吗? Your mother goes to work every day, doesnt she? 你妈妈每天上班,不是吗? She didnt go to school, did she? 她没上学,是吗? You wont b

5、e away for long, will you? 你不会离开太久,是吧?随时练【考例】- Our maths teacher will go to the cinema with us,_?- Yes,I think so.A. wont he B. will he C. doesnt he D. does he【答案与解析】 A。英语中反意疑问句有两种形式:一是前为肯定陈述句,后为否定简短问句;二是前为否定陈述句,后为肯定简短问句。两部分的谓语在人称、时态和数上要一致,简略问句的主语要用代词。此题前句肯定,后句必须否定。前句谓语中有will,简短问句必须用will的否定式wont。故选A

6、。2. Do you sometimes talk with people you dont know? 你有时跟你不熟悉的人谈话吗?句中you dont know作定语修饰people。talk with意为“与交谈”,与talk to(与说话)没太大的区别。而talk about 意为“谈论内容”。What are you talking about? 你们在谈什么?【考例】Hes talking _my father. A. into B. with C. about D. /【答案与解析】 B。 talk with意为“与交谈”。talk about 意为“谈论内容”,不符合题意。没有

7、talk into这样的词组,talk是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语,所以D项也不能选择。3. Hes really good, isnt he? 他真的很棒,不是吗? He sure is. 他确实很棒。上句中really为副词修饰形容词good。回答反意疑问句常常根据事实回答,下句正式回答应为Yes, he is. 但在口语中或非正式场合可用He sure is 表示“他确实很棒”。sure在句中作副词,表示“确实地,事实上”。又如:Shes really kind, isnt she? 她真的热心肠,不是吗?She sure is. 她确实如此。4. It always rains o

8、n the weekend, doesnt it?在周末总下雨,是不是?句中on the weekend 意为“在周末”。表示在具体的某一天,常用介词on。如:Tom wants to buy a new house on the weekend. 汤姆想在周末买幢新房子。时间介词in,on,at 的区别:1. in(1)表示在较长的时间里(如周月份季节年份世纪等)。 如:in a week; in May; in springsummerautumnwinter; in 2008; in the 1990s等。(2)表示在上午、下午或晚上。in the morningafternooneve

9、ning。(3)in the daytime(在白天) 属于固定搭配,指从日出到日落这一段时间, 反义词组是in the night。(4)“in 一段时间”表示“多久以后以内”,常与将来时连用。 in half an hour;in ten minutes;in a few days等。2. on 后面所接的时间多与日期有关。具体用法有:(1)表示在具体的某一天(如日期、生日、节日或星期几)。on May 4th, 1919;on Monday;on Teachers Day;on my birthday;on that day等。(2)表示某一天的上午、下午或晚上。on the morni

10、ng of July 2;on Sunday afternoon;on a cold winter evening等。3. at具体用法有:(1)表示在某一具体时刻,即几点几分。 at six oclock; at half past nine; at a quarter to six; at this time等。(2)表示在某一短暂的时间。at noon;at this moment;at the end of a year;at the start of the concert等。【考例】They met_ a warm day. A. on B. to C. in D. /【答案与解析

11、】A。 表示在具体的某一天,常用介词on。5. Two people looking through books in a bookstore. 两个人在书店里看书。句中look through意为“浏览,仔细检查,粗略看一遍”。又如:Before you answer these questions, youd better look through them first. 在你回答这些问题之前,你最好先把它们浏览一下。【考例】I must _these bills and check them before I pay them. A. look into B. look over C.

12、look at D. look through 【答案与解析】 D. look through意为“浏览,仔细检查,粗略看一遍”。有关look的词组如下:look v.看,期待 n.外观,神色 1. look after 照料 2. look at 看 3. look back 回顾4. look in顺便来访 = drop in 5. look into sth 调查,了解某事,浏览(书报) 6 look on as把看作look out 小心,当心,向外看7. look around到处看 8. look over 审阅翻阅9. look through 浏览,仔细地检查 10. look

13、 to负责,留意11. look up (从词典中)找出,天气转变,物价上涨,仰视 12. look forward期待6. Two people alone in an elevator. 只有两个人在电梯里。句中alone是形容词,意为“单独的”。作定语时,放在所修饰的名词后面,alone = by oneself 。He will be remembered for that one book alone. 仅仅那一本书就可以使他留名于世了。注意:表示“孤独的、独自一人的”则用另一个形容词lonely,它与alone不同的是该词带有感情色彩,有寂寞、孤独之意。I feel lonely

14、among strangers. 在陌生人中我感到孤独。 She lives in a lonely mountain village. 她生活在一个偏僻的山村。【考例】She finished writing that book_. A. oneself B. lonely C. alone D. /【答案与解析】C。 句中alone是形容词,意为“单独的”。作定语时,放在所修饰的名词后面,alone = by oneself 。7. How much did that shirt cost? 那件衬衣多少钱?句中cost作动词,意为“花费”,与pay, take, spend同义,但用法不

15、同,其句型为“某物cost 人时间/金钱”。试比较下列句子:The book cost me five dollars. 这本书花了我5美元。It took me five dollars to buy the book. 买这本书花了我5美元。I spent five dollars on the book. 我花5美元买这本书。四个表示“花费”的动词,其句式各不相同,小结为:(1)sth. cost sb. money 某物花某人金钱(2)It takes sb. money to do sth. 花某人金钱做某事(3)sb. pay money for sth. 某人为某物花金钱(4)s

16、b. spend money on sth. 某人在某物上花钱【考例】It _me two hours to get there by bus.A. spend B. took C. used D. paid【答案与解析】B。 花费时间做某事,可以用take、spend,但是主语是it,所以用take,故选B。8. I feel like part of the group now. 我感觉像是他们中的一员了。在这一句中,feel表示“感觉到”,而like意为“像”。feel like作为一个短语,意为“欲,想要”。其后常接名词或动名词作宾语。Well go for a walk if you

17、 feel like it. 如果你愿意,我们去散散步。【考例】I dont feel like_ anything.A. to eat B. eat C. eating D. eats【答案与解析】 C。 feel like作为一个短语,意为“欲,想要”。9. Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place.有像你这样的一些朋友,使我在新的地方很快就适应了。动词短语get along意为“和睦相处,相处融洽”。et along还可用来表示“某方面的进展如何”。How is he getting along w

18、ith his French? 他的法语学习的情况如何?【考例】He_ his boss.A. get along well withB. gets along well on C. gets along well with D. gets well with 动词短语get along意为“和睦相处,相处融洽”。因主语是单数第三人称,因此选C。10. Yes, at least it isnt raining. 对,至少现在没有下雨。句中at least意为“至少”。least为little的最高级。It will cost at least five pounds. 它至少值五英镑。【考例

19、】It will cost_ four hundred yuan.A. at least B. on least C. in least D. to least 句中at least意为“至少”。11. Thank you so much for inviting me. 非常感谢你邀请我。thanks / thank you for + 名词 / doing,1. Thanks for your help. 2. Thanks for helping me. 【考例】 Thank you for _me to your party.A. inviting B. invite C. invit

20、es D. to invite【答案与解析】 A。 固定词组:thanks / thank you for + 名词/doing 12. If you have finished your homework,you could help with cleaning and cooking. 如果你完成了作业,你可以帮忙做些清洁工作或做饭。help (sb.) with 帮助(某人)做【考例】Please help me_ my English.A. on B. with C. in D. at 固定搭配:help (sb.) with. 帮助(某人)做目标句型:1. Its a nice da

21、y,isnt it?2. What a nice day,isnt it?3. It looks like rain,doesnt?4. I hope so / not.5. So do I.语法反意疑问句【重难点分析】一. 反意疑问句反意疑问句是对陈述句所叙述的事实提出看法,问对方同不同意。它的结构由两部分组成:陈述句简短问句。如果前一部分为肯定形式,后一部分用否定形式;前一部分为否定形式,后一部分就用肯定形式。一般来说,简短问句主语人称的数、动词时态应和陈述部分的主语人称的数、动词时态相一致。Mary likes reading,doesnt she?玛丽喜欢读书,是吧?(前一部分为肯定形

22、式,后一部分用否定形式)Mary doesnt like reading,does she?玛丽不喜欢读书,是吧?(前一部分为否定形式,后一部分就用肯定形式)Youre a new student,arent you?你是新来的学生,对吧?You arent a new student,are you?你不是新来的,对吧?1. 如果陈述句有一个助动词(包括can,must,need等情态动词),其简短问句用同一个助动词。 例如: You havent seen that film,have you? 你没有看过那部电影,是吗? He can swim,cant he? 他会游泳,对吗?2. 如

23、果陈述部分包含no,never,hardly,few,little,scarcely等否定词,简短问句部分应用肯定形式。 You have no time on Monday,have you? 星期一你没有时间,是吗? He has never been to Shanghai,has he? 他从没去过上海,对吗? They can hardly imagine how beautiful she is,can they? 他们很难想象出她是多么漂亮,是吗?3. 陈述句部分是there be句型时,简短问句部分也用there be。 There are some people in the

24、 room,arent there? 教室里有人,是吗?4. 在英语口语中,I am后面的简短问句用arent I? Im late,arent I? 我迟到了,是吗?5. 当陈述句部分含有否定词如nothing,nobody等不定代词时,简短问句部分应用肯定结构。为避免重复,用代词it来代替nothing;用they或he来代替nobody。 Everything goes well,doesnt it? 一切顺利,是吗? Everyone is here,arent they? (注意:此句问句与前句动词的数不一致。)6. 祈使句后面的简短问句使用 will you?wont you?would you?can you?cant you? would you? shall we?它们不是真正的疑问句(意为请),但常用升调。wont用于邀请;will,would,can,cant及shall we用来告诉人们该做什么事,表请求。

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